Release 18.05
diff --git a/test/Merger.cpp b/test/Merger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c069a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Merger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "DriverTestHelpers.hpp"
+#include "TestTensor.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <log/log.h>
+using ArmnnDriver = armnn_driver::ArmnnDriver;
+using DriverOptions = armnn_driver::DriverOptions;
+using namespace driverTestHelpers;
+MergerTestImpl(const std::vector<const TestTensor*> & inputs,
+                int32_t concatAxis,
+                const TestTensor & expectedOutputTensor,
+                ErrorStatus expectedPrepareStatus=ErrorStatus::NONE,
+                ErrorStatus expectedExecStatus=ErrorStatus::NONE)
+    std::unique_ptr<ArmnnDriver> driver = std::make_unique<ArmnnDriver>(DriverOptions(armnn::Compute::CpuRef));
+    Model model{};
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> modelInputIds;
+    modelInputIds.resize(inputs.size()+1);
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i<inputs.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        modelInputIds[i] = i;
+        AddInputOperand(model, inputs[i]->GetDimensions());
+    }
+    modelInputIds[inputs.size()] = inputs.size(); // add an id for the axis too
+    AddIntOperand(model, concatAxis);
+    AddOutputOperand(model, expectedOutputTensor.GetDimensions());
+    // make the concat operation
+    model.operations.resize(1);
+    model.operations[0].type = OperationType::CONCATENATION;
+    model.operations[0].inputs  = modelInputIds;
+    model.operations[0].outputs = hidl_vec<uint32_t>{static_cast<uint32_t>(inputs.size()+1)};
+    // make the prepared model
+    ErrorStatus prepareStatus=ErrorStatus::NONE;
+    android::sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = PrepareModelWithStatus(model,
+                                                                       *driver,
+                                                                       prepareStatus,
+                                                                       expectedPrepareStatus);
+    BOOST_TEST(prepareStatus == expectedPrepareStatus);
+    if (prepareStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE)
+    {
+        // prepare failed, we cannot continue
+        return;
+    }
+    BOOST_TEST(preparedModel.get() != nullptr);
+    if (preparedModel.get() == nullptr)
+    {
+        // don't spoil other tests if prepare failed
+        return;
+    }
+    // construct the request
+    hidl_vec<RequestArgument> inputArguments;
+    hidl_vec<RequestArgument> outputArguments;
+    inputArguments.resize(inputs.size());
+    outputArguments.resize(1);
+    // the request's memory pools will follow the same order as
+    // the inputs
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i<inputs.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        DataLocation inloc = {};
+        inloc.poolIndex = i;
+        inloc.offset = 0;
+        inloc.length = inputs[i]->GetNumElements() * sizeof(float);
+        RequestArgument input = {};
+        input.location = inloc;
+        input.dimensions = inputs[i]->GetDimensions();
+        inputArguments[i] = input;
+    }
+    // and an additional memory pool is needed for the output
+    {
+        DataLocation outloc = {};
+        outloc.poolIndex = inputs.size();
+        outloc.offset = 0;
+        outloc.length = expectedOutputTensor.GetNumElements() * sizeof(float);
+        RequestArgument output = {};
+        output.location = outloc;
+        output.dimensions = expectedOutputTensor.GetDimensions();
+        outputArguments[0] = output;
+    }
+    // make the request based on the arguments
+    Request request = {};
+    request.inputs  = inputArguments;
+    request.outputs = outputArguments;
+    // set the input data
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i<inputs.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        AddPoolAndSetData(inputs[i]->GetNumElements(),
+                            request,
+                            inputs[i]->GetData());
+    }
+    // add memory for the output
+    android::sp<IMemory> outMemory = AddPoolAndGetData(expectedOutputTensor.GetNumElements(), request);
+    float* outdata = static_cast<float*>(static_cast<void*>(outMemory->getPointer()));
+    // run the execution
+    auto execStatus = Execute(preparedModel, request, expectedExecStatus);
+    BOOST_TEST(execStatus == expectedExecStatus);
+    if (execStatus == ErrorStatus::NONE)
+    {
+        // check the result if there was no error
+        const float * expectedOutput = expectedOutputTensor.GetData();
+        for (unsigned int i=0; i<expectedOutputTensor.GetNumElements();++i)
+        {
+            BOOST_TEST(outdata[i] == expectedOutput[i]);
+        }
+    }
+} // namespace <anonymous>
+    int32_t axis = 0;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{1}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{2}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{3,1,1,1},{0,1,2}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 0;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{2,1,2,1},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{3,1,2,1},{4,  5,
+                                                6,  7,
+                                                8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10, 11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{6,1,2,1},{0,  1,
+                                                     2,  3,
+                                                     4,  5,
+                                                     6,  7,
+                                                     8,  9,
+                                                     10, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 1;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{1}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{2}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,3,1,1},{0,1,2}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 1;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,2,2,1},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,3,2,1},{4,  5,
+                                                6,  7,
+                                                8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10, 11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,6,2,1},{0,  1,
+                                                     2,  3,
+                                                     4,  5,
+                                                     6,  7,
+                                                     8,  9,
+                                                     10, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 1;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{2,2,1,1},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{2,3,1,1},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{2,1,1,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{2,6,1,1},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                     2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 2;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{1}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{2}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,3,1},{0,1,2}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 2;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,3,2},{4,  5,
+                                                6,  7,
+                                                8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,2},{10, 11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,6,2},{0,  1,
+                                                     2,  3,
+                                                     4,  5,
+                                                     6,  7,
+                                                     8,  9,
+                                                     10, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 2;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,2,2,1},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,2,3,1},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,2,1,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,2,6,1},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                     2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 3;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{1}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{2}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,3},{0,1,2}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 3;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,3},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,6},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                     2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);
+    int32_t axis = 4;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    // The axis must be within the range of [-rank(values), rank(values))
+    // see:
+    TestTensor uncheckedOutput{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn}, axis, uncheckedOutput, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = -5;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    // The axis must be within the range of [-rank(values), rank(values))
+    // see:
+    TestTensor uncheckedOutput{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn}, axis, uncheckedOutput, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = 0;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{0}};
+    // We need at least two tensors to concatenate
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn}, axis, aIn, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = 3;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,3},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor mismatched{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,1,1},{10}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,6},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                     2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    // The input dimensions must be compatible
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &mismatched}, axis, expected, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = 2;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2},{0,1}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1},{4}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,3},{0,1,4}};
+    // The input dimensions must be compatible
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn}, axis, expected, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = 3;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,3},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor mismatched{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,6,2},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                       2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    // The input and output dimensions must be compatible
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, mismatched, expectedParserStatus);
+    int32_t axis = 3;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,3},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor mismatched{armnn::TensorShape{6,2},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                   2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    // The input and output ranks must match
+    ErrorStatus expectedParserStatus = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, mismatched, expectedParserStatus);
+    // this is the same as 3
+    // see:
+    int32_t axis = -1;
+    TestTensor aIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,2},{0,  1,
+                                                2,  3}};
+    TestTensor bIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,3},{4,  5,  6,
+                                                7,  8,  9}};
+    TestTensor cIn{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,1},{10,
+                                                11}};
+    TestTensor expected{armnn::TensorShape{1,1,2,6},{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,
+                                                     2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11}};
+    MergerTestImpl({&aIn, &bIn, &cIn}, axis, expected);