IVGCVSW-7749 DTS: Fix reshape floating point exception

  * Updated Opaque Delegate, TfliteParser, OnnxParser, and Deserializer to handle the Zero In Shape edge case

Signed-off-by: Tianle Cheng <tianle.cheng@arm.com>
Change-Id: I4a0d1e72a66de1fa56de99af9b6730a84e0ff596
diff --git a/delegate/classic/src/Redefine.hpp b/delegate/classic/src/Redefine.hpp
index 6b10e44..c3422a2 100644
--- a/delegate/classic/src/Redefine.hpp
+++ b/delegate/classic/src/Redefine.hpp
@@ -166,6 +166,18 @@
         return kTfLiteError;
+    // Check the target shape to check if there is zero in the shape.
+    if (std::find(targetShape.begin(), targetShape.end(), 0) != targetShape.end() &&
+        inputTensorInfo0.GetNumElements() != 0)
+    {
+        TF_LITE_MAYBE_KERNEL_LOG(tfLiteContext,
+                                 "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Input to reshape is a tensor with elements, "
+                                 "but the requested shape has 0. "
+                                 "operator #%d node #%d: ",
+                                 operatorCode, nodeIndex);
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
     // Use the data to create the required tensor shape.
     if (CreateOutputTensorShape(inputTensorInfo0, targetShape, reshapeDesc) != kTfLiteOk)
diff --git a/delegate/common/src/DelegateUtils.hpp b/delegate/common/src/DelegateUtils.hpp
index a74ed8b..a2cdc83 100644
--- a/delegate/common/src/DelegateUtils.hpp
+++ b/delegate/common/src/DelegateUtils.hpp
@@ -186,7 +186,16 @@
                         std::accumulate(targetShape.begin(), targetShape.end(), -1, std::multiplies<int32_t>()));
         auto stretchIndex = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(targetShape.begin(), stretchDim));
-        outputDims[stretchIndex] = inputTensorInfo.GetNumElements() / targetNumElements;
+        if (targetNumElements == 0)
+        {
+            // To handle the edge case that input and output both have zero elements
+            outputDims[stretchIndex] = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            outputDims[stretchIndex] = inputTensorInfo.GetNumElements() / targetNumElements;
+        }
     armnn::TensorShape outputShape = armnn::TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(outputDims.size()),
diff --git a/delegate/opaque/src/Redefine.hpp b/delegate/opaque/src/Redefine.hpp
index 5ce7a3d..6319ca7 100644
--- a/delegate/opaque/src/Redefine.hpp
+++ b/delegate/opaque/src/Redefine.hpp
@@ -201,6 +201,19 @@
         return kTfLiteError;
+    // Check the target shape to check if there is zero in the shape.
+    if (std::find(targetShape.begin(), targetShape.end(), 0) != targetShape.end() &&
+        inputTensorInfo0.GetNumElements() != 0)
+    {
+                tfLiteContext,
+                "TfLiteArmnnOpaqueDelegate: Input to reshape is a tensor with elements, "
+                "but the requested shape has 0. "
+                "operator #%d node #%d: ",
+                operatorCode, nodeIndex);
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
     // Use the data to create the required tensor shape.
     if (CreateOutputTensorShape(inputTensorInfo0, targetShape, reshapeDesc) != kTfLiteOk)