IVGCVSW-5826 Change weights layout for depthwise to [1,H,W,I*M]

 * This change is necessary because tflite uses a [1,H,W,I*M] format
   and uses the I*M dimension for per axis quantization. Our previous
   layout [M,I,H,W] can't handle the correlating quantization scales.
 * Updates Onnx-, TfLiteParser and TfliteDelegate
 * Updates the CpuRef, CpuAcc and GpuAcc backends
 * Adjusts unit tests
 * Adds test to ensure models with old layout can still be read and
 * Adds conversion function to previous layout [1,H,W,I*M] --> [M,I,H,W]
   which can be used by backend developers


Signed-off-by: Jan Eilers <jan.eilers@arm.com>
Change-Id: Ifef23368b8c3702cf315a5838d214f7dc13c0152
diff --git a/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp b/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp
index c8105ae..bd7f09b 100644
--- a/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 #include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
 #include <armnn/utility/NumericCast.hpp>
+#include <armnnUtils/DataLayoutIndexed.hpp>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
 namespace armnn
@@ -107,6 +110,7 @@
     return ConstTensor(weightHandle.GetInfo(), permuteBuffer);
 TensorInfo ConvertWeightTensorInfoFromArmnnToAcl(const TensorInfo& weightInfo, DataLayout dataLayout)
     // Convert the weight format from ArmNN's [ M, I, H, W ] (does NOT depend on the data layout) to either
@@ -130,6 +134,96 @@
     return weightPermutedInfo;
+std::tuple<ConstTensor, unsigned int> Convert1HWOTensorToAcl(const ConstTensorHandle* weightTensor,
+                                                             const TensorInfo& inputInfo,
+                                                             const DataLayout dataLayout,
+                                                             void* permuteBuffer)
+    TensorInfo weightsInfo = weightTensor->GetTensorInfo();
+    unsigned int depthMultiplier = 1;
+    PermutationVector permutationVector{};
+    if (dataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NHWC)
+    {
+        // No permutation required. Data layouts are the same.
+        depthMultiplier = weightsInfo.GetShape()[3] / inputInfo.GetShape()[3];
+    }
+    else if (dataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW)
+    {
+        // [ 1, H, W, I*M] --> [ 1, I * M, H, W ]
+        depthMultiplier = weightsInfo.GetShape()[3] / inputInfo.GetShape()[1];
+        permutationVector = { 0, 2, 3, 1 };
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        throw InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Unknown data layout for tensor conversion: {}",
+                                                   GetDataLayoutName(dataLayout)));
+    }
+    ConstTensor weightsPermuted = PermuteTensor(weightTensor, permutationVector, permuteBuffer);
+    return std::make_tuple(weightsPermuted, depthMultiplier);
+std::tuple<TensorInfo, unsigned int> Convert1HWOTensorInfoToAcl(const TensorInfo& weightInfo,
+                                                                const TensorInfo& inputInfo,
+                                                                const DataLayout dataLayout)
+    unsigned int aclDepthMultiplier = 1;
+    TensorInfo weightsPermuted;
+    if (dataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NHWC)
+    {
+        // No permutation required. Data layouts are the same.
+        aclDepthMultiplier = weightInfo.GetShape()[3] / inputInfo.GetShape()[3];
+        weightsPermuted = weightInfo;
+    }
+    else if (dataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW)
+    {
+        // [ 1, H, W, I*M] --> [ 1, I * M, H, W ]
+        aclDepthMultiplier = weightInfo.GetShape()[3] / inputInfo.GetShape()[1];
+        PermutationVector permutationVector{ 0, 2, 3, 1 };
+        weightsPermuted = armnnUtils::Permuted(weightInfo, permutationVector);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        throw InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Unknown data layout for tensor info conversion: {}",
+                                                   GetDataLayoutName(dataLayout)));
+    }
+    return std::make_tuple(weightsPermuted, aclDepthMultiplier);
+std::tuple<ConstTensor, unsigned int> Convert1HWOtoMIHW(const ConstTensorHandle* weightTensor,
+                                                        const TensorInfo& inputInfo,
+                                                        const DataLayout& dataLayout,
+                                                        void* permuteBuffer)
+    TensorInfo weightsInfo = weightTensor->GetTensorInfo();
+    if (weightsInfo.HasPerAxisQuantization())
+    {
+        throw InvalidArgumentException("Can't convert tensor from [1,H,W,Cout] to [M,Cin,H,W] when per channel "
+                                       "quantization is applied.");
+    }
+    // Reshape weights  [ 1, H, W, I*M ] --> [ H, W, I, M ]
+    auto weightsShape = weightsInfo.GetShape();
+    auto channelIndex = armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed(dataLayout).GetChannelsIndex();
+    unsigned int depthMultiplier = weightsShape[3] / inputInfo.GetShape()[channelIndex];
+    weightsInfo.SetShape({ weightsShape[1],
+                           weightsShape[2],
+                           inputInfo.GetShape()[channelIndex],
+                           depthMultiplier});
+    // Permute [ H, W, I, M ] --> [ M, I, H, W ]
+    PermutationVector permutationVector = { 2, 3, 1, 0 };
+    ConstTensor weightsPermuted = PermuteTensor(weightTensor, permutationVector, permuteBuffer);
+    return std::make_tuple(weightsPermuted, depthMultiplier);
 armnn::ConstTensor ConvertWeightTensorFromArmnnToAcl(const ConstTensorHandle* weightTensor,
                                                      DataLayout dataLayout,
                                                      void* permuteBuffer)