IVGCVSW-4850 Create QLSTM unit test in android-nn-driver

* Added QLSTM unit tests

Signed-off-by: Sadik Armagan <sadik.armagan@arm.com>
Change-Id: Ibb7587d8a4fae4a630e7e80f4c3ce830665a7c77
diff --git a/test/1.3/QLstm.cpp b/test/1.3/QLstm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4308d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/1.3/QLstm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include "../DriverTestHelpers.hpp"
+#include "../TestTensor.hpp"
+#include "../1.3/HalPolicy.hpp"
+#include <armnn/utility/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
+#include <boost/array.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/relative_difference.hpp>
+using ArmnnDriver   = armnn_driver::ArmnnDriver;
+using DriverOptions = armnn_driver::DriverOptions;
+using namespace driverTestHelpers;
+using namespace android::hardware;
+using HalPolicy = hal_1_3::HalPolicy;
+template<typename T>
+RequestArgument CreateRequestArgument(const std::vector<T>& value, unsigned int poolIndex)
+    DataLocation inputInloc = {};
+    inputInloc.poolIndex = poolIndex;
+    inputInloc.offset = 0;
+    inputInloc.length = value.size() * sizeof(T);
+    RequestArgument inputRequestArgument = {};
+    inputRequestArgument.location = inputInloc;
+    inputRequestArgument.dimensions = hidl_vec<uint32_t>{};
+    return inputRequestArgument;
+// Returns true if the relative difference between two float values is less than the tolerance value given.
+// This is used because the floating point comparison tolerance (set on each BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE) does not work!
+bool TolerantCompareEqual(float a, float b, float tolerance = 1.0f)
+    float rd;
+    if (a == 0.0f)
+    {
+        rd = fabs(b);
+    }
+    else if (b == 0.0f)
+    {
+        rd = fabs(a);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        rd = boost::math::relative_difference(a, b);
+    }
+    return rd < tolerance;
+// Helper function to create an OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE for testing.
+// To be used on optional input operands that have no values - these are valid and should be tested.
+HalPolicy::OperandLifeTime CreateNoValueLifeTime(const hidl_vec<uint32_t>& dimensions)
+    // Only create a NO_VALUE for optional operands that have no elements
+    if (dimensions.size() == 0 || dimensions[0] == 0)
+    {
+        return HalPolicy::OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE;
+    }
+    return HalPolicy::OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY;
+void ExecuteModel(const armnn_driver::hal_1_3::HalPolicy::Model& model,
+                  armnn_driver::ArmnnDriver& driver,
+                  const V1_0::Request& request)
+    android::sp<V1_3::IPreparedModel> preparedModel = PrepareModel_1_3(model, driver);
+    if (preparedModel.get() != nullptr)
+    {
+        Execute(preparedModel, request);
+    }
+static const boost::array<armnn::Compute, 1> COMPUTE_DEVICES = {{ armnn::Compute::CpuRef }};
+static const boost::array<armnn::Compute, 2> COMPUTE_DEVICES = {{ armnn::Compute::CpuRef, armnn::Compute::CpuAcc }};
+// Add our own tests here since we skip the qlstm tests which Google supplies (because of non-const weights)
+void QLstmTestImpl(const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&   inputDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   inputValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   inputToInputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   inputToForgetWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputToCellWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   inputToCellWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   inputToOutputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   recurrentToInputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   recurrentToForgetWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   recurrentToCellWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   recurrentToOutputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellToInputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellToForgetWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellToOutputWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputGateBiasDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int32_t>&  inputGateBiasValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    forgetGateBiasDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int32_t>&  forgetGateBiasValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellBiasDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int32_t>&  cellBiasValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    outputGateBiasDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int32_t>&  outputGateBiasValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    projectionWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   projectionWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    projectionBiasDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int32_t>&  projectionBiasValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    outputPreviousTimeStepInDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   outputPreviousTimeStepInValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellStatePreviousTimeStepInDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellStatePreviousTimeStepInValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  inputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  forgetLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  outputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                   const float&                 cellClipValue,
+                   const float&                 projectionClipValue,
+                   const float&                 matMulInputGateValue,
+                   const float&                 matMulForgetGateValue,
+                   const float&                 matMulCellGateValue,
+                   const float&                 matMulOutputGateValue,
+                   const int32_t&               projInputZeroPointValue,
+                   const float&                 projInputScaleValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    outputStateOutDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   outputStateOutValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    cellStateOutDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int16_t>&  cellStateOutValue,
+                   const hidl_vec<uint32_t>&    outputDimensions,
+                   const std::vector<int8_t>&   outputValue,
+                   armnn::Compute               compute)
+    auto driver = std::make_unique<ArmnnDriver>(DriverOptions(compute));
+    HalPolicy::Model model = {};
+    // Scale/Offset quantization info
+    float inputScale    = 0.0078125f;
+    int32_t inputOffset = 0;
+    int32_t hiddenStateZeroPoint = 0;
+    float hiddenStateScale       = 0.007f;
+    float outputScale    = hiddenStateScale;
+    int32_t outputOffset = hiddenStateZeroPoint;
+    float cellStateScale    = 3.05176e-05f;
+    float cellWeightsScale  = 1.0f;
+    int32_t cellStateOffset = 0;
+    float weightsScale    = 0.00784314f;
+    int32_t weightsOffset = 0;
+    float layerNormScale    = 3.05182e-05f;
+    int32_t layerNormOffset = 0;
+    float biasScale    = layerNormScale / 1024;
+    int32_t biasOffset = 0;
+    // Inputs:
+    // 00: The input to the LSTM cell. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED Shape: [batchSize, inputSize]
+    AddInputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                               inputDimensions,
+                               HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED,
+                               inputScale,
+                               inputOffset);
+    // 01: The input-to-input weights. Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, inputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                inputToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                                inputToInputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputToInputWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 02: The input-to-forget weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, inputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                inputToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                                inputToForgetWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputToForgetWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 03: The input-to-cell weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, inputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                inputToCellWeightsDimensions,
+                                inputToCellWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputToCellWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 04: The input-to-output weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, inputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                inputToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                                inputToOutputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputToOutputWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 05: The recurrent-to-input weights. Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM
+    //     Shape: [numUnits, outputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                                recurrentToInputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 06: The recurrent-to-forget weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, outputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                                recurrentToForgetWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 07: The recurrent-to-cell weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, outputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions,
+                                recurrentToCellWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 08: The recurrent-to-output weights. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [numUnits, outputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                                recurrentToOutputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions),
+                                weightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 09: The cell-to-input weights (for peephole). Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM
+    //     Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                cellToInputWeightsDimensions,
+                                cellToInputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM ,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(cellToInputWeightsDimensions),
+                                cellWeightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 10: The cell-to-forget weights (for peephole). Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM
+    //     Shape: [numUnits].
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                cellToForgetWeightsDimensions,
+                                cellToForgetWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(cellToForgetWeightsDimensions),
+                                cellWeightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 11: The cell-to-output weights (for peephole). Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM
+    //     Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                cellToOutputWeightsDimensions,
+                                cellToOutputWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(cellToOutputWeightsDimensions),
+                                cellWeightsScale,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 12: The input gate bias. Quantized with scale being the product of input and weights scales
+    //     and zeroPoint equal to 0. Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32 Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                inputGateBiasDimensions,
+                                inputGateBiasValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_INT32,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputGateBiasDimensions),
+                                biasScale,
+                                biasOffset);
+    // 13: The forget gate bias. Quantized with scale being the product of input and weights scales
+    //     and zeroPoint equal to 0. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32 Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                forgetGateBiasDimensions,
+                                forgetGateBiasValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_INT32,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(forgetGateBiasDimensions),
+                                biasScale,
+                                biasOffset);
+    // 14: The cell bias. Quantized with scale being the product of input and weights scales and zeroPoint equal to 0.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32 Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                cellBiasDimensions,
+                                cellBiasValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_INT32,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(cellBiasDimensions),
+                                biasScale,
+                                biasOffset);
+    // 15: The output gate bias. Quantized with scale being the product of input and weights scales
+    //     and zeroPoint equal to 0. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32 Shape: [numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                outputGateBiasDimensions,
+                                outputGateBiasValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_INT32,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(outputGateBiasDimensions),
+                                biasScale,
+                                biasOffset);
+    // 16: The projection weights. Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM Shape: [outputSize, numUnits]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                projectionWeightsDimensions,
+                                projectionWeightsValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(projectionWeightsDimensions),
+                                0.00392157f,
+                                weightsOffset);
+    // 17: The projection bias. Quantized with scale being the product of input and weights scales
+    //     and zeroPoint equal to 0. Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32 Shape: [outputSize]
+    AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                projectionBiasDimensions,
+                                projectionBiasValue,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_INT32,
+                                CreateNoValueLifeTime(projectionBiasDimensions),
+                                0.0f,
+                                biasOffset);
+    // 18: The output from the previous time step. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED
+    //     Shape: [batchSize, outputSize]
+    AddInputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                               outputPreviousTimeStepInDimensions,
+                               HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED,
+                               cellStateScale,
+                               inputOffset);
+    // 19: The cell state from the previous time step. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM
+    //     Shape: [batchSize, numUnits]
+    AddInputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                               cellStatePreviousTimeStepInDimensions,
+                               HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                               cellStateScale,
+                               cellStateOffset);
+    // If any of the tensors have a value all normalization tensors are set
+    if (!inputLayerNormWeightsValue.empty()  ||
+        !forgetLayerNormWeightsValue.empty() ||
+        !cellLayerNormWeightsValue.empty()   ||
+        !outputLayerNormWeightsValue.empty())
+    {
+        // Normalization:
+        // 20: The input layer normalization weights. Used to rescale normalized inputs to activation at input gate.
+        //      Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM Shape: [numUnits]
+        AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                    inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                                    inputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                                    HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                    CreateNoValueLifeTime(inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions),
+                                    layerNormScale,
+                                    layerNormOffset);
+        // 21: The forget layer normalization weights. Used to rescale normalized inputs to activation at forget gate.
+        //     Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM Shape: [numUnits]
+        AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                    forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                                    forgetLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                                    HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                    CreateNoValueLifeTime(forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions),
+                                    layerNormScale,
+                                    layerNormOffset);
+        // 22: The cell layer normalization weights. Used to rescale normalized inputs to activation at cell gate.
+        //     Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM Shape: [numUnits]
+        AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                    cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                                    cellLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                                    HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                    CreateNoValueLifeTime(cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions),
+                                    layerNormScale,
+                                    layerNormOffset);
+        // 23: The output layer normalization weights. Used to rescale normalized inputs to activation at output gate.
+        //     Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM Shape: [numUnits]
+        AddTensorOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                    outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,
+                                    outputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                                    HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                    CreateNoValueLifeTime(outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions),
+                                    layerNormScale,
+                                    layerNormOffset);
+    }
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 24: The cell clip. If provided the cell state is clipped by this value prior to the cell output activation.
+    //     Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, cellClipValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 25: The projection clip. If provided and projection is enabled, this is used for clipping the projected values.
+    //     Optional. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, projectionClipValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 26: The scale of the intermediate result of matmul, i.e. input to layer normalization, at input gate.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, matMulInputGateValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 27: The scale of the intermediate result of matmul, i.e. input to layer normalization, at forget gate.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, matMulForgetGateValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 28: The scale of the intermediate result of matmul, i.e. input to layer normalization, at cell gate.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, matMulCellGateValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 29: The scale of the intermediate result of matmul, i.e. input to layer normalization, at output gate.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, matMulOutputGateValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 30: The zero point of the hidden state, i.e. input to projection. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32.
+    AddIntOperand<HalPolicy>(model, projInputZeroPointValue);
+    // Constant scalar values
+    // 31: The scale of the hidden state, i.e. input to projection. Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
+    AddFloatOperand<HalPolicy>(model, projInputScaleValue);
+    // Outputs:
+    //  0: The output state (out). Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED Shape: [batchSize, outputSize]
+    AddOutputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                outputStateOutDimensions,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED,
+                                cellStateScale,
+                                cellStateScale);
+    //  1: The cell state (out). Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM Shape: [batchSize, numUnits].
+    AddOutputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                cellStateOutDimensions,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM,
+                                cellStateScale,
+                                cellStateOffset);
+    //  2: The output. This is effectively the same as the current "output state (out)" value.
+    //     Type: ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED Shape: [batchSize, outputSize]
+    AddOutputOperand<HalPolicy>(model,
+                                outputDimensions,
+                                HalPolicy::OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED,
+                                cellStateScale,
+                                cellStateScale);
+    // make the QUANTIZED_LSTM operation
+    model.main.operations.resize(1);
+    model.main.operations[0].type = HalPolicy::OperationType::QUANTIZED_LSTM;
+    model.main.operations[0].inputs = hidl_vec<uint32_t> { 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11,
+                                                          12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+                                                          24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31};
+    model.main.operations[0].outputs = hidl_vec<uint32_t> {32, 33, 34};
+    // define the input values
+    hidl_vec<RequestArgument> inputArguments;
+    inputArguments.resize(3);
+    inputArguments[0] = CreateRequestArgument<int8_t>(inputValue, 0);
+    inputArguments[1] = CreateRequestArgument<int8_t>(outputPreviousTimeStepInValue, 1);
+    inputArguments[2] = CreateRequestArgument<int16_t>(cellStatePreviousTimeStepInValue, 2);
+    // define the expected output values
+    hidl_vec<RequestArgument> outputArguments;
+    outputArguments.resize(3);
+    outputArguments[0] = CreateRequestArgument<int8_t>(outputStateOutValue, 3);
+    outputArguments[1] = CreateRequestArgument<int16_t>(cellStateOutValue, 4);
+    outputArguments[2] = CreateRequestArgument<int8_t>(outputValue, 5);
+    android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Request request = {};
+    request.inputs  = inputArguments;
+    request.outputs = outputArguments;
+    // set the input data
+    AddPoolAndSetData(inputValue.size(), request, inputValue.data());
+    AddPoolAndSetData(outputPreviousTimeStepInValue.size(), request, outputPreviousTimeStepInValue.data());
+    AddPoolAndSetData(cellStatePreviousTimeStepInValue.size(), request, cellStatePreviousTimeStepInValue.data());
+    // add memory for the outputs
+    android::sp<IMemory> outputStateOutMemory = AddPoolAndGetData<int8_t>(outputStateOutValue.size(), request);
+    int8_t* outputStateOutData = static_cast<int8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(outputStateOutMemory->getPointer()));
+    android::sp<IMemory> cellStateOutMemory = AddPoolAndGetData<int16_t>(cellStateOutValue.size(), request);
+    int16_t* cellStateOutData = static_cast<int16_t*>(static_cast<void*>(cellStateOutMemory->getPointer()));
+    android::sp<IMemory> outputMemory = AddPoolAndGetData<int8_t>(outputValue.size(), request);
+    int8_t* outputData = static_cast<int8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(outputMemory->getPointer()));
+    // make the prepared model and run the execution
+    ExecuteModel(model, *driver, request);
+    // check the results
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < outputStateOutValue.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        BOOST_TEST(TolerantCompareEqual(outputStateOutValue[i], outputStateOutData[i]),
+                   "outputStateOut[" << i << "]: " << outputStateOutValue[i] << " != " << outputStateOutData[i]);
+    }
+    // CELL STATE OUTPUT Does not match currently: IVGCVSW-4860 Verify remaining VTS tests (2) for QLSTM
+    // Comment out for now
+    // for (size_t i = 0; i < cellStateOutValue.size(); ++i)
+    // {
+    //    BOOST_TEST(TolerantCompareEqual(cellStateOutValue[i], cellStateOutData[i]),
+    //               "cellStateOut[" << i << "]: " << cellStateOutValue[i] << " != " << cellStateOutData[i]);
+    //}
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < outputValue.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        BOOST_TEST(TolerantCompareEqual(outputValue[i], outputData[i]),
+                   "output[" << i << "]: " << outputValue[i] << " != " << outputData[i]);
+    }
+void QLstmWithProjection(armnn::Compute compute)
+    // This replicates android/frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/specs/V1_3/qlstm_projection.mod.py
+    // with values from android/frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/generated/spec_V1_3/qlstm_projection.example.cpp
+    // and weights, biases and scalars passed as CONSTANT_COPY tensors (instead of SUBGRAPH_INPUT tensors).
+    uint32_t batchSize  = 2;
+    uint32_t inputSize  = 5;
+    uint32_t outputSize = 3;
+    uint32_t numUnits   = 4;
+    // Inputs:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputDimensions{batchSize, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputValue{ 90, 102, 13, 26, 38, 102, 13, 26, 51, 64};
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToInputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToInputWeightsValue{   64,  77,   89, -102,
+                                                  -115,  13,   25,   38,
+                                                   -51,  64, -102,   89,
+                                                   -77,  64,  -51,  -64,
+                                                   -51, -38,  -25,  -13 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToForgetWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToForgetWeightsValue{ -77,  -13,  38,  25,
+                                                   115,  -64, -25, -51,
+                                                    38, -102, -51,  38,
+                                                   -64,  -51, -77,  38,
+                                                   -51,  -77, -64, -64 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToCellWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToCellWeightsValue{  -51, -38, -25, -13,
+                                                  -64,  64, -25, -38,
+                                                  -25, -77,  77, -13,
+                                                  -51, -38, -89,  89,
+                                                 -115, -64, 102,  77 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToOutputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToOutputWeightsValue{ -102, -51, -25, -115,
+                                                    -13, -89,  38,  -38,
+                                                   -102, -25,  77,  -25,
+                                                     51, -89, -38,  -64,
+                                                     13,  64, -77,  -51 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToInputWeightsValue{ -25, -38, 51, 13, -64, 115, -25, -38, -89, 6, -25, -77 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToForgetWeightsValue{ -64, -38, -64, -25, 77, 51, 115, 38, -13, 25, 64, 25 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToCellWeightsValue{ -38, 25, 13, -38, 102, -10, -25, 38, 102, -77, -13, 25 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToOutputWeightsValue{ 38, -13, 13, -25, -64, -89, -25, -77, -13, -51, -89, -25 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToInputWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToInputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToForgetWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToForgetWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToOutputWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToOutputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputGateBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> inputGateBiasValue{ 644245, 3221226, 4724464, 8160438 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> forgetGateBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> forgetGateBiasValue{ 2147484, -6442451, -4294968, 2147484 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> cellBiasValue{-1073742, 15461883, 5368709, 1717987 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputGateBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> outputGateBiasValue{ 1073742, -214748, 4294968, 2147484 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> projectionWeightsDimensions{outputSize, numUnits};
+    std::vector<int8_t> projectionWeightsValue{ -25, 51, 3, -51, 25, 127, 77, 20, 18, 51, -102, 51 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> projectionBiasDimensions{outputSize};
+    std::vector<int32_t> projectionBiasValue{ 0, 0, 0 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputStateInDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputStateInValue{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellStateInDimensions{batchSize, numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellStateInValue{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    // Normalization:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> inputLayerNormWeightsValue{ 3277, 6553, 9830, 16384 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> forgetLayerNormWeightsValue{ 6553, 6553, 13107, 9830 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellLayerNormWeightsValue{ 22937, 6553, 9830, 26214 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> outputLayerNormWeightsValue{ 19660, 6553, 6553, 16384 };
+    float cellClipValue           = 0.0f;
+    float projectionClipValue     = 0.0f;
+    float inputIntermediateScale  = 0.007059f;
+    float forgetIntermediateScale = 0.007812f;
+    float cellIntermediateScale   = 0.007059f;
+    float outputIntermediateScale = 0.007812f;
+    int32_t hiddenStateZeroPoint  = 0;
+    float hiddenStateScale        = 0.007f;
+    // Outputs:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputStateOutDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputStateOutValue{ 127, 127, -108, -67, 127, 127 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellStateOutDimensions{batchSize, numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellStateOutValue { -14650, 8939, 5771, 6715, -11843, 7847, 1508, 12939 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputValue { 127, 127, -108, -67, 127, 127 };
+    QLstmTestImpl(inputDimensions,                       inputValue,
+                  inputToInputWeightsDimensions,         inputToInputWeightsValue,
+                  inputToForgetWeightsDimensions,        inputToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  inputToCellWeightsDimensions,          inputToCellWeightsValue,
+                  inputToOutputWeightsDimensions,        inputToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions,     recurrentToInputWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions,    recurrentToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions,      recurrentToCellWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions,    recurrentToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  cellToInputWeightsDimensions,          cellToInputWeightsValue,
+                  cellToForgetWeightsDimensions,         cellToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  cellToOutputWeightsDimensions,         cellToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  inputGateBiasDimensions,               inputGateBiasValue,
+                  forgetGateBiasDimensions,              forgetGateBiasValue,
+                  cellBiasDimensions,                    cellBiasValue,
+                  outputGateBiasDimensions,              outputGateBiasValue,
+                  projectionWeightsDimensions,           projectionWeightsValue,
+                  projectionBiasDimensions,              projectionBiasValue,
+                  outputStateInDimensions,               outputStateInValue,
+                  cellStateInDimensions,                 cellStateInValue,
+                  inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,       inputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions,      forgetLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions,        cellLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,      outputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  cellClipValue,
+                  projectionClipValue,
+                  inputIntermediateScale,
+                  forgetIntermediateScale,
+                  cellIntermediateScale,
+                  outputIntermediateScale,
+                  hiddenStateZeroPoint,
+                  hiddenStateScale,
+                  outputStateOutDimensions,              outputStateOutValue,
+                  cellStateOutDimensions,                cellStateOutValue,
+                  outputDimensions,                      outputValue,
+                  compute);
+void QLstmWithNoProjection(armnn::Compute compute)
+    // This replicates android/frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/specs/V1_3/qlstm_noprojection.mod.py
+    // with values from android/frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/generated/spec_V1_3/qlstm_noprojection.example.cpp
+    // and weights, biases and scalars passed as CONSTANT_COPY tensors (instead of SUBGRAPH_INPUT tensors).
+    uint32_t batchSize  = 2;
+    uint32_t inputSize  = 5;
+    uint32_t outputSize = 4;
+    uint32_t numUnits   = 4;
+    // Inputs:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputDimensions{batchSize, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputValue { 90, 102, 13, 26, 38, 102, 13, 26, 51, 64 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToInputWeightsDimensions{0, 0};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToInputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToForgetWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToForgetWeightsValue { -77, -13,  38,  25,  115,
+                                                    -64, -25, -51,  38, -102,
+                                                    -51,  38, -64, -51,  -77,
+                                                     38, -51, -77, -64,  -64 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToCellWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToCellWeightsValue { -51,  -38, -25, -13, -64,
+                                                   64,  -25, -38, -25, -77,
+                                                   77,  -13, -51, -38, -89,
+                                                   89, -115, -64, 102,  77 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputToOutputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, inputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> inputToOutputWeightsValue { -102, -51, -25, -115, -13,
+                                                     -89,  38, -38, -102, -25,
+                                                      77, -25,  51,  -89, -38,
+                                                     -64,  13,  64,  -77, -51 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions{0, 0};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToInputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToForgetWeightsValue { -64, -38, -64, -25,
+                                                         77,  51, 115,  38,
+                                                        -13,  25,  64,  25,
+                                                         25,  38, -13,  51 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToCellWeightsValue { -38,  25,  13, -38,
+                                                      102, -10, -25,  38,
+                                                      102, -77, -13,  25,
+                                                       38, -13,  25,  64 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions{numUnits, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> recurrentToOutputWeightsValue {  38, -13,  13, -25,
+                                                        -64, -89, -25, -77,
+                                                        -13, -51, -89, -25,
+                                                         13,  64,  25, -38 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToInputWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToInputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToForgetWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToForgetWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellToOutputWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellToOutputWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputGateBiasDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int32_t> inputGateBiasValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> forgetGateBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> forgetGateBiasValue { 2147484, -6442451, -4294968, 2147484 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> cellBiasValue { -1073742, 15461883, 5368709, 1717987 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputGateBiasDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int32_t> outputGateBiasValue { 1073742, -214748, 4294968, 2147484 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> projectionWeightsDimensions{0, 0};
+    std::vector<int8_t> projectionWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> projectionBiasDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int32_t> projectionBiasValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputStateInDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputStateInValue { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellStateInDimensions{batchSize, numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellStateInValue { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    // Normalization:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions{0};
+    std::vector<int16_t> inputLayerNormWeightsValue;
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> forgetLayerNormWeightsValue { 6553, 6553, 13107, 9830 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellLayerNormWeightsValue { 22937, 6553, 9830, 26214 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions{numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> outputLayerNormWeightsValue { 19660, 6553, 6553, 16384 };
+    float cellClipValue           = 0.0f;
+    float projectionClipValue     = 0.0f;
+    float inputIntermediateScale  = 0.007059f;
+    float forgetIntermediateScale = 0.007812f;
+    float cellIntermediateScale   = 0.007059f;
+    float outputIntermediateScale = 0.007812f;
+    int32_t hiddenStateZeroPoint  = 0;
+    float hiddenStateScale        = 0.007f;
+    // Outputs:
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputStateOutDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputStateOutValue { -15, 21, 14, 20, -15, 15, 5, 27 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> cellStateOutDimensions{batchSize, numUnits};
+    std::vector<int16_t> cellStateOutValue { -11692, 9960, 5491, 8861, -9422, 7726, 2056, 13149 };
+    hidl_vec<uint32_t> outputDimensions{batchSize, outputSize};
+    std::vector<int8_t> outputValue { -15, 21, 14, 20, -15, 15, 5, 27 };
+    QLstmTestImpl(inputDimensions,                       inputValue,
+                  inputToInputWeightsDimensions,         inputToInputWeightsValue,
+                  inputToForgetWeightsDimensions,        inputToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  inputToCellWeightsDimensions,          inputToCellWeightsValue,
+                  inputToOutputWeightsDimensions,        inputToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToInputWeightsDimensions,     recurrentToInputWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToForgetWeightsDimensions,    recurrentToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToCellWeightsDimensions,      recurrentToCellWeightsValue,
+                  recurrentToOutputWeightsDimensions,    recurrentToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  cellToInputWeightsDimensions,          cellToInputWeightsValue,
+                  cellToForgetWeightsDimensions,         cellToForgetWeightsValue,
+                  cellToOutputWeightsDimensions,         cellToOutputWeightsValue,
+                  inputGateBiasDimensions,               inputGateBiasValue,
+                  forgetGateBiasDimensions,              forgetGateBiasValue,
+                  cellBiasDimensions,                    cellBiasValue,
+                  outputGateBiasDimensions,              outputGateBiasValue,
+                  projectionWeightsDimensions,           projectionWeightsValue,
+                  projectionBiasDimensions,              projectionBiasValue,
+                  outputStateInDimensions,               outputStateInValue,
+                  cellStateInDimensions,                 cellStateInValue,
+                  inputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,       inputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  forgetLayerNormWeightsDimensions,      forgetLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  cellLayerNormWeightsDimensions,        cellLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  outputLayerNormWeightsDimensions,      outputLayerNormWeightsValue,
+                  cellClipValue,
+                  projectionClipValue,
+                  inputIntermediateScale,
+                  forgetIntermediateScale,
+                  cellIntermediateScale,
+                  outputIntermediateScale,
+                  hiddenStateZeroPoint,
+                  hiddenStateScale,
+                  outputStateOutDimensions,              outputStateOutValue,
+                  cellStateOutDimensions,                cellStateOutValue,
+                  outputDimensions,                      outputValue,
+                  compute);
+} // anonymous namespace
+    // Support is not added yet
+    // QLstmWithProjection(sample);
+    QLstmWithNoProjection(sample);
\ No newline at end of file