IVGCVSW-7536 Update Build Tool for Opaque Delegate

Signed-off-by: Nikhil Raj <nikhil.raj@arm.com>
Change-Id: Iaf3f1b5e4e41d0d946a21504c6d44e47d83273e0
diff --git a/build-tool/README.md b/build-tool/README.md
index 34c8998..55c2455 100644
--- a/build-tool/README.md
+++ b/build-tool/README.md
@@ -134,22 +134,23 @@
 Repeated docker builds with the same ```SETUP_ARGS``` will skip the setup process (using [caching](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#leverage-build-cache) of previous Docker build steps).
 The ```SETUP_ARGS``` string should start and end with **double quotes** ```"```.
-| SETUP_ARGS        | Description                                                                      |
-| --tflite-delegate | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate                     |
-| --tflite-parser   | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Parser                       |
-| --onnx-parser     | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN ONNX parser                          |
-| --all             | **flag:** setup dependencies for all Arm NN components listed above              |
-| --target-arch=    | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, x86_64```        |
+| SETUP_ARGS                 | Description                                                               |
+| --tflite-classic-delegate  | **flag:** setup dependencies for the existing Arm NN TF Lite Delegate     |
+| --tflite-opaque-delegate   | **flag:** setup dependencies for the new Arm NN Opaque Delegate           |
+| --tflite-parser            | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Parser                |
+| --onnx-parser              | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN ONNX parser                   |
+| --all                      | **flag:** setup dependencies for all Arm NN components listed above       |
+| --target-arch=             | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, x86_64``` |
-**At least one component** (e.g. ```--tflite-delegate```) must be provided **or** else provide ```--all``` to setup dependencies for all components.
+**At least one component** (e.g. ```--tflite-classic-delegate```) must be provided **or** else provide ```--all``` to setup dependencies for all components.
 Setup for aarch64 with all Arm NN dependencies:<br>
 ```SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all"```
-Setup for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate and TF Lite Parser dependencies only:<br>
-```SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --tflite-parser"```
+Setup for aarch64 with the existing TF Lite Delegate and TF Lite Parser dependencies only:<br>
+```SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate --tflite-parser"```
@@ -157,22 +158,23 @@
 The following arguments are given to ```build-armnn.sh``` and define which components of Arm NN to include in the build.
 The ```BUILD_ARGS``` string should start and end with **double quotes** ```"```.
-| BUILD_ARGS          | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
-| --tflite-delegate   | **flag:** build the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
-| --tflite-parser     | **flag:** build the Arm NN TF Lite Parser component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| --onnx-parser       | **flag:** build the Arm NN ONNX parser component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
-| --all               | **flag:** build all Arm NN components listed above                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| --target-arch=      | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, x86_64```                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
-| --neon-backend      | **flag:** build Arm NN with the NEON backend (CPU acceleration from ACL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| --cl-backend        | **flag:** build Arm NN with the OpenCL backend (GPU acceleration from ACL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| --ref-backend       | **flag:** build Arm NN with the reference backend<br/>**Should be used for verification purposes only.<br/>Does not provide any performance acceleration.**                                                                                                                                                           |
-| --debug             | **flag:** build Arm NN (and ACL) with debug turned on (optional: defaults to off)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-| --armnn-cmake-args= | **option:** provide additional comma-separated CMake arguments string for building Arm NN (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>Please refer to **armnn/cmake/GlobalConfig.cmake**                                                                                            |
-| --acl-scons-params= | **option**: provide additional comma-separated scons parameters string for building ACL (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>ACL provide [documentation](https://arm-software.github.io/ComputeLibrary/latest/how_to_build.xhtml#S1_1_build_options) for their build options |
+| BUILD_ARGS                | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
+| --tflite-classic-delegate | **flag:** build the existing Arm NN TF Lite Delegate component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| --tflite-opaque-delegate  | **flag:** build the new Arm NN Opaque Delegate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |                          
+| --tflite-parser           | **flag:** build the Arm NN TF Lite Parser component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| --onnx-parser             | **flag:** build the Arm NN ONNX parser component                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
+| --all                     | **flag:** build all Arm NN components listed above                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| --target-arch=            | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, x86_64```                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| --neon-backend            | **flag:** build Arm NN with the NEON backend (CPU acceleration from ACL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| --cl-backend              | **flag:** build Arm NN with the OpenCL backend (GPU acceleration from ACL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| --ref-backend             | **flag:** build Arm NN with the reference backend<br/>**Should be used for verification purposes only.<br/>Does not provide any performance acceleration.**                                                                                                                                                           |
+| --debug                   | **flag:** build Arm NN (and ACL) with debug turned on (optional: defaults to off)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+| --armnn-cmake-args=       | **option:** provide additional comma-separated CMake arguments string for building Arm NN (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>Please refer to **armnn/cmake/GlobalConfig.cmake**                                                                                            |
+| --acl-scons-params=       | **option**: provide additional comma-separated scons parameters string for building ACL (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>ACL provide [documentation](https://arm-software.github.io/ComputeLibrary/latest/how_to_build.xhtml#S1_1_build_options) for their build options |
-**At least one component** (i.e. ```--tflite-delegate```, ```--tflite-parser```, ```--onnx-parser```) must be provided or else provide ```--all``` to build all Arm NN components.<br>
+**At least one component** (i.e. ```--tflite-classic-delegate```, ```--tflite-opaque-delegate```, ```--tflite-parser```, ```--onnx-parser```) must be provided or else provide ```--all``` to build all Arm NN components.<br>
 **A component given in ```BUILD_ARGS``` must also have been given in ```SETUP_ARGS``` previously**, or else Arm NN will fail to build.<br>
 **At least one backend** (i.e. ```--neon-backend```, ```--cl-backend```, ```--ref-backend```) must be chosen.<br>
@@ -180,8 +182,8 @@
 Build for aarch64 with all Arm NN components, NEON enabled and OpenCL enabled:<br>
 ```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend"```
-Build for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate, OpenCL enabled and additional ACL scons params:<br>
-```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --cl-backend --acl-scons-params='compress_kernels=1,benchmark_examples=1'"```
+Build for aarch64 with the existing Arm NN TF Lite Delegate, OpenCL enabled and additional ACL scons params:<br>
+```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate --cl-backend --acl-scons-params='compress_kernels=1,benchmark_examples=1'"```
 Setup for aarch64 with all Arm NN dependencies, OpenCL enabled and additional Arm NN cmake args:<br>
 ```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --cl-backend --armnn-cmake-args='-DBUILD_SAMPLE_APP=1,-DBUILD_UNIT_TESTS=0'"```
@@ -189,12 +191,12 @@
 **Example _valid_ combination of SETUP_ARGS and BUILD_ARGS:**<br>
 SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all"
-BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --neon-backend --cl-backend"
+BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate --neon-backend --cl-backend"
 **Example _invalid_ combination of SETUP_ARGS and BUILD_ARGS:**<br>
-SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate"
+SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate"
 BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend"
diff --git a/build-tool/scripts/build-armnn.sh b/build-tool/scripts/build-armnn.sh
index 61cd369..6b5b57d 100755
--- a/build-tool/scripts/build-armnn.sh
+++ b/build-tool/scripts/build-armnn.sh
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@
   eval "$compile_flags" \
   cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="$build_type" \
-        -DBUILD_CLASSIC_DELEGATE="$flag_tflite_delegate" \
+        -DBUILD_CLASSIC_DELEGATE="$flag_tflite_classic_delegate" \
+        -DBUILD_OPAQUE_DELEGATE="$flag_tflite_opaque_delegate" \
         -DBUILD_TF_LITE_PARSER="$flag_tflite_parser" \
         -DBUILD_DELEGATE_JNI_INTERFACE="$flag_jni" \
         -DBUILD_ONNX_PARSER="$flag_onnx_parser" \
@@ -194,8 +195,10 @@
   cat <<EOF
 build-armnn.sh - Build Arm NN and ACL
 build-armnn.sh [OPTION]...
-  --tflite-delegate
-    build the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate component
+  --tflite-classic-delegate
+    build the existing Arm NN TF Lite Delegate component
+  --tflite-opaque-delegate
+    build the new Arm NN opaque delegate component
     build the Arm NN TF Lite Parser component
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@
     enable shell tracing in this script
-At least one component (i.e. --tflite-delegate, --tflite-parser, --onnx-parser) must be provided or else provide --all to build all Arm NN components.
+At least one component (i.e. --tflite-classic-delegate, --tflite-opaque-delegate, --tflite-parser, --onnx-parser) must be provided or else provide --all to build all Arm NN components.
 At least one backend (i.e. --neon-backend, --cl-backend, --ref-backend) must be chosen.
 This script must be executed from the same root directory in which setup-armnn.sh was executed from.
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
 Build for aarch64 with all Arm NN components, NEON enabled and OpenCL enabled:
   <PATH_TO>/build-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend
 Build for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate, OpenCL enabled and additional ACL scons params:
-  <PATH_TO>/build-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --cl-backend --acl-scons-params='compress_kernels=1,benchmark_examples=1'
+  <PATH_TO>/build-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate --cl-backend --acl-scons-params='compress_kernels=1,benchmark_examples=1'
 Setup for aarch64 with all Arm NN dependencies, OpenCL enabled and additional Arm NN cmake args:
   <PATH_TO>/build-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --all --cl-backend --armnn-cmake-args='-DBUILD_SAMPLE_APP=1,-DBUILD_UNIT_TESTS=0'
@@ -249,7 +252,8 @@
 # Default flag values
@@ -274,7 +278,7 @@
   exit 1
-args=$(getopt -ohx -l tflite-delegate,tflite-parser,onnx-parser,all,target-arch:,neon-backend,cl-backend,ref-backend,clean,debug,armnn-cmake-args:,acl-scons-params:,num-threads:,help -n "$name"   -- "$@")
+args=$(getopt -ohx -l tflite-classic-delegate,tflite-opaque-delegate,tflite-parser,onnx-parser,all,target-arch:,neon-backend,cl-backend,ref-backend,clean,debug,armnn-cmake-args:,acl-scons-params:,num-threads:,help -n "$name"   -- "$@")
 eval set -- "$args"
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
   if [ -n "${opt_prev:-}" ]; then
@@ -295,16 +299,21 @@
-  --tflite-delegate)
+  --tflite-classic-delegate)
+  --tflite-opaque-delegate)
+    flag_tflite_opaque_delegate=1
+    ;;
-    flag_tflite_delegate=1
+    flag_tflite_classic_delegate=1
+    flag_tflite_opaque_delegate=1
@@ -441,23 +450,24 @@
 echo -e "\nINFO: Displaying configuration information before execution of $name"
-echo "     target-arch: $TARGET_ARCH"
-echo "       host-arch: $HOST_ARCH"
-echo " tflite-delegate: $flag_tflite_delegate"
-echo "   tflite-parser: $flag_tflite_parser"
-echo "     onnx-parser: $flag_onnx_parser"
-echo "    neon-backend: $flag_neon_backend"
-echo "      cl-backend: $flag_cl_backend"
-echo "     ref-backend: $flag_ref_backend"
-echo "           clean: $flag_clean"
-echo "           debug: $flag_debug"
-echo "armnn-cmake-args: $armnn_cmake_args"
-echo "acl-scons-params: $acl_scons_params"
-echo "     num-threads: $NUM_THREADS"
-echo "  root directory: $ROOT_DIR"
-echo "source directory: $SOURCE_DIR"
-echo " build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
-echo " armnn build dir: $ARMNN_BUILD_TARGET"
+echo "            target-arch: $TARGET_ARCH"
+echo "              host-arch: $HOST_ARCH"
+echo "tflite-classic-delegate: $flag_tflite_classic_delegate"
+echo "tflite-opaque-delegate : $flag_tflite_opaque_delegate"
+echo "          tflite-parser: $flag_tflite_parser"
+echo "            onnx-parser: $flag_onnx_parser"
+echo "           neon-backend: $flag_neon_backend"
+echo "             cl-backend: $flag_cl_backend"
+echo "            ref-backend: $flag_ref_backend"
+echo "                  clean: $flag_clean"
+echo "                  debug: $flag_debug"
+echo "       armnn-cmake-args: $armnn_cmake_args"
+echo "       acl-scons-params: $acl_scons_params"
+echo "            num-threads: $NUM_THREADS"
+echo "         root directory: $ROOT_DIR"
+echo "       source directory: $SOURCE_DIR"
+echo "        build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
+echo "        armnn build dir: $ARMNN_BUILD_TARGET"
 echo -e "\nScript execution will begin in 10 seconds..."
 sleep 10
diff --git a/build-tool/scripts/setup-armnn.sh b/build-tool/scripts/setup-armnn.sh
index 9a398d5..156bb2f 100755
--- a/build-tool/scripts/setup-armnn.sh
+++ b/build-tool/scripts/setup-armnn.sh
@@ -215,8 +215,10 @@
   cat <<EOF
 setup-armnn.sh - Download and build Arm NN dependencies in the current directory (ROOT_DIR)
 setup-armnn.sh [OPTION]...
-  --tflite-delegate
-    setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate
+  --tflite-classic-delegate
+    setup dependencies for the existing Arm NN TF Lite Delegate
+  --tflite-opaque-delegate
+    setup dependencies for the new Opaque Delegate
     setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Parser
@@ -232,15 +234,15 @@
     enable shell tracing in this script
-At least one dependency flag (e.g. --tflite-delegate) must be provided or else provide --all to setup all dependencies.
+At least one dependency flag (e.g. --tflite-classic-delegate) must be provided or else provide --all to setup all dependencies.
 Directories called "source" and "build" will be generated in the current directory (ROOT_DIR) from which this script is called.
 It's recommended to call this script in a directory outside of this Arm NN source repo, to avoid nested repositories.
 Setup for aarch64 with all Arm NN dependencies:
     <PATH_TO>/setup-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --all
-Setup for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate and TF Lite Parser dependencies only:
-    <PATH_TO>/setup-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --tflite-parser
+Setup for aarch64 with the existing TF Lite Delegate and TF Lite Parser dependencies only:
+    <PATH_TO>/setup-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-classic-delegate --tflite-parser
@@ -248,7 +250,8 @@
 # Default flag values
@@ -263,7 +266,7 @@
   exit 1
-args=$(getopt -ohx -l tflite-delegate,tflite-parser,onnx-parser,all,target-arch:,num-threads:,help -n "$name"   -- "$@")
+args=$(getopt -ohx -l tflite-classic-delegate,tflite-opaque-delegate,tflite-parser,onnx-parser,all,target-arch:,num-threads:,help -n "$name"   -- "$@")
 eval set -- "$args"
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
   if [ -n "${opt_prev:-}" ]; then
@@ -284,8 +287,12 @@
-  --tflite-delegate)
-    flag_tflite_delegate=1
+  --tflite-classic-delegate)
+    flag_tflite_classic_delegate=1
+    ;;
+  --tflite-opaque-delegate)
+    flag_tflite_opaque_delegate=1
@@ -293,7 +300,8 @@
-    flag_tflite_delegate=1
+    flag_tflite_classic_delegate=1
+    flag_tflite_opaque_delegate=1
@@ -328,15 +336,16 @@
 source "$rel_path"/common.sh
 echo -e "\nINFO: Displaying configuration information before execution of $name"
-echo "     target-arch: $TARGET_ARCH"
-echo "       host-arch: $HOST_ARCH"
-echo " tflite-delegate: $flag_tflite_delegate"
-echo "   tflite-parser: $flag_tflite_parser"
-echo "     onnx-parser: $flag_onnx_parser"
-echo "     num-threads: $NUM_THREADS"
-echo "  root directory: $ROOT_DIR"
-echo "source directory: $SOURCE_DIR"
-echo " build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
+echo "            target-arch: $TARGET_ARCH"
+echo "              host-arch: $HOST_ARCH"
+echo "tflite-classic-delegate: $flag_tflite_classic_delegate"
+echo "tflite-opaque-delegate : $flag_tflite_opaque_delegate"
+echo "          tflite-parser: $flag_tflite_parser"
+echo "            onnx-parser: $flag_onnx_parser"
+echo "            num-threads: $NUM_THREADS"
+echo "         root directory: $ROOT_DIR"
+echo "       source directory: $SOURCE_DIR"
+echo "        build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
 if check_if_repository .; then
   echo -e "\n***** WARNING: Running script inside a git repository. To avoid nested repos, call this script from outside of this repo. *****"
@@ -349,7 +358,7 @@
 mkdir -p "$SOURCE_DIR"
 mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"
-if [ "$flag_tflite_delegate" -eq 1 ] || [ "$flag_tflite_parser" -eq 1 ]; then
+if [ "$flag_tflite_classic_delegate" -eq 1 ] || [ "$flag_tflite_opaque_delegate" -eq 1 ] ||  [ "$flag_tflite_parser" -eq 1 ]; then
   # Host build
@@ -367,7 +376,7 @@
-if [ "$flag_tflite_delegate" -eq 1 ]; then
+if [ "$flag_tflite_classic_delegate" -eq 1 ] || [ "$flag_tflite_opaque_delegate" -eq 1 ]; then
diff --git a/build-tool/scripts/validation.sh b/build-tool/scripts/validation.sh
index 7928952..12988b6 100755
--- a/build-tool/scripts/validation.sh
+++ b/build-tool/scripts/validation.sh
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 # Validation of chosen Arm NN dependencies
 if [ "$flag_tflite_delegate" -eq 0 ] && [ "$flag_tflite_parser" -eq 0 ] && [ "$flag_onnx_parser" -eq 0 ]; then
-  echo "$name: at least one of flags --tflite-delegate, --tflite-parser or --onnx-parser must be set (or --all)."
+  echo "$name: at least one of flags --tflite-classic-delegate, --tflite-opaque-delegate, --tflite-parser or --onnx-parser must be set (or --all)."
   exit 1