IVGCVSW-6706 Create the libpipeClient library

Change-Id: I2368aade38ad3808fab55d8a86cd659d4e95d91e
Signed-off-by: Jim Flynn <jim.flynn@arm.com>
diff --git a/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9589dd8..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include <client/include/TimelineUtilityMethods.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    if (!m_ReportStructure.has_value())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(std::string(
-                                                "Profiling Service constructor must be initialised with an "
-                                                "IReportStructure argument in order to run timeline reporting"));
-    }
-    switch ( currentState )
-    {
-        case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-        case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-        case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-            throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format(
-                    "Activate Timeline Reporting Command Handler invoked while in a wrong state: {}",
-                    GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-        case ProfilingState::Active:
-            if ( !( packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 6u ))
-            {
-                throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(std::string(
-                                           "Expected Packet family = 0, id = 6 but received family =")
-                                           + std::to_string(packet.GetPacketFamily())
-                                           + " id = " + std::to_string(packet.GetPacketId()));
-            }
-            if (!m_TimelineReporting)
-            {
-                m_SendTimelinePacket.SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage();
-                TimelineUtilityMethods::SendWellKnownLabelsAndEventClasses(m_SendTimelinePacket);
-                m_TimelineReporting = true;
-                if (m_ReportStructure.has_value())
-                {
-                    m_ReportStructure.value().ReportStructure(m_ProfilingService);
-                }
-                m_BackendNotifier.NotifyBackendsForTimelineReporting();
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                                static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp
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index c9fed73..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include "SendTimelinePacket.hpp"
-#include "INotifyBackends.hpp"
-#include <client/include/IReportStructure.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Optional.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-    ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                            uint32_t packetId,
-                                            uint32_t version,
-                                            SendTimelinePacket& sendTimelinePacket,
-                                            ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine,
-                                            arm::pipe::Optional<IReportStructure&> reportStructure,
-                                            std::atomic<bool>& timelineReporting,
-                                            INotifyBackends& notifyBackends,
-                                            IProfilingService& profilingService)
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version),
-          m_SendTimelinePacket(sendTimelinePacket),
-          m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine),
-          m_TimelineReporting(timelineReporting),
-          m_BackendNotifier(notifyBackends),
-          m_ProfilingService(profilingService),
-          m_ReportStructure(reportStructure)
-    {}
-    void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    SendTimelinePacket&    m_SendTimelinePacket;
-    ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-    std::atomic<bool>&     m_TimelineReporting;
-    INotifyBackends&       m_BackendNotifier;
-    IProfilingService&     m_ProfilingService;
-    arm::pipe::Optional<IReportStructure&> m_ReportStructure;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/BufferManager.cpp b/src/profiling/BufferManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e3200..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/BufferManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "BufferManager.hpp"
-#include "PacketBuffer.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-BufferManager::BufferManager(unsigned int numberOfBuffers, unsigned int maxPacketSize)
-    : m_MaxBufferSize(maxPacketSize),
-      m_NumberOfBuffers(numberOfBuffers),
-      m_MaxNumberOfBuffers(numberOfBuffers * 3),
-      m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers(numberOfBuffers)
-    Initialize();
-IPacketBufferPtr BufferManager::Reserve(unsigned int requestedSize, unsigned int& reservedSize)
-    reservedSize = 0;
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> availableListLock(m_AvailableMutex, std::defer_lock);
-    if (requestedSize > m_MaxBufferSize)
-    {
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    availableListLock.lock();
-    if (m_AvailableList.empty())
-    {
-        if (m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers < m_MaxNumberOfBuffers)
-        {
-            // create a temporary overflow/surge buffer and hand it back
-            m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers++;
-            availableListLock.unlock();
-            IPacketBufferPtr buffer = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer>(m_MaxBufferSize);
-            reservedSize = requestedSize;
-            return buffer;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // we have totally busted the limit. call a halt to new memory allocations.
-            availableListLock.unlock();
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-    }
-    IPacketBufferPtr buffer = std::move(m_AvailableList.back());
-    m_AvailableList.pop_back();
-    availableListLock.unlock();
-    reservedSize = requestedSize;
-    return buffer;
-void BufferManager::Commit(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int size, bool notifyConsumer)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> readableListLock(m_ReadableMutex, std::defer_lock);
-    packetBuffer->Commit(size);
-    readableListLock.lock();
-    m_ReadableList.push(std::move(packetBuffer));
-    readableListLock.unlock();
-    if (notifyConsumer)
-    {
-        FlushReadList();
-    }
-void BufferManager::Initialize()
-    m_AvailableList.reserve(m_NumberOfBuffers);
-    m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers = m_NumberOfBuffers;
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfBuffers; ++i)
-    {
-        IPacketBufferPtr buffer = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer>(m_MaxBufferSize);
-        m_AvailableList.emplace_back(std::move(buffer));
-    }
-void BufferManager::Release(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> availableListLock(m_AvailableMutex, std::defer_lock);
-    packetBuffer->Release();
-    availableListLock.lock();
-    if (m_AvailableList.size() <= m_NumberOfBuffers)
-    {
-        m_AvailableList.push_back(std::move(packetBuffer));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // we have been handed a temporary overflow/surge buffer get rid of it
-        packetBuffer->Destroy();
-        if (m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers > m_NumberOfBuffers)
-        {
-            --m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers;
-        }
-    }
-    availableListLock.unlock();
-void BufferManager::Reset()
-    //This method should only be called once all threads have been joined
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> readableListLock(m_ReadableMutex);
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> availableListLock(m_AvailableMutex);
-    m_AvailableList.clear();
-    std::queue<IPacketBufferPtr>().swap(m_ReadableList);
-    Initialize();
-IPacketBufferPtr BufferManager::GetReadableBuffer()
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> readableListLock(m_ReadableMutex);
-    if (!m_ReadableList.empty())
-    {
-        IPacketBufferPtr buffer = std::move(m_ReadableList.front());
-        m_ReadableList.pop();
-        readableListLock.unlock();
-        return buffer;
-    }
-    return nullptr;
-void BufferManager::MarkRead(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> availableListLock(m_AvailableMutex, std::defer_lock);
-    packetBuffer->MarkRead();
-    availableListLock.lock();
-    if (m_AvailableList.size() <= m_NumberOfBuffers)
-    {
-        m_AvailableList.push_back(std::move(packetBuffer));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // we have been handed a temporary overflow/surge buffer get rid of it
-        packetBuffer->Destroy();
-        if (m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers > m_NumberOfBuffers)
-        {
-            --m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers;
-        }
-    }
-    availableListLock.unlock();
-void BufferManager::SetConsumer(IConsumer* consumer)
-    m_Consumer = consumer;
-void BufferManager::FlushReadList()
-    // notify consumer that packet is ready to read
-    if (m_Consumer != nullptr)
-    {
-        m_Consumer->SetReadyToRead();
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/BufferManager.hpp b/src/profiling/BufferManager.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab3e0e..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/BufferManager.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IBufferManager.hpp"
-#include "IConsumer.hpp"
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <vector>
-#include <queue>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class BufferManager : public IBufferManager
-    BufferManager(unsigned int numberOfBuffers = 5, unsigned int maxPacketSize = 4096);
-    ~BufferManager() {}
-    IPacketBufferPtr Reserve(unsigned int requestedSize, unsigned int& reservedSize) override;
-    void Reset();
-    void Commit(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int size, bool notifyConsumer = true) override;
-    void Release(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer) override;
-    IPacketBufferPtr GetReadableBuffer() override;
-    void MarkRead(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer) override;
-    /// Set Consumer on the buffer manager to be notified when there is a Commit
-    /// Can only be one consumer
-    void SetConsumer(IConsumer* consumer) override;
-    /// Notify the Consumer buffer can be read
-    void FlushReadList() override;
-    void Initialize();
-    // Maximum buffer size
-    unsigned int m_MaxBufferSize;
-    // Number of buffers
-    const unsigned int m_NumberOfBuffers;
-    const unsigned int m_MaxNumberOfBuffers;
-    unsigned int m_CurrentNumberOfBuffers;
-    // List of available packet buffers
-    std::vector<IPacketBufferPtr> m_AvailableList;
-    // List of readable packet buffers
-    std::queue<IPacketBufferPtr> m_ReadableList;
-    // Mutex for available packet buffer list
-    std::mutex m_AvailableMutex;
-    // Mutex for readable packet buffer list
-    std::mutex m_ReadableMutex;
-    // Consumer thread to notify packet is ready to read
-    IConsumer* m_Consumer = nullptr;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/CommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/CommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba49c2..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/CommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "CommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingService.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Logging.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void CommandHandler::Start(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection)
-    if (IsRunning())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (m_CommandThread.joinable())
-    {
-        m_CommandThread.join();
-    }
-    m_IsRunning.store(true);
-    m_KeepRunning.store(true);
-    m_CommandThread = std::thread(&CommandHandler::HandleCommands, this, std::ref(profilingConnection));
-void CommandHandler::Stop()
-    m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-    if (m_CommandThread.joinable())
-    {
-        m_CommandThread.join();
-    }
-void CommandHandler::HandleCommands(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection)
-    do
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            arm::pipe::Packet packet = profilingConnection.ReadPacket(m_Timeout.load());
-            if (packet.IsEmpty())
-            {
-                // Nothing to do, continue
-                continue;
-            }
-            arm::pipe::Version version = m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                                                      packet.GetPacketId());
-            arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor* commandHandlerFunctor =
-                m_CommandHandlerRegistry.GetFunctor(packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                    packet.GetPacketId(),
-                                                    version.GetEncodedValue());
-            ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(commandHandlerFunctor);
-            commandHandlerFunctor->operator()(packet);
-        }
-        catch (const arm::pipe::TimeoutException&)
-        {
-            if (m_StopAfterTimeout.load())
-            {
-                m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-            }
-        }
-        catch (const arm::pipe::ProfilingException& e)
-        {
-            // Log the error and continue
-            ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An error has occurred when handling a command: " << e.what();
-            // Did we get here because the socket failed?
-            if ( !profilingConnection.IsOpen() )
-            {
-                // We're going to stop processing commands.
-                // This will leave the thread idle. There is no mechanism to restart the profiling service when the
-                // connection is lost.
-                m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-            }
-        }
-        catch (...)
-        {
-            // Log the error and continue
-            ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An unknown error has occurred when handling a command";
-            // Did we get here because the socket failed?
-            if ( !profilingConnection.IsOpen() )
-            {
-                // We're going to stop processing commands.
-                // This will leave the thread idle. There is no mechanism to restart the profiling service when the
-                // connection is lost.
-                m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    while (m_KeepRunning.load());
-    m_IsRunning.store(false);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/CommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/CommandHandler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b097f9e..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/CommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <common/include/PacketVersionResolver.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerRegistry.hpp>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <thread>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class CommandHandler
-    CommandHandler(uint32_t timeout,
-                   bool stopAfterTimeout,
-                   arm::pipe::CommandHandlerRegistry& commandHandlerRegistry,
-                   arm::pipe::PacketVersionResolver& packetVersionResolver)
-        : m_Timeout(timeout),
-          m_StopAfterTimeout(stopAfterTimeout),
-          m_IsRunning(false),
-          m_KeepRunning(false),
-          m_CommandThread(),
-          m_CommandHandlerRegistry(commandHandlerRegistry),
-          m_PacketVersionResolver(packetVersionResolver)
-    {}
-    ~CommandHandler() { Stop(); }
-    void SetTimeout(uint32_t timeout) { m_Timeout.store(timeout); }
-    void SetStopAfterTimeout(bool stopAfterTimeout) { m_StopAfterTimeout.store(stopAfterTimeout); }
-    void Start(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection);
-    void Stop();
-    bool IsRunning() const { return m_IsRunning.load(); }
-    void HandleCommands(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t> m_Timeout;
-    std::atomic<bool>     m_StopAfterTimeout;
-    std::atomic<bool>     m_IsRunning;
-    std::atomic<bool>     m_KeepRunning;
-    std::thread           m_CommandThread;
-    arm::pipe::CommandHandlerRegistry& m_CommandHandlerRegistry;
-    arm::pipe::PacketVersionResolver&  m_PacketVersionResolver;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f20b9c..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include <client/include/TimelineUtilityMethods.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Connection Acknowledged Command Handler invoked while in an "
-                                            "wrong state: {}",
-                                            GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        // Process the packet
-        if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 1u))
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 1 but "
-                                                                  "received family = {}, id = {}",
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketId()));
-        }
-        // Once a Connection Acknowledged packet has been received, move to the Active state immediately
-        m_StateMachine.TransitionToState(ProfilingState::Active);
-        // Send the counter directory packet.
-        m_SendCounterPacket.SendCounterDirectoryPacket(m_CounterDirectory);
-        if (m_TimelineEnabled)
-        {
-            m_SendTimelinePacket.SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage();
-            TimelineUtilityMethods::SendWellKnownLabelsAndEventClasses(m_SendTimelinePacket);
-        }
-        if (m_BackendProfilingContext.has_value())
-        {
-            for (auto backendContext : m_BackendProfilingContext.value())
-            {
-                // Enable profiling on the backend and assert that it returns true
-                if(!backendContext.second->EnableProfiling(true))
-                {
-                    throw arm::pipe::BackendProfilingException(
-                            "Unable to enable profiling on Backend Id: " + backendContext.first);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // At this point signal any external processes waiting on the profiling system
-        // to come up that profiling is fully active
-        m_ProfilingServiceStatus.NotifyProfilingServiceActive();
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        return; // NOP
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                            static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp
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index e409ee6..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include <client/include/IProfilingServiceStatus.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ISendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ISendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfilingContext.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler final : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-typedef const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>&
-    BackendProfilingContexts;
-    ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                         uint32_t packetId,
-                                         uint32_t version,
-                                         ICounterDirectory& counterDirectory,
-                                         ISendCounterPacket& sendCounterPacket,
-                                         ISendTimelinePacket& sendTimelinePacket,
-                                         ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine,
-                                         IProfilingServiceStatus& profilingServiceStatus,
-                                         arm::pipe::Optional<BackendProfilingContexts> backendProfilingContexts =
-                                         arm::pipe::EmptyOptional())
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
-        , m_CounterDirectory(counterDirectory)
-        , m_SendCounterPacket(sendCounterPacket)
-        , m_SendTimelinePacket(sendTimelinePacket)
-        , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-        , m_ProfilingServiceStatus(profilingServiceStatus)
-        , m_BackendProfilingContext(backendProfilingContexts)
-        , m_TimelineEnabled(false)
-    {}
-    void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    void setTimelineEnabled(bool timelineEnabled)
-    {
-        m_TimelineEnabled = timelineEnabled;
-    }
-    const ICounterDirectory& m_CounterDirectory;
-    ISendCounterPacket&      m_SendCounterPacket;
-    ISendTimelinePacket&     m_SendTimelinePacket;
-    ProfilingStateMachine&   m_StateMachine;
-    IProfilingServiceStatus& m_ProfilingServiceStatus;
-    arm::pipe::Optional<BackendProfilingContexts> m_BackendProfilingContext;
-    std::atomic<bool> m_TimelineEnabled;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/CounterIdMap.cpp b/src/profiling/CounterIdMap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb637c3..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/CounterIdMap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <map>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void CounterIdMap::RegisterMapping(uint16_t globalCounterId,
-                                   uint16_t backendCounterId,
-                                   const std::string& backendId)
-    std::pair<uint16_t, std::string> backendIdPair(backendCounterId, backendId);
-    m_GlobalCounterIdMap[globalCounterId] = backendIdPair;
-    m_BackendCounterIdMap[backendIdPair] = globalCounterId;
-void CounterIdMap::Reset()
-    m_GlobalCounterIdMap.clear();
-    m_BackendCounterIdMap.clear();
-uint16_t CounterIdMap::GetGlobalId(uint16_t backendCounterId, const std::string& backendId) const
-    std::pair<uint16_t, std::string> backendIdPair(backendCounterId, backendId);
-    auto it = m_BackendCounterIdMap.find(backendIdPair);
-    if (it == m_BackendCounterIdMap.end())
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "No Backend Counter [" << backendIdPair.second << ":" << backendIdPair.first << "] registered";
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(ss.str());
-    }
-    return it->second;
-const std::pair<uint16_t, std::string>& CounterIdMap::GetBackendId(uint16_t globalCounterId) const
-    auto it = m_GlobalCounterIdMap.find(globalCounterId);
-    if (it == m_GlobalCounterIdMap.end())
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "No Global Counter ID [" << globalCounterId << "] registered";
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(ss.str());
-    }
-    return it->second;
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c6a045..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch ( currentState )
-    {
-        case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-        case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-        case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-            throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format(
-                "Deactivate Timeline Reporting Command Handler invoked while in a wrong state: {}",
-                GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-        case ProfilingState::Active:
-            if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 7u))
-            {
-                throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(std::string(
-                    "Expected Packet family = 0, id = 7 but received family =")
-                    + std::to_string(packet.GetPacketFamily())
-                    + " id = " + std::to_string(packet.GetPacketId()));
-            }
-            m_TimelineReporting.store(false);
-            // Notify Backends
-            m_BackendNotifier.NotifyBackendsForTimelineReporting();
-            break;
-        default:
-            throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                                static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0473f..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include "INotifyBackends.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-    DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                              uint32_t packetId,
-                                              uint32_t version,
-                                              std::atomic<bool>& timelineReporting,
-                                              ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine,
-                                              INotifyBackends& notifyBackends)
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
-        , m_TimelineReporting(timelineReporting)
-        , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-        , m_BackendNotifier(notifyBackends)
-    {}
-    void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    std::atomic<bool>&     m_TimelineReporting;
-    ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-    INotifyBackends&       m_BackendNotifier;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.cpp b/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bee2c62..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Constants.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <common/include/PacketVersionResolver.hpp>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <thread>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-std::vector<uint32_t> StreamMetaDataProcessor::GetHeadersAccepted()
-    std::vector<uint32_t> headers;
-    headers.push_back(m_MetaDataPacketHeader);
-    return headers;
-void StreamMetaDataProcessor::HandlePacket(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    if (packet.GetHeader() != m_MetaDataPacketHeader)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("StreamMetaDataProcessor can only handle Stream Meta Data Packets");
-    }
-    // determine the endianness of the protocol
-    TargetEndianness endianness;
-    if (ToUint32(packet.GetData(),TargetEndianness::BeWire) == arm::pipe::PIPE_MAGIC)
-    {
-        endianness = TargetEndianness::BeWire;
-    }
-    else if (ToUint32(packet.GetData(), TargetEndianness::LeWire) == arm::pipe::PIPE_MAGIC)
-    {
-        endianness = TargetEndianness::LeWire;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Protocol read error. Unable to read the PIPE_MAGIC value.");
-    }
-    m_FileOnlyProfilingConnection->SetEndianess(endianness);
-    // send back the acknowledgement
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> uniqueNullPtr = nullptr;
-    arm::pipe::Packet returnPacket(0x10000, 0, uniqueNullPtr);
-    m_FileOnlyProfilingConnection->ReturnPacket(returnPacket);
-uint32_t StreamMetaDataProcessor::ToUint32(const unsigned char* data, TargetEndianness endianness)
-    // Extract the first 4 bytes starting at data and push them into a 32bit integer based on the
-    // specified endianness.
-    if (endianness == TargetEndianness::BeWire)
-    {
-        return static_cast<uint32_t>(data[0]) << 24 | static_cast<uint32_t>(data[1]) << 16 |
-               static_cast<uint32_t>(data[2]) << 8 | static_cast<uint32_t>(data[3]);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return static_cast<uint32_t>(data[3]) << 24 | static_cast<uint32_t>(data[2]) << 16 |
-               static_cast<uint32_t>(data[1]) << 8 | static_cast<uint32_t>(data[0]);
-    }
-    try
-    {
-        Close();
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-bool FileOnlyProfilingConnection::IsOpen() const
-    // This type of connection is always open.
-    return true;
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::Close()
-    // Dump any unread packets out of the queue.
-    size_t initialSize = m_PacketQueue.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < initialSize; ++i)
-    {
-        m_PacketQueue.pop();
-    }
-    // dispose of the processing thread
-    m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-    if (m_LocalHandlersThread.joinable())
-    {
-        // make sure the thread wakes up and sees it has to stop
-        m_ConditionPacketReadable.notify_one();
-        m_LocalHandlersThread.join();
-    }
-bool FileOnlyProfilingConnection::WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(buffer);
-    arm::pipe::Packet packet = ReceivePacket(buffer, length);
-    ForwardPacketToHandlers(packet);
-    return true;
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ReturnPacket(arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(m_PacketAvailableMutex);
-        m_PacketQueue.push(std::move(packet));
-    }
-    m_ConditionPacketAvailable.notify_one();
-arm::pipe::Packet FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_PacketAvailableMutex);
-    // Here we are using m_PacketQueue.empty() as a predicate variable
-    // The conditional variable will wait until packetQueue is not empty or until a timeout
-    if (!m_ConditionPacketAvailable.wait_for(lck,
-                                             std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout),
-                                             [&]{return !m_PacketQueue.empty();}))
-    {
-        arm::pipe::Packet empty;
-        return empty;
-    }
-    arm::pipe::Packet returnedPacket = std::move(m_PacketQueue.front());
-    m_PacketQueue.pop();
-    return returnedPacket;
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::Fail(const std::string& errorMessage)
-    Close();
-    throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(errorMessage);
-/// Adds a local packet handler to the FileOnlyProfilingConnection. Invoking this will start
-/// a processing thread that will ensure that processing of packets will happen on a separate
-/// thread from the profiling services send thread and will therefore protect against the
-/// profiling message buffer becoming exhausted because packet handling slows the dispatch.
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::AddLocalPacketHandler(ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr localPacketHandler)
-    m_PacketHandlers.push_back(std::move(localPacketHandler));
-    ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr localCopy = m_PacketHandlers.back();
-    localCopy->SetConnection(this);
-    if (localCopy->GetHeadersAccepted().empty())
-    {
-        //this is a universal handler
-        m_UniversalHandlers.push_back(localCopy);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (uint32_t header : localCopy->GetHeadersAccepted())
-        {
-            auto iter = m_IndexedHandlers.find(header);
-            if (iter == m_IndexedHandlers.end())
-            {
-                std::vector<ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr> handlers;
-                handlers.push_back(localCopy);
-                m_IndexedHandlers.emplace(std::make_pair(header, handlers));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                iter->second.push_back(localCopy);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::StartProcessingThread()
-    // check if the thread has already started
-    if (m_IsRunning.load())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    // make sure if there was one running before it is joined
-    if (m_LocalHandlersThread.joinable())
-    {
-        m_LocalHandlersThread.join();
-    }
-    m_IsRunning.store(true);
-    m_KeepRunning.store(true);
-    m_LocalHandlersThread = std::thread(&FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ServiceLocalHandlers, this);
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ForwardPacketToHandlers(arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    if (m_PacketHandlers.empty())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!m_KeepRunning.load())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    {
-        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> readableListLock(m_ReadableMutex);
-        if (!m_KeepRunning.load())
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        m_ReadableList.push(std::move(packet));
-    }
-    m_ConditionPacketReadable.notify_one();
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ServiceLocalHandlers()
-    do
-    {
-        arm::pipe::Packet returnedPacket;
-        bool readPacket = false;
-        {   // only lock while we are taking the packet off the incoming list
-            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_ReadableMutex);
-            if (m_Timeout < 0)
-            {
-                m_ConditionPacketReadable.wait(lck,
-                                               [&] { return !m_ReadableList.empty(); });
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                m_ConditionPacketReadable.wait_for(lck,
-                                                   std::chrono::milliseconds(std::max(m_Timeout, 1000)),
-                                                   [&] { return !m_ReadableList.empty(); });
-            }
-            if (m_KeepRunning.load())
-            {
-                if (!m_ReadableList.empty())
-                {
-                    returnedPacket = std::move(m_ReadableList.front());
-                    m_ReadableList.pop();
-                    readPacket = true;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ClearReadableList();
-            }
-        }
-        if (m_KeepRunning.load() && readPacket)
-        {
-            DispatchPacketToHandlers(returnedPacket);
-        }
-    } while (m_KeepRunning.load());
-    // make sure the readable list is cleared
-    ClearReadableList();
-    m_IsRunning.store(false);
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::ClearReadableList()
-    // make sure the incoming packet queue gets emptied
-    size_t initialSize = m_ReadableList.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < initialSize; ++i)
-    {
-        m_ReadableList.pop();
-    }
-void FileOnlyProfilingConnection::DispatchPacketToHandlers(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    for (auto& delegate : m_UniversalHandlers)
-    {
-        delegate->HandlePacket(packet);
-    }
-    auto iter = m_IndexedHandlers.find(packet.GetHeader());
-    if (iter != m_IndexedHandlers.end())
-    {
-        for (auto& delegate : iter->second)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                delegate->HandlePacket(packet);
-            }
-            catch (const arm::pipe::ProfilingException& ex)
-            {
-                Fail(ex.what());
-            }
-            catch (const std::exception& ex)
-            {
-                Fail(ex.what());
-            }
-            catch (...)
-            {
-                Fail("handler failed");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp b/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e60f5..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ILocalPacketHandler.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ProfilingOptions.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Assert.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-#include <server/include/timelineDecoder/DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <queue>
-#include <thread>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-// forward declaration
-class FileOnlyProfilingConnection;
-class StreamMetaDataProcessor : public ILocalPacketHandler
-    explicit StreamMetaDataProcessor(FileOnlyProfilingConnection* fileOnlyProfilingConnection) :
-            m_FileOnlyProfilingConnection(fileOnlyProfilingConnection),
-            m_MetaDataPacketHeader(ConstructHeader(0, 0)) {};
-    std::vector<uint32_t> GetHeadersAccepted() override;
-    void HandlePacket(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    FileOnlyProfilingConnection* m_FileOnlyProfilingConnection;
-    uint32_t m_MetaDataPacketHeader;
-    static uint32_t ToUint32(const unsigned char* data, TargetEndianness endianness);
-class FileOnlyProfilingConnection : public IProfilingConnection, public IInternalProfilingConnection
-    explicit FileOnlyProfilingConnection(const ProfilingOptions& options)
-        : m_Options(options)
-        , m_Endianness(TargetEndianness::LeWire)    // Set a sensible default.
-                                                    // StreamMetaDataProcessor will set a real value.
-        , m_IsRunning(false)
-        , m_KeepRunning(false)
-        , m_Timeout(1000)
-    {
-        // add the StreamMetaDataProcessor
-        auto streamMetaDataProcessor = std::make_shared<StreamMetaDataProcessor>(this);
-        AddLocalPacketHandler(streamMetaDataProcessor);
-        // and any additional ones added by the users
-        for (const ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr& localPacketHandler : options.m_LocalPacketHandlers)
-        {
-            AddLocalPacketHandler(localPacketHandler);
-        }
-        if (!m_PacketHandlers.empty())
-        {
-            StartProcessingThread();
-        }
-        // NOTE: could add timeout to the external profiling options
-    };
-    ~FileOnlyProfilingConnection() override;
-    bool IsOpen() const override;
-    void Close() override;
-    // This is effectively receiving a data packet from ArmNN.
-    bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) override;
-    // Sending a packet back to ArmNN.
-    arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override;
-    void SetEndianess(const TargetEndianness& endianness) override //IInternalProfilingConnection
-    {
-        m_Endianness = endianness;
-    }
-    void ReturnPacket(arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override; //IInternalProfilingConnection
-    void AddLocalPacketHandler(ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr localPacketHandler);
-    void StartProcessingThread();
-    void ClearReadableList();
-    void DispatchPacketToHandlers(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet);
-    void Fail(const std::string& errorMessage);
-    void ForwardPacketToHandlers(arm::pipe::Packet& packet);
-    void ServiceLocalHandlers();
-    ProfilingOptions m_Options;
-    std::queue<arm::pipe::Packet> m_PacketQueue;
-    TargetEndianness m_Endianness;
-    std::mutex m_PacketAvailableMutex;
-    std::condition_variable m_ConditionPacketAvailable;
-    std::vector<ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr> m_PacketHandlers;
-    std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr>> m_IndexedHandlers;
-    std::vector<ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr> m_UniversalHandlers;
-    // List of readable packets for the local packet handlers
-    std::queue<arm::pipe::Packet> m_ReadableList;
-    // Mutex and condition variable for the readable packet list
-    std::mutex m_ReadableMutex;
-    std::condition_variable m_ConditionPacketReadable;
-    // thread that takes items from the readable list and dispatches them
-    // to the handlers.
-    std::thread m_LocalHandlersThread;
-    // atomic booleans that control the operation of the local handlers thread
-    std::atomic<bool> m_IsRunning;
-    std::atomic<bool> m_KeepRunning;
-    int m_Timeout;
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/Holder.cpp b/src/profiling/Holder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d144e24..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/Holder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <client/include/Holder.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-CaptureData& CaptureData::operator=(const CaptureData& other)
-    m_CapturePeriod  = other.m_CapturePeriod;
-    m_CounterIds     = other.m_CounterIds;
-    m_ActiveBackends = other.m_ActiveBackends;
-    return *this;
-void CaptureData::SetActiveBackends(const std::set<std::string>& activeBackends)
-    m_ActiveBackends = activeBackends;
-void CaptureData::SetCapturePeriod(uint32_t capturePeriod)
-    m_CapturePeriod = capturePeriod;
-void CaptureData::SetCounterIds(const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds)
-    m_CounterIds = counterIds;
-const std::set<std::string>& CaptureData::GetActiveBackends() const
-    return m_ActiveBackends;
-uint32_t CaptureData::GetCapturePeriod() const
-    return m_CapturePeriod;
-const std::vector<uint16_t>& CaptureData::GetCounterIds() const
-    return m_CounterIds;
-CaptureData Holder::GetCaptureData() const
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(m_CaptureThreadMutex);
-    return m_CaptureData;
-bool CaptureData::IsCounterIdInCaptureData(uint16_t counterId)
-    for (auto m_CounterId : m_CounterIds) {
-        if (m_CounterId == counterId)
-        {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    // Return false by default unless counterId is found
-    return false;
-void Holder::SetCaptureData(uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                            const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds,
-                            const std::set<std::string>& activeBackends)
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(m_CaptureThreadMutex);
-    m_CaptureData.SetCapturePeriod(capturePeriod);
-    m_CaptureData.SetCounterIds(counterIds);
-    m_CaptureData.SetActiveBackends(activeBackends);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IBufferManager.hpp b/src/profiling/IBufferManager.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aec43f..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IBufferManager.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IConsumer.hpp"
-#include "IPacketBuffer.hpp"
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IBufferManager
-    virtual ~IBufferManager() {}
-    virtual IPacketBufferPtr Reserve(unsigned int requestedSize, unsigned int& reservedSize) = 0;
-    virtual void Commit(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int size, bool notifyConsumer = true) = 0;
-    virtual void Release(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer) = 0;
-    virtual IPacketBufferPtr GetReadableBuffer() = 0;
-    virtual void MarkRead(IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer) = 0;
-    virtual void SetConsumer(IConsumer* consumer) = 0;
-    virtual void FlushReadList() = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IConsumer.hpp b/src/profiling/IConsumer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a7e5ef..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IConsumer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IConsumer
-    virtual ~IConsumer() {}
-    /// Set a "ready to read" flag in the buffer to notify the reading thread to start reading it.
-    virtual void SetReadyToRead() = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/INotifyBackends.hpp b/src/profiling/INotifyBackends.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa25b7..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/INotifyBackends.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class INotifyBackends
-    virtual ~INotifyBackends() {}
-    virtual void NotifyBackendsForTimelineReporting() = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IPacketBuffer.hpp b/src/profiling/IPacketBuffer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c40e4..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IPacketBuffer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IReadOnlyPacketBuffer // interface used by the read thread
-    virtual ~IReadOnlyPacketBuffer() {}
-    virtual const unsigned char* GetReadableData() const = 0;
-    virtual unsigned int GetSize() const = 0;
-    virtual void MarkRead() = 0;
-class IPacketBuffer : public IReadOnlyPacketBuffer // interface used by code that writes binary packets
-    virtual ~IPacketBuffer() {}
-    virtual void Commit(unsigned int size) = 0;
-    virtual void Release() = 0;
-    virtual unsigned char* GetWritableData() = 0;
-    /// release the memory held and reset internal point to null.
-    /// After this function is invoked the PacketBuffer is unusable.
-    virtual void Destroy() = 0;
-using IPacketBufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<IPacketBuffer>;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IPeriodicCounterCapture.hpp b/src/profiling/IPeriodicCounterCapture.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f96d014..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IPeriodicCounterCapture.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IPeriodicCounterCapture
-    virtual ~IPeriodicCounterCapture() {}
-    virtual void Start() = 0;
-    virtual void Stop() = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IProfilingConnection.hpp b/src/profiling/IProfilingConnection.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a25854..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IProfilingConnection.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include <client/include/ILocalPacketHandler.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IProfilingConnection
-    virtual ~IProfilingConnection() {}
-    virtual bool IsOpen() const = 0;
-    virtual void Close() =  0;
-    virtual bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) = 0;
-    virtual arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp b/src/profiling/IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8676077..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ProfilingOptions.hpp>
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class IProfilingConnectionFactory
-    using ExternalProfilingOptions = ProfilingOptions;
-    using IProfilingConnectionPtr = std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection>;
-    virtual ~IProfilingConnectionFactory() {}
-    virtual IProfilingConnectionPtr GetProfilingConnection(const ProfilingOptions& options) const = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/IProfilingService.cpp b/src/profiling/IProfilingService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d147871..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/IProfilingService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingService.hpp"
-#include <client/include/IProfilingService.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-std::unique_ptr<IProfilingService> IProfilingService::CreateProfilingService(
-    uint16_t maxGlobalCounterId,
-    IInitialiseProfilingService& initialiser,
-    const std::string& softwareInfo,
-    const std::string& softwareVersion,
-    const std::string& hardwareVersion,
-    arm::pipe::Optional<IReportStructure&> reportStructure)
-    return std::make_unique<ProfilingService>(maxGlobalCounterId,
-                                              initialiser,
-                                              softwareInfo,
-                                              softwareVersion,
-                                              hardwareVersion,
-                                              reportStructure);
-ProfilingGuidGenerator IProfilingService::m_GuidGenerator;
-ProfilingDynamicGuid IProfilingService::GetNextGuid()
-    return m_GuidGenerator.NextGuid();
-ProfilingStaticGuid IProfilingService::GetStaticId(const std::string& str)
-    return m_GuidGenerator.GenerateStaticId(str);
-void IProfilingService::ResetGuidGenerator()
-    m_GuidGenerator.Reset();
-ProfilingDynamicGuid IProfilingService::NextGuid()
-    return IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-ProfilingStaticGuid IProfilingService::GenerateStaticId(const std::string& str)
-    return IProfilingService::GetStaticId(str);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ISendThread.hpp b/src/profiling/ISendThread.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index af76a25..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ISendThread.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ISendThread
-    virtual ~ISendThread() {}
-    /// Start the thread
-    virtual void Start(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection) = 0;
-    /// Stop the thread
-    virtual void Stop(bool rethrowSendThreadExceptions = true) = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/NullProfilingConnection.hpp b/src/profiling/NullProfilingConnection.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f8dae..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/NullProfilingConnection.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <common/include/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class NullProfilingConnection : public IProfilingConnection
-    virtual bool IsOpen() const override { return true; };
-    virtual void Close() override {};
-    virtual bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) override
-    {
-        arm::pipe::IgnoreUnused(buffer);
-        arm::pipe::IgnoreUnused(length);
-        return true;
-    };
-    virtual Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override
-    {
-        arm::pipe::IgnoreUnused(timeout);
-        return Packet(0);
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.cpp b/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5fd35..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "PacketBuffer.hpp"
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-PacketBuffer::PacketBuffer(unsigned int maxSize)
-    : m_MaxSize(maxSize)
-    , m_Size(0)
-    m_Data = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(m_MaxSize);
-const unsigned char* PacketBuffer::GetReadableData() const
-    return m_Data.get();
-unsigned int PacketBuffer::GetSize() const
-    return m_Size;
-void PacketBuffer::MarkRead()
-    m_Size = 0;
-void PacketBuffer::Commit(unsigned int size)
-    if (size > m_MaxSize)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Cannot commit [" + std::to_string(size) +
-            "] bytes which is more than the maximum size of the buffer [" + std::to_string(m_MaxSize) + "]");
-    }
-    m_Size = size;
-void PacketBuffer::Release()
-    m_Size = 0;
-unsigned char* PacketBuffer::GetWritableData()
-    return m_Data.get();
-void PacketBuffer::Destroy()
-    m_Data.reset(nullptr);
-    m_Size = 0;
-    m_MaxSize = 0;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.hpp b/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa5c60..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PacketBuffer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IPacketBuffer.hpp"
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class PacketBuffer : public IPacketBuffer
-    PacketBuffer(unsigned int maxSize);
-    ~PacketBuffer() {}
-    const unsigned char* GetReadableData() const  override;
-    unsigned int GetSize() const  override;
-    void MarkRead() override;
-    void Commit(unsigned int size)  override;
-    void Release() override;
-    unsigned char* GetWritableData() override;
-    void Destroy() override;
-    unsigned int m_MaxSize;
-    unsigned int m_Size;
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> m_Data;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d2d2bd..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include <common/include/CommonProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format(
-            "Per-Job Counter Selection Command Handler invoked while in an incorrect state: {}",
-            GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        // Process the packet
-        if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 5u))
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 5 but "
-                                                                  "received family = {}, id = {}",
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketId()));
-        }
-        // Silently drop the packet
-        break;
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                                        static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d088e4..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-    PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                         uint32_t packetId,
-                                         uint32_t version,
-                                         const ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine)
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
-        , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-    {}
-    void operator()(const Packet& packet) override;
-    const ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.cpp b/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 490173c..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Logging.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void PeriodicCounterCapture::Start()
-    // Check if the capture thread is already running
-    if (m_IsRunning)
-    {
-        // The capture thread is already running
-        return;
-    }
-    // Mark the capture thread as running
-    m_IsRunning = true;
-    // Keep the capture procedure going until the capture thread is signalled to stop
-    m_KeepRunning.store(true);
-    // Start the new capture thread.
-    m_PeriodCaptureThread = std::thread(&PeriodicCounterCapture::Capture, this, std::ref(m_ReadCounterValues));
-void PeriodicCounterCapture::Stop()
-    // Signal the capture thread to stop
-    m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-    // Check that the capture thread is running
-    if (m_PeriodCaptureThread.joinable())
-    {
-        // Wait for the capture thread to complete operations
-        m_PeriodCaptureThread.join();
-    }
-    // Mark the capture thread as not running
-    m_IsRunning = false;
-CaptureData PeriodicCounterCapture::ReadCaptureData()
-    return m_CaptureDataHolder.GetCaptureData();
-void PeriodicCounterCapture::DispatchPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(
-    const std::string& backendId, const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestampValues)
-    // Report counter values
-    for (const auto& timestampInfo : timestampValues)
-    {
-        std::vector<CounterValue> backendCounterValues = timestampInfo.counterValues;
-        for_each(backendCounterValues.begin(), backendCounterValues.end(), [&](CounterValue& backendCounterValue)
-        {
-            // translate the counterId to globalCounterId
-            backendCounterValue.counterId = m_CounterIdMap.GetGlobalId(backendCounterValue.counterId, backendId);
-        });
-        // Send Periodic Counter Capture Packet for the Timestamp
-        m_SendCounterPacket.SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(timestampInfo.timestamp, backendCounterValues);
-    }
-void PeriodicCounterCapture::Capture(IReadCounterValues& readCounterValues)
-    do
-    {
-        // Check if the current capture data indicates that there's data capture
-        auto currentCaptureData = ReadCaptureData();
-        const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds = currentCaptureData.GetCounterIds();
-        const uint32_t capturePeriod = currentCaptureData.GetCapturePeriod();
-        if (capturePeriod == 0)
-        {
-            // No data capture, wait the indicated capture period (milliseconds), if it is not zero
-            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50u));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if(counterIds.size() != 0)
-        {
-            std::vector<CounterValue> counterValues;
-            auto numCounters = counterIds.size();
-            counterValues.reserve(numCounters);
-            // Create a vector of pairs of CounterIndexes and Values
-            for (uint16_t index = 0; index < numCounters; ++index)
-            {
-                auto requestedId = counterIds[index];
-                uint32_t counterValue = 0;
-                try
-                {
-                    counterValue = readCounterValues.GetDeltaCounterValue(requestedId);
-                }
-                catch (const arm::pipe::ProfilingException& e)
-                {
-                    // Report the error and continue
-                    ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An error has occurred when getting a counter value: "
-                                       << e.what();
-                    continue;
-                }
-                counterValues.emplace_back(CounterValue {requestedId, counterValue });
-            }
-            // Send Periodic Counter Capture Packet for the Timestamp
-            m_SendCounterPacket.SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(GetTimestamp(), counterValues);
-        }
-        // Report counter values for each active backend
-        auto activeBackends = currentCaptureData.GetActiveBackends();
-        for_each(activeBackends.begin(), activeBackends.end(), [&](const std::string& backendId)
-        {
-            DispatchPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(
-                backendId, m_BackendProfilingContexts.at(backendId)->ReportCounterValues());
-        });
-        // Wait the indicated capture period (microseconds)
-        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(capturePeriod));
-    }
-    while (m_KeepRunning.load());
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp b/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8808417..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IPeriodicCounterCapture.hpp"
-#include "SendCounterPacket.hpp"
-#include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
-#include <client/include/Holder.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ICounterValues.hpp>
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfilingContext.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <thread>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class PeriodicCounterCapture final : public IPeriodicCounterCapture
-    PeriodicCounterCapture(const Holder& data,
-                           ISendCounterPacket& packet,
-                           IReadCounterValues& readCounterValue,
-                           const ICounterMappings& counterIdMap,
-                           const std::unordered_map<std::string,
-                               std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>& backendProfilingContexts)
-            : m_CaptureDataHolder(data)
-            , m_IsRunning(false)
-            , m_KeepRunning(false)
-            , m_ReadCounterValues(readCounterValue)
-            , m_SendCounterPacket(packet)
-            , m_CounterIdMap(counterIdMap)
-            , m_BackendProfilingContexts(backendProfilingContexts)
-    {}
-    ~PeriodicCounterCapture() { Stop(); }
-    void Start() override;
-    void Stop() override;
-    bool IsRunning() const { return m_IsRunning; }
-    CaptureData ReadCaptureData();
-    void Capture(IReadCounterValues& readCounterValues);
-    void DispatchPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(
-            const std::string& backendId, const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestampValues);
-    const Holder&             m_CaptureDataHolder;
-    bool                      m_IsRunning;
-    std::atomic<bool>         m_KeepRunning;
-    std::thread               m_PeriodCaptureThread;
-    IReadCounterValues&       m_ReadCounterValues;
-    ISendCounterPacket&       m_SendCounterPacket;
-    const ICounterMappings&   m_CounterIdMap;
-    const std::unordered_map<std::string,
-            std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>& m_BackendProfilingContexts;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f2c65..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ProfilingOptions.hpp>
-#include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-#include <vector>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::ParseData(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet, CaptureData& captureData)
-    std::vector<uint16_t> counterIds;
-    uint32_t sizeOfUint32 = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint32_t));
-    uint32_t sizeOfUint16 = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint16_t));
-    uint32_t offset = 0;
-    if (packet.GetLength() < 4)
-    {
-        // Insufficient packet size
-        return;
-    }
-    // Parse the capture period
-    uint32_t capturePeriod = ReadUint32(packet.GetData(), offset);
-    // Set the capture period
-    captureData.SetCapturePeriod(capturePeriod);
-    // Parse the counter ids
-    unsigned int counters = (packet.GetLength() - 4) / 2;
-    if (counters > 0)
-    {
-        counterIds.reserve(counters);
-        offset += sizeOfUint32;
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < counters; ++i)
-        {
-            // Parse the counter id
-            uint16_t counterId = ReadUint16(packet.GetData(), offset);
-            counterIds.emplace_back(counterId);
-            offset += sizeOfUint16;
-        }
-    }
-    // Set the counter ids
-    captureData.SetCounterIds(counterIds);
-void PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Periodic Counter Selection Command Handler invoked while in "
-                                            "an wrong state: {}",
-                                            GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-    {
-        // Process the packet
-        if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 4u))
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 4 but "
-                                                                  "received family = {}, id = {}",
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketId()));
-        }
-        // Parse the packet to get the capture period and counter UIDs
-        CaptureData captureData;
-        ParseData(packet, captureData);
-        // Get the capture data
-        uint32_t capturePeriod = captureData.GetCapturePeriod();
-        // Validate that the capture period is within the acceptable range.
-        if (capturePeriod > 0  && capturePeriod < arm::pipe::LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD)
-        {
-            capturePeriod = arm::pipe::LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD;
-        }
-        const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds = captureData.GetCounterIds();
-        // Check whether the selected counter UIDs are valid
-        std::vector<uint16_t> validCounterIds;
-        for (uint16_t counterId : counterIds)
-        {
-            // Check whether the counter is registered
-            if (!m_ReadCounterValues.IsCounterRegistered(counterId))
-            {
-                // Invalid counter UID, ignore it and continue
-                continue;
-            }
-            // The counter is valid
-            validCounterIds.emplace_back(counterId);
-        }
-        std::sort(validCounterIds.begin(), validCounterIds.end());
-        auto backendIdStart = std::find_if(validCounterIds.begin(), validCounterIds.end(), [&](uint16_t& counterId)
-        {
-            return counterId > m_MaxArmCounterId;
-        });
-        std::set<std::string> activeBackends;
-        std::set<uint16_t> backendCounterIds = std::set<uint16_t>(backendIdStart, validCounterIds.end());
-        if (m_BackendCounterMap.size() != 0)
-        {
-            std::set<uint16_t> newCounterIds;
-            std::set<uint16_t> unusedCounterIds;
-            // Get any backend counter ids that is in backendCounterIds but not in m_PrevBackendCounterIds
-            std::set_difference(backendCounterIds.begin(), backendCounterIds.end(),
-                                m_PrevBackendCounterIds.begin(), m_PrevBackendCounterIds.end(),
-                                std::inserter(newCounterIds, newCounterIds.begin()));
-            // Get any backend counter ids that is in m_PrevBackendCounterIds but not in backendCounterIds
-            std::set_difference(m_PrevBackendCounterIds.begin(), m_PrevBackendCounterIds.end(),
-                                backendCounterIds.begin(), backendCounterIds.end(),
-                                std::inserter(unusedCounterIds, unusedCounterIds.begin()));
-            activeBackends = ProcessBackendCounterIds(capturePeriod, newCounterIds, unusedCounterIds);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            activeBackends = ProcessBackendCounterIds(capturePeriod, backendCounterIds, {});
-        }
-        // save the new backend counter ids for next time
-        m_PrevBackendCounterIds = backendCounterIds;
-        // Set the capture data with only the valid armnn counter UIDs
-        m_CaptureDataHolder.SetCaptureData(capturePeriod, {validCounterIds.begin(), backendIdStart}, activeBackends);
-        // Echo back the Periodic Counter Selection packet to the Counter Stream Buffer
-        m_SendCounterPacket.SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(capturePeriod, validCounterIds);
-        if (capturePeriod == 0 || validCounterIds.empty())
-        {
-            // No data capture stop the thread
-            m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Stop();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // Start the Period Counter Capture thread (if not running already)
-            m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Start();
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                            static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-std::set<std::string> PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::ProcessBackendCounterIds(
-                                                                      const uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                                                      const std::set<uint16_t> newCounterIds,
-                                                                      const std::set<uint16_t> unusedCounterIds)
-    std::set<std::string> changedBackends;
-    std::set<std::string> activeBackends = m_CaptureDataHolder.GetCaptureData().GetActiveBackends();
-    for (uint16_t counterId : newCounterIds)
-    {
-        auto backendId = m_CounterIdMap.GetBackendId(counterId);
-        m_BackendCounterMap[backendId.second].emplace_back(backendId.first);
-        changedBackends.insert(backendId.second);
-    }
-    // Add any new backends to active backends
-    activeBackends.insert(changedBackends.begin(), changedBackends.end());
-    for (uint16_t counterId : unusedCounterIds)
-    {
-        auto backendId = m_CounterIdMap.GetBackendId(counterId);
-        std::vector<uint16_t>& backendCounters = m_BackendCounterMap[backendId.second];
-        backendCounters.erase(std::remove(backendCounters.begin(), backendCounters.end(), backendId.first));
-        if(backendCounters.size() == 0)
-        {
-            // If a backend has no counters associated with it we remove it from active backends and
-            // send a capture period of zero with an empty vector, this will deactivate all the backends counters
-            activeBackends.erase(backendId.second);
-            ActivateBackendCounters(backendId.second, 0, {});
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            changedBackends.insert(backendId.second);
-        }
-    }
-    // If the capture period remains the same we only need to update the backends who's counters have changed
-    if(capturePeriod == m_PrevCapturePeriod)
-    {
-        for (auto backend : changedBackends)
-        {
-            ActivateBackendCounters(backend, capturePeriod, m_BackendCounterMap[backend]);
-        }
-    }
-    // Otherwise update all the backends with the new capture period and any new/unused counters
-    else
-    {
-        for (auto backend : m_BackendCounterMap)
-        {
-            ActivateBackendCounters(backend.first, capturePeriod, backend.second);
-        }
-        if(capturePeriod == 0)
-        {
-            activeBackends = {};
-        }
-        m_PrevCapturePeriod = capturePeriod;
-    }
-    return activeBackends;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e544c9..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include "SendCounterPacket.hpp"
-#include "IPeriodicCounterCapture.hpp"
-#include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
-#include <client/include/Holder.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ICounterValues.hpp>
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfilingContext.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Logging.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-#include <set>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-    PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                           uint32_t packetId,
-                                           uint32_t version,
-                                           const std::unordered_map<std::string,
-                                                   std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>&
-                                                   backendProfilingContexts,
-                                           const ICounterMappings& counterIdMap,
-                                           Holder& captureDataHolder,
-                                           const uint16_t maxArmnnCounterId,
-                                           IPeriodicCounterCapture& periodicCounterCapture,
-                                           const IReadCounterValues& readCounterValue,
-                                           ISendCounterPacket& sendCounterPacket,
-                                           const ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine)
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
-        , m_BackendProfilingContexts(backendProfilingContexts)
-        , m_CounterIdMap(counterIdMap)
-        , m_CaptureDataHolder(captureDataHolder)
-        , m_MaxArmCounterId(maxArmnnCounterId)
-        , m_PeriodicCounterCapture(periodicCounterCapture)
-        , m_PrevCapturePeriod(0)
-        , m_ReadCounterValues(readCounterValue)
-        , m_SendCounterPacket(sendCounterPacket)
-        , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-    {
-    }
-    void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint16_t>> m_BackendCounterMap;
-    const std::unordered_map<std::string,
-          std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>& m_BackendProfilingContexts;
-    const ICounterMappings& m_CounterIdMap;
-    Holder& m_CaptureDataHolder;
-    const uint16_t m_MaxArmCounterId;
-    IPeriodicCounterCapture& m_PeriodicCounterCapture;
-    uint32_t m_PrevCapturePeriod;
-    std::set<uint16_t> m_PrevBackendCounterIds;
-    const IReadCounterValues& m_ReadCounterValues;
-    ISendCounterPacket& m_SendCounterPacket;
-    const ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-    void ActivateBackendCounters(const std::string backendId,
-                                 const uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                 const std::vector<uint16_t> counterIds)
-    {
-        arm::pipe::Optional<std::string> errorMsg =
-                m_BackendProfilingContexts.at(backendId)->ActivateCounters(capturePeriod, counterIds);
-        if(errorMsg.has_value())
-        {
-            ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An error has occurred when activating counters of " << backendId << ": "
-                               << errorMsg.value();
-        }
-    }
-    void ParseData(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet, CaptureData& captureData);
-    std::set<std::string> ProcessBackendCounterIds(const uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                                        const std::set<uint16_t> newCounterIds,
-                                                        const std::set<uint16_t> unusedCounterIds);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.cpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f13b08..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.hpp"
-#include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-    std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection> connection,
-    const ProfilingOptions& options,
-    bool ignoreFailures)
-      : m_Connection(std::move(connection))
-      , m_Options(options)
-      , m_IgnoreFileErrors(ignoreFailures)
-    if (!m_Connection)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Connection cannot be nullptr");
-    }
-    Close();
-bool ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::IsOpen() const
-    return m_Connection->IsOpen();
-void ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::Close()
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.flush();
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.close();
-    m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.flush();
-    m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.close();
-    m_Connection->Close();
-bool ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length)
-    bool success = true;
-    if (!m_Options.m_OutgoingCaptureFile.empty())
-    {
-        success &= DumpOutgoingToFile(buffer, length);
-    }
-    success &= m_Connection->WritePacket(buffer, length);
-    return success;
-arm::pipe::Packet ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout)
-    arm::pipe::Packet packet = m_Connection->ReadPacket(timeout);
-    if (!m_Options.m_IncomingCaptureFile.empty())
-    {
-        DumpIncomingToFile(packet);
-    }
-    return packet;
-bool ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::OpenIncomingDumpFile()
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.open(m_Options.m_IncomingCaptureFile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
-    return m_IncomingDumpFileStream.is_open();
-bool ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::OpenOutgoingDumpFile()
-    m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.open(m_Options.m_OutgoingCaptureFile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
-    return m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.is_open();
-/// Dumps incoming data into the file specified by m_Settings.m_IncomingDumpFileName.
-/// If m_IgnoreFileErrors is set to true in m_Settings, write errors will be ignored,
-/// i.e. the method will not throw an exception if it encounters an error while trying
-/// to write the data into the specified file.
-/// @param packet data packet to write
-/// @return nothing
-void ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::DumpIncomingToFile(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    bool success = true;
-    if (!m_IncomingDumpFileStream.is_open())
-    {
-        // attempt to open dump file
-        success &= OpenIncomingDumpFile();
-        if (!(success || m_IgnoreFileErrors))
-        {
-            Fail("Failed to open \"" + m_Options.m_IncomingCaptureFile + "\" for writing");
-        }
-    }
-    // attempt to write binary data from packet
-    const unsigned int header       = packet.GetHeader();
-    const unsigned int packetLength = packet.GetLength();
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header), sizeof header);
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&packetLength), sizeof packetLength);
-    m_IncomingDumpFileStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(packet.GetData()),
-                                   arm::pipe::numeric_cast<std::streamsize>(packetLength));
-    success &= m_IncomingDumpFileStream.good();
-    if (!(success || m_IgnoreFileErrors))
-    {
-        Fail("Error writing incoming packet of " + std::to_string(packetLength) + " bytes");
-    }
-/// Dumps outgoing data into the file specified by m_Settings.m_OutgoingDumpFileName.
-/// If m_IgnoreFileErrors is set to true in m_Settings, write errors will be ignored,
-/// i.e. the method will not throw an exception if it encounters an error while trying
-/// to write the data into the specified file. However, the return value will still
-/// signal if the write has not been completed succesfully.
-/// @param buffer pointer to data to write
-/// @param length number of bytes to write
-/// @return true if write successful, false otherwise
-bool ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::DumpOutgoingToFile(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length)
-    bool success = true;
-    if (!m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.is_open())
-    {
-        // attempt to open dump file
-        success &= OpenOutgoingDumpFile();
-        if (!(success || m_IgnoreFileErrors))
-        {
-            Fail("Failed to open \"" + m_Options.m_OutgoingCaptureFile + "\" for writing");
-        }
-    }
-    // attempt to write binary data
-    m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer),
-                                   arm::pipe::numeric_cast<std::streamsize>(length));
-    success &= m_OutgoingDumpFileStream.good();
-    if (!(success || m_IgnoreFileErrors))
-    {
-        Fail("Error writing outgoing packet of " + std::to_string(length) + " bytes");
-    }
-    return success;
-void ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator::Fail(const std::string& errorMessage)
-    Close();
-    throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(errorMessage);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f4812e..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ProfilingOptions.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator : public IProfilingConnection
-    ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator(std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection> connection,
-                                           const ProfilingOptions& options,
-                                           bool ignoreFailures = false);
-    ~ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator();
-    bool IsOpen() const override;
-    void Close() override;
-    bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) override;
-    arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override;
-    bool OpenIncomingDumpFile();
-    bool OpenOutgoingDumpFile();
-    void DumpIncomingToFile(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet);
-    bool DumpOutgoingToFile(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length);
-    void Fail(const std::string& errorMessage);
-    std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection> m_Connection;
-    ProfilingOptions                      m_Options;
-    std::ofstream                         m_IncomingDumpFileStream;
-    std::ofstream                         m_OutgoingDumpFileStream;
-    bool                                  m_IgnoreFileErrors;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionFactory.cpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionFactory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b34a02..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionFactory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp"
-#include "FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.hpp"
-#include "SocketProfilingConnection.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection> ProfilingConnectionFactory::GetProfilingConnection(
-    const ProfilingOptions& options) const
-    // Before proceed to create the IProfilingConnection, check if the file format is supported
-    if (!(options.m_FileFormat == "binary"))
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::UnimplementedException("Unsupported profiling file format, only binary is supported");
-    }
-    // We can create 3 different types of IProfilingConnection.
-    // 1: If no relevant options are specified then a SocketProfilingConnection is returned.
-    // 2: If both incoming and outgoing capture files are specified then a SocketProfilingConnection decorated by a
-    //    ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator is returned.
-    // 3: If both incoming and outgoing capture files are specified and "file only" then a FileOnlyProfilingConnection
-    //    decorated by a ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator is returned.
-    // 4. There is now another option if m_FileOnly == true and there are ILocalPacketHandlers specified
-    //    we can create a FileOnlyProfilingConnection without a file dump
-    if ((!options.m_IncomingCaptureFile.empty() || !options.m_OutgoingCaptureFile.empty()) && !options.m_FileOnly)
-    {
-        // This is type 2.
-        return std::make_unique<ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator>(std::make_unique<SocketProfilingConnection>(),
-                                                                        options);
-    }
-    else if ((!options.m_IncomingCaptureFile.empty() || !options.m_OutgoingCaptureFile.empty()) && options.m_FileOnly)
-    {
-        // This is type 3.
-        return std::make_unique<ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator>(
-            std::make_unique<FileOnlyProfilingConnection>(options), options);
-    }
-    else if (options.m_FileOnly && !options.m_LocalPacketHandlers.empty())
-    {
-        // This is the type 4.
-        return std::make_unique<FileOnlyProfilingConnection>(options);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This is type 1.
-        return std::make_unique<SocketProfilingConnection>();
-    }
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ProfilingConnectionFactory final : public IProfilingConnectionFactory
-    ProfilingConnectionFactory()  = default;
-    ~ProfilingConnectionFactory() = default;
-    IProfilingConnectionPtr GetProfilingConnection(const ProfilingOptions& options) const override;
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingService.cpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acddf1..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingService.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Logging.hpp>
-#include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingGuid.hpp>
-#include <common/include/SocketConnectionException.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void ProfilingService::ResetExternalProfilingOptions(const arm::pipe::ProfilingOptions& options,
-                                                     bool resetProfilingService)
-    // Update the profiling options
-    m_Options = options;
-    m_TimelineReporting = options.m_TimelineEnabled;
-    m_ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.setTimelineEnabled(options.m_TimelineEnabled);
-    // Check if the profiling service needs to be reset
-    if (resetProfilingService)
-    {
-        // Reset the profiling service
-        Reset();
-    }
-bool ProfilingService::IsProfilingEnabled() const
-    return m_Options.m_EnableProfiling;
-ProfilingState ProfilingService::ConfigureProfilingService(
-        const ProfilingOptions& options,
-        bool resetProfilingService)
-    ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, resetProfilingService);
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    if (options.m_EnableProfiling)
-    {
-        switch (currentState)
-        {
-            case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-                Update(); // should transition to NotConnected
-                Update(); // will either stay in NotConnected because there is no server
-                          // or will enter WaitingForAck.
-                currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-                if (currentState == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck)
-                {
-                    Update(); // poke it again to send out the metadata packet
-                }
-                currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-                return currentState;
-            case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-                Update(); // will either stay in NotConnected because there is no server
-                          // or will enter WaitingForAck
-                currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-                if (currentState == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck)
-                {
-                    Update(); // poke it again to send out the metadata packet
-                }
-                currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-                return currentState;
-            default:
-                return currentState;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Make sure profiling is shutdown
-        switch (currentState)
-        {
-            case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-            case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-                return currentState;
-            default:
-                Stop();
-                return m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-        }
-    }
-void ProfilingService::Update()
-    if (!m_Options.m_EnableProfiling)
-    {
-        // Don't run if profiling is disabled
-        return;
-    }
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-        // Initialize the profiling service
-        Initialize();
-        // Move to the next state
-        m_StateMachine.TransitionToState(ProfilingState::NotConnected);
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-        // Stop the command thread (if running)
-        m_CommandHandler.Stop();
-        // Stop the send thread (if running)
-        m_SendThread.Stop(false);
-        // Stop the periodic counter capture thread (if running)
-        m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Stop();
-        // Reset any existing profiling connection
-        m_ProfilingConnection.reset();
-        try
-        {
-            // Setup the profiling connection
-            ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(m_ProfilingConnectionFactory);
-            m_ProfilingConnection = m_ProfilingConnectionFactory->GetProfilingConnection(m_Options);
-        }
-        catch (const arm::pipe::ProfilingException& e)
-        {
-            ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An error has occurred when creating the profiling connection: "
-                                       << e.what();
-        }
-        catch (const arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException& e)
-        {
-            ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << "An error has occurred when creating the profiling connection ["
-                                       << e.what() << "] on socket [" << e.GetSocketFd() << "].";
-        }
-        // Move to the next state
-        m_StateMachine.TransitionToState(m_ProfilingConnection
-                                         ? ProfilingState::WaitingForAck  // Profiling connection obtained, wait for ack
-                                         : ProfilingState::NotConnected); // Profiling connection failed, stay in the
-                                                                          // "NotConnected" state
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(m_ProfilingConnection);
-        // Start the command thread
-        m_CommandHandler.Start(*m_ProfilingConnection);
-        // Start the send thread, while in "WaitingForAck" state it'll send out a "Stream MetaData" packet waiting for
-        // a valid "Connection Acknowledged" packet confirming the connection
-        m_SendThread.Start(*m_ProfilingConnection);
-        // The connection acknowledged command handler will automatically transition the state to "Active" once a
-        // valid "Connection Acknowledged" packet has been received
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        // The period counter capture thread is started by the Periodic Counter Selection command handler upon
-        // request by an external profiling service
-        break;
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                            static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-void ProfilingService::Disconnect()
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        return; // NOP
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        // Stop the command thread (if running)
-        Stop();
-        break;
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                                        static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-// Store a profiling context returned from a backend that support profiling, and register its counters
-void ProfilingService::AddBackendProfilingContext(const std::string& backendId,
-    std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext> profilingContext)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(profilingContext != nullptr);
-    // Register the backend counters
-    m_MaxGlobalCounterId = profilingContext->RegisterCounters(m_MaxGlobalCounterId);
-    m_BackendProfilingContexts.emplace(backendId, std::move(profilingContext));
-const ICounterDirectory& ProfilingService::GetCounterDirectory() const
-    return m_CounterDirectory;
-ICounterRegistry& ProfilingService::GetCounterRegistry()
-    return m_CounterDirectory;
-ProfilingState ProfilingService::GetCurrentState() const
-    return m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-uint16_t ProfilingService::GetCounterCount() const
-    return m_CounterDirectory.GetCounterCount();
-bool ProfilingService::IsCounterRegistered(uint16_t counterUid) const
-    return m_CounterDirectory.IsCounterRegistered(counterUid);
-uint32_t ProfilingService::GetAbsoluteCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid) const
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    return counterValuePtr->load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-uint32_t ProfilingService::GetDeltaCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid)
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    const uint32_t counterValue = counterValuePtr->load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-    SubtractCounterValue(counterUid, counterValue);
-    return counterValue;
-const ICounterMappings& ProfilingService::GetCounterMappings() const
-    return m_CounterIdMap;
-IRegisterCounterMapping& ProfilingService::GetCounterMappingRegistry()
-    return m_CounterIdMap;
-bool ProfilingService::IsCategoryRegistered(const std::string& categoryName) const
-    return m_CounterDirectory.IsCategoryRegistered(categoryName);
-bool ProfilingService::IsCounterRegistered(const std::string& counterName) const
-    return m_CounterDirectory.IsCounterRegistered(counterName);
-CaptureData ProfilingService::GetCaptureData()
-    return m_Holder.GetCaptureData();
-void ProfilingService::SetCaptureData(uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                      const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds,
-                                      const std::set<std::string>& activeBackends)
-    m_Holder.SetCaptureData(capturePeriod, counterIds, activeBackends);
-void ProfilingService::SetCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value)
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    counterValuePtr->store(value, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-uint32_t ProfilingService::AddCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value)
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    return counterValuePtr->fetch_add(value, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-uint32_t ProfilingService::SubtractCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value)
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    return counterValuePtr->fetch_sub(value, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-uint32_t ProfilingService::IncrementCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid)
-    CheckCounterUid(counterUid);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterValuePtr);
-    return counterValuePtr->operator++(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> ProfilingService::GetSendTimelinePacket() const
-    return m_TimelinePacketWriterFactory.GetSendTimelinePacket();
-void ProfilingService::Initialize()
-    m_Initialiser.InitialiseProfilingService(*this);
-void ProfilingService::InitializeCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid)
-    // Increase the size of the counter index if necessary
-    if (counterUid >= m_CounterIndex.size())
-    {
-        m_CounterIndex.resize(arm::pipe::numeric_cast<size_t>(counterUid) + 1);
-    }
-    // Create a new atomic counter and add it to the list
-    m_CounterValues.emplace_back(0);
-    // Register the new counter to the counter index for quick access
-    std::atomic<uint32_t>* counterValuePtr = &(m_CounterValues.back());
-    m_CounterIndex.at(counterUid) = counterValuePtr;
-void ProfilingService::Reset()
-    // Stop the profiling service...
-    Stop();
-    // ...then delete all the counter data and configuration...
-    m_CounterIndex.clear();
-    m_CounterValues.clear();
-    m_CounterDirectory.Clear();
-    m_CounterIdMap.Reset();
-    m_BufferManager.Reset();
-    // ...finally reset the profiling state machine
-    m_StateMachine.Reset();
-    m_BackendProfilingContexts.clear();
-void ProfilingService::Stop()
-    {   // only lock when we are updating the inference completed variable
-        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_ServiceActiveMutex);
-        m_ServiceActive = false;
-    }
-    // The order in which we reset/stop the components is not trivial!
-    // First stop the producing threads
-    // Command Handler first as it is responsible for launching then Periodic Counter capture thread
-    m_CommandHandler.Stop();
-    m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Stop();
-    // The the consuming thread
-    m_SendThread.Stop(false);
-    // ...then close and destroy the profiling connection...
-    if (m_ProfilingConnection != nullptr && m_ProfilingConnection->IsOpen())
-    {
-        m_ProfilingConnection->Close();
-    }
-    m_ProfilingConnection.reset();
-    // ...then move to the "NotConnected" state
-    m_StateMachine.TransitionToState(ProfilingState::NotConnected);
-inline void ProfilingService::CheckCounterUid(uint16_t counterUid) const
-    if (!IsCounterRegistered(counterUid))
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Counter UID {} is not registered", counterUid));
-    }
-void ProfilingService::NotifyBackendsForTimelineReporting()
-    BackendProfilingContext::iterator it = m_BackendProfilingContexts.begin();
-    while (it != m_BackendProfilingContexts.end())
-    {
-        auto& backendProfilingContext = it->second;
-        backendProfilingContext->EnableTimelineReporting(m_TimelineReporting);
-        // Increment the Iterator to point to next entry
-        it++;
-    }
-void ProfilingService::NotifyProfilingServiceActive()
-    {   // only lock when we are updating the inference completed variable
-        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_ServiceActiveMutex);
-        m_ServiceActive = true;
-    }
-    m_ServiceActiveConditionVariable.notify_one();
-void ProfilingService::WaitForProfilingServiceActivation(unsigned int timeout)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_ServiceActiveMutex);
-    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    // Here we we will go back to sleep after a spurious wake up if
-    // m_InferenceCompleted is not yet true.
-    if (!m_ServiceActiveConditionVariable.wait_for(lck,
-                                                   std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout),
-                                                   [&]{return m_ServiceActive == true;}))
-    {
-        if (m_ServiceActive == true)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        auto finish = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-        std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> elapsed = finish - start;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "Timed out waiting on profiling service activation for " << elapsed.count() << " ms";
-        ARM_PIPE_LOG(warning) << ss.str();
-    }
-    return;
-    Stop();
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
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index b84b39d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "BufferManager.hpp"
-#include "CommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "INotifyBackends.hpp"
-#include "PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp"
-#include "PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include "RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include "SendCounterPacket.hpp"
-#include "SendThread.hpp"
-#include "SendTimelinePacket.hpp"
-#include "TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp"
-#include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ICounterValues.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ILocalPacketHandler.hpp>
-#include <client/include/IProfilingService.hpp>
-#include <client/include/IReportStructure.hpp>
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfilingContext.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CounterDirectory.hpp>
-#include <list>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ProfilingService : public IProfilingService, public INotifyBackends
-    using IProfilingConnectionFactoryPtr = std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnectionFactory>;
-    using IProfilingConnectionPtr = std::unique_ptr<IProfilingConnection>;
-    using CounterIndices = std::vector<std::atomic<uint32_t>*>;
-    using CounterValues = std::list<std::atomic<uint32_t>>;
-    using BackendProfilingContext = std::unordered_map<std::string,
-                                                       std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext>>;
-    ProfilingService(uint16_t maxGlobalCounterId,
-                     IInitialiseProfilingService& initialiser,
-                     const std::string& softwareInfo,
-                     const std::string& softwareVersion,
-                     const std::string& hardwareVersion,
-                     arm::pipe::Optional<IReportStructure&> reportStructure = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional())
-        : m_Options()
-        , m_TimelineReporting(false)
-        , m_ProfilingConnectionFactory(new ProfilingConnectionFactory())
-        , m_ProfilingConnection()
-        , m_StateMachine()
-        , m_CounterIndex()
-        , m_CounterValues()
-        , m_CommandHandlerRegistry()
-        , m_PacketVersionResolver()
-        , m_CommandHandler(1000,
-                           false,
-                           m_CommandHandlerRegistry,
-                           m_PacketVersionResolver)
-        , m_BufferManager()
-        , m_SendCounterPacket(m_BufferManager, softwareInfo, softwareVersion, hardwareVersion)
-        , m_SendThread(m_StateMachine, m_BufferManager, m_SendCounterPacket)
-        , m_SendTimelinePacket(m_BufferManager)
-        , m_PeriodicCounterCapture(m_Holder, m_SendCounterPacket, *this, m_CounterIdMap, m_BackendProfilingContexts)
-        , m_ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler(0,
-                                                 1,
-                                                 m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 1).GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                 m_CounterDirectory,
-                                                 m_SendCounterPacket,
-                                                 m_SendTimelinePacket,
-                                                 m_StateMachine,
-                                                 *this,
-                                                 m_BackendProfilingContexts)
-        , m_RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler(0,
-                                                  3,
-                                                  m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 3).GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                  m_CounterDirectory,
-                                                  m_SendCounterPacket,
-                                                  m_SendTimelinePacket,
-                                                  m_StateMachine)
-        , m_PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler(0,
-                                                   4,
-                                                   m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 4).GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                   m_BackendProfilingContexts,
-                                                   m_CounterIdMap,
-                                                   m_Holder,
-                                                   maxGlobalCounterId,
-                                                   m_PeriodicCounterCapture,
-                                                   *this,
-                                                   m_SendCounterPacket,
-                                                   m_StateMachine)
-        , m_PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler(0,
-                                                 5,
-                                                 m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 5).GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                 m_StateMachine)
-        , m_ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler(0,
-                                                    6,
-                                                    m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 6)
-                                                                           .GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                    m_SendTimelinePacket,
-                                                    m_StateMachine,
-                                                    reportStructure,
-                                                    m_TimelineReporting,
-                                                    *this,
-                                                    *this)
-        , m_DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler(0,
-                                                      7,
-                                                      m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 7)
-                                                                             .GetEncodedValue(),
-                                                      m_TimelineReporting,
-                                                      m_StateMachine,
-                                                      *this)
-        , m_TimelinePacketWriterFactory(m_BufferManager)
-        , m_MaxGlobalCounterId(maxGlobalCounterId)
-        , m_ServiceActive(false)
-        , m_Initialiser(initialiser)
-    {
-        // Register the "Connection Acknowledged" command handler
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler);
-        // Register the "Request Counter Directory" command handler
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler);
-        // Register the "Periodic Counter Selection" command handler
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler);
-        // Register the "Per-Job Counter Selection" command handler
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler);
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler);
-        m_CommandHandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler);
-    }
-    ~ProfilingService();
-    // Resets the profiling options, optionally clears the profiling service entirely
-    void ResetExternalProfilingOptions(const ProfilingOptions& options,
-                                       bool resetProfilingService = false) override;
-    ProfilingState ConfigureProfilingService(const ProfilingOptions& options,
-                                             bool resetProfilingService = false) override;
-    // Updates the profiling service, making it transition to a new state if necessary
-    void Update();
-    // Disconnects the profiling service from the external server
-    void Disconnect() override;
-    // Store a profiling context returned from a backend that support profiling.
-    void AddBackendProfilingContext(const std::string& backendId,
-        std::shared_ptr<IBackendProfilingContext> profilingContext) override;
-    // Enable the recording of timeline events and entities
-    void NotifyBackendsForTimelineReporting() override;
-    const ICounterDirectory& GetCounterDirectory() const;
-    ICounterRegistry& GetCounterRegistry() override;
-    ProfilingState GetCurrentState() const override;
-    bool IsCounterRegistered(uint16_t counterUid) const override;
-    uint32_t GetAbsoluteCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid) const override;
-    uint32_t GetDeltaCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid) override;
-    uint16_t GetCounterCount() const override;
-    // counter global/backend mapping functions
-    const ICounterMappings& GetCounterMappings() const override;
-    IRegisterCounterMapping& GetCounterMappingRegistry() override;
-    bool IsCategoryRegistered(const std::string& categoryName) const override;
-    bool IsCounterRegistered(const std::string& counterName) const override;
-    // Getters for the profiling service state
-    bool IsProfilingEnabled() const override;
-    CaptureData GetCaptureData() override;
-    void SetCaptureData(uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                        const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds,
-                        const std::set<std::string>& activeBackends);
-    // Setters for the profiling service state
-    void SetCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value) override;
-    uint32_t AddCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value) override;
-    uint32_t SubtractCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid, uint32_t value) override;
-    uint32_t IncrementCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid) override;
-    void InitializeCounterValue(uint16_t counterUid) override;
-    std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> GetSendTimelinePacket() const override;
-    ISendCounterPacket& GetSendCounterPacket() override
-    {
-        return m_SendCounterPacket;
-    }
-    bool IsTimelineReportingEnabled() const override
-    {
-        return m_TimelineReporting;
-    }
-    void AddLocalPacketHandler(ILocalPacketHandlerSharedPtr localPacketHandler);
-    void NotifyProfilingServiceActive() override; // IProfilingServiceStatus
-    void WaitForProfilingServiceActivation(unsigned int timeout) override; // IProfilingServiceStatus
-    //Copy/move constructors/destructors and copy/move assignment operators are deleted
-    ProfilingService(const ProfilingService&) = delete;
-    ProfilingService(ProfilingService&&) = delete;
-    ProfilingService& operator=(const ProfilingService&) = delete;
-    ProfilingService& operator=(ProfilingService&&) = delete;
-    // Initialization/reset functions
-    void Initialize();
-    void Reset();
-    void Stop();
-    // Helper function
-    void CheckCounterUid(uint16_t counterUid) const;
-    // Profiling service components
-    ProfilingOptions                   m_Options;
-    std::atomic<bool>                  m_TimelineReporting;
-    CounterDirectory                   m_CounterDirectory;
-    CounterIdMap                       m_CounterIdMap;
-    IProfilingConnectionFactoryPtr     m_ProfilingConnectionFactory;
-    IProfilingConnectionPtr            m_ProfilingConnection;
-    ProfilingStateMachine              m_StateMachine;
-    CounterIndices                     m_CounterIndex;
-    CounterValues                      m_CounterValues;
-    arm::pipe::CommandHandlerRegistry  m_CommandHandlerRegistry;
-    arm::pipe::PacketVersionResolver   m_PacketVersionResolver;
-    CommandHandler                     m_CommandHandler;
-    BufferManager                      m_BufferManager;
-    SendCounterPacket                  m_SendCounterPacket;
-    SendThread                         m_SendThread;
-    SendTimelinePacket                 m_SendTimelinePacket;
-    Holder m_Holder;
-    PeriodicCounterCapture m_PeriodicCounterCapture;
-    ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler      m_ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler;
-    RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler     m_RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler;
-    PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler    m_PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler;
-    PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler      m_PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler;
-    ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler   m_ActivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler;
-    DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler m_DeactivateTimelineReportingCommandHandler;
-    TimelinePacketWriterFactory m_TimelinePacketWriterFactory;
-    BackendProfilingContext     m_BackendProfilingContexts;
-    uint16_t                    m_MaxGlobalCounterId;
-    // Signalling to let external actors know when service is active or not
-    std::mutex m_ServiceActiveMutex;
-    std::condition_variable m_ServiceActiveConditionVariable;
-    bool m_ServiceActive;
-    IInitialiseProfilingService& m_Initialiser;
-    // Protected methods for testing
-    void SwapProfilingConnectionFactory(ProfilingService& instance,
-                                        IProfilingConnectionFactory* other,
-                                        IProfilingConnectionFactory*& backup)
-    {
-        ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(instance.m_ProfilingConnectionFactory);
-        ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(other);
-        backup = instance.m_ProfilingConnectionFactory.release();
-        instance.m_ProfilingConnectionFactory.reset(other);
-    }
-    IProfilingConnection* GetProfilingConnection(ProfilingService& instance)
-    {
-        return instance.m_ProfilingConnection.get();
-    }
-    void TransitionToState(ProfilingService& instance, ProfilingState newState)
-    {
-        instance.m_StateMachine.TransitionToState(newState);
-    }
-    bool WaitForPacketSent(ProfilingService& instance, uint32_t timeout = 1000)
-    {
-        return instance.m_SendThread.WaitForPacketSent(timeout);
-    }
-    BufferManager& GetBufferManager(ProfilingService& instance)
-    {
-        return instance.m_BufferManager;
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.cpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e002c05..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <sstream>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void ThrowStateTransitionException(ProfilingState expectedState, ProfilingState newState)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "Cannot transition from state [" << GetProfilingStateName(expectedState) << "] "
-       << "to state [" << GetProfilingStateName(newState) << "]";
-    throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(ss.str());
-} // Anonymous namespace
-ProfilingState ProfilingStateMachine::GetCurrentState() const
-    return m_State.load();
-void ProfilingStateMachine::TransitionToState(ProfilingState newState)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_State.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed);
-    switch (newState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-        do
-        {
-            if (!IsOneOfStates(currentState, ProfilingState::Uninitialised))
-            {
-                ThrowStateTransitionException(currentState, newState);
-            }
-        }
-        while (!m_State.compare_exchange_strong(currentState, newState, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed));
-        break;
-    case  ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-        do
-        {
-            if (!IsOneOfStates(currentState, ProfilingState::Uninitialised, ProfilingState::NotConnected,
-                               ProfilingState::Active, ProfilingState::WaitingForAck))
-            {
-                ThrowStateTransitionException(currentState, newState);
-            }
-        }
-        while (!m_State.compare_exchange_strong(currentState, newState, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed));
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        do
-        {
-            if (!IsOneOfStates(currentState, ProfilingState::NotConnected, ProfilingState::WaitingForAck))
-            {
-                ThrowStateTransitionException(currentState, newState);
-            }
-        }
-        while (!m_State.compare_exchange_strong(currentState, newState, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed));
-        break;
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        do
-        {
-            if (!IsOneOfStates(currentState, ProfilingState::WaitingForAck, ProfilingState::Active))
-            {
-                ThrowStateTransitionException(currentState, newState);
-            }
-        }
-        while (!m_State.compare_exchange_strong(currentState, newState, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed));
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-void ProfilingStateMachine::Reset()
-    m_State.store(ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.hpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b507f1a..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingStateMachine.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include <client/include/ProfilingState.hpp>
-#include <common/include/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
-#include <atomic>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class ProfilingStateMachine
-    ProfilingStateMachine() : m_State(ProfilingState::Uninitialised) {}
-    ProfilingStateMachine(ProfilingState state) : m_State(state) {}
-    ProfilingState GetCurrentState() const;
-    void TransitionToState(ProfilingState newState);
-    void Reset();
-    bool IsOneOfStates(ProfilingState state1)
-    {
-        arm::pipe::IgnoreUnused(state1);
-        return false;
-    }
-    template<typename T, typename... Args >
-    bool IsOneOfStates(T state1, T state2, Args... args)
-    {
-        if (state1 == state2)
-        {
-            return true;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return IsOneOfStates(state1, args...);
-        }
-    }
-    std::atomic<ProfilingState> m_State;
-constexpr char const* GetProfilingStateName(ProfilingState state)
-    switch (state)
-    {
-        case ProfilingState::Uninitialised: return "Uninitialised";
-        case ProfilingState::NotConnected:  return "NotConnected";
-        case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck: return "WaitingForAck";
-        case ProfilingState::Active:        return "Active";
-        default:                            return "Unknown";
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.cpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2963a98..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Assert.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommonProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <common/include/SwTrace.hpp>
-#include <armnn/Version.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void WriteBytes(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset,  const void* value, unsigned int valueSize)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    WriteBytes(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value, valueSize);
-uint32_t ConstructHeader(uint32_t packetFamily,
-                         uint32_t packetId)
-    return (( packetFamily & 0x0000003F ) << 26 )|
-           (( packetId     & 0x000003FF ) << 16 );
-uint32_t ConstructHeader(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType)
-    return ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) |
-           ((packetClass  & 0x0000007F) << 19) |
-           ((packetType   & 0x00000007) << 16);
-void WriteUint64(const std::unique_ptr<IPacketBuffer>& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    WriteUint64(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
-void WriteUint32(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    WriteUint32(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
-void WriteUint16(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    WriteUint16(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
-void WriteUint8(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    WriteUint8(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
-void ReadBytes(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[])
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    ReadBytes(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset, valueSize, outValue);
-uint64_t ReadUint64(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    return ReadUint64(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
-uint32_t ReadUint32(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    return ReadUint32(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
-uint16_t ReadUint16(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    return ReadUint16(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
-uint8_t ReadUint8(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
-    return ReadUint8(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
-std::string GetProcessName()
-    std::ifstream comm("/proc/self/comm");
-    std::string name;
-    getline(comm, name);
-    return name;
-/// Creates a timeline packet header
-/// \params
-///   packetFamiliy     Timeline Packet Family
-///   packetClass       Timeline Packet Class
-///   packetType        Timeline Packet Type
-///   streamId          Stream identifier
-///   seqeunceNumbered  When non-zero the 4 bytes following the header is a u32 sequence number
-///   dataLength        Unsigned 24-bit integer. Length of data, in bytes. Zero is permitted
-/// \returns
-///   Pair of uint32_t containing word0 and word1 of the header
-std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> CreateTimelinePacketHeader(uint32_t packetFamily,
-                                                         uint32_t packetClass,
-                                                         uint32_t packetType,
-                                                         uint32_t streamId,
-                                                         uint32_t sequenceNumbered,
-                                                         uint32_t dataLength)
-    // Packet header word 0:
-    // 26:31 [6] packet_family: timeline Packet Family, value 0b000001
-    // 19:25 [7] packet_class: packet class
-    // 16:18 [3] packet_type: packet type
-    // 8:15  [8] reserved: all zeros
-    // 0:7   [8] stream_id: stream identifier
-    uint32_t packetHeaderWord0 = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) |
-                                 ((packetClass  & 0x0000007F) << 19) |
-                                 ((packetType   & 0x00000007) << 16) |
-                                 ((streamId     & 0x00000007) <<  0);
-    // Packet header word 1:
-    // 25:31 [7]  reserved: all zeros
-    // 24    [1]  sequence_numbered: when non-zero the 4 bytes following the header is a u32 sequence number
-    // 0:23  [24] data_length: unsigned 24-bit integer. Length of data, in bytes. Zero is permitted
-    uint32_t packetHeaderWord1 = ((sequenceNumbered & 0x00000001) << 24) |
-                                 ((dataLength       & 0x00FFFFFF) <<  0);
-    return std::make_pair(packetHeaderWord0, packetHeaderWord1);
-/// Creates a packet header for the timeline messages:
-/// * declareLabel
-/// * declareEntity
-/// * declareEventClass
-/// * declareRelationship
-/// * declareEvent
-/// \param
-///   dataLength The length of the message body in bytes
-/// \returns
-///   Pair of uint32_t containing word0 and word1 of the header
-std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
-    return CreateTimelinePacketHeader(1,           // Packet family
-                                      0,           // Packet class
-                                      1,           // Packet type
-                                      0,           // Stream id
-                                      0,           // Sequence number
-                                      dataLength); // Data length
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                                    const std::string& label,
-                                                    unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                    unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                                    unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // Convert the label into a SWTrace string
-    std::vector<uint32_t> swTraceLabel;
-    bool result = arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>(label, swTraceLabel);
-    if (!result)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
-    }
-    // Calculate the size of the SWTrace string label (in bytes)
-    unsigned int swTraceLabelSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(swTraceLabel.size()) * uint32_t_size;
-    // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
-    unsigned int timelineLabelPacketDataLength = uint32_t_size +   // decl_Id
-                                                 uint64_t_size +   // Profiling GUID
-                                                 swTraceLabelSize; // Label
-    // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
-    if (timelineLabelPacketDataLength > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    // Write decl_Id to the buffer
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, 0u);
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    for (uint32_t swTraceLabelWord : swTraceLabel)
-    {
-        WriteUint32(buffer, offset, swTraceLabelWord); // Label
-        offset += uint32_t_size;
-    }
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = timelineLabelPacketDataLength;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEntityBinary(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                               unsigned char* buffer,
-                                               unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                               unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
-    unsigned int timelineEntityDataLength = uint32_t_size + uint64_t_size;  // decl_id + Profiling GUID
-    // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
-    if (timelineEntityDataLength > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    // Write the decl_Id to the buffer
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, 1u);
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = timelineEntityDataLength;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineRelationshipBinary(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                     uint64_t relationshipGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t headGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t tailGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t attributeGuid,
-                                                     unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                     unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                                     unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
-    unsigned int timelineRelationshipDataLength = uint32_t_size * 2 + // decl_id + Relationship Type
-                                                  uint64_t_size * 4;  // Relationship GUID + Head GUID +
-                                                                      // tail GUID + attributeGuid
-    // Check whether the timeline binary fits in the given buffer
-    if (timelineRelationshipDataLength > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    uint32_t relationshipTypeUint = 0;
-    switch (relationshipType)
-    {
-        case ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink:
-            relationshipTypeUint = 0;
-            break;
-        case ProfilingRelationshipType::ExecutionLink:
-            relationshipTypeUint = 1;
-            break;
-        case ProfilingRelationshipType::DataLink:
-            relationshipTypeUint = 2;
-            break;
-        case ProfilingRelationshipType::LabelLink:
-            relationshipTypeUint = 3;
-            break;
-        default:
-            throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relationship type given.");
-    }
-    // Write the timeline binary payload to the buffer
-    // decl_id of the timeline message
-    uint32_t declId = 3;
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId); // decl_id
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, relationshipTypeUint); // Relationship Type
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, relationshipGuid); // GUID of this relationship
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, headGuid); // head of relationship GUID
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, tailGuid); // tail of relationship GUID
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, attributeGuid); // attribute of relationship GUID
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = timelineRelationshipDataLength;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage(unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                          unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                                          unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint8_t_size  = sizeof(uint8_t);
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // The payload/data of the packet consists of swtrace event definitions encoded according
-    // to the swtrace directory specification. The messages being the five defined below:
-    //
-    // |  decl_id  |     decl_name       |      ui_name          |  arg_types  |            arg_names                |
-    // |-----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------------|-------------------------------------|
-    // |    0      |   declareLabel      |   declare label       |    ps       |  guid,value                         |
-    // |    1      |   declareEntity     |   declare entity      |    p        |  guid                               |
-    // |    2      | declareEventClass   |  declare event class  |    pp       |  guid,nameGuid                      |
-    // |    3      | declareRelationship | declare relationship  |    Ipppp    |  relationshipType,relationshipGuid, |
-    // |           |                     |                       |             |  headGuid,tailGuid,attributeGuid    |
-    // |    4      |   declareEvent      |   declare event       |    @tp      |  timestamp,threadId,eventGuid       |
-    std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> timelineDirectoryMessages
-    {
-        { "0", "declareLabel", "declare label", "ps", "guid,value" },
-        { "1", "declareEntity", "declare entity", "p", "guid" },
-        { "2", "declareEventClass", "declare event class", "pp", "guid,nameGuid" },
-        { "3", "declareRelationship", "declare relationship", "Ipppp",
-          "relationshipType,relationshipGuid,headGuid,tailGuid,attributeGuid" },
-        { "4", "declareEvent", "declare event", "@tp", "timestamp,threadId,eventGuid" }
-    };
-    // Build the message declarations
-    std::vector<uint32_t> swTraceBuffer;
-    for (const auto& directoryComponent : timelineDirectoryMessages)
-    {
-        // decl_id
-        uint32_t declId = 0;
-        try
-        {
-            declId = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(std::stoul(directoryComponent[0]));
-        }
-        catch (const std::exception&)
-        {
-            return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
-        }
-        swTraceBuffer.push_back(declId);
-        bool result = true;
-        result &= arm::pipe::ConvertDirectoryComponent<arm::pipe::SwTraceNameCharPolicy>(
-                      directoryComponent[1], swTraceBuffer); // decl_name
-        result &= arm::pipe::ConvertDirectoryComponent<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>    (
-                      directoryComponent[2], swTraceBuffer); // ui_name
-        result &= arm::pipe::ConvertDirectoryComponent<arm::pipe::SwTraceTypeCharPolicy>(
-                      directoryComponent[3], swTraceBuffer); // arg_types
-        result &= arm::pipe::ConvertDirectoryComponent<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>    (
-                      directoryComponent[4], swTraceBuffer); // arg_names
-        if (!result)
-        {
-            return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
-        }
-    }
-    unsigned int dataLength = 3 * uint8_t_size +  // Stream header (3 bytes)
-                              arm::pipe::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(swTraceBuffer.size()) *
-                                  uint32_t_size; // Trace directory (5 messages)
-    // Calculate the timeline directory binary packet size (in bytes)
-    unsigned int timelineDirectoryPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
-                                               dataLength;         // Payload
-    // Check whether the timeline directory binary packet fits in the given buffer
-    if (timelineDirectoryPacketSize > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Create packet header
-    auto packetHeader = CreateTimelinePacketHeader(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(dataLength));
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    // Write the stream header
-    uint8_t streamVersion = 4;
-    uint8_t pointerBytes  = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint8_t>(uint64_t_size); // All GUIDs are uint64_t
-    uint8_t threadIdBytes = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint8_t>(ThreadIdSize);
-    switch (threadIdBytes)
-    {
-    case 4: // Typically Windows and Android
-    case 8: // Typically Linux
-        break; // Valid values
-    default:
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::Error; // Invalid value
-    }
-    WriteUint8(buffer, offset, streamVersion);
-    offset += uint8_t_size;
-    WriteUint8(buffer, offset, pointerBytes);
-    offset += uint8_t_size;
-    WriteUint8(buffer, offset, threadIdBytes);
-    offset += uint8_t_size;
-    // Write the SWTrace directory
-    uint32_t numberOfDeclarations = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(timelineDirectoryMessages.size());
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, numberOfDeclarations); // Number of declarations
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    for (uint32_t i : swTraceBuffer)
-    {
-        WriteUint32(buffer, offset, i); // Message declarations
-        offset += uint32_t_size;
-    }
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = timelineDirectoryPacketSize;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventClassBinary(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                                   uint64_t nameGuid,
-                                                   unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                   unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                                   unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // decl_id of the timeline message
-    uint32_t declId = 2;
-    // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
-    unsigned int dataSize = uint32_t_size + (uint64_t_size * 2); // decl_id + Profiling GUID + Name GUID
-    // Check whether the timeline binary fits in the given buffer
-    if (dataSize > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    // Write the timeline binary payload to the buffer
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId);        // decl_id
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, nameGuid); // Name GUID
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = dataSize;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventBinary(uint64_t timestamp,
-                                              int threadId,
-                                              uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                              unsigned char* buffer,
-                                              unsigned int remainingBufferSize,
-                                              unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten)
-    // Initialize the output value
-    numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-    // Check that the given buffer is valid
-    if (buffer == nullptr || remainingBufferSize == 0)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    // decl_id of the timeline message
-    uint32_t declId = 4;
-    // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
-    unsigned int timelineEventDataLength = uint32_t_size + // decl_id
-                                           uint64_t_size + // Timestamp
-                                           ThreadIdSize +  // Thread id
-                                           uint64_t_size;  // Profiling GUID
-    // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
-    if (timelineEventDataLength > remainingBufferSize)
-    {
-        return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
-    }
-    // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
-    unsigned int offset = 0;
-    // Write the timeline binary payload to the buffer
-    WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId); // decl_id
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, timestamp); // Timestamp
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    WriteBytes(buffer, offset, &threadId, ThreadIdSize); // Thread id
-    offset += ThreadIdSize;
-    WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    // Update the number of bytes written
-    numberOfBytesWritten = timelineEventDataLength;
-    return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
-uint64_t GetTimestamp()
-    using clock = armnn::MonotonicClockRaw;
-    using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
-    // Take a timestamp
-    auto timestamp = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(clock::now().time_since_epoch());
-    return static_cast<uint64_t>(timestamp.count());
-arm::pipe::Packet ReceivePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length)
-    if (buffer == nullptr)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("data buffer is nullptr");
-    }
-    if (length < 8)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("length of data buffer is less than 8");
-    }
-    uint32_t metadataIdentifier = 0;
-    std::memcpy(&metadataIdentifier, buffer, sizeof(metadataIdentifier));
-    uint32_t dataLength = 0;
-    std::memcpy(&dataLength, buffer + 4u, sizeof(dataLength));
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> packetData;
-    if (dataLength > 0)
-    {
-        packetData = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(dataLength);
-        std::memcpy(packetData.get(), buffer + 8u, dataLength);
-    }
-    return arm::pipe::Packet(metadataIdentifier, dataLength, packetData);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
-namespace std
-bool operator==(const std::vector<uint8_t>& left, int right)
-    return std::memcmp(left.data(), &right, left.size()) == 0;
-} // namespace std
diff --git a/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.hpp b/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5167c..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/ProfilingUtils.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IPacketBuffer.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ICounterDirectory.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
-#include <vector>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-constexpr unsigned int ThreadIdSize = sizeof(int); // Is platform dependent
-void WriteBytes(const IPacketBuffer& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, const void* value, unsigned int valueSize);
-uint32_t ConstructHeader(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetId);
-uint32_t ConstructHeader(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType);
-void WriteUint64(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value);
-void WriteUint32(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value);
-void WriteUint16(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value);
-void WriteUint8(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value);
-void WriteBytes(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, const void* value, unsigned int valueSize);
-void WriteUint64(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value);
-void WriteUint32(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value);
-void WriteUint16(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value);
-void WriteUint8(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value);
-void ReadBytes(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[]);
-uint64_t ReadUint64(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint32_t ReadUint32(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint16_t ReadUint16(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint8_t ReadUint8(const IPacketBufferPtr& packetBuffer, unsigned int offset);
-void ReadBytes(const unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[]);
-uint64_t ReadUint64(unsigned const char* buffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint32_t ReadUint32(unsigned const char* buffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint16_t ReadUint16(unsigned const char* buffer, unsigned int offset);
-uint8_t ReadUint8(unsigned const char* buffer, unsigned int offset);
-std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> CreateTimelinePacketHeader(uint32_t packetFamily,
-                                                         uint32_t packetClass,
-                                                         uint32_t packetType,
-                                                         uint32_t streamId,
-                                                         uint32_t sequenceNumbered,
-                                                         uint32_t dataLength);
-std::string GetProcessName();
-enum class TimelinePacketStatus
-    Ok,
-    Error,
-    BufferExhaustion
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                                    const std::string& label,
-                                                    unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                    unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                                    unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEntityBinary(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                               unsigned char* buffer,
-                                               unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                               unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineRelationshipBinary(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                     uint64_t relationshipGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t headGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t tailGuid,
-                                                     uint64_t attributeGuid,
-                                                     unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                     unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                                     unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage(unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                          unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                                          unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventClassBinary(uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                                   uint64_t nameGuid,
-                                                   unsigned char* buffer,
-                                                   unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                                   unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventBinary(uint64_t timestamp,
-                                              int threadId,
-                                              uint64_t profilingGuid,
-                                              unsigned char* buffer,
-                                              unsigned int bufferSize,
-                                              unsigned int& numberOfBytesWritten);
-std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string& stringToPass, const int spacingWidth);
-uint64_t GetTimestamp();
-arm::pipe::Packet ReceivePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
-namespace std
-bool operator==(const std::vector<uint8_t>& left, int right);
-} // namespace std
diff --git a/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.cpp b/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ffa20..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "RegisterBackendCounters.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void RegisterBackendCounters::RegisterCategory(const std::string& categoryName)
-     m_CounterDirectory.RegisterCategory(categoryName);
-uint16_t RegisterBackendCounters::RegisterDevice(const std::string& deviceName,
-                                                 uint16_t cores,
-                                                 const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& parentCategoryName)
-    const Device* devicePtr = m_CounterDirectory.RegisterDevice(deviceName, cores, parentCategoryName);
-    return devicePtr->m_Uid;
-uint16_t RegisterBackendCounters::RegisterCounterSet(const std::string& counterSetName,
-                                                     uint16_t count,
-                                                     const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& parentCategoryName)
-    const CounterSet* counterSetPtr = m_CounterDirectory.RegisterCounterSet(counterSetName, count, parentCategoryName);
-    return counterSetPtr->m_Uid;
-uint16_t RegisterBackendCounters::RegisterCounter(const uint16_t uid,
-                                                  const std::string& parentCategoryName,
-                                                  uint16_t counterClass,
-                                                  uint16_t interpolation,
-                                                  double multiplier,
-                                                  const std::string& name,
-                                                  const std::string& description,
-                                                  const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& units,
-                                                  const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& numberOfCores,
-                                                  const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& deviceUid,
-                                                  const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& counterSetUid)
-    ++m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID;
-    const Counter* counterPtr = m_CounterDirectory.RegisterCounter(m_BackendId,
-                                                                   m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID,
-                                                                   parentCategoryName,
-                                                                   counterClass,
-                                                                   interpolation,
-                                                                   multiplier,
-                                                                   name,
-                                                                   description,
-                                                                   units,
-                                                                   numberOfCores,
-                                                                   deviceUid,
-                                                                   counterSetUid);
-    m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID = counterPtr->m_MaxCounterUid;
-    // register mappings
-    IRegisterCounterMapping& counterIdMap = m_ProfilingService.GetCounterMappingRegistry();
-    uint16_t globalCounterId = counterPtr->m_Uid;
-    if (globalCounterId == counterPtr->m_MaxCounterUid)
-    {
-        counterIdMap.RegisterMapping(globalCounterId, uid, m_BackendId);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        uint16_t backendCounterId = uid;
-        while (globalCounterId <= counterPtr->m_MaxCounterUid)
-        {
-            // register mapping
-            // globalCounterId -> backendCounterId, m_BackendId
-            counterIdMap.RegisterMapping(globalCounterId, backendCounterId, m_BackendId);
-            ++globalCounterId;
-            ++backendCounterId;
-        }
-    }
-    return m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.hpp b/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f48f1ca..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/RegisterBackendCounters.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
-#include <client/include/IProfilingService.hpp>
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfiling.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CounterDirectory.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class RegisterBackendCounters : public IRegisterBackendCounters
-    RegisterBackendCounters(
-        uint16_t currentMaxGlobalCounterID, const std::string& backendId, IProfilingService& profilingService)
-        : m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID(currentMaxGlobalCounterID),
-          m_BackendId(backendId),
-          m_ProfilingService(profilingService),
-          m_CounterDirectory(m_ProfilingService.GetCounterRegistry()) {}
-    ~RegisterBackendCounters() = default;
-    void RegisterCategory(const std::string& categoryName) override;
-    uint16_t RegisterDevice(const std::string& deviceName,
-                            uint16_t cores = 0,
-                            const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& parentCategoryName =
-                                arm::pipe::EmptyOptional()) override;
-    uint16_t RegisterCounterSet(const std::string& counterSetName,
-                                uint16_t count = 0,
-                                const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& parentCategoryName
-                                    = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional()) override;
-    uint16_t RegisterCounter(const uint16_t uid,
-                             const std::string& parentCategoryName,
-                             uint16_t counterClass,
-                             uint16_t interpolation,
-                             double multiplier,
-                             const std::string& name,
-                             const std::string& description,
-                             const arm::pipe::Optional<std::string>& units      = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional(),
-                             const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& numberOfCores = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional(),
-                             const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& deviceUid     = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional(),
-                             const arm::pipe::Optional<uint16_t>& counterSetUid = arm::pipe::EmptyOptional()) override;
-    uint16_t m_CurrentMaxGlobalCounterID;
-    const std::string& m_BackendId;
-    IProfilingService& m_ProfilingService;
-    ICounterRegistry& m_CounterDirectory;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cf07c45..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp"
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler::operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet)
-    ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-    switch (currentState)
-    {
-    case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-    case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-    case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Request Counter Directory Comand Handler invoked while in an "
-                                            "wrong state: {}",
-                                            GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
-    case ProfilingState::Active:
-        // Process the packet
-        if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 3u))
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 3 but "
-                                                                  "received family = {}, id = {}",
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketFamily(),
-                                                                  packet.GetPacketId()));
-        }
-        // Send all the packet required for the handshake with the external profiling service
-        m_SendCounterPacket.SendCounterDirectoryPacket(m_CounterDirectory);
-        m_SendTimelinePacket.SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage();
-        break;
-    default:
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
-                                            static_cast<int>(currentState)));
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2582fb2..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <client/include/ISendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <common/include/CommandHandlerFunctor.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor
-    RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler(uint32_t familyId,
-                                          uint32_t packetId,
-                                          uint32_t version,
-                                          ICounterDirectory& counterDirectory,
-                                          ISendCounterPacket& sendCounterPacket,
-                                          ISendTimelinePacket& sendTimelinePacket,
-                                          ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine)
-        : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
-        , m_CounterDirectory(counterDirectory)
-        , m_SendCounterPacket(sendCounterPacket)
-        , m_SendTimelinePacket(sendTimelinePacket)
-        , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-    {}
-    void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override;
-    const ICounterDirectory& m_CounterDirectory;
-    ISendCounterPacket& m_SendCounterPacket;
-    ISendTimelinePacket& m_SendTimelinePacket;
-    const ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.cpp b/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 96adb95..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "SendCounterPacket.hpp"
-#include <common/include/Assert.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Conversion.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Constants.hpp>
-#include <common/include/EncodeVersion.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Processes.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <common/include/SwTrace.hpp>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-#include <cstring>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket()
-    const std::string info(m_SoftwareInfo);
-    const std::string hardwareVersion(m_HardwareVersion);
-    const std::string softwareVersion(m_SoftwareVersion);
-    const std::string processName = GetProcessName().substr(0, 60);
-    const uint32_t infoSize =            arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(info.size()) + 1;
-    const uint32_t hardwareVersionSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(hardwareVersion.size()) + 1;
-    const uint32_t softwareVersionSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(softwareVersion.size()) + 1;
-    const uint32_t processNameSize =     arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(processName.size()) + 1;
-    const uint32_t sizeUint32 = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    const uint32_t headerSize = 2 * sizeUint32;
-    const uint32_t bodySize = 10 * sizeUint32;
-    const uint32_t packetVersionCountSize = sizeUint32;
-    // Supported Packets
-    // Packet Encoding version 1.0.0
-    // Control packet family
-    //   Stream metadata packet (packet family=0; packet id=0)
-    //   Connection Acknowledged packet ( packet family=0, packet id=1) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Counter Directory packet (packet family=0; packet id=2) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Request Counter Directory packet ( packet family=0, packet id=3) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Periodic Counter Selection packet ( packet family=0, packet id=4) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Per Job Counter Selection packet ( packet family=0, packet id=5) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Activate Timeline Reporting (packet family = 0, packet id = 6) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Deactivate Timeline Reporting (packet family = 0, packet id = 7) Version 1.0.0
-    // Counter Packet Family
-    //   Periodic Counter Capture (packet_family = 3, packet_class = 0, packet_type = 0) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Per-Job Counter Capture (packet_family = 3, packet_class = 1, packet_type = 0,1) Version  1.0.0
-    // Timeline Packet Family
-    //   Timeline Message Directory (packet_family = 1, packet_class = 0, packet_type = 0) Version 1.0.0
-    //   Timeline Message (packet_family = 1, packet_class = 0, packet_type = 1) Version 1.0.0
-    std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> packetVersions;
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 0), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 1), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 2), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 3), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 4), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 5), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 6), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(0, 7), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(3, 0, 0), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(3, 1, 0), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(3, 1, 1), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(1, 0, 0), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    packetVersions.push_back(std::make_pair(ConstructHeader(1, 0, 1), arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)));
-    uint32_t numberOfVersions = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(packetVersions.size());
-    uint32_t packetVersionSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(numberOfVersions * 2 * sizeUint32);
-    const uint32_t payloadSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(infoSize + hardwareVersionSize +
-                                                               softwareVersionSize + processNameSize +
-                                                               packetVersionCountSize + packetVersionSize);
-    const uint32_t totalSize = headerSize + bodySize + payloadSize;
-    uint32_t offset = 0;
-    uint32_t reserved = 0;
-    IPacketBufferPtr writeBuffer = m_BufferManager.Reserve(totalSize, reserved);
-    if (writeBuffer == nullptr || reserved < totalSize)
-    {
-        CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion>(
-            writeBuffer,
-            fmt::format("No space left in buffer. Unable to reserve ({}) bytes.", totalSize));
-    }
-    try
-    {
-        // Create header
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, 0);
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, totalSize - headerSize);
-        // Packet body
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, arm::pipe::PIPE_MAGIC); // pipe_magic
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, arm::pipe::EncodeVersion(1, 0, 0)); // stream_metadata_version
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, MAX_METADATA_PACKET_LENGTH); // max_data_length
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        int pid = arm::pipe::GetCurrentProcessId();
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(pid)); // pid
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        uint32_t poolOffset = bodySize;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, poolOffset); // offset_info
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        poolOffset += infoSize;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, poolOffset); // offset_hw_version
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        poolOffset += hardwareVersionSize;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, poolOffset); // offset_sw_version
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        poolOffset += softwareVersionSize;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, poolOffset); // offset_process_name
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        poolOffset += processNameSize;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, poolOffset); // offset_packet_version_table
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, 0); // reserved
-        offset += sizeUint32;
-        // Pool
-        if (infoSize)
-        {
-            memcpy(&writeBuffer->GetWritableData()[offset], info.c_str(), infoSize);
-            offset += infoSize;
-        }
-        memcpy(&writeBuffer->GetWritableData()[offset], hardwareVersion.c_str(), hardwareVersionSize);
-        offset += hardwareVersionSize;
-        memcpy(&writeBuffer->GetWritableData()[offset], softwareVersion.c_str(), softwareVersionSize);
-        offset += softwareVersionSize;
-        memcpy(&writeBuffer->GetWritableData()[offset], processName.c_str(), processNameSize);
-        offset += processNameSize;
-        if (!packetVersions.empty())
-        {
-            // Packet Version Count
-            WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, numberOfVersions << 16);
-            offset += sizeUint32;
-            // Packet Version Entries
-            for (std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& packetVersion : packetVersions)
-            {
-                WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, packetVersion.first);
-                offset += sizeUint32;
-                WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, packetVersion.second);
-                offset += sizeUint32;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    catch(...)
-    {
-        CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::ProfilingException>(writeBuffer, "Error processing packet.");
-    }
-    m_BufferManager.Commit(writeBuffer, totalSize, false);
-bool SendCounterPacket::CreateCategoryRecord(const CategoryPtr& category,
-                                             const Counters& counters,
-                                             CategoryRecord& categoryRecord,
-                                             std::string& errorMessage)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(category);
-    const std::string& categoryName = category->m_Name;
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(!categoryName.empty());
-    // Remove any duplicate counters
-    std::vector<uint16_t> categoryCounters;
-    for (size_t counterIndex = 0; counterIndex < category->m_Counters.size(); ++counterIndex)
-    {
-        uint16_t counterUid = category->m_Counters.at(counterIndex);
-        auto it = counters.find(counterUid);
-        if (it == counters.end())
-        {
-            errorMessage = fmt::format("Counter ({}) not found in category ({})",
-                                       counterUid,
-                                       category->m_Name );
-            return false;
-        }
-        const CounterPtr& counter = it->second;
-        if (counterUid == counter->m_MaxCounterUid)
-        {
-            categoryCounters.emplace_back(counterUid);
-        }
-    }
-    if (categoryCounters.empty())
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("No valid counters found in category ({})", categoryName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Utils
-    const size_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    // Convert the device name into a SWTrace namestring
-    std::vector<uint32_t> categoryNameBuffer;
-    if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceNameCharPolicy>(categoryName, categoryNameBuffer))
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the name of category ({}) to an SWTrace namestring",
-                                   categoryName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Category record word 1:
-    // 16:31 [16] event_count: number of events belonging to this category
-    // 0:15  [16] reserved: all zeros
-    const uint32_t categoryRecordWord1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(categoryCounters.size()) << 16;
-    // Category record word 2:
-    // 0:31 [32] event_pointer_table_offset: offset from the beginning of the category data pool to
-    //                                       the event_pointer_table
-    const uint32_t categoryRecordWord2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(3u * uint32_t_size);
-    // Process the event records
-    const size_t counterCount = categoryCounters.size();
-    std::vector<EventRecord> eventRecords(counterCount);
-    std::vector<uint32_t> eventRecordOffsets(counterCount, 0);
-    size_t eventRecordsSize = 0;
-    uint32_t eventRecordsOffset = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(
-                    (eventRecords.size() + categoryNameBuffer.size()) * uint32_t_size);
-    for (size_t counterIndex = 0, eventRecordIndex = 0, eventRecordOffsetIndex = 0;
-         counterIndex < counterCount;
-         counterIndex++, eventRecordIndex++, eventRecordOffsetIndex++)
-    {
-        uint16_t counterUid = categoryCounters.at(counterIndex);
-        auto it = counters.find(counterUid);
-        const CounterPtr& counter = it->second;
-        EventRecord& eventRecord = eventRecords.at(eventRecordIndex);
-        if (!CreateEventRecord(counter, eventRecord, errorMessage))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // Update the total size in words of the event records
-        eventRecordsSize += eventRecord.size();
-        // Add the event record offset to the event pointer table offset field
-        eventRecordOffsets[eventRecordOffsetIndex] = eventRecordsOffset;
-        eventRecordsOffset += arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(eventRecord.size() * uint32_t_size);
-    }
-    // Category record word 3:
-    // 0:31 [32] name_offset (offset from the beginning of the category data pool to the name field)
-    const uint32_t categoryRecordWord3 = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(
-            (3u + eventRecordOffsets.size()) * uint32_t_size);
-    // Calculate the size in words of the category record
-    const size_t categoryRecordSize = 3u +// The size of the fixed part (device + counter_set + event_count +
-                                          // reserved + event_pointer_table_offset + name_offset)
-                                      eventRecordOffsets.size() + // The size of the variable part (
-                                      categoryNameBuffer.size() + // the event pointer table + the category name
-                                      eventRecordsSize;           // including the null-terminator + the event records)
-    // Allocate the necessary space for the category record
-    categoryRecord.resize(categoryRecordSize);
-    // Create the category record
-    categoryRecord[0] = categoryRecordWord1; // event_count + reserved
-    categoryRecord[1] = categoryRecordWord2; // event_pointer_table_offset
-    categoryRecord[2] = categoryRecordWord3; // name_offset
-    auto offset = categoryRecord.begin() + 3u;
-    std::copy(eventRecordOffsets.begin(), eventRecordOffsets.end(), offset); // event_pointer_table
-    offset += eventRecordOffsets.size();
-    std::copy(categoryNameBuffer.begin(), categoryNameBuffer.end(), offset); // name
-    offset += categoryNameBuffer.size();
-    for (const EventRecord& eventRecord : eventRecords)
-    {
-        std::copy(eventRecord.begin(), eventRecord.end(), offset); // event_record
-        offset += eventRecord.size();
-    }
-    return true;
-bool SendCounterPacket::CreateDeviceRecord(const DevicePtr& device,
-                                           DeviceRecord& deviceRecord,
-                                           std::string& errorMessage)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(device);
-    uint16_t deviceUid = device->m_Uid;
-    const std::string& deviceName = device->m_Name;
-    uint16_t deviceCores = device->m_Cores;
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(!deviceName.empty());
-    // Device record word 0:
-    // 16:31 [16] uid: the unique identifier for the device
-    // 0:15  [16] cores: the number of individual streams of counters for one or more cores of some device
-    const uint32_t deviceRecordWord0 = (static_cast<uint32_t>(deviceUid) << 16) |
-                                 (static_cast<uint32_t>(deviceCores));
-    // Device record word 1:
-    // 0:31 [32] name_offset: offset from the beginning of the device record pool to the name field
-    const uint32_t deviceRecordWord1 = 8u; // The offset is always eight here, as the name field is always
-                                           // the first (and only) item in the pool and there are two device words
-    // Convert the device name into a SWTrace string
-    std::vector<uint32_t> deviceNameBuffer;
-    if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>(deviceName, deviceNameBuffer))
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the name of device {} ({}) to an SWTrace string",
-                                   deviceUid,
-                                   deviceName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Calculate the size in words of the device record
-    const size_t deviceRecordSize = 2u + // The size of the fixed part (uid + cores + name_offset)
-                              deviceNameBuffer.size(); // The size of the variable part (the device name including
-                                                       // the null-terminator)
-    // Allocate the necessary space for the device record
-    deviceRecord.resize(deviceRecordSize);
-    // Create the device record
-    deviceRecord[0] = deviceRecordWord0; // uid + core
-    deviceRecord[1] = deviceRecordWord1; // name_offset
-    auto offset = deviceRecord.begin() + 2u;
-    std::copy(deviceNameBuffer.begin(), deviceNameBuffer.end(), offset); // name
-    return true;
-bool SendCounterPacket::CreateCounterSetRecord(const CounterSetPtr& counterSet,
-                                               CounterSetRecord& counterSetRecord,
-                                               std::string& errorMessage)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterSet);
-    uint16_t counterSetUid = counterSet->m_Uid;
-    const std::string& counterSetName = counterSet->m_Name;
-    uint16_t counterSetCount = counterSet->m_Count;
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(!counterSetName.empty());
-    // Counter set record word 0:
-    // 16:31 [16] uid: the unique identifier for the counter_set
-    // 0:15  [16] count: the number of counters which can be active in this set at any one time
-    const uint32_t counterSetRecordWord0 = (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetUid) << 16) |
-                                           (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetCount));
-    // Counter set record word 1:
-    // 0:31 [32] name_offset: offset from the beginning of the counter set pool to the name field
-    const uint32_t counterSetRecordWord1 = 8u; // The offset is always eight here, as the name field is always
-                                               // the first (and only) item in the pool after the two counter set words
-    // Convert the device name into a SWTrace namestring
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterSetNameBuffer;
-    if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceNameCharPolicy>(counterSet->m_Name, counterSetNameBuffer))
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the name of counter set {} ({}) to an SWTrace namestring",
-                                   counterSetUid,
-                                   counterSetName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Calculate the size in words of the counter set record
-    const size_t counterSetRecordSize = 2u + // The size of the fixed part (uid + cores + name_offset)
-                                        counterSetNameBuffer.size(); // The size of the variable part (the counter set
-                                                                     // name including the null-terminator)
-    // Allocate the space for the counter set record
-    counterSetRecord.resize(counterSetRecordSize);
-    // Create the counter set record
-    counterSetRecord[0] = counterSetRecordWord0; // uid + core
-    counterSetRecord[1] = counterSetRecordWord1; // name_offset
-    auto offset = counterSetRecord.begin() + 2u;
-    std::copy(counterSetNameBuffer.begin(), counterSetNameBuffer.end(), offset); // name
-    return true;
-bool SendCounterPacket::CreateEventRecord(const CounterPtr& counter,
-                                          EventRecord& eventRecord,
-                                          std::string& errorMessage)
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counter);
-    uint16_t           counterUid           = counter->m_Uid;
-    uint16_t           maxCounterUid        = counter->m_MaxCounterUid;
-    uint16_t           deviceUid            = counter->m_DeviceUid;
-    uint16_t           counterSetUid        = counter->m_CounterSetUid;
-    uint16_t           counterClass         = counter->m_Class;
-    uint16_t           counterInterpolation = counter->m_Interpolation;
-    double             counterMultiplier    = counter->m_Multiplier;
-    const std::string& counterName          = counter->m_Name;
-    const std::string& counterDescription   = counter->m_Description;
-    const std::string& counterUnits         = counter->m_Units;
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterClass == 0 || counterClass == 1);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterInterpolation == 0 || counterInterpolation == 1);
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(counterMultiplier);
-    // Utils
-    const size_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    // eventRecordBlockSize is the size of the fixed part
-    // (counter_uid + max_counter_uid + device +
-    // counter_set + class + interpolation +
-    // multiplier + name_offset + description_offset +
-    // units_offset)
-    const size_t eventRecordBlockSize = 8u;
-    // Event record word 0:
-    // 16:31 [16] max_counter_uid: if the device this event is associated with has more than one core and there
-    //                             is one of these counters per core this value will be set to
-    //                             (counter_uid + cores (from device_record)) - 1.
-    //                             If there is only a single core then this value will be the same as
-    //                             the counter_uid value
-    // 0:15  [16] count_uid: unique ID for the counter. Must be unique across all counters in all categories
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord0 = (static_cast<uint32_t>(maxCounterUid) << 16) |
-                                      (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterUid));
-    // Event record word 1:
-    // 16:31 [16] device: UID of the device this event is associated with. Set to zero if the event is NOT
-    //                    associated with a device
-    // 0:15  [16] counter_set: UID of the counter_set this event is associated with. Set to zero if the event
-    //                         is NOT associated with a counter_set
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord1 = (static_cast<uint32_t>(deviceUid) << 16) |
-                                      (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetUid));
-    // Event record word 2:
-    // 16:31 [16] class: type describing how to treat each data point in a stream of data points
-    // 0:15  [16] interpolation: type describing how to interpolate each data point in a stream of data points
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord2 = (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterClass) << 16) |
-                                      (static_cast<uint32_t>(counterInterpolation));
-    // Event record word 3-4:
-    // 0:63 [64] multiplier: internal data stream is represented as integer values, this allows scaling of
-    //                       those values as if they are fixed point numbers. Zero is not a valid value
-    uint32_t multiplier[2] = { 0u, 0u };
-    ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(sizeof(counterMultiplier) == sizeof(multiplier));
-    std::memcpy(multiplier, &counterMultiplier, sizeof(multiplier));
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord3 = multiplier[0];
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord4 = multiplier[1];
-    // Event record word 5:
-    // 0:31 [32] name_offset: offset from the beginning of the event record pool to the name field
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord5 = static_cast<uint32_t>(eventRecordBlockSize * uint32_t_size);
-    // Convert the counter name into a SWTrace string
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterNameBuffer;
-    if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>(counterName, counterNameBuffer))
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the name of counter {} (name: {}) to an SWTrace string",
-                                   counterUid,
-                                   counterName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Event record word 6:
-    // 0:31 [32] description_offset: offset from the beginning of the event record pool to the description field
-    // The size of the name buffer in bytes
-    uint32_t eventRecordWord6 =
-            static_cast<uint32_t>((counterNameBuffer.size() + eventRecordBlockSize) * uint32_t_size);
-    // Convert the counter description into a SWTrace string
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterDescriptionBuffer;
-    if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceCharPolicy>(counterDescription, counterDescriptionBuffer))
-    {
-        errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the description of counter {} (description: {}) "
-                                   "to an SWTrace string",
-                                   counterUid,
-                                   counterName);
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Event record word 7:
-    // 0:31 [32] units_offset: (optional) offset from the beginning of the event record pool to the units field.
-    //                         An offset value of zero indicates this field is not provided
-    bool includeUnits = !counterUnits.empty();
-    // The size of the description buffer in bytes
-    const uint32_t eventRecordWord7 = includeUnits ?
-                                eventRecordWord6 +
-                                arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(counterDescriptionBuffer.size()
-                                * uint32_t_size) :
-                                0;
-    // Convert the counter units into a SWTrace namestring (optional)
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterUnitsBuffer;
-    if (includeUnits)
-    {
-        // Convert the counter units into a SWTrace namestring
-        if (!arm::pipe::StringToSwTraceString<arm::pipe::SwTraceNameCharPolicy>(counterUnits, counterUnitsBuffer))
-        {
-            errorMessage = fmt::format("Cannot convert the units of counter {} (units: {}) to an SWTrace string",
-                                       counterUid,
-                                       counterName);
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    // Calculate the size in words of the event record
-    const size_t eventRecordSize = eventRecordBlockSize +
-                                   counterNameBuffer.size() +        // The size of the variable part (the counter name,
-                                   counterDescriptionBuffer.size() + // description and units
-                                   counterUnitsBuffer.size();        // including the null-terminator)
-    // Allocate the space for the event record
-    eventRecord.resize(eventRecordSize);
-    // Create the event record
-    eventRecord[0] = eventRecordWord0; // max_counter_uid + counter_uid
-    eventRecord[1] = eventRecordWord1; // device + counter_set
-    eventRecord[2] = eventRecordWord2; // class + interpolation
-    eventRecord[3] = eventRecordWord3; // multiplier
-    eventRecord[4] = eventRecordWord4; // multiplier
-    eventRecord[5] = eventRecordWord5; // name_offset
-    eventRecord[6] = eventRecordWord6; // description_offset
-    eventRecord[7] = eventRecordWord7; // units_offset
-    auto offset = eventRecord.begin() + 8u;
-    std::copy(counterNameBuffer.begin(), counterNameBuffer.end(), offset); // name
-    offset += counterNameBuffer.size();
-    std::copy(counterDescriptionBuffer.begin(), counterDescriptionBuffer.end(), offset); // description
-    if (includeUnits)
-    {
-        offset += counterDescriptionBuffer.size();
-        std::copy(counterUnitsBuffer.begin(), counterUnitsBuffer.end(), offset); // units
-    }
-    return true;
-void SendCounterPacket::SendCounterDirectoryPacket(const ICounterDirectory& counterDirectory)
-    // Get the amount of data that needs to be put into the packet
-    const uint16_t categoryCount    = counterDirectory.GetCategoryCount();
-    const uint16_t deviceCount      = counterDirectory.GetDeviceCount();
-    const uint16_t counterSetCount  = counterDirectory.GetCounterSetCount();
-    // Utils
-    const size_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    const size_t packetHeaderSize = 2u;
-    const size_t bodyHeaderSize = 6u;
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderSizeBytes = bodyHeaderSize * uint32_t_size;
-    // Initialize the offset for the pointer tables
-    uint32_t pointerTableOffset = 0;
-    // --------------
-    // Device records
-    // --------------
-    // Process device records
-    std::vector<DeviceRecord> deviceRecords(deviceCount);
-    const Devices& devices = counterDirectory.GetDevices();
-    std::vector<uint32_t> deviceRecordOffsets(deviceCount, 0); // device_records_pointer_table
-    size_t deviceRecordsSize = 0;
-    size_t deviceIndex = 0;
-    size_t deviceRecordOffsetIndex = 0;
-    pointerTableOffset = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(deviceCount * uint32_t_size +
-                                                       counterSetCount * uint32_t_size +
-                                                       categoryCount   * uint32_t_size);
-    for (auto it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); it++)
-    {
-        const DevicePtr& device = it->second;
-        DeviceRecord& deviceRecord = deviceRecords.at(deviceIndex);
-        std::string errorMessage;
-        if (!CreateDeviceRecord(device, deviceRecord, errorMessage))
-        {
-            CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::ProfilingException>(errorMessage);
-        }
-        // Update the total size in words of the device records
-        deviceRecordsSize += deviceRecord.size();
-        // Add the device record offset to the device records pointer table offset field
-        deviceRecordOffsets[deviceRecordOffsetIndex] = pointerTableOffset;
-        pointerTableOffset += arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(deviceRecord.size() * uint32_t_size);
-        deviceIndex++;
-        deviceRecordOffsetIndex++;
-    }
-    // -------------------
-    // Counter set records
-    // -------------------
-    // Process counter set records
-    std::vector<CounterSetRecord> counterSetRecords(counterSetCount);
-    const CounterSets& counterSets = counterDirectory.GetCounterSets();
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterSetRecordOffsets(counterSetCount, 0); // counter_set_records_pointer_table
-    size_t counterSetRecordsSize = 0;
-    size_t counterSetIndex = 0;
-    size_t counterSetRecordOffsetIndex = 0;
-    pointerTableOffset -= arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(deviceCount * uint32_t_size);
-    for (auto it = counterSets.begin(); it != counterSets.end(); it++)
-    {
-        const CounterSetPtr& counterSet = it->second;
-        CounterSetRecord& counterSetRecord = counterSetRecords.at(counterSetIndex);
-        std::string errorMessage;
-        if (!CreateCounterSetRecord(counterSet, counterSetRecord, errorMessage))
-        {
-            CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::ProfilingException>(errorMessage);
-        }
-        // Update the total size in words of the counter set records
-        counterSetRecordsSize += counterSetRecord.size();
-        // Add the counter set record offset to the counter set records pointer table offset field
-        counterSetRecordOffsets[counterSetRecordOffsetIndex] = pointerTableOffset;
-        pointerTableOffset += arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetRecord.size() * uint32_t_size);
-        counterSetIndex++;
-        counterSetRecordOffsetIndex++;
-    }
-    // ----------------
-    // Category records
-    // ----------------
-    // Process category records
-    std::vector<CategoryRecord> categoryRecords(categoryCount);
-    const Categories& categories = counterDirectory.GetCategories();
-    std::vector<uint32_t> categoryRecordOffsets(categoryCount, 0); // category_records_pointer_table
-    size_t categoryRecordsSize = 0;
-    size_t categoryIndex = 0;
-    size_t categoryRecordOffsetIndex = 0;
-    pointerTableOffset -= arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetCount * uint32_t_size);
-    for (auto it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); it++)
-    {
-        const CategoryPtr& category = *it;
-        CategoryRecord& categoryRecord = categoryRecords.at(categoryIndex);
-        std::string errorMessage;
-        if (!CreateCategoryRecord(category, counterDirectory.GetCounters(), categoryRecord, errorMessage))
-        {
-            CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::ProfilingException>(errorMessage);
-        }
-        // Update the total size in words of the category records
-        categoryRecordsSize += categoryRecord.size();
-        // Add the category record offset to the category records pointer table offset field
-        categoryRecordOffsets[categoryRecordOffsetIndex] = pointerTableOffset;
-        pointerTableOffset += arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(categoryRecord.size() * uint32_t_size);
-        categoryIndex++;
-        categoryRecordOffsetIndex++;
-    }
-    // Calculate the length in words of the counter directory packet's data (excludes the packet header size)
-    const size_t counterDirectoryPacketDataLength =
-                 bodyHeaderSize +                 // The size of the body header
-                 deviceRecordOffsets.size() +     // The size of the device records pointer table
-                 counterSetRecordOffsets.size() + // The size of counter set pointer table
-                 categoryRecordOffsets.size() +   // The size of category records pointer table
-                 deviceRecordsSize +              // The total size of the device records
-                 counterSetRecordsSize +          // The total size of the counter set records
-                 categoryRecordsSize;             // The total size of the category records
-    // Calculate the size in words of the counter directory packet (the data length plus the packet header size)
-    const size_t counterDirectoryPacketSize = packetHeaderSize +                // The size of the packet header
-                                              counterDirectoryPacketDataLength; // The data length
-    // Allocate the necessary space for the counter directory packet
-    std::vector<uint32_t> counterDirectoryPacket(counterDirectoryPacketSize, 0);
-    // -------------
-    // Packet header
-    // -------------
-    // Packet header word 0:
-    // 26:31 [6]  packet_family: control Packet Family
-    // 16:25 [10] packet_id: packet identifier
-    // 8:15  [8]  reserved: all zeros
-    // 0:7   [8]  reserved: all zeros
-    uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
-    uint32_t packetId = 2;
-    uint32_t packetHeaderWord0 = ((packetFamily & 0x3F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x3FF) << 16);
-    // Packet header word 1:
-    // 0:31 [32] data_length: length of data, in bytes
-    uint32_t packetHeaderWord1 = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(
-            counterDirectoryPacketDataLength * uint32_t_size);
-    // Create the packet header
-    uint32_t packetHeader[2]
-    {
-        packetHeaderWord0, // packet_family + packet_id + reserved + reserved
-        packetHeaderWord1  // data_length
-    };
-    // -----------
-    // Body header
-    // -----------
-    // Body header word 0:
-    // 16:31 [16] device_records_count: number of entries in the device_records_pointer_table
-    // 0:15  [16] reserved: all zeros
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(deviceCount) << 16;
-    // Body header word 1:
-    // 0:31 [32] device_records_pointer_table_offset: offset to the device_records_pointer_table
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord1 = bodyHeaderSizeBytes; // The offset is always the bodyHeaderSize,
-                                                          // as the device record pointer table field
-                                                          // is always the first item in the pool
-    // Body header word 2:
-    // 16:31 [16] counter_set_count: number of entries in the counter_set_pointer_table
-    // 0:15  [16] reserved: all zeros
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord2 = static_cast<uint32_t>(counterSetCount) << 16;
-    // Body header word 3:
-    // 0:31 [32] counter_set_pointer_table_offset: offset to the counter_set_pointer_table
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord3 = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(deviceRecordOffsets.size() *
-                                                                   uint32_t_size +       // The size of the
-                                                                   bodyHeaderSizeBytes); // device records pointer table
-    // Body header word 4:
-    // 16:31 [16] categories_count: number of entries in the categories_pointer_table
-    // 0:15  [16] reserved: all zeros
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord4 = static_cast<uint32_t>(categoryCount) << 16;
-    // Body header word 3:
-    // 0:31 [32] categories_pointer_table_offset: offset to the categories_pointer_table
-    const uint32_t bodyHeaderWord5 =
-                   arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(
-                       deviceRecordOffsets.size() * uint32_t_size +     // The size of the device records
-                       counterSetRecordOffsets.size() * uint32_t_size   // pointer table, plus the size of
-                       +  bodyHeaderSizeBytes);                         // the counter set pointer table
-    // Create the body header
-    const uint32_t bodyHeader[bodyHeaderSize]
-    {
-        bodyHeaderWord0, // device_records_count + reserved
-        bodyHeaderWord1, // device_records_pointer_table_offset
-        bodyHeaderWord2, // counter_set_count + reserved
-        bodyHeaderWord3, // counter_set_pointer_table_offset
-        bodyHeaderWord4, // categories_count + reserved
-        bodyHeaderWord5  // categories_pointer_table_offset
-    };
-    // Create the counter directory packet
-    auto counterDirectoryPacketOffset = counterDirectoryPacket.begin();
-    // packet_header
-    std::copy(packetHeader, packetHeader + packetHeaderSize, counterDirectoryPacketOffset);
-    counterDirectoryPacketOffset += packetHeaderSize;
-    // body_header
-    std::copy(bodyHeader, bodyHeader + bodyHeaderSize, counterDirectoryPacketOffset);
-    counterDirectoryPacketOffset += bodyHeaderSize;
-    // device_records_pointer_table
-    std::copy(deviceRecordOffsets.begin(), deviceRecordOffsets.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset);
-    counterDirectoryPacketOffset += deviceRecordOffsets.size();
-    // counter_set_pointer_table
-    std::copy(counterSetRecordOffsets.begin(), counterSetRecordOffsets.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset);
-    counterDirectoryPacketOffset += counterSetRecordOffsets.size();
-    // category_pointer_table
-    std::copy(categoryRecordOffsets.begin(), categoryRecordOffsets.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset);
-    counterDirectoryPacketOffset += categoryRecordOffsets.size();
-    // device_records
-    for (const DeviceRecord& deviceRecord : deviceRecords)
-    {
-        std::copy(deviceRecord.begin(), deviceRecord.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset); // device_record
-        counterDirectoryPacketOffset += deviceRecord.size();
-    }
-    // counter_set_records
-    for (const CounterSetRecord& counterSetRecord : counterSetRecords)
-    {
-        std::copy(counterSetRecord.begin(), counterSetRecord.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset); // counter_set_record
-        counterDirectoryPacketOffset += counterSetRecord.size();
-    }
-    // category_records
-    for (const CategoryRecord& categoryRecord : categoryRecords)
-    {
-        std::copy(categoryRecord.begin(), categoryRecord.end(), counterDirectoryPacketOffset); // category_record
-        counterDirectoryPacketOffset += categoryRecord.size();
-    }
-    // Calculate the total size in bytes of the counter directory packet
-    uint32_t totalSize = arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(counterDirectoryPacketSize * uint32_t_size);
-    // Reserve space in the buffer for the packet
-    uint32_t reserved = 0;
-    IPacketBufferPtr writeBuffer = m_BufferManager.Reserve(totalSize, reserved);
-    if (writeBuffer == nullptr || reserved < totalSize)
-    {
-        CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion>(
-            writeBuffer,
-            fmt::format("No space left in buffer. Unable to reserve ({}) bytes.", totalSize));
-    }
-    // Offset for writing to the buffer
-    uint32_t offset = 0;
-    // Write the counter directory packet to the buffer
-    for (uint32_t counterDirectoryPacketWord : counterDirectoryPacket)
-    {
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, counterDirectoryPacketWord);
-        offset += arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(uint32_t_size);
-    }
-    m_BufferManager.Commit(writeBuffer, totalSize);
-void SendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(uint64_t timestamp, const IndexValuePairsVector& values)
-    uint32_t uint16_t_size = sizeof(uint16_t);
-    uint32_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint32_t uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
-    uint32_t packetFamily = 3;
-    uint32_t packetClass = 0;
-    uint32_t packetType = 0;
-    uint32_t headerSize = 2 * uint32_t_size;
-    uint32_t bodySize = uint64_t_size + arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(
-        values.size()) * (uint16_t_size + uint32_t_size);
-    uint32_t totalSize = headerSize + bodySize;
-    uint32_t offset = 0;
-    uint32_t reserved = 0;
-    IPacketBufferPtr writeBuffer = m_BufferManager.Reserve(totalSize, reserved);
-    if (writeBuffer == nullptr || reserved < totalSize)
-    {
-        CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion>(
-            writeBuffer,
-            fmt::format("No space left in buffer. Unable to reserve ({}) bytes.", totalSize));
-    }
-    // Create header.
-    WriteUint32(writeBuffer,
-                offset,
-                ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) |
-                ((packetClass  & 0x0000007F) << 19) |
-                ((packetType   & 0x00000007) << 16));
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, bodySize);
-    // Copy captured Timestamp.
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint64(writeBuffer, offset, timestamp);
-    // Copy selectedCounterIds.
-    offset += uint64_t_size;
-    for (const auto& pair: values)
-    {
-        WriteUint16(writeBuffer, offset, pair.counterId);
-        offset += uint16_t_size;
-        WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, pair.counterValue);
-        offset += uint32_t_size;
-    }
-    m_BufferManager.Commit(writeBuffer, totalSize);
-void SendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                                           const std::vector<uint16_t>& selectedCounterIds)
-    uint32_t uint16_t_size = sizeof(uint16_t);
-    uint32_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
-    uint32_t packetId = 4;
-    uint32_t headerSize = 2 * uint32_t_size;
-    uint32_t bodySize = uint32_t_size + arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(selectedCounterIds.size()) * uint16_t_size;
-    uint32_t totalSize = headerSize + bodySize;
-    uint32_t offset = 0;
-    uint32_t reserved = 0;
-    IPacketBufferPtr writeBuffer = m_BufferManager.Reserve(totalSize, reserved);
-    if (writeBuffer == nullptr || reserved < totalSize)
-    {
-        CancelOperationAndThrow<arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion>(
-            writeBuffer,
-            fmt::format("No space left in buffer. Unable to reserve ({}) bytes.", totalSize));
-    }
-    // Create header.
-    WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, ((packetFamily & 0x3F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x3FF) << 16));
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, bodySize);
-    // Copy capturePeriod.
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    WriteUint32(writeBuffer, offset, capturePeriod);
-    // Copy selectedCounterIds.
-    offset += uint32_t_size;
-    for(const uint16_t& id: selectedCounterIds)
-    {
-        WriteUint16(writeBuffer, offset, id);
-        offset += uint16_t_size;
-    }
-    m_BufferManager.Commit(writeBuffer, totalSize);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.hpp b/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ace7ed1..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendCounterPacket.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IBufferManager.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class SendCounterPacket : public ISendCounterPacket
-    using CategoryRecord        = std::vector<uint32_t>;
-    using DeviceRecord          = std::vector<uint32_t>;
-    using CounterSetRecord      = std::vector<uint32_t>;
-    using EventRecord           = std::vector<uint32_t>;
-    using IndexValuePairsVector = std::vector<CounterValue>;
-    SendCounterPacket(IBufferManager& buffer,
-                      const std::string& softwareInfo,
-                      const std::string& softwareVersion,
-                      const std::string& hardwareVersion)
-        : m_BufferManager(buffer),
-          m_SoftwareInfo(softwareInfo),
-          m_SoftwareVersion(softwareVersion),
-          m_HardwareVersion(hardwareVersion)
-    {}
-    void SendStreamMetaDataPacket() override;
-    void SendCounterDirectoryPacket(const ICounterDirectory& counterDirectory) override;
-    void SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(uint64_t timestamp, const IndexValuePairsVector& values) override;
-    void SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(uint32_t capturePeriod,
-                                            const std::vector<uint16_t>& selectedCounterIds) override;
-    template <typename ExceptionType>
-    void CancelOperationAndThrow(const std::string& errorMessage)
-    {
-        // Throw a runtime exception with the given error message
-        throw ExceptionType(errorMessage);
-    }
-    template <typename ExceptionType>
-    void CancelOperationAndThrow(IPacketBufferPtr& writerBuffer, const std::string& errorMessage)
-    {
-        if (std::is_same<ExceptionType, arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion>::value)
-        {
-            m_BufferManager.FlushReadList();
-        }
-        if (writerBuffer != nullptr)
-        {
-            // Cancel the operation
-            m_BufferManager.Release(writerBuffer);
-        }
-        // Throw a runtime exception with the given error message
-        throw ExceptionType(errorMessage);
-    }
-    IBufferManager& m_BufferManager;
-    // Helper methods, protected for testing
-    bool CreateCategoryRecord(const CategoryPtr& category,
-                              const Counters& counters,
-                              CategoryRecord& categoryRecord,
-                              std::string& errorMessage);
-    bool CreateDeviceRecord(const DevicePtr& device,
-                            DeviceRecord& deviceRecord,
-                            std::string& errorMessage);
-    bool CreateCounterSetRecord(const CounterSetPtr& counterSet,
-                                CounterSetRecord& counterSetRecord,
-                                std::string& errorMessage);
-    bool CreateEventRecord(const CounterPtr& counter,
-                           EventRecord& eventRecord,
-                           std::string& errorMessage);
-    std::string m_SoftwareInfo;
-    std::string m_SoftwareVersion;
-    std::string m_HardwareVersion;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SendThread.cpp b/src/profiling/SendThread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb8e65..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendThread.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "SendThread.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ProfilingException.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-SendThread::SendThread(ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine,
-                       IBufferManager& buffer,
-                       ISendCounterPacket& sendCounterPacket,
-                       int timeout)
-    : m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
-    , m_BufferManager(buffer)
-    , m_SendCounterPacket(sendCounterPacket)
-    , m_Timeout(timeout)
-    , m_IsRunning(false)
-    , m_KeepRunning(false)
-    , m_SendThreadException(nullptr)
-    m_BufferManager.SetConsumer(this);
-void SendThread::SetReadyToRead()
-    // We need to wait for the send thread to release its mutex
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(m_WaitMutex);
-        m_ReadyToRead = true;
-    }
-    // Signal the send thread that there's something to read in the buffer
-    m_WaitCondition.notify_one();
-void SendThread::Start(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection)
-    // Check if the send thread is already running
-    if (m_IsRunning.load())
-    {
-        // The send thread is already running
-        return;
-    }
-    if (m_SendThread.joinable())
-    {
-        m_SendThread.join();
-    }
-    // Mark the send thread as running
-    m_IsRunning.store(true);
-    // Keep the send procedure going until the send thread is signalled to stop
-    m_KeepRunning.store(true);
-    // Make sure the send thread will not flush the buffer until signaled to do so
-    // no need for a mutex as the send thread can not be running at this point
-    m_ReadyToRead = false;
-    m_PacketSent = false;
-    // Start the send thread
-    m_SendThread = std::thread(&SendThread::Send, this, std::ref(profilingConnection));
-void SendThread::Stop(bool rethrowSendThreadExceptions)
-    // Signal the send thread to stop
-    m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-    // Check that the send thread is running
-    if (m_SendThread.joinable())
-    {
-        // Kick the send thread out of the wait condition
-        SetReadyToRead();
-        // Wait for the send thread to complete operations
-        m_SendThread.join();
-    }
-    // Check if the send thread exception has to be rethrown
-    if (!rethrowSendThreadExceptions)
-    {
-        // No need to rethrow the send thread exception, return immediately
-        return;
-    }
-    // Check if there's an exception to rethrow
-    if (m_SendThreadException)
-    {
-        // Rethrow the send thread exception
-        std::rethrow_exception(m_SendThreadException);
-        // Nullify the exception as it has been rethrown
-        m_SendThreadException = nullptr;
-    }
-void SendThread::Send(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection)
-    // Run once and keep the sending procedure looping until the thread is signalled to stop
-    do
-    {
-        // Check the current state of the profiling service
-        ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
-        switch (currentState)
-        {
-        case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
-        case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
-            // The send thread cannot be running when the profiling service is uninitialized or not connected,
-            // stop the thread immediately
-            m_KeepRunning.store(false);
-            m_IsRunning.store(false);
-            // An exception should be thrown here, save it to be rethrown later from the main thread so that
-            // it can be caught by the consumer
-            m_SendThreadException =
-                std::make_exception_ptr(arm::pipe::ProfilingException(
-                "The send thread should not be running with the profiling service not yet initialized or connected"));
-            return;
-        case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
-            // Send out a StreamMetadata packet and wait for the profiling connection to be acknowledged.
-            // When a ConnectionAcknowledged packet is received, the profiling service state will be automatically
-            // updated by the command handler
-            // Prepare a StreamMetadata packet and write it to the Counter Stream buffer
-            m_SendCounterPacket.SendStreamMetaDataPacket();
-             // Flush the buffer manually to send the packet
-            FlushBuffer(profilingConnection);
-            // Wait for a connection ack from the remote server. We should expect a response within timeout value.
-            // If not, drop back to the start of the loop and detect somebody closing the thread. Then send the
-            // StreamMetadata again.
-            // Wait condition lock scope - Begin
-            {
-                std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_WaitMutex);
-                bool timeout = m_WaitCondition.wait_for(lock,
-                                                        std::chrono::milliseconds(std::max(m_Timeout, 1000)),
-                                                        [&]{ return m_ReadyToRead; });
-                // If we get notified we need to flush the buffer again
-                if(timeout)
-                {
-                    // Otherwise if we just timed out don't flush the buffer
-                    continue;
-                }
-                //reset condition variable predicate for next use
-                m_ReadyToRead = false;
-            }
-            // Wait condition lock scope - End
-            break;
-        case ProfilingState::Active:
-        default:
-            // Wait condition lock scope - Begin
-            {
-                std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_WaitMutex);
-                // Normal working state for the send thread
-                // Check if the send thread is required to enforce a timeout wait policy
-                if (m_Timeout < 0)
-                {
-                    // Wait indefinitely until notified that something to read has become available in the buffer
-                    m_WaitCondition.wait(lock, [&] { return m_ReadyToRead; });
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Wait until the thread is notified of something to read from the buffer,
-                    // or check anyway after the specified number of milliseconds
-                    m_WaitCondition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(m_Timeout), [&] { return m_ReadyToRead; });
-                }
-                //reset condition variable predicate for next use
-                m_ReadyToRead = false;
-            }
-            // Wait condition lock scope - End
-            break;
-        }
-        // Send all the available packets in the buffer
-        FlushBuffer(profilingConnection);
-    } while (m_KeepRunning.load());
-    // Ensure that all readable data got written to the profiling connection before the thread is stopped
-    // (do not notify any watcher in this case, as this is just to wrap up things before shutting down the send thread)
-    FlushBuffer(profilingConnection, false);
-    // Mark the send thread as not running
-    m_IsRunning.store(false);
-void SendThread::FlushBuffer(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection, bool notifyWatchers)
-    // Get the first available readable buffer
-    IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer = m_BufferManager.GetReadableBuffer();
-    // Initialize the flag that indicates whether at least a packet has been sent
-    bool packetsSent = false;
-    while (packetBuffer != nullptr)
-    {
-        // Get the data to send from the buffer
-        const unsigned char* readBuffer = packetBuffer->GetReadableData();
-        unsigned int readBufferSize = packetBuffer->GetSize();
-        if (readBuffer == nullptr || readBufferSize == 0)
-        {
-            // Nothing to send, get the next available readable buffer and continue
-            m_BufferManager.MarkRead(packetBuffer);
-            packetBuffer = m_BufferManager.GetReadableBuffer();
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Check that the profiling connection is open, silently drop the data and continue if it's closed
-        if (profilingConnection.IsOpen())
-        {
-            // Write a packet to the profiling connection. Silently ignore any write error and continue
-            profilingConnection.WritePacket(readBuffer, arm::pipe::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(readBufferSize));
-            // Set the flag that indicates whether at least a packet has been sent
-            packetsSent = true;
-        }
-        // Mark the packet buffer as read
-        m_BufferManager.MarkRead(packetBuffer);
-        // Get the next available readable buffer
-        packetBuffer = m_BufferManager.GetReadableBuffer();
-    }
-    // Check whether at least a packet has been sent
-    if (packetsSent && notifyWatchers)
-    {
-        // Wait for the parent thread to release its mutex if necessary
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(m_PacketSentWaitMutex);
-            m_PacketSent = true;
-        }
-        // Notify to any watcher that something has been sent
-        m_PacketSentWaitCondition.notify_one();
-    }
-bool SendThread::WaitForPacketSent(uint32_t timeout = 1000)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_PacketSentWaitMutex);
-    // Blocks until notified that at least a packet has been sent or until timeout expires.
-    bool timedOut = m_PacketSentWaitCondition.wait_for(lock,
-                                                       std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout),
-                                                       [&] { return m_PacketSent; });
-    m_PacketSent = false;
-    return timedOut;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
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deleted file mode 100644
index b96a6d5..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendThread.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IBufferManager.hpp"
-#include "IConsumer.hpp"
-#include "ISendThread.hpp"
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingStateMachine.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <common/include/ICounterDirectory.hpp>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <thread>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class SendThread : public ISendThread, public IConsumer
-    SendThread(ProfilingStateMachine& profilingStateMachine,
-        IBufferManager& buffer, ISendCounterPacket& sendCounterPacket, int timeout= 1000);
-    ~SendThread()
-    {
-        // Don't rethrow when destructing the object
-        Stop(false);
-    }
-    void Start(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection) override;
-    void Stop(bool rethrowSendThreadExceptions = true) override;
-    void SetReadyToRead() override;
-    bool IsRunning() { return m_IsRunning.load(); }
-    bool WaitForPacketSent(uint32_t timeout);
-    void Send(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection);
-    void FlushBuffer(IProfilingConnection& profilingConnection, bool notifyWatchers = true);
-    ProfilingStateMachine& m_StateMachine;
-    IBufferManager& m_BufferManager;
-    ISendCounterPacket& m_SendCounterPacket;
-    int m_Timeout;
-    std::mutex m_WaitMutex;
-    std::condition_variable m_WaitCondition;
-    std::thread m_SendThread;
-    std::atomic<bool> m_IsRunning;
-    std::atomic<bool> m_KeepRunning;
-    // m_ReadyToRead will be protected by m_WaitMutex
-    bool m_ReadyToRead;
-    // m_PacketSent will be protected by m_PacketSentWaitMutex
-    bool m_PacketSent;
-    std::exception_ptr m_SendThreadException;
-    std::mutex m_PacketSentWaitMutex;
-    std::condition_variable m_PacketSentWaitCondition;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.cpp b/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62d1530..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "SendTimelinePacket.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-void SendTimelinePacket::Commit()
-    if (m_WriteBuffer == nullptr)
-    {
-        // Can't commit from a null buffer
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!m_DirectoryPackage)
-    {
-        // Datalength should be Offset minus the two header words
-        m_PacketDataLength = m_Offset - m_uint32_t_size * 2;
-        // Reset offset to prepend header with full packet datalength
-        m_Offset = 0;
-        // Add header before commit
-        m_PacketHeader = CreateTimelinePacketHeader(1,0,1,0,0,m_PacketDataLength);
-        // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
-        WriteUint32(m_WriteBuffer->GetWritableData(), m_Offset, m_PacketHeader.first);
-        m_Offset += m_uint32_t_size;
-        WriteUint32(m_WriteBuffer->GetWritableData(), m_Offset, m_PacketHeader.second);
-        m_BufferManager.Commit(m_WriteBuffer, m_PacketDataLength + m_uint32_t_size * 2);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        m_DirectoryPackage = false;
-        m_BufferManager.Commit(m_WriteBuffer, m_Offset);
-    }
-    // Commit the message
-    m_WriteBuffer.reset(nullptr);
-    // Reset offset to start after prepended header
-    m_Offset = 8;
-    m_RemainingBufferSize = 0;
-void SendTimelinePacket::ReserveBuffer()
-    if (m_WriteBuffer != nullptr)
-    {
-        // Buffer already reserved
-        return;
-    }
-    uint32_t reserved = 0;
-    // Reserve the buffer
-    m_WriteBuffer = m_BufferManager.Reserve(MAX_METADATA_PACKET_LENGTH, reserved);
-    // Check if there is enough space in the buffer
-    if (m_WriteBuffer == nullptr)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion("No free buffers left", LOCATION());
-    }
-    if (reserved < m_Offset)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion("Reserved space too small for use", LOCATION());
-    }
-    if (m_DirectoryPackage)
-    {
-        m_RemainingBufferSize = reserved;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Account for the header size which is added at Commit()
-    m_RemainingBufferSize = reserved - 8;
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid)
-    ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(WriteTimelineEntityBinary,
-                               profilingGuid);
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEventBinaryPacket(uint64_t timestamp,
-                                                       int threadId,
-                                                       uint64_t profilingGuid)
-    ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(WriteTimelineEventBinary,
-                               timestamp,
-                               threadId,
-                               profilingGuid);
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid, uint64_t nameGuid)
-    ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(WriteTimelineEventClassBinary,
-                               profilingGuid,
-                               nameGuid);
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid, const std::string& label)
-    ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket,
-                               profilingGuid,
-                               label);
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                              uint64_t relationshipGuid,
-                                                              uint64_t headGuid,
-                                                              uint64_t tailGuid,
-                                                              uint64_t attributeGuid)
-    ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(WriteTimelineRelationshipBinary,
-                               relationshipType,
-                               relationshipGuid,
-                               headGuid,
-                               tailGuid,
-                               attributeGuid);
-void SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage()
-    try
-    {
-        // Flag to Reserve & Commit() that a DirectoryPackage is being sent
-        m_DirectoryPackage = true;
-        // Reserve buffer if it hasn't already been reserved
-        ReserveBuffer();
-        // Write to buffer
-        unsigned int numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-        // Offset is initialised to 8
-        m_Offset = 0;
-        TimelinePacketStatus result = WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage(&m_WriteBuffer->GetWritableData()[m_Offset],
-                                                                           m_RemainingBufferSize,
-                                                                           numberOfBytesWritten);
-        if (result != TimelinePacketStatus::Ok)
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Error processing TimelineMessageDirectoryPackage", LOCATION());
-        }
-        // Commit the message
-        m_Offset     += numberOfBytesWritten;
-        m_RemainingBufferSize -= numberOfBytesWritten;
-        Commit();
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Error processing TimelineMessageDirectoryPackage", LOCATION());
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.hpp b/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f20671f..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SendTimelinePacket.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IBufferManager.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Assert.hpp>
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class SendTimelinePacket : public ISendTimelinePacket
-    SendTimelinePacket(IBufferManager& bufferManager)
-      : m_BufferManager(bufferManager)
-      , m_WriteBuffer(nullptr)
-      , m_Offset(8u)
-      , m_RemainingBufferSize(0u)
-      , m_PacketDataLength(0u)
-    {}
-    /// Commits the current buffer and reset the member variables
-    void Commit() override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineEntityBinaryPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
-    void SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid) override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineEventBinaryPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
-    void SendTimelineEventBinaryPacket(uint64_t timestamp, int threadId, uint64_t profilingGuid) override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineEventClassBinaryPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
-    void SendTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid, uint64_t nameGuid) override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineLabelBinaryPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
-    void SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(uint64_t profilingGuid, const std::string& label) override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineMessageDirectoryPackage in the buffer
-    void SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage() override;
-    /// Create and write a TimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
-    virtual void SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                      uint64_t relationshipGuid,
-                                                      uint64_t headGuid,
-                                                      uint64_t tailGuid,
-                                                      uint64_t attributeGuid) override;
-    /// Reserves maximum packet size from buffer
-    void ReserveBuffer();
-    template <typename Func, typename ... Params>
-    void ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(Func& func, Params&& ... params);
-    IBufferManager&  m_BufferManager;
-    IPacketBufferPtr m_WriteBuffer;
-    unsigned int     m_Offset;
-    unsigned int     m_RemainingBufferSize;
-    const unsigned int m_uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-    std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> m_PacketHeader;
-    uint32_t                      m_PacketDataLength;
-    bool m_DirectoryPackage = false;
-template<typename Func, typename ... Params>
-void SendTimelinePacket::ForwardWriteBinaryFunction(Func& func, Params&& ... params)
-    try
-    {
-        ReserveBuffer();
-        ARM_PIPE_ASSERT(m_WriteBuffer);
-        unsigned int numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
-        // Header will be prepended to the buffer on Commit()
-        while ( true )
-        {
-            TimelinePacketStatus result = func(std::forward<Params>(params)...,
-                                               &m_WriteBuffer->GetWritableData()[m_Offset],
-                                               m_RemainingBufferSize,
-                                               numberOfBytesWritten);
-            switch ( result )
-            {
-                case TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion:
-                    Commit();
-                    ReserveBuffer();
-                    continue;
-                case TimelinePacketStatus::Error:
-                    throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Error processing while sending TimelineBinaryPacket",
-                                                        LOCATION());
-                default:
-                    m_Offset += numberOfBytesWritten;
-                    m_RemainingBufferSize -= numberOfBytesWritten;
-                    return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    catch (const arm::pipe::BufferExhaustion& ex)
-    {
-        // ditto
-        throw ex;
-    }
-    catch (const arm::pipe::ProfilingException& ex)
-    {
-        // don't swallow in the catch all block
-        throw ex;
-    }
-    catch ( ... )
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::ProfilingException("Unknown Exception thrown while sending TimelineBinaryPacket", LOCATION());
-    }
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.cpp b/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a211567..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "SocketProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <common/include/SocketConnectionException.hpp>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <string>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-    arm::pipe::Initialize();
-    memset(m_Socket, 0, sizeof(m_Socket));
-    // Note: we're using Linux specific SOCK_CLOEXEC flag.
-    m_Socket[0].fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
-    if (m_Socket[0].fd == -1)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-            std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Socket construction failed: ")  + strerror(errno),
-            m_Socket[0].fd,
-            errno);
-    }
-    // Connect to the named unix domain socket.
-    sockaddr_un server{};
-    memset(&server, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_un));
-    // As m_GatorNamespace begins with a null character we need to ignore that when getting its length.
-    memcpy(server.sun_path, m_GatorNamespace, strlen(m_GatorNamespace + 1) + 1);
-    server.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-    if (0 != connect(m_Socket[0].fd, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&server), sizeof(sockaddr_un)))
-    {
-        Close();
-        throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-            std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Cannot connect to stream socket: ")  + strerror(errno),
-            m_Socket[0].fd,
-            errno);
-    }
-    // Our socket will only be interested in polling reads.
-    m_Socket[0].events = POLLIN;
-    // Make the socket non blocking.
-    if (!arm::pipe::SetNonBlocking(m_Socket[0].fd))
-    {
-        Close();
-        throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-            std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Failed to set socket as non blocking: ")  + strerror(errno),
-            m_Socket[0].fd,
-            errno);
-    }
-bool SocketProfilingConnection::IsOpen() const
-    return m_Socket[0].fd > 0;
-void SocketProfilingConnection::Close()
-    if (arm::pipe::Close(m_Socket[0].fd) != 0)
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-            std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Cannot close stream socket: ")  + strerror(errno),
-            m_Socket[0].fd,
-            errno);
-    }
-    memset(m_Socket, 0, sizeof(m_Socket));
-bool SocketProfilingConnection::WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length)
-    if (buffer == nullptr || length == 0)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return arm::pipe::Write(m_Socket[0].fd, buffer, length) != -1;
-arm::pipe::Packet SocketProfilingConnection::ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout)
-    // Is there currently at least a header worth of data waiting to be read?
-    int bytes_available = 0;
-    arm::pipe::Ioctl(m_Socket[0].fd, FIONREAD, &bytes_available);
-    if (bytes_available >= 8)
-    {
-        // Yes there is. Read it:
-        return ReceivePacket();
-    }
-    // Poll for data on the socket or until timeout occurs
-    int pollResult = arm::pipe::Poll(&m_Socket[0], 1, static_cast<int>(timeout));
-    switch (pollResult)
-    {
-    case -1: // Error
-        throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-            std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Error occured while reading from socket: ") + strerror(errno),
-            m_Socket[0].fd,
-            errno);
-    case 0: // Timeout
-        throw arm::pipe::TimeoutException("SocketProfilingConnection: Timeout while reading from socket");
-    default: // Normal poll return but it could still contain an error signal
-        // Check if the socket reported an error
-        if (m_Socket[0].revents & (POLLNVAL | POLLERR | POLLHUP))
-        {
-            if (m_Socket[0].revents == POLLNVAL)
-            {
-                // This is an unrecoverable error.
-                Close();
-                throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                    std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Error occured while polling receiving socket: POLLNVAL."),
-                    m_Socket[0].fd);
-            }
-            if (m_Socket[0].revents == POLLERR)
-            {
-                throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                    std::string(
-                        "SocketProfilingConnection: Error occured while polling receiving socket: POLLERR: ")
-                        + strerror(errno),
-                    m_Socket[0].fd,
-                    errno);
-            }
-            if (m_Socket[0].revents == POLLHUP)
-            {
-                // This is an unrecoverable error.
-                Close();
-                throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                    std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Connection closed by remote client: POLLHUP."),
-                    m_Socket[0].fd);
-            }
-        }
-        // Check if there is data to read
-        if (!(m_Socket[0].revents & (POLLIN)))
-        {
-            // This is a corner case. The socket as been woken up but not with any data.
-            // We'll throw a timeout exception to loop around again.
-            throw arm::pipe::TimeoutException(
-                "SocketProfilingConnection: File descriptor was polled but no data was available to receive.");
-        }
-        return ReceivePacket();
-    }
-arm::pipe::Packet SocketProfilingConnection::ReceivePacket()
-    char header[8] = {};
-    long receiveResult = arm::pipe::Read(m_Socket[0].fd, &header, sizeof(header));
-    // We expect 8 as the result here. 0 means EOF, socket is closed. -1 means there been some other kind of error.
-    switch( receiveResult )
-    {
-        case 0:
-            // Socket has closed.
-            Close();
-            throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Remote socket has closed the connection."),
-                m_Socket[0].fd);
-        case -1:
-            // There's been a socket error. We will presume it's unrecoverable.
-            Close();
-            throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Error occured while reading the packet: ") + strerror(errno),
-                m_Socket[0].fd,
-                errno);
-        default:
-            if (receiveResult < 8)
-            {
-                 throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                     std::string(
-                         "SocketProfilingConnection: The received packet did not contains a valid PIPE header."),
-                     m_Socket[0].fd);
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    // stream_metadata_identifier is the first 4 bytes
-    uint32_t metadataIdentifier = 0;
-    std::memcpy(&metadataIdentifier, header, sizeof(metadataIdentifier));
-    // data_length is the next 4 bytes
-    uint32_t dataLength = 0;
-    std::memcpy(&dataLength, header + 4u, sizeof(dataLength));
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> packetData;
-    if (dataLength > 0)
-    {
-        packetData = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(dataLength);
-        long receivedLength = arm::pipe::Read(m_Socket[0].fd, packetData.get(), dataLength);
-        if (receivedLength < 0)
-        {
-            throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Error occured while reading the packet: ")  + strerror(errno),
-                m_Socket[0].fd,
-                errno);
-        }
-        if (dataLength != static_cast<uint32_t>(receivedLength))
-        {
-            // What do we do here if we can't read in a full packet?
-            throw arm::pipe::SocketConnectionException(
-                std::string("SocketProfilingConnection: Invalid PIPE packet."),
-                m_Socket[0].fd);
-        }
-    }
-    return arm::pipe::Packet(metadataIdentifier, dataLength, packetData);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.hpp b/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 52616c9..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/SocketProfilingConnection.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
-#include <common/include/NetworkSockets.hpp>
-#pragma once
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class SocketProfilingConnection : public IProfilingConnection
-    SocketProfilingConnection();
-    bool IsOpen() const final;
-    void Close() final;
-    bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) final;
-    arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) final;
-    // Read a full packet from the socket.
-    arm::pipe::Packet ReceivePacket();
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-    // To indicate we want to use an abstract UDS ensure the first character of the address is 0.
-    const char* m_GatorNamespace = "\0gatord_namespace";
-    // MACOSX does not support abstract UDS
-    const char* m_GatorNamespace = "/tmp/gatord_namespace";
-    arm::pipe::PollFd m_Socket[1]{};
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.cpp b/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 78eda79..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp"
-#include "SendTimelinePacket.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> TimelinePacketWriterFactory::GetSendTimelinePacket() const
-    return std::make_unique<SendTimelinePacket>(m_BufferManager);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp b/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 607770f..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "IBufferManager.hpp"
-#include <client/include/ISendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <memory>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class TimelinePacketWriterFactory
-    TimelinePacketWriterFactory(IBufferManager& bufferManager) : m_BufferManager(bufferManager) {}
-    std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> GetSendTimelinePacket() const;
-    IBufferManager& m_BufferManager;
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/TimelineUtilityMethods.cpp b/src/profiling/TimelineUtilityMethods.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c13ca..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/TimelineUtilityMethods.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
-#include <client/include/TimelineUtilityMethods.hpp>
-#include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
-#include <common/include/Threads.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-std::unique_ptr<TimelineUtilityMethods> TimelineUtilityMethods::GetTimelineUtils(IProfilingService& profilingService)
-    if (profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active && profilingService.IsTimelineReportingEnabled())
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> sendTimelinepacket = profilingService.GetSendTimelinePacket();
-        return std::make_unique<TimelineUtilityMethods>(sendTimelinepacket);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<TimelineUtilityMethods> empty;
-        return empty;
-    }
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::SendWellKnownLabelsAndEventClasses(ISendTimelinePacket& timelinePacket)
-    // Send the "name" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::NAME_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::NAME_LABEL);
-    // Send the "type" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::TYPE_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::TYPE_LABEL);
-    // Send the "index" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::INDEX_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::INDEX_LABEL);
-    // Send the "backendId" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::BACKENDID_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::BACKENDID_LABEL);
-    // Send the "child" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::CHILD_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::CHILD_LABEL);
-    // Send the "execution_of" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::EXECUTION_OF_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::EXECUTION_OF_LABEL);
-    // Send the "process_id" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::PROCESS_ID_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::PROCESS_ID_LABEL);
-    // Send the "layer" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::LAYER_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::LAYER);
-    // Send the "workload" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD);
-    // Send the "network" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::NETWORK_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::NETWORK);
-    // Send the "connection" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::CONNECTION_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::CONNECTION);
-    // Send the "inference" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::INFERENCE_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::INFERENCE);
-    // Send the "workload_execution" label, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD_EXECUTION_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD_EXECUTION);
-    // Send the "start of life" event class, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_SOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_SOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME);
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_SOL_EVENT_CLASS,
-                                                      LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_SOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME_GUID);
-    // Send the "end of life" event class, this call throws in case of error
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_EOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME_GUID,
-                                                 LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_EOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME);
-    timelinePacket.SendTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_EOL_EVENT_CLASS,
-                                                      LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_EOL_EVENT_CLASS_NAME_GUID);
-    timelinePacket.Commit();
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedEntity(const std::string& name, const std::string& type)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (name.empty())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Check that the entity type is valid
-    if (type.empty())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Generate dynamic GUID of the entity
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid entityGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    CreateNamedTypedEntity(entityGuid, name, type);
-    return entityGuid;
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid,
-                                                    const std::string& name,
-                                                    const std::string& type)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (name.empty())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Check that the entity type is valid
-    if (type.empty())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Send Entity Binary Packet of the entity to the external profiling service
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(entityGuid);
-    // Create name entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given name
-    NameEntity(entityGuid, name);
-    // Create type entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given type
-    TypeEntity(entityGuid, type);
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid,
-                                                    const std::string& name,
-                                                    ProfilingStaticGuid typeGuid)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (name.empty())
-    {
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Send Entity Binary Packet of the entity to the external profiling service
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(entityGuid);
-    // Create name entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given name
-    NameEntity(entityGuid, name);
-    // Create type entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given type
-    MarkEntityWithType(entityGuid, typeGuid);
-ProfilingStaticGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::DeclareLabel(const std::string& labelName)
-    // Check that the label name is valid
-    if (labelName.empty())
-    {
-        // The label name is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid label name, the label name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Generate a static GUID for the given label name
-    ProfilingStaticGuid labelGuid = IProfilingService::GetStaticId(labelName);
-    // Send the new label to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(labelGuid, labelName);
-    return labelGuid;
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::MarkEntityWithLabel(ProfilingGuid entityGuid,
-                                                 const std::string& labelName,
-                                                 ProfilingStaticGuid labelTypeGuid)
-    // Check that the label name is valid
-    if (labelName.empty())
-    {
-        // The label name is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Declare a label with the label's name, this call throws in case of error
-    ProfilingStaticGuid labelGuid = DeclareLabel(labelName);
-    // Generate a GUID for the label relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new label link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::LabelLink,
-                                                               relationshipGuid,
-                                                               entityGuid,
-                                                               labelGuid,
-                                                               labelTypeGuid);
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::MarkEntityWithType(ProfilingGuid entityGuid,
-                                                ProfilingStaticGuid typeNameGuid)
-    // Generate a GUID for the label relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new label link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::LabelLink,
-                                                               relationshipGuid,
-                                                               entityGuid,
-                                                               typeNameGuid,
-                                                               LabelsAndEventClasses::TYPE_GUID);
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::NameEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, const std::string& name)
-    MarkEntityWithLabel(entityGuid, name, LabelsAndEventClasses::NAME_GUID);
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::TypeEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, const std::string& type)
-    MarkEntityWithLabel(entityGuid, type, LabelsAndEventClasses::TYPE_GUID);
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedChildEntity(ProfilingGuid parentEntityGuid,
-                                                                         const std::string& entityName,
-                                                                         const std::string& entityType)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (entityName.empty())
-    {
-        // The entity name is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Check that the entity type is valid
-    if (entityType.empty())
-    {
-        // The entity type is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Create a named type entity from the given name and type, this call throws in case of error
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid childEntityGuid = CreateNamedTypedEntity(entityName, entityType);
-    // Generate a GUID for the retention link relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid retentionLinkGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink,
-                                                               retentionLinkGuid,
-                                                               parentEntityGuid,
-                                                               childEntityGuid,
-                                                               LabelsAndEventClasses::EMPTY_GUID);
-    return childEntityGuid;
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedChildEntity(ProfilingGuid childEntityGuid,
-                                                         ProfilingGuid parentEntityGuid,
-                                                         const std::string& entityName,
-                                                         const std::string& entityType)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (entityName.empty())
-    {
-        // The entity name is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Check that the entity type is valid
-    if (entityType.empty())
-    {
-        // The entity type is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Create a named type entity from the given guid, name and type, this call throws in case of error
-    CreateNamedTypedEntity(childEntityGuid, entityName, entityType);
-    // Generate a GUID for the retention link relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid retentionLinkGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink,
-                                                               retentionLinkGuid,
-                                                               parentEntityGuid,
-                                                               childEntityGuid,
-                                                               LabelsAndEventClasses::CHILD_GUID);
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedChildEntity(ProfilingGuid childEntityGuid,
-                                                         ProfilingGuid parentEntityGuid,
-                                                         const std::string& entityName,
-                                                         ProfilingStaticGuid typeGuid)
-    // Check that the entity name is valid
-    if (entityName.empty())
-    {
-        // The entity name is invalid
-        throw arm::pipe::InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
-    }
-    // Create a named type entity from the given guid, name and type, this call throws in case of error
-    CreateNamedTypedEntity(childEntityGuid, entityName, typeGuid);
-    // Generate a GUID for the retention link relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid retentionLinkGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink,
-                                                               retentionLinkGuid,
-                                                               parentEntityGuid,
-                                                               childEntityGuid,
-                                                               LabelsAndEventClasses::CHILD_GUID);
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                                ProfilingGuid headGuid,
-                                                                ProfilingGuid tailGuid,
-                                                                ProfilingGuid relationshipCategory)
-    // Generate a GUID for the relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(relationshipType,
-                                                               relationshipGuid,
-                                                               headGuid,
-                                                               tailGuid,
-                                                               relationshipCategory);
-    return relationshipGuid;
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateConnectionRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType,
-                                                                          ProfilingGuid headGuid,
-                                                                          ProfilingGuid tailGuid)
-    // Generate a GUID for the relationship
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(relationshipType,
-                                                               relationshipGuid,
-                                                               headGuid,
-                                                               tailGuid,
-                                                               LabelsAndEventClasses::CONNECTION_GUID);
-    return relationshipGuid;
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateTypedEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, ProfilingStaticGuid entityTypeGuid)
-    // Send Entity Binary Packet of the entity to the external profiling service
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(entityGuid);
-    // Create type entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given type
-    MarkEntityWithType(entityGuid, entityTypeGuid);
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::RecordEvent(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, ProfilingStaticGuid eventClassGuid)
-    // Take a timestamp
-    uint64_t timestamp = GetTimestamp();
-    // Get the thread id
-    int threadId = arm::pipe::GetCurrentThreadId();
-    // Generate a GUID for the event
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid eventGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new timeline event to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineEventBinaryPacket(timestamp, threadId, eventGuid);
-    // Generate a GUID for the execution link
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid executionLinkId = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    // Send the new execution link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
-    m_SendTimelinePacket->SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket(ProfilingRelationshipType::ExecutionLink,
-                                                               executionLinkId,
-                                                               entityGuid,
-                                                               eventGuid,
-                                                               eventClassGuid);
-    return eventGuid;
-ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::RecordWorkloadInferenceAndStartOfLifeEvent(ProfilingGuid workloadGuid,
-                                                                                        ProfilingGuid inferenceGuid)
-    ProfilingDynamicGuid workloadInferenceGuid = IProfilingService::GetNextGuid();
-    CreateTypedEntity(workloadInferenceGuid, LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD_EXECUTION_GUID);
-    CreateRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink,
-                       inferenceGuid,
-                       workloadInferenceGuid,
-                       LabelsAndEventClasses::CHILD_GUID);
-    CreateRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink,
-                       workloadGuid,
-                       workloadInferenceGuid,
-                       LabelsAndEventClasses::EXECUTION_OF_GUID);
-    RecordEvent(workloadInferenceGuid, LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_SOL_EVENT_CLASS);
-    return workloadInferenceGuid;
-void TimelineUtilityMethods::RecordEndOfLifeEvent(ProfilingGuid entityGuid)
-    RecordEvent(entityGuid, LabelsAndEventClasses::ARMNN_PROFILING_EOL_EVENT_CLASS);
-} // namespace pipe
-} // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.cpp b/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e29316ee..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "BackendProfiling.hpp"
-#include "RegisterBackendCounters.hpp"
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-    BackendProfiling::GetCounterRegistrationInterface(uint16_t currentMaxGlobalCounterID)
-    return std::make_unique<RegisterBackendCounters>(
-        RegisterBackendCounters(currentMaxGlobalCounterID, m_BackendId, m_ProfilingService));
-std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> BackendProfiling::GetSendTimelinePacket()
-    return m_ProfilingService.GetSendTimelinePacket();
-IProfilingGuidGenerator& BackendProfiling::GetProfilingGuidGenerator()
-    // The profiling service is our Guid Generator.
-    return m_ProfilingService;
-void BackendProfiling::ReportCounters(const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestamps)
-    for (const auto& timestampInfo : timestamps)
-    {
-        std::vector<CounterValue> backendCounterValues = timestampInfo.counterValues;
-        for_each(backendCounterValues.begin(), backendCounterValues.end(), [&](CounterValue& backendCounterValue)
-        {
-            // translate the counterId to globalCounterId
-            backendCounterValue.counterId = m_ProfilingService.GetCounterMappings().GetGlobalId(
-                backendCounterValue.counterId, m_BackendId);
-        });
-        // Send Periodic Counter Capture Packet for the Timestamp
-        m_ProfilingService.GetSendCounterPacket().SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(
-            timestampInfo.timestamp, backendCounterValues);
-    }
-CounterStatus BackendProfiling::GetCounterStatus(uint16_t backendCounterId)
-    uint16_t globalCounterId = m_ProfilingService.GetCounterMappings().GetGlobalId(backendCounterId, m_BackendId);
-    CaptureData captureData = m_ProfilingService.GetCaptureData();
-    CounterStatus counterStatus(backendCounterId, globalCounterId, false, 0);
-    if (captureData.IsCounterIdInCaptureData(globalCounterId))
-    {
-        counterStatus.m_Enabled = true;
-        counterStatus.m_SamplingRateInMicroseconds = captureData.GetCapturePeriod();
-    }
-    return counterStatus;
-std::vector<CounterStatus> BackendProfiling::GetActiveCounters()
-    CaptureData captureData = m_ProfilingService.GetCaptureData();
-    const std::vector<uint16_t>& globalCounterIds = captureData.GetCounterIds();
-    std::vector<CounterStatus> activeCounterIds;
-    for (auto globalCounterId : globalCounterIds) {
-        // Get pair of local counterId and backendId using globalCounterId
-        const std::pair<uint16_t, std::string>& backendCounterIdPair =
-                m_ProfilingService.GetCounterMappings().GetBackendId(globalCounterId);
-        if (backendCounterIdPair.second == m_BackendId)
-        {
-            activeCounterIds.emplace_back(backendCounterIdPair.first,
-                                          globalCounterId,
-                                          true,
-                                          captureData.GetCapturePeriod());
-        }
-    }
-    return activeCounterIds;
-bool BackendProfiling::IsProfilingEnabled() const
-    return m_ProfilingService.IsProfilingEnabled();
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.hpp b/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca88d2..0000000
--- a/src/profiling/backends/BackendProfiling.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "ProfilingService.hpp"
-#include <client/include/backends/IBackendProfiling.hpp>
-namespace arm
-namespace pipe
-class BackendProfiling : public IBackendProfiling
-    BackendProfiling(const ProfilingOptions& options,
-                     IProfilingService& profilingService,
-                     const std::string& backendId)
-            : m_Options(options),
-              m_ProfilingService(profilingService),
-              m_BackendId(backendId) {}
-    ~BackendProfiling()
-    {}
-    std::unique_ptr<IRegisterBackendCounters>
-            GetCounterRegistrationInterface(uint16_t currentMaxGlobalCounterID) override;
-    std::unique_ptr<ISendTimelinePacket> GetSendTimelinePacket() override;
-    IProfilingGuidGenerator& GetProfilingGuidGenerator() override;
-    void ReportCounters(const std::vector<Timestamp>&) override;
-    CounterStatus GetCounterStatus(uint16_t backendCounterId) override;
-    std::vector<CounterStatus> GetActiveCounters() override;
-    bool IsProfilingEnabled() const override;
-    ProfilingOptions m_Options;
-    IProfilingService& m_ProfilingService;
-    std::string m_BackendId;
-}    // namespace pipe
-}    // namespace arm
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/BufferTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/BufferTests.cpp
index 943cfd5..bfbd7ed 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/BufferTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/BufferTests.cpp
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "BufferManager.hpp"
-#include "PacketBuffer.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
+#include <client/src/BufferManager.hpp>
+#include <client/src/PacketBuffer.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <common/include/SwTrace.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/FileOnlyProfilingDecoratorTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/FileOnlyProfilingDecoratorTests.cpp
index 5c5ee8a..7d49a7d 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/FileOnlyProfilingDecoratorTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/FileOnlyProfilingDecoratorTests.cpp
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <armnnUtils/Filesystem.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
-#include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingOptionsConverter.hpp"
 #include "PrintPacketHeaderHandler.hpp"
+#include "ProfilingOptionsConverter.hpp"
+#include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
 #include <Runtime.hpp>
 #include "TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp"
+#include <armnnUtils/Filesystem.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
 #include <doctest/doctest.h>
 #include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecoratorTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecoratorTests.cpp
index 5d99fee..147763f 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecoratorTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecoratorTests.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include "../ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.hpp"
+#include <client/src/ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator.hpp>
 #include <Runtime.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingMocks.hpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingMocks.hpp
index 6576a98..fb829e5 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingMocks.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingMocks.hpp
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <SendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <SendThread.hpp>
+#include <client/src/IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendCounterPacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendThread.hpp>
 #include <armnn/BackendId.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.cpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.cpp
index 51aa07e..0159f61 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.cpp
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
 #include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
 #include "ProfilingOptionsConverter.hpp"
 #include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
 #include <armnn/Descriptors.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <common/include/Assert.hpp>
 #include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.hpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.hpp
index 4ff4221..bf2c08b 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTestUtils.hpp
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
 #include "Runtime.hpp"
-#include <BufferManager.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/BufferManager.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
index 6e1a527..29d3d7d 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
@@ -5,28 +5,27 @@
 #include "ProfilingTests.hpp"
 #include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
-#include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
-#include <CommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp>
-#include <PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingStateMachine.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <RegisterBackendCounters.hpp>
-#include <RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp>
 #include <Runtime.hpp>
-#include <SocketProfilingConnection.hpp>
-#include <SendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <SendThread.hpp>
-#include <SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
+#include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
+#include <client/src/CommandHandler.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler.hpp>
+#include <client/src/PeriodicCounterCapture.hpp>
+#include <client/src/PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingStateMachine.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/RegisterBackendCounters.hpp>
+#include <client/src/RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SocketProfilingConnection.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendCounterPacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendThread.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/backends/BackendProfiling.hpp>
 #include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
-#include <backends/BackendProfiling.hpp>
 #include <client/include/CounterIdMap.hpp>
 #include <client/include/Holder.hpp>
 #include <client/include/ICounterValues.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.hpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.hpp
index e9fe57d..eb1b157 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.hpp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 #include <armnn/utility/PolymorphicDowncast.hpp>
-#include <IProfilingConnection.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/IProfilingConnection.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/RequestCountersPacketHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/test/RequestCountersPacketHandler.hpp
index 08aeb26..4ab1c59 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/RequestCountersPacketHandler.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/RequestCountersPacketHandler.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <client/include/ILocalPacketHandler.hpp>
 #include <client/include/ProfilingOptions.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.cpp
index 4ba5eed..f8ab003 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 #include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
 #include "SendCounterPacketTests.hpp"
-#include <BufferManager.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <SendCounterPacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/BufferManager.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendCounterPacket.hpp>
 #include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.hpp b/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.hpp
index f9448ac..1985bc8 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/SendCounterPacketTests.hpp
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <SendCounterPacket.hpp>
-#include <SendThread.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendCounterPacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendThread.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/IProfilingConnectionFactory.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/SendTimelinePacketTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/SendTimelinePacketTests.cpp
index ad71f8f..ed2c862 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/SendTimelinePacketTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/SendTimelinePacketTests.cpp
@@ -5,15 +5,17 @@
 #include "ProfilingMocks.hpp"
 #include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
-#include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
-#include <BufferManager.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
 #include "ProfilingOptionsConverter.hpp"
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
-#include <SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
+#include <Runtime.hpp>
+#include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
-#include <TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp>
+#include <client/src/BufferManager.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/TimelinePacketWriterFactory.hpp>
 #include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
 #include <common/include/SwTrace.hpp>
@@ -22,7 +24,6 @@
 #include <doctest/doctest.h>
 #include <functional>
-#include <Runtime.hpp>
 using namespace arm::pipe;
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.cpp b/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.cpp
index 46f0549..7e94af9 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 #include "TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp"
-#include "IProfilingConnection.hpp"
+#include <client/src/IProfilingConnection.hpp>
 #include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp b/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp
index 76d42f0..fbed228 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/TestTimelinePacketHandler.hpp
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
 #include "TimelineModel.hpp"
 #include <client/include/ILocalPacketHandler.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <common/include/Packet.hpp>
 #include <server/include/timelineDecoder/ITimelineDecoder.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/TimelinePacketTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/TimelinePacketTests.cpp
index a64b373..5deef8a 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/TimelinePacketTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/TimelinePacketTests.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <ProfilingUtils.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingUtils.hpp>
 #include <common/include/NumericCast.hpp>
 #include <common/include/SwTrace.hpp>
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/TimelineUtilityMethodsTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/TimelineUtilityMethodsTests.cpp
index c4aa057..276210b 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/TimelineUtilityMethodsTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/TimelineUtilityMethodsTests.cpp
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@
 #include "ProfilingTestUtils.hpp"
 #include <ArmNNProfilingServiceInitialiser.hpp>
-#include <SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
 #include <armnn/profiling/ArmNNProfiling.hpp>
 #include <client/include/TimelineUtilityMethods.hpp>
+#include <client/src/SendTimelinePacket.hpp>
+#include <client/src/ProfilingService.hpp>
 #include <common/include/LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp>
 #include <memory>