Release 18.02

Change-Id: Id3c11dc5ee94ef664374a988fcc6901e9a232fa6
diff --git a/src/armnn/test/RuntimeTests.cpp b/src/armnn/test/RuntimeTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..117df5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/armnn/test/RuntimeTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "armnn/TypesUtils.hpp"
+#include "armnn/IRuntime.hpp"
+#include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
+#include "armnn/Descriptors.hpp"
+#include "Runtime.hpp"
+#include "valgrind/memcheck.h"
+#include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp>
+namespace armnn
+void RuntimeLoadedNetworksReserve(armnn::Runtime* runtime)
+    runtime->m_LoadedNetworks.reserve(1);
+    // build 2 mock-networks and load them into the runtime
+    armnn::IRuntimePtr runtime(armnn::IRuntime::Create(armnn::Compute::CpuRef));
+    // mock network 1
+    armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier1 = 1;
+    armnn::INetworkPtr mockNetwork1(armnn::INetwork::Create());
+    mockNetwork1->AddInputLayer(0, "test layer");
+    runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier1, Optimize(*mockNetwork1, runtime->GetDeviceSpec()));
+    // mock network 2
+    armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier2 = 2;
+    armnn::INetworkPtr mockNetwork2(armnn::INetwork::Create());
+    mockNetwork2->AddInputLayer(0, "test layer");
+    runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier2, Optimize(*mockNetwork2, runtime->GetDeviceSpec()));
+    // unload one by its networkID
+    BOOST_TEST(runtime->UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier1) == armnn::Status::Success);
+    BOOST_TEST(runtime->UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier1) == armnn::Status::Failure);
+    // From documentation:
+    // This means that no pointer to the block can be found. The block is classified as "lost",
+    // because the programmer could not possibly have freed it at program exit, since no pointer to it exists.
+    unsigned long leakedBefore = 0;
+    unsigned long leakedAfter = 0;
+    // A start-pointer or chain of start-pointers to the block is found. Since the block is still pointed at,
+    // the programmer could, at least in principle, have freed it before program exit.
+    // We want to test this in case memory is not freed as early as it could have been
+    unsigned long reachableBefore = 0;
+    unsigned long reachableAfter = 0;
+    // needed as out params but we don't test them
+    unsigned long dubious = 0;
+    unsigned long suppressed = 0;
+    // ensure that runtime is large enough before checking for memory leaks
+    // otherwise when loading the network it will automatically reserve memory that won't be released until destruction
+    armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
+    armnn::Runtime runtime(armnn::Compute::GpuAcc);
+    armnn::RuntimeLoadedNetworksReserve(&runtime);
+    // check for leaks before we load the network and record them so that we can see the delta after unloading
+    VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(leakedBefore, dubious, reachableBefore, suppressed);
+    // build a mock-network and load it into the runtime
+    {
+        armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(armnn::TensorShape({ 7, 7 }), armnn::DataType::Float32);
+        armnn::TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(armnn::TensorShape({ 7, 7 }), armnn::DataType::Float32);
+        armnn::INetworkPtr mockNetwork(armnn::INetwork::Create());
+        armnn::IConnectableLayer* input = mockNetwork->AddInputLayer(0, "input");
+        armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = mockNetwork->AddActivationLayer(armnn::ActivationDescriptor(), "test");
+        armnn::IConnectableLayer* output = mockNetwork->AddOutputLayer(0, "output");
+        input->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layer->GetInputSlot(0));
+        layer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(output->GetInputSlot(0));
+        // set the tensors in the network
+        input->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputTensorInfo);
+        layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+        // optimize the network
+        armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*mockNetwork, runtime.GetDeviceSpec());
+        runtime.LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optNet));
+    }
+    runtime.UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier);
+    VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(leakedAfter, dubious, reachableAfter, suppressed);
+    // if we're not running under Valgrind, these vars will have been initialised to 0, so this will always pass
+    BOOST_TEST(leakedBefore == leakedAfter);
+    // Add resonable threshold after and before running valgrind with the ACL clear cache function.
+    BOOST_TEST(reachableAfter - reachableBefore < 30000);
+    // these are needed because VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS is a macro that assigns to the parameters
+    // so they are assigned to, but still considered unused, causing a warning
+    boost::ignore_unused(dubious);
+    boost::ignore_unused(suppressed);
+// run with the following command to get all the amazing output (in the devenv/build folder) :)
+// valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --log-file=Valgrind_Memcheck_Leak_Report.txt armnn/test/UnitTests
+    // From documentation:
+    // This means that no pointer to the block can be found. The block is classified as "lost",
+    // because the programmer could not possibly have freed it at program exit, since no pointer to it exists.
+    unsigned long leakedBefore = 0;
+    unsigned long leakedAfter = 0;
+    // A start-pointer or chain of start-pointers to the block is found. Since the block is still pointed at,
+    // the programmer could, at least in principle, have freed it before program exit.
+    // We want to test this in case memory is not freed as early as it could have been
+    unsigned long reachableBefore = 0;
+    unsigned long reachableAfter = 0;
+    // needed as out params but we don't test them
+    unsigned long dubious = 0;
+    unsigned long suppressed = 0;
+    armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier1 = 1;
+    // ensure that runtime is large enough before checking for memory leaks
+    // otherwise when loading the network it will automatically reserve memory that won't be released until destruction
+    armnn::Runtime runtime(armnn::Compute::CpuRef);
+    armnn::RuntimeLoadedNetworksReserve(&runtime);
+    // check for leaks before we load the network and record them so that we can see the delta after unloading
+    VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(leakedBefore, dubious, reachableBefore, suppressed);
+    // build a mock-network and load it into the runtime
+    {
+        unsigned int inputShape[] = {1, 7, 1, 1};
+        armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(4, inputShape, armnn::DataType::Float32);
+        std::unique_ptr<armnn::Network> mockNetwork1 = std::make_unique<armnn::Network>();
+        mockNetwork1->AddInputLayer(0, "test layer");
+        armnn::DeviceSpec device;
+        device.DefaultComputeDevice = armnn::Compute::CpuRef;
+        runtime.LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier1, Optimize(*mockNetwork1, device));
+    }
+    runtime.UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier1);
+    VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(leakedAfter, dubious, reachableAfter, suppressed);
+    // if we're not running under Valgrind, these vars will have been initialised to 0, so this will always pass
+    BOOST_TEST(leakedBefore == leakedAfter);
+    BOOST_TEST(reachableBefore == reachableAfter);
+    // these are needed because VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS is a macro that assigns to the parameters
+    // so they are assigned to, but still considered unused, causing a warning
+    boost::ignore_unused(dubious);
+    boost::ignore_unused(suppressed);