COMPMID-805 Add NHWC data format support for CL pooling

Change-Id: I3d91fde78b971aba3f6349f633cd9b1c50e5cacf
Reviewed-by: Gian Marco Iodice <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Georgios Pinitas <>
diff --git a/src/core/CL/kernels/CLPoolingLayerKernel.cpp b/src/core/CL/kernels/CLPoolingLayerKernel.cpp
index b4deec1..7907d01 100644
--- a/src/core/CL/kernels/CLPoolingLayerKernel.cpp
+++ b/src/core/CL/kernels/CLPoolingLayerKernel.cpp
@@ -34,53 +34,52 @@
 #include "arm_compute/core/Utils.h"
 #include "arm_compute/core/Validate.h"
 #include "arm_compute/core/Window.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/utils/misc/ShapeCalculator.h"
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
 #include <tuple>
 using namespace arm_compute;
+using namespace arm_compute::misc::shape_calculator;
 // Internal window config info
 using CLPoolingConfig = std::pair<unsigned int, BorderSize>; //num_elems_processed_per_iteration, border_size
-void auto_init(const ITensorInfo *input, ITensorInfo *output, unsigned int pooled_w, unsigned int pooled_h)
+void auto_init(const ITensorInfo *input, ITensorInfo *output, PoolingLayerInfo pool_info)
-    TensorShape output_shape{ input->tensor_shape() };
-    output_shape.set(0, pooled_w);
-    output_shape.set(1, pooled_h);
-    auto_init_if_empty(*output, input->clone()->set_tensor_shape(output_shape));
+    TensorShape out_shape = compute_pool_shape(*input, pool_info);
+    auto_init_if_empty(*output, input->clone()->set_tensor_shape(out_shape));
 Status validate_arguments(const ITensorInfo *input, const ITensorInfo *output, const PoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
-    ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_CHANNEL_NOT_IN(input, 1, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QS8, DataType::QS16, DataType::F16, DataType::F32);
+    DataLayout data_layout = input->data_layout();
+    switch(data_layout)
+    {
+        case DataLayout::NCHW:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_CHANNEL_NOT_IN(input, 1, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QS8, DataType::QS16, DataType::F16, DataType::F32);
+            break;
+        case DataLayout::NHWC:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_CHANNEL_NOT_IN(input, 1, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::F16, DataType::F32);
+            break;
+        default:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data layout not supported");
+    }
     ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG((is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(input->data_type()) && pool_info.pool_type() == PoolingType::L2),
                                     "Unsupported combination of parameters!");
-    const bool         is_global_pooling = pool_info.is_global_pooling();
-    const unsigned int pool_size_x       = is_global_pooling ? input->tensor_shape().x() : pool_info.pool_size().width;
-    const unsigned int pool_size_y       = is_global_pooling ? input->tensor_shape().y() : pool_info.pool_size().height;
     // Checks performed when output is configured
     if(output->total_size() != 0)
-        unsigned int pooled_w = 0;
-        unsigned int pooled_h = 0;
-        std::tie(pooled_w, pooled_h) = scaled_dimensions(input->dimension(0),
-                                                         input->dimension(1),
-                                                         pool_size_x,
-                                                         pool_size_y,
-                                                         pool_info.pad_stride_info());
-        ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG((output->dimension(0) != pooled_w) || (output->dimension(1) != pooled_h),
-                                        "Invalid output pooling dimensions!");
+        TensorInfo out_info(TensorInfo(compute_pool_shape(*input, pool_info), 1, output->data_type(), output->fixed_point_position()));
     return Status{};
@@ -88,59 +87,83 @@
 std::tuple<Status, Window, CLPoolingConfig> validate_and_configure_window(ITensorInfo *input, ITensorInfo *output, const PoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output);
+    // Get data layout
+    const DataLayout data_layout = input->data_layout();
+    const int        idx_width   = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH);
+    const int        idx_height  = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::HEIGHT);
     int                 pool_stride_x   = 0;
     int                 pool_stride_y   = 0;
     unsigned int        pooled_w        = 0;
     unsigned int        pooled_h        = 0;
-    int                 pool_size_x     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->dimension(0) : pool_info.pool_size().width;
-    int                 pool_size_y     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->dimension(1) : pool_info.pool_size().height;
+    int                 pool_size_x     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->dimension(idx_width) : pool_info.pool_size().width;
+    int                 pool_size_y     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->dimension(idx_height) : pool_info.pool_size().height;
     const PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info = pool_info.pad_stride_info();
     std::tie(pool_stride_x, pool_stride_y) = pad_stride_info.stride();
-    const int pool_pad_right  = pad_stride_info.pad_right();
-    const int pool_pad_top    = pad_stride_info.pad_top();
-    const int pool_pad_left   = pad_stride_info.pad_left();
-    const int pool_pad_bottom = pad_stride_info.pad_bottom();
+    const int  pool_pad_right  = pad_stride_info.pad_right();
+    const int  pool_pad_top    = pad_stride_info.pad_top();
+    const int  pool_pad_left   = pad_stride_info.pad_left();
+    const int  pool_pad_bottom = pad_stride_info.pad_bottom();
+    BorderSize border_size     = BorderSize(pool_pad_top, pool_pad_right, pool_pad_bottom, pool_pad_left);
-    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output);
+    auto_init(input, output, pool_info);
+    pooled_w = output->tensor_shape()[idx_width];
+    pooled_h = output->tensor_shape()[idx_height];
-    // Check output dimensions
-    std::tie(pooled_w, pooled_h) = scaled_dimensions(input->dimension(0),
-                                                     input->dimension(1),
-                                                     pool_size_x,
-                                                     pool_size_y,
-                                                     pad_stride_info);
+    const DataType data_type = input->data_type();
-    auto_init(input, output, pooled_w, pooled_h);
+    const int input_width  = input->dimension(idx_width);
+    const int input_height = input->dimension(idx_height);
-    BorderSize     border_size = BorderSize(pool_pad_top, pool_pad_right, pool_pad_bottom, pool_pad_left);
-    const DataType data_type   = input->data_type();
+    unsigned int num_elems_processed_per_iteration = 0;
+    bool         window_changed                    = false;
+    Window       win{};
+    switch(data_layout)
+    {
+        case DataLayout::NCHW:
+        {
+            // Change the number of elements processed per iteration
+            // for pooling 3x3 with stride less equal than 3
+            const bool can_optimize                         = (pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && (pool_stride_x <= 3) && !is_data_type_quantized(data_type);
+            num_elems_processed_per_iteration               = can_optimize ? 4 : 1;
+            const unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration = (num_elems_processed_per_iteration - 1) * pool_stride_x + pool_size_x;
-    const int input_width  = input->dimension(0);
-    const int input_height = input->dimension(1);
+            // Number of iterations in X dimension
+            const int num_iterations_x = (pooled_w + num_elems_processed_per_iteration - 1) / num_elems_processed_per_iteration;
-    // Change the number of elements processed per iteration
-    // for pooling 3x3 with stride less equal than 3
-    const bool         can_optimize                      = (pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && (pool_stride_x <= 3) && !is_data_type_quantized(data_type);
-    const unsigned int num_elems_processed_per_iteration = can_optimize ? 4 : 1;
-    const int          num_elems_read_per_iteration      = (num_elems_processed_per_iteration - 1) * pool_stride_x + pool_size_x;
+            // Upper limit for the number of right/bottom border elements that are accessed
+            const int upper_bound_w = ((num_iterations_x - 1) * num_elems_processed_per_iteration * pool_stride_x - pool_pad_left + num_elems_read_per_iteration) - input_width;
+            const int upper_bound_h = ((pooled_h - 1) * pool_stride_y - pool_pad_top + pool_size_y) - input_height;
-    // Number of iterations in X dimension
-    const int num_iterations_x = (pooled_w + num_elems_processed_per_iteration - 1) / num_elems_processed_per_iteration;
+            border_size.right  = std::max(upper_bound_w, pool_pad_right);
+            border_size.bottom = std::max(upper_bound_h, pool_pad_bottom);
-    // Upper limit for the number of right/bottom border elements that are accessed
-    const int upper_bound_w = ((num_iterations_x - 1) * num_elems_processed_per_iteration * pool_stride_x - pool_pad_left + num_elems_read_per_iteration) - input_width;
-    const int upper_bound_h = ((pooled_h - 1) * pool_stride_y - pool_pad_top + pool_size_y) - input_height;
+            win = calculate_max_window(*output, Steps(num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
-    border_size.right  = std::max(upper_bound_w, pool_pad_right);
-    border_size.bottom = std::max(upper_bound_h, pool_pad_bottom);
+            AccessWindowRectangle input_access(input, -pool_pad_left, -pool_pad_top, num_elems_read_per_iteration, pool_size_y,
+                                               pool_stride_x * num_elems_processed_per_iteration, pool_stride_y);
+            AccessWindowHorizontal output_access(output, 0, num_elems_processed_per_iteration);
+            window_changed = update_window_and_padding(win, input_access, output_access);
+            output_access.set_valid_region(win, ValidRegion(Coordinates(), output->tensor_shape()));
+            break;
+        }
+        case DataLayout::NHWC:
+        {
+            num_elems_processed_per_iteration = 8;
+            win                               = calculate_max_window(*output, Steps(num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
-    Window win = calculate_max_window(*output, Steps(num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
-    AccessWindowRectangle input_access(input, -pool_pad_left, -pool_pad_top, num_elems_read_per_iteration, pool_size_y,
-                                       pool_stride_x * num_elems_processed_per_iteration, pool_stride_y);
-    AccessWindowHorizontal output_access(output, 0, num_elems_processed_per_iteration);
-    bool                   window_changed = update_window_and_padding(win, input_access, output_access);
-    output_access.set_valid_region(win, ValidRegion(Coordinates(), output->tensor_shape()));
+            AccessWindowRectangle input_access(input, -1, -1, num_elems_processed_per_iteration, pool_size_y,
+                                               pool_stride_x * num_elems_processed_per_iteration, pool_stride_y);
+            AccessWindowHorizontal output_access(output, 0, num_elems_processed_per_iteration);
+            window_changed = update_window_and_padding(win, input_access, output_access);
+            output_access.set_valid_region(win, ValidRegion(Coordinates(), output->tensor_shape()));
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
+    }
     Status err = (window_changed) ? ARM_COMPUTE_CREATE_ERROR(ErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, "Insufficient Padding!") : Status{};
     return std::make_tuple(err, win, CLPoolingConfig(num_elems_processed_per_iteration, border_size));
@@ -159,30 +182,25 @@
 void CLPoolingLayerKernel::configure(const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const PoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
+    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output);
     int                 pool_stride_x   = 0;
     int                 pool_stride_y   = 0;
-    unsigned int        pooled_w        = 0;
-    unsigned int        pooled_h        = 0;
     const PoolingType   pool_type       = pool_info.pool_type();
-    const int           pool_size_x     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->info()->dimension(0) : pool_info.pool_size().width;
-    const int           pool_size_y     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->info()->dimension(1) : pool_info.pool_size().height;
+    DataLayout          data_layout     = input->info()->data_layout();
+    const int           idx_width       = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH);
+    const int           idx_height      = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::HEIGHT);
+    const int           idx_channel     = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::CHANNEL);
+    const int           pool_size_x     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->info()->dimension(idx_width) : pool_info.pool_size().width;
+    const int           pool_size_y     = pool_info.is_global_pooling() ? input->info()->dimension(idx_height) : pool_info.pool_size().height;
     const PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info = pool_info.pad_stride_info();
     const bool          exclude_padding = pool_info.exclude_padding();
     std::tie(pool_stride_x, pool_stride_y) = pad_stride_info.stride();
     const int pool_pad_top  = pad_stride_info.pad_top();
     const int pool_pad_left = pad_stride_info.pad_left();
-    ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output);
     // Check output dimensions
-    std::tie(pooled_w, pooled_h) = scaled_dimensions(input->info()->dimension(0),
-                                                     input->info()->dimension(1),
-                                                     pool_size_x,
-                                                     pool_size_y,
-                                                     pad_stride_info);
-    auto_init(input->info(), output->info(), pooled_w, pooled_h);
+    auto_init(input->info(), output->info(), pool_info);
     ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), output->info(), pool_info));
     // Set instance variables
@@ -200,65 +218,93 @@
                              "-DFIXED_POINT_POSITION=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->fixed_point_position()));
     build_opts.add_option("-DSTRIDE_X=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_stride_x));
-    if(pool_type != PoolingType::MAX)
-    {
-        build_opts.add_option_if(exclude_padding, "-DEXCLUDE_PADDING");
-        build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_WIDTH=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(0) + (exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_left)));
-        build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_HEIGHT=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(1) + (exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_top)));
-        build_opts.add_option("-DSTRIDE_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_stride_y));
-        build_opts.add_option("-DPAD_X=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_pad_left));
-        build_opts.add_option("-DPAD_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_pad_top));
-    }
+    build_opts.add_option("-DSTRIDE_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_stride_y));
+    build_opts.add_option("-DPAD_X=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_pad_left));
+    build_opts.add_option("-DPAD_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_pad_top));
+    build_opts.add_option("-DPOOL_SIZE_X=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_x));
+    build_opts.add_option("-DPOOL_SIZE_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_y));
+    build_opts.add_option_if(data_type == DataType::F16, "-DFP16");
     // Create kernel
-    if((pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && !is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type))
+    switch(data_layout)
-        // Check if we have pool3x3 with stride_x less equal than 3. In these cases, run an optimized OpenCL kernel where
-        // each thread computes 4 output elements
-        const bool is_pool3x3_stride_le3 = (pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && (pool_stride_x <= 3) && !is_data_type_fixed_point(data_type);
+        case DataLayout::NCHW:
+        {
+            build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_WIDTH=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(idx_width) + (exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_left)));
+            build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_HEIGHT=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(idx_height) + (exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_top)));
+            if(pool_type != PoolingType::MAX)
+            {
+                build_opts.add_option_if(exclude_padding, "-DEXCLUDE_PADDING");
+            }
-        std::string kernel_name = ((is_pool3x3_stride_le3) ? "pooling_layer_optimized_" : "pooling_layer_")
-                                  + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_x);
-        _kernel = static_cast<cl::Kernel>(CLKernelLibrary::get().create_kernel(kernel_name, build_opts.options()));
-    }
-    else // Run general case
-    {
-        build_opts.add_option("-DPOOL_SIZE_X=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_x));
-        build_opts.add_option("-DPOOL_SIZE_Y=" + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_y));
-        build_opts.add_option_if(data_type == DataType::F16, "-DFP16");
+            if((pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && !is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type))
+            {
+                // Check if we have pool3x3 with stride_x less equal than 3. In these cases, run an optimized OpenCL kernel where
+                // each thread computes 4 output elements
+                const bool is_pool3x3_stride_le3 = (pool_size_x == 3) && (pool_size_y == 3) && (pool_stride_x <= 3) && !is_data_type_fixed_point(data_type);
-        std::string kernel_name = is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type) ? "pooling_layer_MxN_quantized" : "pooling_layer_MxN";
-        _kernel                 = static_cast<cl::Kernel>(CLKernelLibrary::get().create_kernel(kernel_name, build_opts.options()));
+                std::string kernel_name = ((is_pool3x3_stride_le3) ? "pooling_layer_optimized_" : "pooling_layer_")
+                                          + support::cpp11::to_string(pool_size_x);
+                _kernel = static_cast<cl::Kernel>(CLKernelLibrary::get().create_kernel(kernel_name, build_opts.options()));
+            }
+            else // Run general case
+            {
+                std::string kernel_name = is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type) ? "pooling_layer_MxN_quantized_nchw" : "pooling_layer_MxN_nchw";
+                _kernel                 = static_cast<cl::Kernel>(CLKernelLibrary::get().create_kernel(kernel_name, build_opts.options()));
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        case DataLayout::NHWC:
+        {
+            build_opts.add_option_if(exclude_padding, "-DEXCLUDE_PADDING");
+            build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_WIDTH=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(idx_width)));
+            build_opts.add_option("-DMAX_HEIGHT=" + support::cpp11::to_string(input->info()->dimension(idx_height)));
+            std::string kernel_name = is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type) ? "pooling_layer_MxN_quantized_nhwc" : "pooling_layer_MxN_nhwc";
+            _kernel                 = static_cast<cl::Kernel>(CLKernelLibrary::get().create_kernel(kernel_name, build_opts.options()));
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
     // Configure kernel window
     auto win_config = validate_and_configure_window(input->info(), output->info(), pool_info);
+    ICLKernel::configure(std::get<1>(win_config));
     // Configure the local work size (hint) from the first two dimensions of the global work size.
     // On Bifrost, this works for up to 35x35xC filters, for which the pooling_layer_3_optimized
     // kernel is launched with gws=(9, 33, C). In any case, the hint will be ignored if it is
     // invalid (e.g. exceeds the maximum workgroup size that the kernel can be launched with).
-    if(gpu_target_is_in(gpu_target, GPUTarget::G71, GPUTarget::G72, GPUTarget::G51, GPUTarget::G51BIG, GPUTarget::G51LIT, GPUTarget::TNOX))
+    if(data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW)
-        cl::NDRange gws = ICLKernel::gws_from_window(std::get<1>(win_config));
-        _lws_hint       = cl::NDRange(gws[0], gws[1], 1);
+        CLPoolingConfig pooling_config     = std::get<2>(win_config);
+        _num_elems_processed_per_iteration = pooling_config.first;
+        _border_size                       = pooling_config.second;
+        if(gpu_target_is_in(gpu_target, GPUTarget::G71, GPUTarget::G72, GPUTarget::G51, GPUTarget::G51BIG, GPUTarget::G51LIT, GPUTarget::TNOX))
+        {
+            cl::NDRange gws = ICLKernel::gws_from_window(std::get<1>(win_config));
+            _lws_hint       = cl::NDRange(gws[0], gws[1], 1);
+        }
-    ICLKernel::configure(std::get<1>(win_config));
-    CLPoolingConfig pooling_config     = std::get<2>(win_config);
-    _num_elems_processed_per_iteration = pooling_config.first;
-    _border_size                       = pooling_config.second;
+    else
+    {
+        _border_size                       = BorderSize(1, 0, 0, 0);
+        _num_elems_processed_per_iteration = 8;
+    }
     // Set config_id for enabling LWS tuning
     _config_id = "pooling_layer_";
     _config_id += lower_string(string_from_data_type(data_type));
     _config_id += "_";
-    _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(output->info()->dimension(0));
+    _config_id += lower_string(string_from_data_layout(data_layout));
     _config_id += "_";
-    _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(output->info()->dimension(1));
+    _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(output->info()->dimension(idx_width));
+    _config_id += "_";
+    _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(output->info()->dimension(idx_height));
+    _config_id += "_";
+    _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(output->info()->dimension(idx_channel));
 Status CLPoolingLayerKernel::validate(const ITensorInfo *input, const ITensorInfo *output, const PoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
@@ -278,25 +324,52 @@
     unsigned int pool_stride_y = 0;
     std::tie(pool_stride_x, pool_stride_y) = _pool_info.pad_stride_info().stride();
-    Window window_collapsed = window.collapse_if_possible(ICLKernel::window(), Window::DimZ);
-    Window slice            = window_collapsed.first_slice_window_3D();
-    do
+    switch(_input->info()->data_layout())
-        // Upsample input by pool size
-        Window in_slice(slice);
-        in_slice.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(in_slice.x().start() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_left(),
-                                                     (in_slice.x().end() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_left()) * pool_stride_x,
-                                                     pool_stride_x * _num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
-        in_slice.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(in_slice.y().start() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_top(),
-                                                     (in_slice.y().end() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_top()) * pool_stride_y,
-                                                     pool_stride_y));
+        case DataLayout::NCHW:
+        {
+            Window window_collapsed = window.collapse_if_possible(ICLKernel::window(), Window::DimZ);
+            Window slice            = window_collapsed.first_slice_window_3D();
+            do
+            {
+                // Upsample input by pool size
+                Window in_slice(slice);
+                in_slice.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(in_slice.x().start() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_left(),
+                                                             (in_slice.x().end() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_left()) * pool_stride_x,
+                                                             pool_stride_x * _num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
+                in_slice.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(in_slice.y().start() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_top(),
+                                                             (in_slice.y().end() - _pool_info.pad_stride_info().pad_top()) * pool_stride_y,
+                                                             pool_stride_y));
-        // Set inputs
-        unsigned int idx = 0;
-        add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _input, in_slice);
-        add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _output, slice);
-        enqueue(queue, *this, slice, _lws_hint);
+                // Set inputs
+                unsigned int idx = 0;
+                add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _input, in_slice);
+                add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _output, slice);
+                enqueue(queue, *this, slice, _lws_hint);
+            }
+            while(window_collapsed.slide_window_slice_3D(slice));
+            break;
+        }
+        case DataLayout::NHWC:
+        {
+            Window slice = window.first_slice_window_3D();
+            Window in_slice = window.first_slice_window_3D();
+            in_slice.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, _input->info()->dimension(0), _num_elems_processed_per_iteration));
+            in_slice.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, _input->info()->dimension(1), pool_stride_x));
+            in_slice.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, _input->info()->dimension(2), pool_stride_y));
+            do
+            {
+                // Set inputs
+                unsigned int idx = 0;
+                add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _input, in_slice);
+                add_3D_tensor_argument(idx, _output, slice);
+                enqueue(queue, *this, slice, _lws_hint);
+            }
+            while(window.slide_window_slice_3D(slice) && window.slide_window_slice_3D(in_slice));
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
-    while(window_collapsed.slide_window_slice_3D(slice));