COMPMID-344 Updated doxygen

Change-Id: I32f7b84daa560e460b77216add529c8fa8b327ae
diff --git a/arm_compute/core/NEON/NEColorConvertHelper.inl b/arm_compute/core/NEON/NEColorConvertHelper.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be7c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arm_compute/core/NEON/NEColorConvertHelper.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 ARM Limited.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+ * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+ * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include "arm_compute/core/Error.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/Helpers.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/IMultiImage.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/Utils.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+constexpr float red_coef_bt709    = 1.5748F;
+constexpr float green_coef_bt709  = -0.1873f;
+constexpr float green_coef2_bt709 = -0.4681f;
+constexpr float blue_coef_bt709   = 1.8556f;
+constexpr float rgb2yuv_bt709_kr = 0.2126f;
+constexpr float rgb2yuv_bt709_kb = 0.0722f;
+// K_g = 1 - K_r - K_b
+constexpr float rgb2yuv_bt709_kg = 0.7152f;
+// C_u = 1 / (2 * (1 - K_b))
+constexpr float rgb2yuv_bt709_cu = 0.5389f;
+// C_v = 1 / (2 * (1 - K_r))
+constexpr float rgb2yuv_bt709_cv = 0.6350f;
+inline void convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(const uint8x16_t &in, float32x4x4_t &out)
+    const auto tmp1 = vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(in));
+    out.val[0]      = vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(tmp1)));
+    out.val[1]      = vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(tmp1)));
+    const auto tmp2 = vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(in));
+    out.val[2]      = vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(tmp2)));
+    out.val[3]      = vcvtq_f32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(tmp2)));
+inline void convert_float32x4x3_to_uint8x8x3(const float32x4x3_t &in1, const float32x4x3_t &in2, uint8x8x3_t &out)
+    out.val[0] = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in1.val[0])),
+                                         vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in2.val[0]))));
+    out.val[1] = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in1.val[1])),
+                                         vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in2.val[1]))));
+    out.val[2] = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in1.val[2])),
+                                         vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in2.val[2]))));
+inline void convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(const float32x4x4_t &in, uint8x16_t &out)
+    const auto low = vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in.val[0])),
+                                  vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in.val[1])));
+    const auto high = vcombine_u16(vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in.val[2])),
+                                   vqmovn_u32(vcvtq_u32_f32(in.val[3])));
+    out = vcombine_u8(vqmovn_u16(low), vqmovn_u16(high));
+inline void rgb_to_yuv_calculation(const float32x4_t &rvec, const float32x4_t &gvec, const float32x4_t &bvec,
+                                   float32x4_t &yvec, float32x4_t &uvec, float32x4_t &vvec)
+    /*
+    Y'= 0.2126*R' + 0.7152*G' + 0.0722*B'
+    U'=-0.1146*R' - 0.3854*G' + 0.5000*B'
+    V'= 0.5000*R' - 0.4542*G' - 0.0458*B'
+    */
+    const auto c128 = vdupq_n_f32(128.f);
+    // Y = R * K_r + G * (1 - K_r - K_b) * B * K_b
+    yvec = vmulq_n_f32(rvec, rgb2yuv_bt709_kr);
+    yvec = vmlaq_n_f32(yvec, gvec, rgb2yuv_bt709_kg);
+    yvec = vmlaq_n_f32(yvec, bvec, rgb2yuv_bt709_kb);
+    // U = (B - Y) / (2 * (1 - K_b))
+    uvec = vsubq_f32(bvec, yvec);
+    uvec = vmlaq_n_f32(c128, uvec, rgb2yuv_bt709_cu);
+    // V = (R - Y) / (2 * (1 - K_r))
+    vvec = vsubq_f32(rvec, yvec);
+    vvec = vmlaq_n_f32(c128, vvec, rgb2yuv_bt709_cv);
+inline void yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(const float32x4_t &yvec_val, float32x4_t uvec_val, const float32x4_t &yyvec_val,
+                                    float32x4_t vvec_val, unsigned char *output_ptr, const bool alpha)
+    float32x4x3_t rgb1, rgb2;
+    // Compute: cb - 128 and cr - 128;
+    const auto c128 = vdupq_n_f32(128.f);
+    uvec_val        = vsubq_f32(uvec_val, c128);
+    vvec_val        = vsubq_f32(vvec_val, c128);
+    // Compute:
+    // r = 0.0000f*f_u + 1.5748f*f_v;
+    // g = 0.1873f*f_u - 0.4681f*f_v;
+    // b = 1.8556f*f_u + 0.0000f*f_v;
+    const auto red   = vmulq_n_f32(vvec_val, red_coef_bt709);
+    const auto blue  = vmulq_n_f32(uvec_val, blue_coef_bt709);
+    const auto green = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(uvec_val, green_coef_bt709),
+                                 vmulq_n_f32(vvec_val, green_coef2_bt709));
+    // Compute the final r,g,b values using y1 for the first texel and y2 for the second one.
+    // the result is stored in two float32x4x3_t which then are converted to one uint8x8x3_t
+    // and written back to memory using vst3 instruction
+    rgb1.val[0] = vaddq_f32(yvec_val, red);
+    rgb1.val[1] = vaddq_f32(yvec_val, green);
+    rgb1.val[2] = vaddq_f32(yvec_val, blue);
+    rgb2.val[0] = vaddq_f32(yyvec_val, red);
+    rgb2.val[1] = vaddq_f32(yyvec_val, green);
+    rgb2.val[2] = vaddq_f32(yyvec_val, blue);
+    uint8x8x3_t u8_rgb;
+    convert_float32x4x3_to_uint8x8x3(rgb1, rgb2, u8_rgb);
+    if(!alpha)
+    {
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[0], u8_rgb, 0);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[3], u8_rgb, 4);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[6], u8_rgb, 1);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[9], u8_rgb, 5);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[12], u8_rgb, 2);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[15], u8_rgb, 6);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[18], u8_rgb, 3);
+        vst3_lane_u8(&output_ptr[21], u8_rgb, 7);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        uint8x8x4_t u8_rgba;
+        u8_rgba.val[0] = u8_rgb.val[0];
+        u8_rgba.val[1] = u8_rgb.val[1];
+        u8_rgba.val[2] = u8_rgb.val[2];
+        u8_rgba.val[3] = vdup_n_u8(255);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[0], u8_rgba, 0);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[4], u8_rgba, 4);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[8], u8_rgba, 1);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[12], u8_rgba, 5);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[16], u8_rgba, 2);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[20], u8_rgba, 6);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[24], u8_rgba, 3);
+        vst4_lane_u8(&output_ptr[28], u8_rgba, 7);
+    }
+inline uint8x16x3_t load_rgb(const unsigned char *const ptr, const bool alpha)
+    uint8x16x3_t rgb;
+    if(alpha)
+    {
+        const auto tmp = vld4q_u8(ptr);
+        rgb.val[0]     = tmp.val[0];
+        rgb.val[1]     = tmp.val[1];
+        rgb.val[2]     = tmp.val[2];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        rgb = vld3q_u8(ptr);
+    }
+    return rgb;
+inline void rgb_to_yuv_conversion(uint8x16x3_t &vec_top, uint8x16x3_t &vec_bottom)
+    // Convert the uint8x16_t to float32x4x4_t
+    float32x4x4_t frvec_top, fgvec_top, fbvec_top;
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_top.val[0], frvec_top);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_top.val[1], fgvec_top);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_top.val[2], fbvec_top);
+    float32x4x4_t frvec_bottom, fgvec_bottom, fbvec_bottom;
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_bottom.val[0], frvec_bottom);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_bottom.val[1], fgvec_bottom);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(vec_bottom.val[2], fbvec_bottom);
+    float32x4x4_t fyvec_top, fuvec_top, fvvec_top;
+    float32x4x4_t fyvec_bottom, fuvec_bottom, fvvec_bottom;
+    for(auto i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+    {
+        rgb_to_yuv_calculation(frvec_top.val[i], fgvec_top.val[i], fbvec_top.val[i],
+                               fyvec_top.val[i], fuvec_top.val[i], fvvec_top.val[i]);
+        rgb_to_yuv_calculation(frvec_bottom.val[i], fgvec_bottom.val[i], fbvec_bottom.val[i],
+                               fyvec_bottom.val[i], fuvec_bottom.val[i], fvvec_bottom.val[i]);
+    }
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fyvec_top, vec_top.val[0]);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fuvec_top, vec_top.val[1]);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fvvec_top, vec_top.val[2]);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fyvec_bottom, vec_bottom.val[0]);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fuvec_bottom, vec_bottom.val[1]);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fvvec_bottom, vec_bottom.val[2]);
+inline void store_rgb_to_nv12(const uint8x16_t &rvec_top, const uint8x16_t &gvec_top, const uint8x16_t &bvec_top,
+                              const uint8x16_t &rvec_bottom, const uint8x16_t &gvec_bottom, const uint8x16_t &bvec_bottom,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_y_top, unsigned char *const __restrict out_y_bottom,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_uv)
+    uint8x16x3_t vec_top, vec_bottom;
+    vec_top.val[0]    = rvec_top;
+    vec_top.val[1]    = gvec_top;
+    vec_top.val[2]    = bvec_top;
+    vec_bottom.val[0] = rvec_bottom;
+    vec_bottom.val[1] = gvec_bottom;
+    vec_bottom.val[2] = bvec_bottom;
+    rgb_to_yuv_conversion(vec_top, vec_bottom);
+    vst1q_u8(out_y_top, vec_top.val[0]);
+    vst1q_u8(out_y_bottom, vec_bottom.val[0]);
+    const auto uvec = vuzpq_u8(vec_top.val[1], vec_bottom.val[1]);
+    const auto vvec = vuzpq_u8(vec_top.val[2], vec_bottom.val[2]);
+    const auto utmp = vrhaddq_u8(uvec.val[0], uvec.val[1]);
+    const auto vtmp = vrhaddq_u8(vvec.val[0], vvec.val[1]);
+    uint8x8x2_t uvvec;
+    uvvec.val[0] = vhadd_u8(vget_low_u8(utmp), vget_high_u8(utmp));
+    uvvec.val[1] = vhadd_u8(vget_low_u8(vtmp), vget_high_u8(vtmp));
+    vst2_u8(out_uv, uvvec);
+inline void store_rgb_to_iyuv(const uint8x16_t &rvec_top, const uint8x16_t &gvec_top, const uint8x16_t &bvec_top,
+                              const uint8x16_t &rvec_bottom, const uint8x16_t &gvec_bottom, const uint8x16_t &bvec_bottom,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_y_top, unsigned char *const __restrict out_y_bottom,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_u,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_v)
+    uint8x16x3_t vec_top, vec_bottom;
+    vec_top.val[0]    = rvec_top;
+    vec_top.val[1]    = gvec_top;
+    vec_top.val[2]    = bvec_top;
+    vec_bottom.val[0] = rvec_bottom;
+    vec_bottom.val[1] = gvec_bottom;
+    vec_bottom.val[2] = bvec_bottom;
+    rgb_to_yuv_conversion(vec_top, vec_bottom);
+    vst1q_u8(out_y_top, vec_top.val[0]);
+    vst1q_u8(out_y_bottom, vec_bottom.val[0]);
+    const auto uvvec_top    = vuzpq_u8(vec_top.val[1], vec_top.val[2]);
+    const auto uvvec_bottom = vuzpq_u8(vec_bottom.val[1], vec_bottom.val[2]);
+    const auto uvvec        = vhaddq_u8(vrhaddq_u8(uvvec_top.val[0], uvvec_top.val[1]),
+                                        vrhaddq_u8(uvvec_bottom.val[0], uvvec_bottom.val[1]));
+    vst1_u8(out_u, vget_low_u8(uvvec));
+    vst1_u8(out_v, vget_high_u8(uvvec));
+inline void store_rgb_to_yuv4(const uint8x16_t &rvec, const uint8x16_t &gvec, const uint8x16_t &bvec,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_y,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_u,
+                              unsigned char *const __restrict out_v)
+    // Convert the uint8x16_t to float32x4x4_t
+    float32x4x4_t frvec, fgvec, fbvec;
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(rvec, frvec);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(gvec, fgvec);
+    convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(bvec, fbvec);
+    float32x4x4_t fyvec, fuvec, fvvec;
+    for(auto i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+    {
+        rgb_to_yuv_calculation(frvec.val[i], fgvec.val[i], fbvec.val[i],
+                               fyvec.val[i], fuvec.val[i], fvvec.val[i]);
+    }
+    uint8x16_t yvec, uvec, vvec;
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fyvec, yvec);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fuvec, uvec);
+    convert_float32x4x4_to_unit8x16(fvvec, vvec);
+    vst1q_u8(out_y, yvec);
+    vst1q_u8(out_u, uvec);
+    vst1q_u8(out_v, vvec);
+namespace arm_compute
+void colorconvert_rgb_to_rgbx(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IImage *__restrict>(output);
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out(output_ptr, win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto   ta1 = vld3q_u8(in.ptr());
+        uint8x16x4_t ta2;
+        ta2.val[0] = ta1.val[0];
+        ta2.val[1] = ta1.val[1];
+        ta2.val[2] = ta1.val[2];
+        ta2.val[3] = vdupq_n_u8(255);
+        vst4q_u8(out.ptr(), ta2);
+    },
+    in, out);
+void colorconvert_rgbx_to_rgb(const void *input, void *output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IImage *__restrict>(output);
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out(output_ptr, win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto   ta1 = vld4q_u8(in.ptr());
+        uint8x16x3_t ta2;
+        ta2.val[0] = ta1.val[0];
+        ta2.val[1] = ta1.val[1];
+        ta2.val[2] = ta1.val[2];
+        vst3q_u8(out.ptr(), ta2);
+    },
+    in, out);
+template <bool yuyv, bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_yuyv_to_rgb(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto element_size = alpha ? 32 : 24;
+    constexpr auto shift        = yuyv ? 0 : 1;
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out(output_ptr, win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        float32x4x4_t uvec, yvec, vvec, yyvec;
+        const auto    ta = vld4q_u8(in.ptr());
+        //ta.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta.val[1] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta.val[2] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta.val[3] = V0 V2 V4 V7 ...
+        // Convert the uint8x16x4_t to float32x4x4_t
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta.val[0 + shift], yvec);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta.val[1 - shift], uvec);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta.val[2 + shift], yyvec);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta.val[3 - shift], vvec);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec.val[0], uvec.val[0], yyvec.val[0], vvec.val[0], out.ptr() + 0 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec.val[1], uvec.val[1], yyvec.val[1], vvec.val[1], out.ptr() + 1 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec.val[2], uvec.val[2], yyvec.val[2], vvec.val[2], out.ptr() + 2 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec.val[3], uvec.val[3], yyvec.val[3], vvec.val[3], out.ptr() + 3 * element_size, alpha);
+    },
+    in, out);
+template <bool uv, bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_nv12_to_rgb(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto element_size = alpha ? 32 : 24;
+    const auto     out_stride   = output_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
+    constexpr auto shift        = uv ? 0 : 1;
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_uv(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out(output_ptr, win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        const auto ta_uv       = vld2q_u8(in_uv.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[0] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[1] = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        // Convert the uint8x16x4_t to float32x4x4_t
+        float32x4x4_t yvec_top, yyvec_top, yvec_bottom, yyvec_bottom, uvec, vvec;
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_top.val[0], yvec_top);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_top.val[1], yyvec_top);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_bottom.val[0], yvec_bottom);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_bottom.val[1], yyvec_bottom);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_uv.val[0 + shift], uvec);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_uv.val[1 - shift], vvec);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[0], uvec.val[0], yyvec_top.val[0], vvec.val[0], out.ptr() + 0 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[1], uvec.val[1], yyvec_top.val[1], vvec.val[1], out.ptr() + 1 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[2], uvec.val[2], yyvec_top.val[2], vvec.val[2], out.ptr() + 2 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[3], uvec.val[3], yyvec_top.val[3], vvec.val[3], out.ptr() + 3 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[0], uvec.val[0], yyvec_bottom.val[0], vvec.val[0], out.ptr() + out_stride + 0 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[1], uvec.val[1], yyvec_bottom.val[1], vvec.val[1], out.ptr() + out_stride + 1 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[2], uvec.val[2], yyvec_bottom.val[2], vvec.val[2], out.ptr() + out_stride + 2 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[3], uvec.val[3], yyvec_bottom.val[3], vvec.val[3], out.ptr() + out_stride + 3 * element_size, alpha);
+    },
+    in_y, in_uv, out);
+template <bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_iyuv_to_rgb(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto element_size = alpha ? 32 : 24;
+    const auto     out_stride   = output_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_u(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator in_v(input_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    Iterator out(output_ptr, win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        const auto ta_u        = vld1q_u8(in_u.ptr());
+        const auto ta_v        = vld1q_u8(in_v.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_u.val[0] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_v.val[0] = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        // Convert the uint8x16x4_t to float32x4x4_t
+        float32x4x4_t yvec_top, yyvec_top, yvec_bottom, yyvec_bottom, uvec, vvec;
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_top.val[0], yvec_top);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_top.val[1], yyvec_top);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_bottom.val[0], yvec_bottom);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_y_bottom.val[1], yyvec_bottom);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_u, uvec);
+        convert_uint8x16_to_float32x4x4(ta_v, vvec);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[0], uvec.val[0], yyvec_top.val[0], vvec.val[0], out.ptr() + 0 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[1], uvec.val[1], yyvec_top.val[1], vvec.val[1], out.ptr() + 1 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[2], uvec.val[2], yyvec_top.val[2], vvec.val[2], out.ptr() + 2 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_top.val[3], uvec.val[3], yyvec_top.val[3], vvec.val[3], out.ptr() + 3 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[0], uvec.val[0], yyvec_bottom.val[0], vvec.val[0], out.ptr() + out_stride + 0 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[1], uvec.val[1], yyvec_bottom.val[1], vvec.val[1], out.ptr() + out_stride + 1 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[2], uvec.val[2], yyvec_bottom.val[2], vvec.val[2], out.ptr() + out_stride + 2 * element_size, alpha);
+        yuyv_to_rgb_calculation(yvec_bottom.val[3], uvec.val[3], yyvec_bottom.val[3], vvec.val[3], out.ptr() + out_stride + 3 * element_size, alpha);
+    },
+    in_y, in_u, in_v, out);
+template <bool yuyv>
+void colorconvert_yuyv_to_nv12(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto shift = yuyv ? 0 : 1;
+    // NV12's UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_uv(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_top    = vld4q_u8(in.ptr());
+        const auto ta_bottom = vld4q_u8(in.ptr() + input_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        //ta.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta.val[1] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta.val[2] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta.val[3] = V0 V2 V4 V7 ...
+        uint8x16x2_t yvec;
+        yvec.val[0] = ta_top.val[0 + shift];
+        yvec.val[1] = ta_top.val[2 + shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), yvec);
+        uint8x16x2_t yyvec;
+        yyvec.val[0] = ta_bottom.val[0 + shift];
+        yyvec.val[1] = ta_bottom.val[2 + shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), yyvec);
+        uint8x16x2_t uvvec;
+        uvvec.val[0] = vhaddq_u8(ta_top.val[1 - shift], ta_bottom.val[1 - shift]);
+        uvvec.val[1] = vhaddq_u8(ta_top.val[3 - shift], ta_bottom.val[3 - shift]);
+        vst2q_u8(out_uv.ptr(), uvvec);
+    },
+    in, out_y, out_uv);
+void colorconvert_iyuv_to_nv12(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_u(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator in_v(input_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_uv(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto   ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto   ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        uint8x16x2_t ta_uv;
+        ta_uv.val[0] = vld1q_u8(in_u.ptr());
+        ta_uv.val[1] = vld1q_u8(in_v.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[0] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[1] = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), ta_y_top);
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), ta_y_bottom);
+        vst2q_u8(out_uv.ptr(), ta_uv);
+    },
+    in_y, in_u, in_v, out_y, out_uv);
+template <bool uv>
+void colorconvert_nv12_to_iyuv(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto shift = uv ? 0 : 1;
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_uv(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        const auto ta_uv       = vld2q_u8(in_uv.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[0] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[1] = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), ta_y_top);
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), ta_y_bottom);
+        vst1q_u8(out_u.ptr(), ta_uv.val[0 + shift]);
+        vst1q_u8(out_v.ptr(), ta_uv.val[1 - shift]);
+    },
+    in_y, in_uv, out_y, out_u, out_v);
+template <bool yuyv>
+void colorconvert_yuyv_to_iyuv(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto shift = yuyv ? 0 : 1;
+    // Destination's UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_top    = vld4q_u8(in.ptr());
+        const auto ta_bottom = vld4q_u8(in.ptr() + input_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        //ta.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta.val[1] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta.val[2] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta.val[3] = V0 V2 V4 V7 ...
+        uint8x16x2_t yvec;
+        yvec.val[0] = ta_top.val[0 + shift];
+        yvec.val[1] = ta_top.val[2 + shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), yvec);
+        uint8x16x2_t yyvec;
+        yyvec.val[0] = ta_bottom.val[0 + shift];
+        yyvec.val[1] = ta_bottom.val[2 + shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), yyvec);
+        uint8x16_t uvec;
+        uvec = vhaddq_u8(ta_top.val[1 - shift], ta_bottom.val[1 - shift]);
+        vst1q_u8(out_u.ptr(), uvec);
+        uint8x16_t vvec;
+        vvec = vhaddq_u8(ta_top.val[3 - shift], ta_bottom.val[3 - shift]);
+        vst1q_u8(out_v.ptr(), vvec);
+    },
+    in, out_y, out_u, out_v);
+template <bool uv>
+void colorconvert_nv12_to_yuv4(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    constexpr auto shift = uv ? 0 : 1;
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_uv(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        const auto ta_uv       = vld2q_u8(in_uv.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[0] = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_uv.val[1] = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), ta_y_top);
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), ta_y_bottom);
+        uint8x16x2_t uvec;
+        uvec.val[0] = ta_uv.val[0 + shift];
+        uvec.val[1] = ta_uv.val[0 + shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_u.ptr(), uvec);
+        vst2q_u8(out_u.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(1)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), uvec);
+        uint8x16x2_t vvec;
+        vvec.val[0] = ta_uv.val[1 - shift];
+        vvec.val[1] = ta_uv.val[1 - shift];
+        vst2q_u8(out_v.ptr(), vvec);
+        vst2q_u8(out_v.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(2)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), vvec);
+    },
+    in_y, in_uv, out_y, out_u, out_v);
+void colorconvert_iyuv_to_yuv4(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IMultiImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in_y(input_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator in_u(input_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator in_v(input_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_y_top    = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr());
+        const auto ta_y_bottom = vld2q_u8(in_y.ptr() + input_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y());
+        const auto ta_u        = vld1q_u8(in_u.ptr());
+        const auto ta_v        = vld1q_u8(in_v.ptr());
+        //ta_y.val[0] = Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6 ...
+        //ta_y.val[1] = Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 ...
+        //ta_u = U0 U2 U4 U6 ...
+        //ta_v = V0 V2 V4 V6 ...
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr(), ta_y_top);
+        vst2q_u8(out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), ta_y_bottom);
+        uint8x16x2_t uvec;
+        uvec.val[0] = ta_u;
+        uvec.val[1] = ta_u;
+        vst2q_u8(out_u.ptr(), uvec);
+        vst2q_u8(out_u.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(1)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), uvec);
+        uint8x16x2_t vvec;
+        vvec.val[0] = ta_v;
+        vvec.val[1] = ta_v;
+        vst2q_u8(out_v.ptr(), vvec);
+        vst2q_u8(out_v.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(2)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), vvec);
+    },
+    in_y, in_u, in_v, out_y, out_u, out_v);
+template <bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_rgb_to_nv12(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_uv(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_rgb_top    = load_rgb(in.ptr(), alpha);
+        const auto ta_rgb_bottom = load_rgb(in.ptr() + input_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), alpha);
+        //ta_rgb.val[0] = R0 R1 R2 R3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[1] = G0 G1 G2 G3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[2] = B0 B1 B2 B3 ...
+        store_rgb_to_nv12(ta_rgb_top.val[0], ta_rgb_top.val[1], ta_rgb_top.val[2],
+                          ta_rgb_bottom.val[0], ta_rgb_bottom.val[1], ta_rgb_bottom.val[2],
+                          out_y.ptr(), out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(),
+                          out_uv.ptr());
+    },
+    in, out_y, out_uv);
+template <bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_rgb_to_iyuv(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    // UV's width and height are subsampled
+    Window win_uv(win);
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(win_uv.x().start() / 2, win_uv.x().end() / 2, win_uv.x().step() / 2));
+    win_uv.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(win_uv.y().start() / 2, win_uv.y().end() / 2, 1));
+    win_uv.validate();
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win_uv);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win_uv);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_rgb_top    = load_rgb(in.ptr(), alpha);
+        const auto ta_rgb_bottom = load_rgb(in.ptr() + input_ptr->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(), alpha);
+        //ta_rgb.val[0] = R0 R1 R2 R3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[1] = G0 G1 G2 G3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[2] = B0 B1 B2 B3 ...
+        store_rgb_to_iyuv(ta_rgb_top.val[0], ta_rgb_top.val[1], ta_rgb_top.val[2],
+                          ta_rgb_bottom.val[0], ta_rgb_bottom.val[1], ta_rgb_bottom.val[2],
+                          out_y.ptr(), out_y.ptr() + output_ptr->plane(0)->info()->strides_in_bytes().y(),
+                          out_u.ptr(), out_v.ptr());
+    },
+    in, out_y, out_u, out_v);
+template <bool alpha>
+void colorconvert_rgb_to_yuv4(const void *__restrict input, void *__restrict output, const Window &win)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == input);
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(nullptr == output);
+    win.validate();
+    const auto input_ptr  = static_cast<const IImage *__restrict>(input);
+    const auto output_ptr = static_cast<IMultiImage *__restrict>(output);
+    Iterator in(input_ptr, win);
+    Iterator out_y(output_ptr->plane(0), win);
+    Iterator out_u(output_ptr->plane(1), win);
+    Iterator out_v(output_ptr->plane(2), win);
+    execute_window_loop(win, [&](const Coordinates & id)
+    {
+        const auto ta_rgb = load_rgb(in.ptr(), alpha);
+        //ta_rgb.val[0] = R0 R1 R2 R3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[1] = G0 G1 G2 G3 ...
+        //ta_rgb.val[2] = B0 B1 B2 B3 ...
+        store_rgb_to_yuv4(ta_rgb.val[0], ta_rgb.val[1], ta_rgb.val[2],
+                          out_y.ptr(), out_u.ptr(), out_v.ptr());
+    },
+    in, out_y, out_u, out_v);