IVGCVSW-5311 Debian Packaging - Host packages in public PPA

 * Add guide to github README.md

Signed-off-by: Francis Murtagh <francis.murtagh@arm.com>
Change-Id: I23df585ee24e90629f821af0c780ad40d8c20f97
diff --git a/InstallationViaAptRepository.md b/InstallationViaAptRepository.md
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+# How to install ArmNN via our APT repository on Ubuntu's Launchpad
+*  [Introduction](#introduction)
+*  [Add the Ubuntu Launchpad PPA to your system](#addRepo)
+*  [Outline of available packages](#availablePackages)
+*  [Install desired combination of packages](#InstallPackages)
+*  [Uninstall packages](#uninstallPackages)
+#### <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
+These are the step by step instructions on how to install the ArmNN core, TensorflowLite Parser as well as PyArmnn for x86_64, Arm64 and Armhf for Ubuntu 20.04.
+The packages will also be added to Debian Bullseye, their progress can be tracked here: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/armnn
+#### <a name="addRepo">Add the Ubuntu Launchpad PPA to your system</a>
+* Add the PPA to your sources using a command contained in software-properties-common package:
+    ```
+    sudo apt install software-properties-common
+    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:armnn/ppa
+    sudo apt update
+    ```
+* More information about our PPA and the Ubuntu Launchpad service can be found at [launchpad.net](https://launchpad.net/~armnn/+archive/ubuntu/ppa)
+#### <a name="availablePackages"> Outline of available packages</a>
+We provide a number of packages for each architecture; x86_64, aarch64 and armhf:
+##### x86_64
+* Runtime Packages
+* Development Packages
+##### arm64
+* Runtime Packages
+* Development Packages
+##### armhf
+* Runtime Packages
+* Development Packages
+#### <a name="InstallPackages"> Install desired combination of packages</a>
+The easiest way to install all of the available packages for your systems architecture is to run the command:
+(Please Note: libarmnn-cpuacc-backend has been built with NEON support, installing this backend on an armhf device not supporting NEON may cause a crash/undefined behaviour.)
+ sudo apt-get install -y python3-pyarmnn libarmnn-cpuacc-backend22 libarmnn-gpuacc-backend22 libarmnn-cpuref-backend22
+ # Verify installation via python:
+ python3 -c "import pyarmnn as ann;print(ann.GetVersion())" 
+ # Returns '22.0.0'
+This will install PyArmnn and the three backends for Neon, Compute Library and our Reference Backend.
+It will also install their dependencies including the arm-compute-library package along with the Tensorflow Lite Parser and it's dependency ArmNN Core.
+If the user does not wish to use PyArmnn they can go up a level of dependencies and instead just install the Tensorflow Lite Parser:
+  sudo apt-get install -y libarmnn-tfliteparser22 libarmnn-gpuacc-backend22
+#### <a name="uninstallPackages"> Uninstall packages</a>
+The easiest way to uninstall all of the previously installed packages is to run the command:
+ sudo apt autoremove -y libarmnn22
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 There is a guide for backend development: [Backend development guide](src/backends/README.md)
+There is a guide for installation of ArmNN, Tensorflow Lite Parser and PyArmnn via our Apt Repository: [Installation via Apt Repository](InstallationViaAptRepository.md)
 API Documentation is available at https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn/wiki/Documentation.
 Dox files to generate Arm NN doxygen files can be found at armnn/docs/. Following generation the xhtml files can be found at armnn/documentation/