Apply clang-format on repository

Code is formatted as per a revised clang format configuration
file(not part of this delivery). Version 14.0.6 is used.

Exclusion List:
- files with .cl extension
- files that are not strictly C/C++ (e.g. Android.bp, Sconscript ...)
And the following directories
- compute_kernel_writer/validation/
- tests/
- include/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_conv/
- data/

There will be a follow up for formatting of .cl files and the
files under tests/ and compute_kernel_writer/validation/.

Signed-off-by: Felix Thomasmathibalan <>
Change-Id: Ib7eb1fcf4e7537b9feaefcfc15098a804a3fde0a
Benchmark: Arm Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Gunes Bayir <>
diff --git a/arm_compute/function_info/FullyConnectedLayerInfo.h b/arm_compute/function_info/FullyConnectedLayerInfo.h
index 5f5578e..e65daeb 100644
--- a/arm_compute/function_info/FullyConnectedLayerInfo.h
+++ b/arm_compute/function_info/FullyConnectedLayerInfo.h
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
     /* Fused-activation parameters */
     ActivationLayerInfo activation_info{}; /**<  Fused activation to apply after the matrix multiplication. */
     /* Information about weights */
-    DataLayout weights_trained_layout{ DataLayout::NCHW }; /**<  Layout that the weights have been trained with. */
-    bool       transpose_weights{ true };                  /**<  Transpose weights if true. */
-    bool       are_weights_reshaped{ false };              /**<  @deprecated Reshape the weights tensor if false. */
-    bool       retain_internal_weights{ false };           /**<  Retain internal reshaped weights. */
-    bool       enable_fast_math{ false };                  /**<  Enable fast math computation. */
+    DataLayout weights_trained_layout{DataLayout::NCHW}; /**<  Layout that the weights have been trained with. */
+    bool       transpose_weights{true};                  /**<  Transpose weights if true. */
+    bool       are_weights_reshaped{false};              /**<  @deprecated Reshape the weights tensor if false. */
+    bool       retain_internal_weights{false};           /**<  Retain internal reshaped weights. */
+    bool       enable_fast_math{false};                  /**<  Enable fast math computation. */
     /* Other parameters */
-    bool fp_mixed_precision{ false }; /**<  Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy. */
+    bool fp_mixed_precision{false}; /**<  Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy. */
     /** Sets the weights trained data layout