IVGCVSW-5182 Update Convert functions to use ShapeInferenceMethod. 1/2.

 * ConvertToActivation
 * ConvertAdd
 * ConvertArgMinMax
 * ConvertConv2d
 * ConvertDepthToSpace
 * ConvertDepthwiseConv2d
 * ConvertDiv
 * ConvertFloor
 * ConvertFullyConnected
 * ConvertL2Normalization
 * ConvertLocalResponseNormalization
 * ConvertMean
 * ConvertMul
 * ConvertPad
 * ConvertReshape
 * ConvertSub
 * ConvertStridedSlice
 * ConvertTranspose
 * ConvertBatchToSpaceNd
 * ConvertSpaceToBatchNd
 * ConvertComparison_1_2
 * ConvertConv2d_1_2
 * ConvertDepthwiseConv2d_1_2
 * ConvertElementwiseUnary
 * ConvertExpandDims
 * ConvertGather
 * ConvertGroupedConv2d
 * ConvertInstanceNormalization
 * ConvertLogSoftmax
 * ConvertMaximum
 * ConvertMinimum
 * ConvertPadV2
 * ConvertPrelu
 * ConvertQuantize
 * ConvertResize
 * ConvertSpaceToDepth
 * ConvertSoftmax
 * ConvertTransposeConv2d

Signed-off-by: Finn Williams <Finn.Williams@Arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Teresa Charlin <teresa.charlinreyes@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Kevin May <kevin.may@arm.com>
Change-Id: Idacf16e5eab56d83fce293570bbc89381ae056dc
diff --git a/Utils.cpp b/Utils.cpp
index db1b6e6..77575d7 100644
--- a/Utils.cpp
+++ b/Utils.cpp
@@ -577,6 +577,11 @@
         return true;
+    // Account for the usage of the TensorShape empty constructor
+    if (tensorInfo.GetNumDimensions() == 0)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
     return !tensorInfo.GetShape().AreAllDimensionsSpecified();