Remove per-channel quantization support in ref fully connected

 * was added accidentally

Signed-off-by: Jan Eilers <>
Change-Id: I332036ffd35868b0fe1226aba5522af3b91d25da
diff --git a/src/backends/reference/RefLayerSupport.cpp b/src/backends/reference/RefLayerSupport.cpp
index 52a7632..e13a2e2 100644
--- a/src/backends/reference/RefLayerSupport.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/reference/RefLayerSupport.cpp
@@ -947,30 +947,11 @@
                                   "Reference Fully Connected: input and output types mismatched.");
-    std::array<DataType, 4> supportedWeightTypes =
-    {
-            DataType::QAsymmS8,
-            DataType::QAsymmU8,
-            DataType::QSymmS8,
-            DataType::QuantizedSymm8PerAxis // deprecated
-    };
+    supported &= CheckSupportRule(TypeAnyOf(weights, supportedTypes), reasonIfUnsupported,
+                                  "Reference Fully Connected: weights is not a supported type.");
-    if (IsQuantized8BitType(input.GetDataType()))
-    {
-        supported &= CheckSupportRule(TypeAnyOf(weights, supportedWeightTypes), reasonIfUnsupported,
-                                      "Reference Fully Connected: weights type not supported for quantized input.");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        supported &= CheckSupportRule(TypeAnyOf(weights, supportedTypes), reasonIfUnsupported,
-                                      "Reference Fully Connected: weights is not a supported type.");
-        supported &= CheckSupportRule(TypesAreEqual(input, weights), reasonIfUnsupported,
-                                      "Reference Fully Connected: input and weights types mismatched.");
-    }
+    supported &= CheckSupportRule(TypesAreEqual(input, weights), reasonIfUnsupported,
+                                  "Reference Fully Connected: input and weights types mismatched.");
     if (descriptor.m_BiasEnabled)