ArmNN Android Neural Networks driver

This directory contains the ArmNN driver for the Android Neural Networks API, implementing the android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0 HAL.

Integration guide


  1. Android source tree for Android O MR1 or later, in the directory <ANDROID_ROOT>
  2. Mali OpenCL driver integrated into the Android source tree


  1. Place this source directory at <ANDROID_ROOT>/vendor/arm/android-nn-driver
  2. Run
  3. Update the Android build environment to add the ArmNN driver. This ensures that the driver service is built and copied to the system/vendor/bin/hw directory in the Android image. To update the build environment, add to the contents of the variable PRODUCT_PACKAGES within the device-specific makefile that is located in the <ANDROID_ROOT>/device/<manufacturer>/<product> directory. This file is normally called
  1. Build Android as normal, i.e. run make in <ANDROID_ROOT>
  2. To confirm that the ArmNN driver has been built, check for driver service executable at <ANDROID_ROOT>/out/target/product/<product>/system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0-service-armnn


  1. Run the ArmNN driver service executable in the background
  1. Run some code that exercises the Android Neural Networks API, for example Android's NeuralNetworksTest unit tests (note this is an optional component that must be built).
  1. To confirm that the ArmNN driver is being used to service the Android Neural Networks API requests, check for messages in logcat with the ArmnnDriver tag.