Apply clang-format on repository

Code is formatted as per a revised clang format configuration
file(not part of this delivery). Version 14.0.6 is used.

Exclusion List:
- files with .cl extension
- files that are not strictly C/C++ (e.g. Android.bp, Sconscript ...)
And the following directories
- compute_kernel_writer/validation/
- tests/
- include/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/
- src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_conv/
- data/

There will be a follow up for formatting of .cl files and the
files under tests/ and compute_kernel_writer/validation/.

Signed-off-by: Felix Thomasmathibalan <>
Change-Id: Ib7eb1fcf4e7537b9feaefcfc15098a804a3fde0a
Benchmark: Arm Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Gunes Bayir <>
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp
index ccef92d..8623afb 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
 #include "ckw/KernelWriter.h"
-#include "../include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h"
 #include "ckw/TensorTileSampler.h"
+#include "../include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h"
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace ckw;
-TensorTileSampler create_simple_sampler(KernelWriter& writer)
+TensorTileSampler create_simple_sampler(KernelWriter &writer)
     TensorTileSampler sampler;
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
 int main()
-    Kernel kernel("test", GpuTargetLanguage::OpenCL);
+    Kernel                           kernel("test", GpuTargetLanguage::OpenCL);
     KernelWriterHelper<KernelWriter> writer(kernel);
-    const TensorInfo src_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 0);
-    const TensorInfo dst_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 1);
+    const TensorInfo src_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({1, 1, 1, 1, 1}), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 0);
+    const TensorInfo dst_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({1, 1, 1, 1, 1}), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 1);
     auto &src_tensor = writer.declare_tensor_argument("src", src_info);
     auto &dst_tensor = writer.declare_tensor_argument("dst", dst_info);
@@ -77,27 +77,24 @@
     const auto sampler = create_simple_sampler(writer);
     auto &src = writer.declare_tile("src_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
-    auto &other = writer.declare_tile("other_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
+    auto &other =
+        writer.declare_tile("other_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
     auto &dst = writer.declare_tile("dst_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
     writer.op_load(src, src_tensor, sampler);
     writer.op_load(other, src_tensor, sampler);
     writer.op_load(dst, dst_tensor, sampler);
-    auto test = dst ^ src ^ other;
+    auto test       = dst ^ src ^ other;
     auto other_test = logical_and(dst, src, other);
     writer.op_assign(dst, logical_and(dst, src, other));
     writer.op_assign(dst, test);
     writer.op_assign(dst, other_test);
     writer.op_assign(dst, operator^(operator^(dst, src), other));
-    writer.op_if(exp(src) == dst, [&]{
-        writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src);
-    }).op_else_if(exp(src) > dst, [&]{
-        writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src);
-    }).op_else([&] {
-        writer.op_assign(dst, src);
-    });
+    writer.op_if(exp(src) == dst, [&] { writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src); })
+        .op_else_if(exp(src) > dst, [&] { writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src); })
+        .op_else([&] { writer.op_assign(dst, src); });
     writer.op_assign(dst, src + src * src);
     writer.op_assign(dst, src * max(src, dst) + src);
@@ -106,13 +103,11 @@
     writer.op_assign(dst, src ^ dst);
     writer.op_assign(dst, ~src);
-    writer.op_for_loop(dst < src, dst += src, [&]{
-        writer.op_assign(dst, src + dst);
-    });
+    writer.op_for_loop(dst < src, dst += src, [&] { writer.op_assign(dst, src + dst); });
     writer.op_assign(dst += src);
     writer.op_assign(dst += exp(src));
     std::cout << "======== KERNEL ========" << std::endl;
     std::cout << writer.generate_code() << std::endl;
\ No newline at end of file