COMPMID-1965 Extend CLGEMMMatrixMultiplyReshapedKernel to support transposed LHS (t) and not-transpose RHS

Change-Id: I437a00d7213fefd6f4365071b46174d44df8b85c
Signed-off-by: Giorgio Arena <>
Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Gian Marco Iodice <>
Comments-Addressed: Arm Jenkins <>
diff --git a/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/ b/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/
index 8d638bc..d7484d7 100644
--- a/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/
+++ b/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/
@@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@
  * @note If the M0xK0 blocks in the reshaped LHS matrix have been interleaved, the option -DLHS_INTERLEAVE must passed at compile time.
  * @note If the K0xN0 blocks in the reshaped RHS matrix have been interleaved, the option -DRHS_INTERLEAVE must passed at compile time.
  * @note Only the following configurations of M0, N0 and K0 are currently supported:
- *  - M0 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
+ *  - M0 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  *  - N0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
  *  - K0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
  *  - V0 >= 1
@@ -2036,6 +2036,370 @@
 #undef RHS_STEP_X
+#if defined(LHS_TRANSPOSE)
+#define ARM_VFMA(SIZE, a, b, c) c += (a) * (b);
+#define ARM_VFMA_1(a, b, c)     \
+    ({                          \
+        c = fma((a), (b), (c)); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VFMA_2(a, b, c)                   \
+    ({                                        \
+        (c).s0 = fma((a).s0, (b).s0, (c).s0); \
+        (c).s1 = fma((a).s1, (b).s1, (c).s1); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VFMA_3(a, b, c)                   \
+    ({                                        \
+        ARM_VFMA_2(a, b, c);                  \
+        (c).s2 = fma((a).s2, (b).s2, (c).s2); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VFMA_4(a, b, c)                   \
+    ({                                        \
+        ARM_VFMA_3(a, b, c);                  \
+        (c).s3 = fma((a).s3, (b).s3, (c).s3); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VFMA_8(a, b, c)                   \
+    ({                                        \
+        ARM_VFMA_4(a, b, c);                  \
+        (c).s4 = fma((a).s4, (b).s4, (c).s4); \
+        (c).s5 = fma((a).s5, (b).s5, (c).s5); \
+        (c).s6 = fma((a).s6, (b).s6, (c).s6); \
+        (c).s7 = fma((a).s7, (b).s7, (c).s7); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VFMA_16(a, b, c)                  \
+    ({                                        \
+        ARM_VFMA_8(a, b, c);                  \
+        (c).s8 = fma((a).s8, (b).s8, (c).s8); \
+        (c).s9 = fma((a).s9, (b).s9, (c).s9); \
+        (c).sA = fma((a).sA, (b).sA, (c).sA); \
+        (c).sB = fma((a).sB, (b).sB, (c).sB); \
+        (c).sC = fma((a).sC, (b).sC, (c).sC); \
+        (c).sD = fma((a).sD, (b).sD, (c).sD); \
+        (c).sE = fma((a).sE, (b).sE, (c).sE); \
+        (c).sF = fma((a).sF, (b).sF, (c).sF); \
+    })
+// Factory macro for the vector FMA
+#define ARM_VFMA(SIZE, a, b, c) ARM_VFMA_##SIZE((a), (b), (c))
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_1xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)         \
+    ({                                                 \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a), b, (C##0)); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_2xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)            \
+    ({                                                    \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s0), b, (C##0)); \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s1), b, (C##1)); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_3xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)            \
+    ({                                                    \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_2xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C);           \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s2), b, (C##2)); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_4xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)            \
+    ({                                                    \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_3xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C);           \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s3), b, (C##3)); \
+    })
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_8xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)            \
+    ({                                                    \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_4xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C);           \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s4), b, (C##4)); \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s5), b, (C##5)); \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s6), b, (C##6)); \
+        ARM_VFMA(N0, (VTYPE(TYPE, N0))(a.s7), b, (C##7)); \
+    })
+// Factory macro for the column-vector (transposed) by row-vector (not transposed) multiplication. K0 = 1
+// a is the column-vector (transposed)
+// b is the row-vector (not transposed)
+// C is the output matrix
+// Lower case is a vector (a, b)
+// Upper case is a matrix (C)
+#define ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, a, b, C) ARM_VVM_T_NT_##M0##xN0x1(N0, TYPE, a, b, C)
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)             \
+    ({                                                         \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##0), (B##0), C); \
+    })
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x2(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)             \
+    ({                                                         \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C);            \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##1), (B##1), C); \
+    })
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x3(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)             \
+    ({                                                         \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x2(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C);            \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##2), (B##2), C); \
+    })
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x4(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)             \
+    ({                                                         \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x3(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C);            \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##3), (B##3), C); \
+    })
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x8(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)             \
+    ({                                                         \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x4(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C);            \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##4), (B##4), C); \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##5), (B##5), C); \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##6), (B##6), C); \
+        ARM_VVM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##7), (B##7), C); \
+    })
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x16(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)           \
+    ({                                                        \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x8(M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C);           \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##8), (B##8), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##9), (B##9), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##A), (B##A), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##B), (B##B), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##C), (B##C), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##D), (B##D), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##E), (B##E), C); \
+        ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x1(M0, N0, TYPE, (A##F), (B##F), C); \
+    })
+// Factory macro for the matrix (transposed) by matrix (not transposed) multiplication.
+// The dimensions for this matrix multiplications are defined through M0, N0 and K0
+// The dimensions supported are:
+// M0: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
+// N0: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+// K0: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+// This macro calls the vector-by-matrix macro K0 times
+// A, B and C are matrices
+#define ARM_MM_T_NT(M0, N0, K0, TYPE, A, B, C) CONCAT(ARM_MM_T_NT_M0xN0x, K0) \
+    (M0, N0, TYPE, A, B, C)
+/** This OpenCL kernel computes the matrix multiplication between 2 matrices.
+ *  The LHS matrix must be reshaped with @ref CLGEMMReshapeLHSMatrixKernel and the M0xK0 must be transposed
+ *  The RHS matrix must be reshaped with @ref CLGEMMReshapeRHSMatrixKernel and the K0xN0 must be NOT transposed
+ *
+ * @note LHS_TRANSPOSE should be passed at compile time in order to compile this OpenCL kernel (e.g. -DLHS_TRANSPOSE).
+ * @note If the first two dimensions of NDRange have been dispatched with "dummy_work_items" support, the option -DDUMMY_WORK_ITEMS must be passed at compile time.
+ * @note The GEMM's dimensions M and N must be passed at compile time using -DM and -DN (e.g. -DM=52 and -DN=90).
+ * @note The block's dimensions used for reshaping the LHS matrix and the RHS matrix (M0, N0 and K0) must be passed at compile time using -DM0, -DN0 and -DK0 (e.g. -DM0=4, -DN0=8, -DK0=4).
+ * @note The number of M0xK0 vertical blocks stored on the same output row of the reshaped LHS matrix must be passed at compile time using -DV0 (e.g. -DV0=2)
+ * @note The number of K0xN0 horizontal blocks stored on the same output row of the reshaped RHS matrix must be passed at compile time using -DH0 (e.g. -DH0=2)
+ * @note If the M0xK0 blocks in the reshaped LHS matrix have been interleaved, the option -DLHS_INTERLEAVE must passed at compile time.
+ * @note If the K0xN0 blocks in the reshaped RHS matrix have been interleaved, the option -DRHS_INTERLEAVE must passed at compile time.
+ * @note Only the following configurations of M0, N0 and K0 are currently supported:
+ *  - M0 = 2, 3, 4, 8
+ *  - N0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+ *  - K0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+ *  - V0 >= 1
+ *  - H0 >= 1
+ *
+ * @note If the activation type were passed at compile time through -DACTIVATION_TYPE (e.g. -DACTIVATION_TYPE=RELU), A, B variables, required by some activation functions, should be passed at compile time as well using -DA_VAL= and -DB_VAL= respectively.
+ *       The activation function is performed after the bias addition
+ * @note In case the output has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor (e.g. output of convolution layer), the following information must be passed at compile time:
+ *       -# REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D: To reinterpret the output as 3D
+ *       -# HEIGHT_GEMM3D: The height of the output in case it has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor.
+ *       -# DEPTH_GEMM3D: The depth of the output in case it has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor
+ *          (HEIGHT_GEMM3D * DEPTH_GEMM3D) = columns LHS matrix NOT reshaped
+ *
+ * @param[in]  lhs_ptr                            Pointer to the LHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: F16/F32
+ * @param[in]  lhs_stride_x                       Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  lhs_step_x                         src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  lhs_stride_y                       Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  lhs_step_y                         src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  lhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes  The offset of the first element in the LHS reshaped matrix
+ * @param[in]  rhs_ptr                            Pointer to the RHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[in]  rhs_stride_x                       Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  rhs_step_x                         src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  rhs_stride_y                       Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  rhs_step_y                         src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  rhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes  The offset of the first element in the RHS reshaped matrix
+ * @param[in]  bias_ptr                           (Optional) Pointer to the bias matrix. Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[in]  bias_stride_x                      (Optional) Stride of the bias matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  bias_step_x                        (Optional) bias_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  bias_stride_y                      (Optional) Stride of the bias matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  bias_step_y                        (Optional) bias_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  bias_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the bias matrix
+ * @param[out] dst_ptr                            Pointer to the destination matrix Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[in]  dst_stride_x                       Stride of the destination matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_step_x                         dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_stride_y                       Stride of the destination matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_step_y                         dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes  The offset of the first element in the destination matrix
+ * @param[in]  k                                  Number of columns in LHS matrix and rows in RHS matrix not reshaped.
+ * @param[in]  lhs_stride_z                       Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  rhs_stride_z                       Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  bias_stride_z                      (Optional) Stride of the bias matrix in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_stride_z                       Stride of the destination tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in]  dst_cross_plane_pad                (Optional) Bottom paddings in unit of elements (only if defined REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+ */
+__kernel void gemm_mm_reshaped_lhs_t_rhs_nt(IMAGE_DECLARATION(lhs),
+                                            IMAGE_DECLARATION(rhs),
+#if defined(BETA)
+                                            IMAGE_DECLARATION(bias),
+#endif // defined(BETA)
+                                            IMAGE_DECLARATION(dst),
+                                            uint k,
+                                            uint lhs_stride_z,
+                                            uint rhs_stride_z,
+#if defined(BETA)
+                                            uint bias_stride_z,
+#endif //defined(BETA)
+                                            uint dst_stride_z
+                                            ,
+                                            uint dst_cross_plane_pad
+                                           )
+    // Block size
+#define LHS_BLOCK_SIZE ((K0) * (M0))
+#if defined(LHS_INTERLEAVE)
+#define LHS_OFFSET_X (M0)
+#define LHS_STEP_X ((M0) * (V0))
+#define LHS_STEP_LOOP (1)
+#else // defined(INTERLEAVE)
+#define LHS_STEP_X (M0)
+#define LHS_STEP_LOOP (V0)
+#endif // defined(INTERLEAVE)
+    // Block size
+#define RHS_BLOCK_SIZE ((K0) * (N0))
+    // RHS offset and step X
+#if defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+#define RHS_OFFSET_X (N0)
+#define RHS_STEP_X ((N0) * (H0))
+#define RHS_STEP_LOOP (1)
+#else // defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+#define RHS_STEP_X (N0)
+#define RHS_STEP_LOOP (H0)
+#endif // defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+    const uint x = get_global_id(0);
+    const uint y = get_global_id(1);
+    const uint z = get_global_id(2);
+#if defined(DUMMY_WORK_ITEMS)
+    if((x * N0 >= N) || (y * M0 >= M))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+#endif // defined(DUMMY_WORK_ITEMS)
+    // Compute LHS matrix address
+    __global uchar *lhs_addr = lhs_ptr + lhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (y % V0) * (uint)LHS_OFFSET_X * sizeof(DATA_TYPE) + (y / V0) * (uint)lhs_stride_y + (z * lhs_stride_z);
+    // Compute RHS matrix address
+    __global uchar *rhs_addr = rhs_ptr + rhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x % H0) * (uint)RHS_OFFSET_X * sizeof(DATA_TYPE) + (x / (uint)H0) * rhs_stride_y;
+#if defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+    // Do not slide matrix B if the matrix B has 3 dimensions and matrix A more than 3
+    rhs_addr += (z % MATRIX_B_DEPTH) * rhs_stride_z;
+#else  // defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+    rhs_addr += z * rhs_stride_z;
+#endif // defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+    // Initialize the accumulators
+    REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(M0, VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, N0), c, 0); //VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, N0)    c0=0,c1=0,c2=0,... c(M0-1)=0;
+    REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(K0, uint, zlhs, 0); //uint zlhs0=0,zlhs1=0,zlhs2=0,... zlhs7=0;
+    REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(M0, uint, zero, 0);
+    for(int i = 0; i < k; i += K0)
+    {
+        // Supported cases (K0, M0):
+        // 1,2  - 2,2  - 3,2  - 4,2  - 5,2  - 6,2  - 7,2  - 8,2
+        // 1,3  - 2,3  - 3,3  - 4,3  - 5,3  - 6,3  - 7,3  - 8,3
+        // 1,4  - 2,4  - 3,4  - 4,4  - 5,4  - 6,4  - 7,4  - 8,4
+        // 1,8  - 2,8  - 3,8 -  4,8  - 5,8  - 6,8  - 7,8  - 8,8
+        // 1,16 - 2,16 - 3,16 - 4,16 - 5,16 - 6,16 - 7,16 - 8,16
+        // Load values from LHS matrix
+        LOAD_BLOCK(K0, M0, DATA_TYPE, a, lhs_addr, 0, LHS_STEP_X * sizeof(DATA_TYPE), zlhs);
+        // Load values from RHS matrix
+        LOAD_BLOCK(K0, N0, DATA_TYPE, b, rhs_addr, 0, RHS_STEP_X * sizeof(DATA_TYPE), zlhs);
+        // Perform the partial matrix multiplication
+        ARM_MM_T_NT(M0, N0, K0, DATA_TYPE, a, b, c);
+        lhs_addr += (K0 * LHS_STEP_X * LHS_STEP_LOOP) * sizeof(DATA_TYPE);
+        rhs_addr += (K0 * RHS_STEP_X * RHS_STEP_LOOP) * sizeof(DATA_TYPE);
+    }
+    __global uchar *dst_addr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0 * sizeof(DATA_TYPE)) + (y * (uint)M0 * dst_stride_y);
+    REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(M0, uint, zout, 0);
+    // The plane (zin) is calculated dividing M (y * M0) by HEIGHT_GEMM3D
+    CALCULATE_Z_OFFSET(M0, uint, zout, y, HEIGHT_GEMM3D, DEPTH_GEMM3D, dst_cross_plane_pad, dst_stride_y);
+    // Add offset for batched GEMM. The batches will be in the fourth dimension and for this reason we
+    // multiply dst_stride_z by DEPTH_GEMM3D
+    dst_addr += z * dst_stride_z * DEPTH_GEMM3D;
+#else // defined(REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+    // Add offset for batched GEMM
+    dst_addr += z * dst_stride_z;
+#endif // defined(REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+    // Multiply by the weight of matrix-matrix product and store the result
+#if defined(ALPHA)
+#endif // defined(ALPHA)
+    // Add beta*bias
+#if defined(BETA)
+#if defined(BROADCAST_BIAS)
+    __global uchar *bias_addr = bias_ptr + bias_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0 * sizeof(DATA_TYPE));
+    LOAD_BLOCK(1, N0, DATA_TYPE, bias, bias_addr, 0, bias_stride_y, zero);
+#ifndef UNIT_BETA
+#endif // UNIT_BIAS
+    // c = c + bias[broadcasted]
+    ADD_BLOCK_BROADCAST(M0, c, bias0);
+#else // defined(BROADCAST_BIAS)
+    __global uchar *bias_addr = bias_ptr + bias_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0 * sizeof(DATA_TYPE)) + (y * (uint)M0 * bias_stride_y) + z * bias_stride_z;
+    LOAD_BLOCK(M0, N0, DATA_TYPE, bias, bias_addr, 0, bias_stride_y, zero);
+#ifndef UNIT_BETA
+#endif // UNIT_BIAS
+    // c = c + bias
+    ADD_BLOCK(M0, c, bias);
+#endif // defined(BROADCAST_BIAS)
+#endif // defined(BETA)
+#if defined(ACTIVATION_TYPE)
+#endif // defined(ACTIVATION_TYPE)
+    // Store output block
+    STORE_BLOCK(M0, N0, DATA_TYPE, c, dst_addr, dst_stride_y, zout);
+#undef LHS_OFFSET_X
+#undef LHS_STEP_X
+#undef RHS_OFFSET_X
+#undef RHS_STEP_X
+#endif // defined(LHS_TRANSPOSE)
 #endif // defined(M0) && defined(N0) && defined(K0) && defined(V0) && defined(H0) && defined(K) && defined(DATA_TYPE)
 #if defined(M0) && defined(N0) && defined(K0) && defined(K) && defined(DATA_TYPE)