Release 18.02

Change-Id: Id3c11dc5ee94ef664374a988fcc6901e9a232fa6
diff --git a/include/armnn/Types.hpp b/include/armnn/Types.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1aa393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/armnn/Types.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+namespace armnn
+constexpr unsigned int MaxNumOfTensorDimensions = 4U;
+/// @enum Status enumeration
+/// @var Status::Successful
+/// @var Status::Failure
+enum class Status
+    Success = 0,
+    Failure = 1
+enum class DataType
+    Float32   = 0,
+    QuantisedAsymm8 = 1,
+    Signed32  = 2
+enum class ActivationFunction
+    Sigmoid     = 0,
+    TanH        = 1,
+    Linear      = 2,
+    ReLu        = 3,
+    BoundedReLu = 4, //< min(a, max(b, input))
+    SoftReLu    = 5,
+    LeakyReLu   = 6,
+    Abs         = 7,
+    Sqrt        = 8,
+    Square      = 9
+enum class PoolingAlgorithm
+    Max     = 0,
+    Average = 1,
+    L2      = 2
+/// The padding method modifies the output of pooling layers.
+/// In both supported methods, the values are ignored (they are
+/// not even zeros which would make a difference for max pooling
+/// a tensor with negative values). The difference between
+/// IgnoreValue and Exclude is that the former count the padding
+/// fields in the divisor of Average and L2 pooling, while
+/// Exclude does not.
+enum class PaddingMethod
+    IgnoreValue = 0, // The padding fields count, but ignored
+    Exclude     = 1  // The padding fields don't count and ignored
+enum class NormalizationAlgorithmChannel
+    Across = 0,
+    Within = 1
+enum class NormalizationAlgorithmMethod
+    LocalBrightness = 0, /* Krichevsky 2012: Local Brightness Normalization */
+    LocalContrast = 1  /* Jarret 2009: Local Contrast Normalization       */
+enum class OutputShapeRounding
+    Floor       = 0,
+    Ceiling     = 1
+enum class Compute
+    CpuRef      = 0,  // CPU Execution: Reference C++ kernels
+    CpuAcc      = 1,  // CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute
+    GpuAcc      = 2,  // GPU Execution: OpenCL: ArmCompute
+    Undefined   = 5
+struct DeviceSpec
+    Compute DefaultComputeDevice;
+/// Type of identifiers for bindable layers (inputs, outputs).
+using LayerBindingId = int;
+class PermutationVector
+    using ValueType = unsigned int;
+    using SizeType = unsigned int;
+    using ArrayType = std::array<ValueType, MaxNumOfTensorDimensions>;
+    using ConstIterator = typename ArrayType::const_iterator;
+    /// @param dimMappings Indicates how to translate tensor elements from a given source into the target destination,
+    /// when source and target potentially have different memory layouts.
+    ///
+    /// E.g. For a 4-d tensor laid out in memory with format (Batch Element, Height, Width, Channels),
+    /// which is to be passed as an input to ArmNN, each source dimension is mapped to the corresponding
+    /// ArmNN dimension. The Batch dimension remains the same (0 -> 0). The source Height dimension is mapped
+    /// to the location of the ArmNN Height dimension (1 -> 2). Similar arguments are made for the Width and
+    /// Channels (2 -> 3 and 3 -> 1). This will lead to @ref m_DimMappings pointing to the following array:
+    /// [ 0, 2, 3, 1 ].
+    ///
+    /// Note that the mapping should be reversed if considering the case of ArmNN 4-d outputs (Batch Element,
+    /// Channels, Height, Width) being written to a destination with the format mentioned above. We now have
+    /// 0 -> 0, 2 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 1 -> 3, which, when reordered, lead to the following @ref m_DimMappings contents:
+    /// [ 0, 3, 1, 2 ].
+    ///
+    PermutationVector(const ValueType *dimMappings, SizeType numDimMappings);
+    PermutationVector(std::initializer_list<ValueType> dimMappings);
+    ValueType operator[](SizeType i) const { return; }
+    SizeType GetSize() const { return m_NumDimMappings; }
+    ConstIterator begin() const { return m_DimMappings.begin(); }
+    ConstIterator end() const { return m_DimMappings.end(); }
+    bool IsEqual(const PermutationVector& other) const
+    {
+        return std::equal(begin(), end(), other.begin(), other.end());
+    }
+    bool IsInverse(const PermutationVector& other) const
+    {
+        bool isInverse = (GetSize() == other.GetSize());
+        for (SizeType i = 0; isInverse && (i < GetSize()); ++i)
+        {
+            isInverse = (m_DimMappings[other.m_DimMappings[i]] == i);
+        }
+        return isInverse;
+    }
+    ArrayType m_DimMappings;
+    /// Number of valid entries in @ref m_DimMappings
+    SizeType m_NumDimMappings;