IVGCVSW-2510 Ref workload implementation for Gather operator
 * add implemenentation for GatherQueueDescriptor validate function
 * add FirstInputTypedWorkload to allow type check on the first input tensor only
 * add ref workload implemenentation for float and uint8
 * add Gather layer support in Ref
 * unit tests

Change-Id: I4578a3211f11d24aa29d15bcf7f45b0445bcd1ee
diff --git a/src/backends/backendsCommon/test/GatherTestImpl.hpp b/src/backends/backendsCommon/test/GatherTestImpl.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b266e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/backendsCommon/test/GatherTestImpl.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#pragma once
+#include "WorkloadTestUtils.hpp"
+#include <armnn/Types.hpp>
+#include <backendsCommon/CpuTensorHandle.hpp>
+#include <backendsCommon/IBackendInternal.hpp>
+#include <backendsCommon/WorkloadFactory.hpp>
+template <armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>,
+    unsigned int paramsDim, unsigned int indicesDim, unsigned int OutputDim>
+LayerTestResult<T, OutputDim> GatherTestImpl(
+    armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory,
+    const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager,
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& paramsInfo,
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& indicesInfo,
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& outputInfo,
+    const std::vector<T>& paramsData,
+    const std::vector<int32_t>& indicesData,
+    const std::vector<T>& outputData)
+    auto params = MakeTensor<T, paramsDim>(paramsInfo, paramsData);
+    auto indices = MakeTensor<int32_t, indicesDim>(indicesInfo, indicesData);
+    LayerTestResult<T, OutputDim> result(outputInfo);
+    result.outputExpected = MakeTensor<T, OutputDim>(outputInfo, outputData);
+    std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> paramsHandle = workloadFactory.CreateTensorHandle(paramsInfo);
+    std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> indicesHandle = workloadFactory.CreateTensorHandle(indicesInfo);
+    std::unique_ptr<armnn::ITensorHandle> outputHandle = workloadFactory.CreateTensorHandle(outputInfo);
+    armnn::GatherQueueDescriptor data;
+    armnn::WorkloadInfo info;
+    AddInputToWorkload(data,  info, paramsInfo, paramsHandle.get());
+    AddInputToWorkload(data, info, indicesInfo, indicesHandle.get());
+    AddOutputToWorkload(data, info, outputInfo, outputHandle.get());
+    std::unique_ptr<armnn::IWorkload> workload = workloadFactory.CreateGather(data, info);
+    paramsHandle->Allocate();
+    indicesHandle->Allocate();
+    outputHandle->Allocate();
+    CopyDataToITensorHandle(paramsHandle.get(), params.origin());
+    CopyDataToITensorHandle(indicesHandle.get(), indices.origin());
+    workload->Execute();
+    CopyDataFromITensorHandle(result.output.origin(), outputHandle.get());
+    return result;
+template <armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
+LayerTestResult<T, 1> Gather1DParamsTestImpl(armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory,
+                                             const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager)
+    armnn::TensorInfo paramsInfo({ 8 }, ArmnnType);
+    armnn::TensorInfo indicesInfo({ 4 }, armnn::DataType::Signed32);
+    armnn::TensorInfo outputInfo({ 4 }, ArmnnType);
+    const std::vector<T> params = std::vector<T>({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
+    const std::vector<int32_t> indices = std::vector<int32_t>({ 0, 2, 1, 5 });
+    const std::vector<T> expectedOutput = std::vector<T>({ 1, 3, 2, 6 });
+    return GatherTestImpl<ArmnnType, T, 1, 1, 1>(workloadFactory, memoryManager,
+                                                 paramsInfo, indicesInfo, outputInfo,
+                                                 params,indices, expectedOutput);
+template <armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
+LayerTestResult<T, 2> GatherMultiDimParamsTestImpl(
+    armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory, const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager)
+    armnn::TensorInfo paramsInfo({ 5, 2 }, ArmnnType);
+    armnn::TensorInfo indicesInfo({ 3 }, armnn::DataType::Signed32);
+    armnn::TensorInfo outputInfo({ 3, 2 }, ArmnnType);
+    const std::vector<T> params = std::vector<T>({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });
+    const std::vector<int32_t> indices = std::vector<int32_t>({ 1, 3, 4 });
+    const std::vector<T> expectedOutput = std::vector<T>({ 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 });
+    return GatherTestImpl<ArmnnType, T, 2, 1, 2>(workloadFactory, memoryManager,
+                                                 paramsInfo, indicesInfo, outputInfo,
+                                                 params,indices, expectedOutput);
+template <armnn::DataType ArmnnType, typename T = armnn::ResolveType<ArmnnType>>
+LayerTestResult<T, 4> GatherMultiDimParamsMultiDimIndicesTestImpl(
+    armnn::IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory, const armnn::IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager)
+    armnn::TensorInfo paramsInfo({ 3, 2, 3}, ArmnnType);
+    armnn::TensorInfo indicesInfo({ 2, 3 }, armnn::DataType::Signed32);
+    armnn::TensorInfo outputInfo({ 2, 3, 2, 3 }, ArmnnType);
+    const std::vector<T> params = std::vector<T>({
+         1,  2,  3,
+         4,  5,  6,
+         7,  8,  9,
+        10, 11, 12,
+        13, 14, 15,
+        16, 17, 18 });
+    const std::vector<int32_t> indices = std::vector<int32_t>({ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0 });
+    const std::vector<T> expectedOutput = std::vector<T>({
+         7,  8,  9,
+        10, 11, 12,
+        13, 14, 15,
+        16, 17, 18,
+         7,  8,  9,
+        10, 11, 12,
+        13, 14, 15,
+        16, 17, 18,
+         7,  8,  9,
+        10, 11, 12,
+         1,  2,  3,
+         4,  5,  6 });
+    return GatherTestImpl<ArmnnType, T, 3, 2, 4>(workloadFactory, memoryManager,
+                                                 paramsInfo, indicesInfo, outputInfo,
+                                                 params,indices, expectedOutput);