MLECO-2488: added model optimization options and updated OptimizerOptions constructor.

Signed-off-by: alexander <>
Change-Id: Ic2ad6a46c3830f2526ba8b20ca0db0780be4b9a2
diff --git a/python/pyarmnn/test/ b/python/pyarmnn/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03d4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pyarmnn/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+import pytest
+from pyarmnn import BackendOptions, BackendOption, BackendId, OptimizerOptions, ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", (True, -100, 128, 0.12345, 'string'))
+def test_backend_option_ctor(data):
+    bo = BackendOption("name", data)
+    assert "name" == bo.GetName()
+def test_backend_options_ctor():
+    backend_id = BackendId('a')
+    bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
+    assert 'a' == str(bos.GetBackendId())
+    another_bos = BackendOptions(bos)
+    assert 'a' == str(another_bos.GetBackendId())
+def test_backend_options_add():
+    backend_id = BackendId('a')
+    bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
+    bo = BackendOption("name", 1)
+    bos.AddOption(bo)
+    assert 1 == bos.GetOptionCount()
+    assert 1 == len(bos)
+    assert 'name' == bos[0].GetName()
+    assert 'name' == bos.GetOption(0).GetName()
+    for option in bos:
+        assert 'name' == option.GetName()
+    bos.AddOption(BackendOption("name2", 2))
+    assert 2 == bos.GetOptionCount()
+    assert 2 == len(bos)
+def test_backend_option_ownership():
+    backend_id = BackendId('b')
+    bos = BackendOptions(backend_id)
+    bo = BackendOption('option', True)
+    bos.AddOption(bo)
+    assert bo.thisown
+    del bo
+    assert 1 == bos.GetOptionCount()
+    option = bos[0]
+    assert not option.thisown
+    assert 'option' == option.GetName()
+    del option
+    option_again = bos[0]
+    assert not option_again.thisown
+    assert 'option' == option_again.GetName()
+def test_optimizer_options_with_model_opt():
+    a = BackendOptions(BackendId('a'))
+    oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
+                          False,
+                          False,
+                          ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                          True,
+                          [a])
+    mo = oo.m_ModelOptions
+    assert 1 == len(mo)
+    assert 'a' == str(mo[0].GetBackendId())
+    b = BackendOptions(BackendId('b'))
+    c = BackendOptions(BackendId('c'))
+    oo.m_ModelOptions = (a, b, c)
+    mo = oo.m_ModelOptions
+    assert 3 == len(oo.m_ModelOptions)
+    assert 'a' == str(mo[0].GetBackendId())
+    assert 'b' == str(mo[1].GetBackendId())
+    assert 'c' == str(mo[2].GetBackendId())
+def test_optimizer_option_default():
+    oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
+                          False,
+                          False,
+                          ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                          True)
+    assert 0 == len(oo.m_ModelOptions)
+def test_optimizer_options_fail():
+    a = BackendOptions(BackendId('a'))
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
+        OptimizerOptions(True,
+                         False,
+                         False,
+                         ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                         True,
+                         a)
+    assert "Wrong number or type of arguments" in str(err.value)
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as err:
+        OptimizerOptions(True,
+                         False,
+                         True,
+                         ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                         True,
+                         [a])
+    assert "BFloat16 and Float16 optimization cannot be enabled at the same time" in str(err.value)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
+        oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
+                              False,
+                              False,
+                              ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                              True)
+        oo.m_ModelOptions = 'nonsense'
+    assert "in method 'OptimizerOptions_m_ModelOptions_set', argument 2" in str(err.value)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
+        oo = OptimizerOptions(True,
+                              False,
+                              False,
+                              ShapeInferenceMethod_InferAndValidate,
+                              True)
+        oo.m_ModelOptions = ['nonsense', a]
+    assert "in method 'OptimizerOptions_m_ModelOptions_set', argument 2" in str(err.value)