MLCE-77 Depthwise Convolution with depth multiplier > 1 doesn't work

 * Unified ArmNN's weight format to [ M, I, H, W ] for the depthwise convolution
 * Added conversion utilities to permute/reshape the weights as appropriate
   when using CL and Neon backends
 * Updated the reference implementation of the convolution
 * Updated the relevant unit tests accordingly


Change-Id: I07d0818efa9d1ca1e5dad82983aac1fe78eadb18
diff --git a/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp b/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa387a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include "WorkloadUtils.hpp"
+namespace armnn
+armnn::ConstTensor PermuteTensor(const ConstCpuTensorHandle* tensor,
+                                 const PermutationVector& permutationVector,
+                                 void* permuteBuffer)
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(tensor, "Invalid input tensor");
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(permuteBuffer, "Invalid permute buffer");
+    TensorInfo tensorInfo = tensor->GetTensorInfo();
+    if (permutationVector.GetSize() > 0)
+    {
+        tensorInfo = armnnUtils::Permuted(tensorInfo, permutationVector);
+        armnnUtils::Permute(tensorInfo.GetShape(), permutationVector,
+                            tensor->GetConstTensor<void>(), permuteBuffer,
+                            GetDataTypeSize(tensorInfo.GetDataType()));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ::memcpy(permuteBuffer, tensor->GetConstTensor<void>(), tensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+    }
+    return ConstTensor(tensorInfo, permuteBuffer);
+void ReshapeWeightsForAcl(TensorInfo& weightInfo, DataLayout dataLayout)
+    // Reshape the weights in-place
+    const TensorShape& weightShape = weightInfo.GetShape();
+    switch (dataLayout)
+    {
+        case DataLayout::NHWC:
+            // The data layout is NHWC, reshape from [ H, W, I, M ] to [ 1, H, W, I * M ]
+            weightInfo.SetShape({ 1,
+                                  weightShape[0],
+                                  weightShape[1],
+                                  weightShape[2] * weightShape[3] });
+            break;
+        case DataLayout::NCHW:
+        default:
+            // The data layout is NCHW, reshape from [ M, I, H, W ] to [ 1, I * M, H, W, ]
+            weightInfo.SetShape({ 1,
+                                  weightShape[0] * weightShape[1],
+                                  weightShape[2],
+                                  weightShape[3] });
+            break;
+    }
+TensorInfo ConvertWeightTensorInfoFromArmnnToAcl(const TensorInfo& weightInfo, DataLayout dataLayout)
+    // Convert the weight format from ArmNN's [ M, I, H, W ] (does NOT depend on the data layout) to either
+    // [ 1, H, W, I * M ] (if NHWC) or [ 1, I * M, H, W ] (if NCHW), as required by the compute library
+    // 1. Permute the weights if necessary
+    // If the data layout is NCHW no permutation is necessary, as a reshape to [ 1, I * M, H, W ] can be better done
+    // starting from the current shape of [ M, I, H, W ]
+    TensorInfo weightPermutedInfo(weightInfo);
+    if (dataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+    {
+        // The data layout is NHWC, then permute the weights from [ M, I, H, W ] to [ H, W, I, M ]
+        PermutationVector permutationVector{ 3, 2, 0, 1 };
+        weightPermutedInfo = armnnUtils::Permuted(weightInfo, permutationVector);
+    }
+    // 2. Reshape the weights
+    ReshapeWeightsForAcl(weightPermutedInfo, dataLayout);
+    // 3. Return the permuted weight info
+    return weightPermutedInfo;
+armnn::ConstTensor ConvertWeightTensorFromArmnnToAcl(const ConstCpuTensorHandle* weightTensor,
+                                                     DataLayout dataLayout,
+                                                     void* permuteBuffer)
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(weightTensor, "Invalid input tensor");
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(permuteBuffer, "Invalid permute buffer");
+    // Convert the weight format from ArmNN's [ M, I, H, W ] (does NOT depend on the data layout) to either
+    // [ 1, H, W, I * M ] (if NHWC) or [ 1, I * M, H, W ] (if NCHW), as required by the compute library
+    // 1. Permute the weights if necessary
+    // If the data layout is NCHW no permutation is necessary, as a reshape to [ 1, I * M, H, W ] can be better done
+    // starting from the current shape of [ M, I, H, W ]
+    // If no permutation is necessary, leave the permutation vector empty
+    PermutationVector permutationVector{};
+    if (dataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+    {
+        // The data layout is NHWC, then permute the weights from [ M, I, H, W ] to [ H, W, I, M ]
+        permutationVector = { 3, 2, 0, 1 };
+    }
+    ConstTensor weightPermuted = PermuteTensor(weightTensor, permutationVector, permuteBuffer);
+    // 2. Reshape the weights
+    ReshapeWeightsForAcl(weightPermuted.GetInfo(), dataLayout);
+    // 3. Return both the tensor and the allocated storage to ensure that the data stays alive
+    return weightPermuted;
+} // namespace armnn