IVGCVSW-7735 Opaque Delegate Cleanup

 * Move TFL_TheStableDelegate to opaque/armnn_delegate_external.cpp
 * Change TFL_TheStableDelegate to extern variable
 * Remove duplicated opaque test sources
 * Add support for missing Fill operator
 * Enable support for Mirror Pad
 * Fix failing Split tests

Signed-off-by: Ryan OShea <ryan.oshea3@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Sloyan <matthew.sloyan@arm.com>
Change-Id: I7f8d8b4269bb4fbe27b6f47709cbd828554d37d8
diff --git a/delegate/opaque/src/Fill.hpp b/delegate/opaque/src/Fill.hpp
index e169697..a8cdf3a 100644
--- a/delegate/opaque/src/Fill.hpp
+++ b/delegate/opaque/src/Fill.hpp
@@ -2,3 +2,133 @@
 // Copyright © 2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#pragma once
+#include <OpaqueDelegateUtils.hpp>
+namespace armnnOpaqueDelegate
+    TfLiteStatus VisitFillOperator(DelegateData& delegateData,
+                                   TfLiteOpaqueContext* tfLiteContext,
+                                   TfLiteOpaqueNode* tfLiteNode,
+                                   int nodeIndex,
+                                   int32_t tfLiteFillOperatorCode)
+    {
+        TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumOutputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 1, nodeIndex));
+        switch(tfLiteFillOperatorCode)
+        {
+            case kTfLiteBuiltinFill:
+                TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumInputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 2, nodeIndex));
+                break;
+            default:
+                return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        // Inputs
+        int numInputs = 0;
+        const int* inputTensors;
+        if (TfLiteOpaqueNodeInputs(tfLiteNode, &inputTensors, &numInputs) != kTfLiteOk)
+        {
+                    tfLiteContext,
+                    "TfLiteArmnnOpaqueDelegate: Unable to gather input tensor indices from node #%d: ",
+                    nodeIndex);
+            return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tfLiteInputTensor = TfLiteOpaqueContextGetOpaqueTensor(tfLiteContext,
+                                                                                         inputTensors[0]);
+        if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteInputTensor, tfLiteFillOperatorCode, nodeIndex))
+        {
+            return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tfLiteFillTensor = TfLiteOpaqueContextGetOpaqueTensor(tfLiteContext,
+                                                                                        inputTensors[1]);
+        if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteFillTensor, tfLiteFillOperatorCode, nodeIndex))
+        {
+            return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        int numOutputs = 0;
+        const int* outputTensors;
+        if (TfLiteOpaqueNodeOutputs(tfLiteNode, &outputTensors, &numOutputs) != kTfLiteOk)
+        {
+                    tfLiteContext,
+                    "TfLiteArmnnOpaqueDelegate: Unable to gather output tensor indices from node #%d: ",
+                    nodeIndex);
+            return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tfLiteOutputTensor =  TfLiteOpaqueContextGetOpaqueTensor(tfLiteContext,
+                                                                                           outputTensors[0]);
+        if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteOutputTensor, tfLiteFillOperatorCode, nodeIndex))
+        {
+            return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo  = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteOpaqueTensor(tfLiteInputTensor);
+        const armnn::TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteOpaqueTensor(tfLiteOutputTensor, true);
+        armnn::FillDescriptor descriptor;
+        switch (TfLiteOpaqueTensorType(tfLiteFillTensor))
+        {
+            case kTfLiteFloat32:
+                descriptor.m_Value = *static_cast<float*>(TfLiteOpaqueTensorData(tfLiteFillTensor));
+                break;
+            case kTfLiteInt32:
+                descriptor.m_Value = *static_cast<int32_t*>(TfLiteOpaqueTensorData(tfLiteFillTensor));
+                break;
+            default:
+                        tfLiteContext,
+                        "TfLiteArmnnOpaqueDelegate: FILL value data type is not supported in operator #%d node #%d: ",
+                        tfLiteFillOperatorCode, nodeIndex);
+                return kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        bool isSupported = false;
+        armnn::BackendId setBackend;
+        auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outInfo, bool& isSupported)
+        {
+                                       tfLiteContext,
+                                       IsFillSupported,
+                                       delegateData.m_Backends,
+                                       isSupported,
+                                       setBackend,
+                                       inputTensorInfo,
+                                       outInfo,
+                                       descriptor);
+        };
+        if (!delegateData.m_Network)
+        {
+            validateFunc(outputTensorInfo, isSupported);
+            return isSupported ? kTfLiteOk : kTfLiteError;
+        }
+        armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = delegateData.m_Network->AddFillLayer(descriptor);
+        layer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
+        ARMNN_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+        armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(0);
+        outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+        auto inputsTensorsProcess = ProcessInputs(layer,
+                                                  delegateData,
+                                                  tfLiteContext,
+                                                  tfLiteNode);
+        if (inputsTensorsProcess == kTfLiteError)
+        {
+            return inputsTensorsProcess;
+        }
+        return Connect(layer, tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, delegateData);
+    }
+} // namespace armnnDelegate