IVGCVSW-2560 Verify Inference test for TensorFlow Lite MobileNet SSD

 * Assign output shape of MobileNet SSD to ArmNN network
 * Add m_OverridenOutputShapes to TfLiteParser to set shape in GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo
 * Use input quantization instead of output quantization params
 * Correct data and datatype in Inference test

Change-Id: I01ac2e07ed08e8928ba0df33a4847399e1dd8394
Signed-off-by: Narumol Prangnawarat <narumol.prangnawarat@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Aron Virginas-Tar <Aron.Virginas-Tar@arm.com>
diff --git a/tests/MobileNetSsdInferenceTest.hpp b/tests/MobileNetSsdInferenceTest.hpp
index 10ee1dc..bbbf957 100644
--- a/tests/MobileNetSsdInferenceTest.hpp
+++ b/tests/MobileNetSsdInferenceTest.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
                                         { std::move(testCaseData.m_InputData) },
                                         { k_OutputSize1, k_OutputSize2, k_OutputSize3, k_OutputSize4 })
         , m_FloatComparer(boost::math::fpc::percent_tolerance(1.0f))
-        , m_DetectedObjects(testCaseData.m_ExpectedOutput)
+        , m_DetectedObjects(testCaseData.m_ExpectedDetectedObject)
     TestCaseResult ProcessResult(const InferenceTestOptions& options) override
@@ -46,10 +46,21 @@
         const std::vector<float>& output4 = boost::get<std::vector<float>>(this->GetOutputs()[3]); // valid detections
         BOOST_ASSERT(output4.size() == k_OutputSize4);
+        const size_t numDetections = boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(output4[0]);
+        // Check if number of valid detections matches expectations
+        const size_t expectedNumDetections = m_DetectedObjects.size();
+        if (numDetections != expectedNumDetections)
+        {
+            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Number of detections is incorrect: Expected (" <<
+                expectedNumDetections << ")" << " but got (" << numDetections << ")";
+            return TestCaseResult::Failed;
+        }
         // Extract detected objects from output data
         std::vector<DetectedObject> detectedObjects;
         const float* outputData = output1.data();
-        for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < k_NumDetections; i++)
+        for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < numDetections; i++)
             // NOTE: Order of coordinates in output data is yMin, xMin, yMax, xMax
             float yMin = *outputData++;
@@ -58,61 +69,49 @@
             float xMax = *outputData++;
             DetectedObject detectedObject(
-                static_cast<unsigned int>(output2.at(i)),
+                output2.at(i),
                 BoundingBox(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax),
-        // Sort detected objects by confidence
-        std::sort(detectedObjects.begin(), detectedObjects.end(),
-            [](const DetectedObject& a, const DetectedObject& b)
-            {
-                return a.m_Confidence > b.m_Confidence ||
-                    (a.m_Confidence == b.m_Confidence && a.m_Class > b.m_Class);
-            });
-        // Check if number of valid detections matches expectations
-        const size_t numValidDetections = boost::numeric_cast<size_t>(output4[0]);
-        if (numValidDetections != m_DetectedObjects.size())
-        {
-            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Number of valid detections is incorrect: Expected (" <<
-                m_DetectedObjects.size() << ")" << " but got (" << numValidDetections << ")";
-            return TestCaseResult::Failed;
-        }
+        std::sort(detectedObjects.begin(), detectedObjects.end());
+        std::sort(m_DetectedObjects.begin(), m_DetectedObjects.end());
         // Compare detected objects with expected results
         std::vector<DetectedObject>::const_iterator it = detectedObjects.begin();
-        for (const DetectedObject& expectedDetection : m_DetectedObjects)
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDetections; i++)
             if (it == detectedObjects.end())
-                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "No more detected objects to compare";
+                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "No more detected objects found! Index out of bounds: " << i;
                 return TestCaseResult::Abort;
             const DetectedObject& detectedObject = *it;
-            if (detectedObject.m_Class != expectedDetection.m_Class)
+            const DetectedObject& expectedObject = m_DetectedObjects[i];
+            if (detectedObject.m_Class != expectedObject.m_Class)
                 BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Prediction for test case " << this->GetTestCaseId() <<
-                    " is incorrect: Expected (" << expectedDetection.m_Class << ")" <<
+                    " is incorrect: Expected (" << expectedObject.m_Class << ")" <<
                     " but predicted (" << detectedObject.m_Class << ")";
                 return TestCaseResult::Failed;
-            if(!m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_Confidence, expectedDetection.m_Confidence))
+            if(!m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_Confidence, expectedObject.m_Confidence))
                 BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Confidence of prediction for test case " << this->GetTestCaseId() <<
-                    " is incorrect: Expected (" << expectedDetection.m_Confidence << ")  +- 1.0 pc" <<
+                    " is incorrect: Expected (" << expectedObject.m_Confidence << ")  +- 1.0 pc" <<
                     " but predicted (" << detectedObject.m_Confidence << ")";
                 return TestCaseResult::Failed;
-            if (!m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMin, expectedDetection.m_BoundingBox.m_XMin) ||
-                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMin, expectedDetection.m_BoundingBox.m_YMin) ||
-                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMax, expectedDetection.m_BoundingBox.m_XMax) ||
-                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMax, expectedDetection.m_BoundingBox.m_YMax))
+            if (!m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMin, expectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMin) ||
+                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMin, expectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMin) ||
+                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMax, expectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_XMax) ||
+                !m_FloatComparer(detectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMax, expectedObject.m_BoundingBox.m_YMax))
                 BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Detected bounding box for test case " << this->GetTestCaseId() <<
                     " is incorrect";
@@ -126,11 +125,11 @@
-    static constexpr unsigned int k_NumDetections = 1u;
+    static constexpr unsigned int k_Shape       = 10u;
-    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize1 = k_NumDetections * 4u;
-    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize2 = k_NumDetections;
-    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize3 = k_NumDetections;
+    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize1 = k_Shape * 4u;
+    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize2 = k_Shape;
+    static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize3 = k_Shape;
     static constexpr unsigned int k_OutputSize4 = 1u;
     boost::math::fpc::close_at_tolerance<float> m_FloatComparer;
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
             ("data-dir,d", po::value<std::string>(&m_DataDir)->required(),
-                "Path to directory containing test data");
+             "Path to directory containing test data");
         Model::AddCommandLineOptions(options, m_ModelCommandLineOptions);
@@ -169,7 +168,7 @@
             return false;
-        std::pair<float, int32_t> qParams = m_Model->GetQuantizationParams();
+        std::pair<float, int32_t> qParams = m_Model->GetInputQuantizationParams();
         m_Database = std::make_unique<MobileNetSsdDatabase>(m_DataDir.c_str(), qParams.first, qParams.second);
         if (!m_Database)