Design wrapper around CKW for easier writing

Signed-off-by: Nikolaj Jensen <>
Change-Id: I114cdedcaf05c6abde046741837eeb73b813aa9d
Signed-off-by: Nikolaj Jensen <>
Tested-by: bsgcomp <>
Reviewed-by: Viet-Hoa Do <>
Comments-Addressed: bsgcomp <>
Signed-off-by: Nikolaj Jensen <>
Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <>
Comments-Addressed: Arm Jenkins <>
Benchmark: Arm Jenkins <>
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/CMakeLists.txt b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/CMakeLists.txt
index 3d6a192..13d1ae8 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -73,3 +73,6 @@
 add_executable(ckw_prototype_examples_add_exp_store examples/add_exp_store.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(ckw_prototype_examples_add_exp_store PUBLIC ckw_prototype_examples_common)
+add_executable(writer_helper examples/writer_helper.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(writer_helper PUBLIC ckw_prototype)
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccef92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/examples/writer_helper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2023 Arm Limited.
+* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include "ckw/KernelWriter.h"
+#include "../include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h"
+#include "ckw/TensorTileSampler.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace ckw;
+TensorTileSampler create_simple_sampler(KernelWriter& writer)
+    TensorTileSampler sampler;
+    constexpr int32_t m0 = 1;
+    constexpr int32_t n0 = 1;
+    auto &gid_0 = writer.declare_tile("gid_0", DataType::Int32);
+    auto &gid_1 = writer.declare_tile("gid_1", DataType::Int32);
+    auto &gid_2 = writer.declare_tile("gid_2", DataType::Int32);
+    auto &const_0 = writer.declare_tile("0", 0);
+    writer.op_get_global_id(gid_0, 0);
+    writer.op_get_global_id(gid_1, 1);
+    writer.op_get_global_id(gid_2, 2);
+    sampler.x(gid_0);
+    sampler.y(gid_1);
+    sampler.z(gid_2);
+    sampler.b(const_0);
+    sampler.width(n0);
+    sampler.height(m0);
+    sampler.format(TensorSamplerFormat::C_WH_1);
+    sampler.address_mode_x(TensorSamplerAddressModeX::None);
+    sampler.address_mode_y(TensorSamplerAddressModeY::ClampToBorder);
+    sampler.address_mode_z(TensorSamplerAddressModeZ::Skip);
+    return sampler;
+int main()
+    Kernel kernel("test", GpuTargetLanguage::OpenCL);
+    KernelWriterHelper<KernelWriter> writer(kernel);
+    const TensorInfo src_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 0);
+    const TensorInfo dst_info(DataType::Fp32, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }), TensorDataLayout::Nhwc, 1);
+    auto &src_tensor = writer.declare_tensor_argument("src", src_info);
+    auto &dst_tensor = writer.declare_tensor_argument("dst", dst_info);
+    const auto sampler = create_simple_sampler(writer);
+    auto &src = writer.declare_tile("src_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
+    auto &other = writer.declare_tile("other_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
+    auto &dst = writer.declare_tile("dst_tile", TileInfo(src_tensor.data_type(), sampler.height(), sampler.width()));
+    writer.op_load(src, src_tensor, sampler);
+    writer.op_load(other, src_tensor, sampler);
+    writer.op_load(dst, dst_tensor, sampler);
+    auto test = dst ^ src ^ other;
+    auto other_test = logical_and(dst, src, other);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, logical_and(dst, src, other));
+    writer.op_assign(dst, test);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, other_test);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, operator^(operator^(dst, src), other));
+    writer.op_if(exp(src) == dst, [&]{
+        writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src);
+    }).op_else_if(exp(src) > dst, [&]{
+        writer.op_binary_expression(dst, src, BinaryOp::Add, src);
+    }).op_else([&] {
+        writer.op_assign(dst, src);
+    });
+    writer.op_assign(dst, src + src * src);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, src * max(src, dst) + src);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, src * select(src, dst, src) + src);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, src ^ dst);
+    writer.op_assign(dst, ~src);
+    writer.op_for_loop(dst < src, dst += src, [&]{
+        writer.op_assign(dst, src + dst);
+    });
+    writer.op_assign(dst += src);
+    writer.op_assign(dst += exp(src));
+    std::cout << "======== KERNEL ========" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << writer.generate_code() << std::endl;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriter.h b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriter.h
index 146fdac..c116e62 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriter.h
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriter.h
@@ -230,16 +230,17 @@
     void op_else(const std::function<void()> &body);
-    /** Write for-loops: `for(; <var> <cond_op> <cond_value>; <update_op> <update_value>) { body }`.
+    /** Write for-loops: `for(; <var> <cond_op> <cond_value>; <var> <update_op> <update_value>) { body }`.
      * @param[in]       var_name          The name of the variable used in condition.
      * @param[in]       cond_op           The relational binary operator used in condition.
      * @param[in]       cond_value_name   The value which the variable is compared against.
+     * @param[in]       update_var_name   The name of the variable which is updated.
      * @param[in]       update_op         The assignment operator used for updating the update value.
      * @param[in, out]  update_value      The value which is updated at every iteration.
      * @param[in]       body              The body of the for-loop.
-    void op_for_loop(const TileOperand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const TileOperand &cond_value_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const TileOperand &update_value_name, const std::function<void()> &body);
+    void op_for_loop(const TileOperand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const TileOperand &cond_value_name, const TileOperand &update_var_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const TileOperand &update_value_name, const std::function<void()> &body);
     /** Write the return statement: `return;`
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8be859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriterHelper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Arm Limited.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+ * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+ * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include "ckw/KernelWriter.h"
+#include "ckw/TensorOperand.h"
+#include "ckw/TileOperand.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <iostream>
+ * By including this header file you will be able to supplement the default
+ * Compute Kernel Writer API with additional syntax to help ease the use of CKW.
+ *
+ * To use the KernelWriterHelper you need to wrap your instance of KernelWriter
+ * (or any class deriving from KernelWriter):
+ *      KernelWriterHelper<KernelWriter> writer;
+ * The resulting writer object comprises the original KernelWriter
+ * functionality (drop-in replacement), but extends the syntax as follows.
+ *
+ * Common functions/operators have natural syntax:
+ *  1. Unary expressions:
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, !src);        // Logical NOT
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, ~src);        // Bitwise NOT
+ *
+ *  2. Binary expressions:
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs + rhs);   // Addition
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs - rhs);   // Subtraction
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs * rhs);   // Multiplication
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs / rhs);   // Division
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs % rhs);   // Modulo
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs == rhs);  // Equality
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs < rhs);   // Less-than
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs <= rhs);  // Less-than-or-equal
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs > rhs);   // Greater-than
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs >= rhs);  // Greater-than-or-equal
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, lhs ^ rhs);   // Bitwise XOR
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, logical_and(lhs, rhs));  // Logical AND
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, logical_or(lhs, rhs));   // Logical OR
+ *
+ *  3. Unary elementwise functions:
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, exp(src));    // Exponent
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, tanh(src));   // Hyperbolic tangent
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, sqrt(src));   // Square root
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, erf(src));    // Error function
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, fabs(src));   // Absolute of floating-point number
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, log(src));    // Natural logarithm
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, round(src));  // Round
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, sizeOf(src)); // sizeof
+ *
+ *  4. Binary elementwise functions:
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, max(first, second));      // Max
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, min(first, second));      // Min
+ *
+ *  5. Ternary elementwise functions:
+ *          writer.op_assign(dst, select(first, second, third));    // Select
+ *
+ * NOTE: All the above examples support nesting, so you could write
+ * something like: writer.op_assign(dst, src * (log(arg) + sqrt(abs(arg)));
+ *
+ *
+ *  6. If-statements. The preceding syntax also allows easier writing of if-statements:
+ *          writer.op_if(<cond>, <body>);
+ *
+ *     For example:
+ *          writer.op_if(exp(first_arg) == dst, [&]{
+ *              //...
+ *          }).op_else_if(exp(first_arg) > dst, [&]{
+ *              //...
+ *          }).op_else([&] {
+ *              //...
+ *          });
+ *
+ *  7. For-loops. A similar syntax exists for for-loops:
+ *          writer.op_for_loop(<cond>, <updater>, <body>);
+ *
+ *     For example:
+ *          writer.op_for_loop(index < limit, index += step, [&]{
+ *              //...
+ *          });
+ *
+ * NOTE: There are limitations on the for-loop <cond> and <updater> parameters.
+ * In neither the <cond> (Binary expression) or <updater> (Increment/Decrement)
+ * is it allowed to use nesting. For example, `(index + other) < limit` and
+ * `index < round(limit)` are invalid <cond> parameters. This is because the
+ * semantics of for-loops rely on the condition being evaluated at every iteration,
+ * but as temporary variables might be defined for nested expressions the semantics
+ * cannot be guaranteed.
+ */
+namespace ckw
+// ==================================================
+// Type traits
+// ==================================================
+/** Specifies if the type can be used as an operand for functions (e.g. max), operations (e.g. *), or assignments. */
+template <typename T>
+struct can_be_operand : ::std::false_type
+/** Specifies if the type can be assigned/written to. */
+template <typename T>
+struct can_be_assigned : ::std::false_type
+template <>
+struct can_be_operand<TileOperand &> : ::std::true_type
+template <>
+struct can_be_assigned<TileOperand &> : ::std::true_type
+// ==================================================
+// Assignment
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for assignments.
+ *
+ * Note that \p TRight must be an operand, and \p TLeft must be assignable.
+ *
+ * @tparam TLeft The type of the destination of the assignment.
+ * @tparam TRight The type of the source assigned to the destination.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight, typename = ::std::enable_if<can_be_operand<TRight>::value && can_be_assigned<TLeft>::value>>
+struct Assignment
+    TLeft        lhs;
+    TRight       rhs;
+    AssignmentOp opcode;
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs += \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TLeft    The type of the LHS of the assignment.
+ * @tparam      TRight   The type of the RHS of the assignment.
+ * @param[in]   lhs      The LHS of the assignment.
+ * @param[in]   rhs      The RHS of the assignment.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline Assignment<TLeft, TRight> operator+=(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return Assignment<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), AssignmentOp::Increment };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs -= \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TLeft    The type of the LHS of the assignment.
+ * @tparam      TRight   The type of the RHS of the assignment.
+ * @param[in]   lhs    The LHS of the assignment.
+ * @param[in]   rhs    The RHS of the assignment.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline Assignment<TLeft, TRight> operator-=(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return Assignment<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), AssignmentOp::Decrement };
+// ==================================================
+// Unary expression
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for unary expressions.
+ *
+ * Note that \p TSrc must be an operand.
+ *
+ * @tparam TSrc The type of the argument to the expression.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc, typename = ::std::enable_if<can_be_operand<TSrc>::value>>
+struct UnaryExpression
+    TSrc    src;
+    UnaryOp opcode;
+template <typename TLeft>
+struct can_be_operand<UnaryExpression<TLeft>> : ::std::true_type
+/** Represents the expression: `!\p src`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+inline UnaryExpression<TSrc> operator!(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryExpression<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryOp::LogicalNot };
+/** Represents the expression: `~\p src`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+inline UnaryExpression<TSrc> operator~(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryExpression<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryOp::BitwiseNot };
+// ==================================================
+// Binary expressions
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for binary expressions.
+ *
+ * Note that both \p TLeft and \p TRight must be operands.
+ *
+ * @tparam TLeft  The type of the left argument of the expression.
+ * @tparam TRight The type of the right argument of the expression.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight, typename = ::std::enable_if_t<can_be_operand<TLeft>::value && can_be_operand<TRight>::value>>
+struct BinaryExpression
+    TLeft    lhs;
+    TRight   rhs;
+    BinaryOp opcode;
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+struct can_be_operand<BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>> : ::std::true_type
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs + \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator+(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Add };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs - \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator-(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Sub };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs * \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator*(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Mul };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs / \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator/(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Div };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs % \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator%(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Mod };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs == \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator==(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Equal };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs < \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator<(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Less };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs <= \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator<=(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::LessEqual };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs > \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator>(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::Greater };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs >= \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator>=(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::GreaterEqual };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs ^ \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> operator^(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::BitwiseXOR };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs && \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> logical_and(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::LogicalAnd };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs && \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight, typename... TOps>
+inline BinaryExpression<BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>, TOps...> logical_and(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs, TOps &&...ops)
+    return logical_and(
+        BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::LogicalAnd },
+        std::forward<TOps>(ops)...);
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs || \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+inline BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> logical_or(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs)
+    return BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::LogicalOr };
+/** Represents the expression: `\p lhs || \p rhs`.
+ *
+ * @tparam     TLeft  The type of the LHS of the expression.
+ * @tparam     TRight The type of the RHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  lhs    The LHS of the expression.
+ * @param[in]  rhs    The RHS of the expression.
+ * @return     The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TLeft, typename TRight, typename... TOps>
+inline BinaryExpression<BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>, TOps...> logical_or(TLeft &&lhs, TRight &&rhs, TOps &&...ops)
+    return logical_or(
+        BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight>{ std::forward<TLeft>(lhs), std::forward<TRight>(rhs), BinaryOp::LogicalOr },
+        std::forward<TOps>(ops)...);
+// ==================================================
+// Unary elementwise functions
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for unary elementwise functions.
+ *
+ * Note that \p TSrc must be an operand.
+ *
+ * @tparam TSrc The type of the argument to the function.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc, typename = ::std::enable_if<can_be_operand<TSrc>::value>>
+struct UnaryElementwiseFunction
+    TSrc          src;
+    UnaryFunction opcode;
+template <typename TLeft>
+struct can_be_operand<UnaryElementwiseFunction<TLeft>> : ::std::true_type
+/** Represents the expression: `exp(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> exp(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Exp };
+/** Represents the expression: `tanh(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> tanh(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Tanh };
+/** Represents the expression: `sqrt(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> sqrt(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Sqrt };
+/** Represents the expression: `erf(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> erf(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Erf };
+/** Represents the expression: `fabs(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> fabs(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Fabs };
+/** Represents the expression: `log(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> log(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Log };
+/** Represents the expression: `round(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> round(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::Round };
+/** Represents the expression: `sizeof(\p src)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TSrc The type of the argument.
+ * @param[in]   src  The argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TSrc>
+UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc> sizeOf(TSrc &&src)
+    return UnaryElementwiseFunction<TSrc>{ std::forward<TSrc>(src), UnaryFunction::SizeOf };
+// ==================================================
+// Binary elementwise functions
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for binary elementwise functions.
+ *
+ * Note that both \p TFirst and \p TSecond must be operands.
+ *
+ * @tparam TFirst  The type of the left argument of the function.
+ * @tparam TSecond The type of the right argument of the function.
+ */
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename = ::std::enable_if<can_be_operand<TFirst>::value && can_be_operand<TSecond>::value>>
+struct BinaryElementwiseFunction
+    TFirst         first;
+    TSecond        second;
+    BinaryFunction opcode;
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
+struct can_be_operand<BinaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond>> : ::std::true_type
+/** Represents the function call: `max(\p first, \p second)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TFirst  The type of the first argument.
+ * @tparam      TSecond The type of the second argument.
+ * @param[in]   first   The first argument.
+ * @param[in]   second  The second argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
+BinaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond> max(TFirst &&first, TSecond &&second)
+    return BinaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond>{ std::forward<TFirst>(first), std::forward<TSecond>(second), BinaryFunction::Max };
+/** Represents the function call: `min(\p first, \p second)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TFirst  The type of the first argument.
+ * @tparam      TSecond The type of the second argument.
+ * @param[in]   first   The first argument.
+ * @param[in]   second  The second argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
+BinaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond> min(TFirst &&first, TSecond &&second)
+    return BinaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond>{ std::forward<TFirst>(first), std::forward<TSecond>(second), BinaryFunction::Min };
+// ==================================================
+// Ternary elementwise functions
+// ==================================================
+/** AST node for ternary elementwise functions.
+ *
+ * Note that \p TFirst, \p TSecond, and \p TThird all must be operands.
+ *
+ * @tparam TFirst The type of the first argument to the function.
+ * @tparam TSecond The type of the second argument to the function.
+ * @tparam TThird The type of the third argument to the function.
+ */
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename TThird, typename = ::std::enable_if<can_be_operand<TFirst>::value && can_be_operand<TSecond>::value && can_be_operand<TThird>::value>>
+struct TernaryElementwiseFunction
+    TFirst          first;
+    TSecond         second;
+    TThird          third;
+    TernaryFunction opcode;
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename TThird>
+struct can_be_operand<TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond, TThird>> : ::std::true_type
+/** Represents the function call: `select(\p first, \p second, \p third)`.
+ *
+ * @tparam      TFirst  The type of the first argument.
+ * @tparam      TSecond The type of the second argument.
+ * @tparam      TThird  The type of the third argument.
+ * @param[in]   first   The first argument.
+ * @param[in]   second  The second argument.
+ * @param[in]   third   The third argument.
+ * @return      The resulting AST node.
+ */
+template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename TThird>
+TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond, TThird> select(TFirst &&first, TSecond &&second, TThird &&third)
+    return TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond, TThird>{ std::forward<TFirst>(first), std::forward<TSecond>(second), std::forward<TThird>(third), TernaryFunction::Select };
+/** Helper class used to extend a KernelWriter with additional functionality
+ * in order to make writing easier.
+ *
+ * This extension automatically handles creation of temporary variables, and
+ * allows nested function calls and operations.
+ *
+ * @tparam TWriter The type of KernelWriter to be overloaded. This must inherit from KernelWriter.
+ */
+template <class TWriter, typename = std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<KernelWriter, TWriter>::value>>
+class KernelWriterHelper : public TWriter
+    using TWriter::TWriter;
+    // ==================================================
+    // If-statements
+    // ==================================================
+    // Un-hide original implementation, in case the original implementation is required.
+    using TWriter::op_if;
+    /** Represents the if-statement: `if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the if-statement.
+     */
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_if(const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_if(cond.lhs, cond.opcode, cond.rhs, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /** Represents the if-statement: `if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the if-statement.
+     */
+    template <typename TRight>
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_if(const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TRight> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(cond.lhs.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, cond.rhs);
+        TWriter::op_if(cond.lhs, cond.opcode, tmp1, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /** Represents the if-statement: `if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the if-statement.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft>
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_if(const BinaryExpression<TLeft, TileOperand &> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(cond.rhs.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, cond.lhs);
+        TWriter::op_if(tmp1, cond.opcode, cond.rhs, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Un-hide original implementation, in case the original implementation is required.
+    using TWriter::op_else_if;
+    /** Represents the else-if-statement: `else if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the else-if-statement.
+     */
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_else_if(const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_else_if(cond.lhs, cond.opcode, cond.rhs, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /** Represents the else-if-statement: `else if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the else-if-statement.
+     */
+    template <typename TRight>
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_else_if(const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TRight> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(cond.lhs.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, cond.rhs);
+        TWriter::op_else_if(cond.lhs, cond.opcode, tmp1, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    /** Represents the else-if-statement: `else if(\p cond) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] body The body of the else-if-statement.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft>
+    KernelWriterHelper<TWriter> &op_else_if(const BinaryExpression<TLeft, TileOperand &> &cond, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(cond.rhs.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, cond.lhs);
+        TWriter::op_else_if(tmp1, cond.opcode, cond.rhs, body);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // For-loops
+    // ==================================================
+    // Un-hide original implementation, in case the original implementation is required.
+    using TWriter::op_for_loop;
+    /** Represents the for-loop: `for(;\p cond; \p updater) { \p body }`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression for the condition and the Assignment
+     * for the updater are unpacked and their components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] cond    The BinaryExpression representing the condition.
+     * @param[in] updater The Assignment representing the updater.
+     * @param[in] body    The body of the for-loop.
+     */
+    void op_for_loop(const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &cond, const Assignment<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &updater, const std::function<void()> &body)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_for_loop(cond.lhs, cond.opcode, cond.rhs, updater.lhs, updater.opcode, updater.rhs, body);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Unary expressions
+    // ==================================================
+    // Un-hide original implementation, in case the original implementation is required.
+    using TWriter::op_assign;
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The UnaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The UnaryExpression representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const UnaryExpression<TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_unary_expression(dst, exp.opcode, exp.src);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Binary expressions
+    // ==================================================
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryExpression representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_binary_expression(dst, exp.lhs, exp.opcode, exp.rhs);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryExpression representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TRight>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryExpression<TileOperand &, TRight> &exp)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Beginning assignment!" << std::endl;
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.rhs);
+        TWriter::op_binary_expression(dst, exp.lhs, exp.opcode, tmp1);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryExpression representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryExpression<TLeft, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Beginning assignment!" << std::endl;
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.lhs);
+        TWriter::op_binary_expression(dst, tmp1, exp.opcode, exp.rhs);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryExpression is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryExpression representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryExpression<TLeft, TRight> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.lhs);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.rhs);
+        TWriter::op_binary_expression(dst, tmp1, exp.opcode, tmp2);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Unary elementwise functions
+    // ==================================================
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The UnaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The UnaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const UnaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_unary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.src);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The UnaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The UnaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TArg>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const UnaryElementwiseFunction<TArg> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.lhs);
+        TWriter::op_unary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Binary elementwise functions
+    // ==================================================
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_binary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, exp.second);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TRight>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TRight> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.second);
+        TWriter::op_binary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, tmp1);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryElementwiseFunction<TLeft, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        TWriter::op_binary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, exp.second);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The BinaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The BinaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TLeft, typename TRight>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const BinaryElementwiseFunction<TLeft, TRight> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.second);
+        TWriter::op_binary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, tmp2);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Ternary elementwise functions
+    // ==================================================
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, exp.second, exp.third);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TFirst>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, exp.second, exp.third);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TSecond>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TSecond, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.second);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, tmp1, exp.third);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TThird>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TileOperand &, TThird> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.third);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, exp.second, tmp1);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.second);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, tmp2, exp.third);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TFirst, typename TThird>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TileOperand &, TThird> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.third);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, exp.second, tmp2);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TSecond, typename TThird>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TileOperand &, TSecond, TThird> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.second);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.third);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, exp.first, tmp1, tmp2);
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p dst = \p exp`.
+     *
+     * The TernaryElementwiseFunction is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] dst The tile which is assigned to.
+     * @param[in] exp The TernaryElementwiseFunction representing the expression to be evaluated and assigned.
+     */
+    template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename TThird>
+    void op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TernaryElementwiseFunction<TFirst, TSecond, TThird> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info(), dst.tile_info(), dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp2 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        auto &tmp3 = declare_temp_tile(dst.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.first);
+        op_assign(tmp2, exp.second);
+        op_assign(tmp3, exp.third);
+        TWriter::op_ternary_elementwise_function(dst, exp.opcode, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
+    }
+    // ==================================================
+    // Assignments
+    // ==================================================
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p lhs += \p rhs` or `\p lhs -= \p rhs`.
+     *
+     * The Assignment is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @param[in] exp The Assignment representing the expression to be evaluated.
+     */
+    void op_assign(const Assignment<TileOperand &, TileOperand &> &exp)
+    {
+        if(exp.opcode == AssignmentOp::Increment)
+        {
+            TWriter::op_binary_expression(exp.lhs, exp.lhs, BinaryOp::Add, exp.rhs);
+        }
+        else if(exp.opcode == AssignmentOp::Decrement)
+        {
+            TWriter::op_binary_expression(exp.lhs, exp.lhs, BinaryOp::Sub, exp.rhs);
+        }
+    }
+    /** Represents the assignment: `\p lhs += \p rhs` or `\p lhs -= \p rhs`.
+     *
+     * The Assignment is unpacked and its components are forwarded to
+     * the underlying KernelWriter's implementation.
+     *
+     * @tparam    TRight The type of the RHS of the assignment.
+     * @param[in] exp    The Assignment representing the expression to be evaluated.
+     */
+    template <typename TRight>
+    void op_assign(const Assignment<TileOperand &, TRight> &exp)
+    {
+        auto &tmp1 = declare_temp_tile(exp.lhs.tile_info());
+        op_assign(tmp1, exp.rhs);
+        op_assign(Assignment<TileOperand &, TileOperand &>{ exp.lhs, tmp1, exp.opcode });
+    }
+    unsigned int temp_var_counter = 0;
+    /** Return the current counter value, then increment it.
+     *
+     * @return The current counter value.
+     */
+    int next_ctr()
+    {
+        return temp_var_counter++;
+    }
+    /** Gets the next temporary variable counter value,
+     * and returns a suitable temporary variable name.
+     *
+     * @return A temporary variable name.
+     */
+    std::string next_tmp_var_name()
+    {
+        return "tmp_" + std::to_string(next_ctr());
+    }
+    /** Returns the argument.
+     *
+     * Used for recursion with the variadic function version of this function.
+     *
+     * @param[in] arg The TileInfo to return.
+     * @return    The \p arg.
+     */
+    TileInfo get_largest_size(const TileInfo &arg)
+    {
+        return arg;
+    }
+    /** Returns a TileInfo object where the size in each dimension (width, height) is the largest
+     * of either TileInfo argument in the corresponding dimension.
+     *
+     * @tparam    TOps   Must be of TileInfo type.
+     * @param[in] first  A TileInfo object.
+     * @param[in] second A TileInfo object.
+     * @param[in] ops    A number of TileInfo objects.
+     * @return    A TileInfo object which represents the largest shape in each dimension across the arguments.
+     */
+    template <typename... TOps, typename = ::std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<TOps..., TileInfo>::value>>
+    TileInfo get_largest_size(const TileInfo &first, const TileInfo &second, const TOps &...ops)
+    {
+        TileInfo largest = {
+            first.data_type(),
+            std::max(first.width(), second.width()),
+            std::max(first.height(), second.height())
+        };
+        return get_largest_size(largest, ops...);
+    }
+    /** Helper function to define a suitable TileOperand with appropriate TileInfo
+     * such that broadcasting is taken into account, based on the arguments provided.
+     *
+     * @tparam     TArgs Must be of TileInfo type.
+     * @param[in]  args  A number of TileInfo which determine the shape of the TileOperand to declare.
+     * @return     A newly created TileOperand.
+     */
+    template <typename... TArgs, typename = ::std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<TArgs..., TileInfo>::value>>
+    TileOperand &declare_temp_tile(const TArgs &...args)
+    {
+        return TWriter::declare_tile(next_tmp_var_name().c_str(), get_largest_size(args...));
+    }
+} // namespace ckw
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Functions.h b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Functions.h
index 68146cb..2dd5ed0 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Functions.h
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Functions.h
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
     Sqrt           = 0x0002,
     Erf            = 0x0003,
     Fabs           = 0x0004,
-    IsGreaterEqual = 0x0005,
     Log            = 0x0006,
     Round          = 0x0007,
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Operators.h b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Operators.h
index 172650d..14a88c9 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Operators.h
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/types/Operators.h
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
 enum class AssignmentOp : int32_t
     // Unary
-    Increment = 0x0000, // +=
-    Decrement = 0x0001, // -=
+    Increment  = 0x0000, // +=
+    Decrement  = 0x0001, // -=
 } // namespace ckw
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/KernelWriter.cpp b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/KernelWriter.cpp
index 1ac9ede..9122e51 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/KernelWriter.cpp
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/KernelWriter.cpp
@@ -270,13 +270,14 @@
-void KernelWriter::op_for_loop(const TileOperand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const TileOperand &cond_value_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const TileOperand &update_value_name, const std::function<void()> &body)
+void KernelWriter::op_for_loop(const TileOperand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const TileOperand &cond_value_name, const TileOperand &update_var_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const TileOperand &update_value_name, const std::function<void()> &body)
     auto impl_var_name          = var_name.create_impl_operand(_impl.get());
     auto impl_cond_value_name   = cond_value_name.create_impl_operand(_impl.get());
+    auto impl_update_var_name   = update_var_name.create_impl_operand(_impl.get());
     auto impl_update_value_name = update_value_name.create_impl_operand(_impl.get());
-    _impl->op_for_loop_header(impl_var_name, cond_op, impl_cond_value_name, update_op, impl_update_value_name);
+    _impl->op_for_loop_header(impl_var_name, cond_op, impl_cond_value_name, impl_update_var_name, update_op, impl_update_value_name);
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/Prototype.h b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/Prototype.h
index 72fa419..05c7306 100644
--- a/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/Prototype.h
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/src/Prototype.h
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@
     virtual void op_else_header()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        = 0;
-    virtual void op_for_loop_header(const Operand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const Operand &cond_value, AssignmentOp update_op, const Operand &update_value)                                                                                                           = 0;
+    virtual void op_for_loop_header(const Operand &var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const Operand &cond_value, const Operand &update_var, AssignmentOp update_op, const Operand &update_value)                                                                                                           = 0;
     virtual void op_load_indirect(const TensorOperand &tensor, const Operand &dst, const Operand &x, const Operand &y_indirect, const Operand &z, const Operand &b = Operand("0", OperandType::ScalarInt32))                                                             = 0;
@@ -3654,9 +3654,6 @@
                 case UnaryFunction::Fabs:
                     _data->code += "fabs(";
-                case UnaryFunction::IsGreaterEqual:
-                    _data->code += "isgreaterequal(";
-                    break;
                 case UnaryFunction::Log:
                     _data->code += "log(";
@@ -3798,11 +3795,12 @@
         _data->code += "else\n";
-    void op_for_loop_header(const Operand& var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const Operand& cond_value_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const Operand& update_value_name) override
+    void op_for_loop_header(const Operand& var_name, BinaryOp cond_op, const Operand& cond_value_name, const Operand &update_var_name, AssignmentOp update_op, const Operand& update_value_name) override
         OperandUnpacker    operands(_data->tiles, _data->arguments);
         const IVectorTile *var          = operands.unpack(var_name);
         const IVectorTile *cond_value   = operands.unpack(cond_value_name);
+        const IVectorTile *update_var   = operands.unpack(update_var_name);
         const IVectorTile *update_value = operands.unpack(update_value_name);
         const int32_t dst_w = var->format().w;
@@ -3818,7 +3816,7 @@
         _data->code += " ";
         _data->code += to_string(cond_op);
         _data->code += " " + cond_value->scalar(0, 0).str + "; ";
-        _data->code += var->scalar(0, 0).str;
+        _data->code += update_var->scalar(0, 0).str;
         _data->code += " ";
         _data->code += to_string(update_op);
         _data->code += " " + update_value->scalar(0, 0).str + ")";