COMPMID-1774: Implement CLGEMMReshapeLHSMatrixKernel to reshape the LHS matrix of GEMM/GEMMLowp

Change-Id: I8c5fd4c8bcdffda1522c83158981ed92baa045f4
Reviewed-by: Michele Di Giorgio <>
Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <>
diff --git a/arm_compute/core/Types.h b/arm_compute/core/Types.h
index 75b38c5..55b0ccb 100644
--- a/arm_compute/core/Types.h
+++ b/arm_compute/core/Types.h
@@ -1771,6 +1771,16 @@
     int                     gemmlowp_max_bound{ 0 };               /**< GEMMLowp max value used to saturate down the output result before converting back to QASYMM8 */
+/** GEMM LHS (Left Hand Side) matrix information */
+struct GEMMLHSMatrixInfo
+    unsigned int m0{ 1 };            /**< Number of rows processed by the matrix multiplication */
+    unsigned int k0{ 1 };            /**< Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication */
+    unsigned int v0{ 1 };            /**< Number of vertical blocks of size (m0xk0) stored on the same output row */
+    bool         transpose{ true };  /**< True if the (m0xk0) block has to be transposed before been stored */
+    bool         interleave{ true }; /**< True if the v0 (m0xk0) blocks have to be interleaved in the output row */
 /** GEMM information class. This class stores the necessary information to compute GEMM functions
  * This object also contains the information about how matrix A and matrix B have been reshaped