MLCE-77 Depthwise Convolution with depth multiplier > 1 doesn't work

 * Unified ArmNN's weight format to [ M, I, H, W ] for the depthwise convolution
 * Added conversion utilities to permute/reshape the weights as appropriate
   when using CL and Neon backends
 * Updated the reference implementation of the convolution
 * Updated the relevant unit tests accordingly


Change-Id: I07d0818efa9d1ca1e5dad82983aac1fe78eadb18
diff --git a/src/backends/cl/workloads/ClDepthwiseConvolutionWorkload.cpp b/src/backends/cl/workloads/ClDepthwiseConvolutionWorkload.cpp
index 9cadbf0..1745b82 100644
--- a/src/backends/cl/workloads/ClDepthwiseConvolutionWorkload.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/cl/workloads/ClDepthwiseConvolutionWorkload.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <aclCommon/ArmComputeTensorUtils.hpp>
 #include <cl/ClTensorHandle.hpp>
 #include <backendsCommon/CpuTensorHandle.hpp>
+#include <backendsCommon/WorkloadUtils.hpp>
 #include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer.h>
@@ -21,14 +22,23 @@
 using namespace armcomputetensorutils;
 arm_compute::Status ClDepthwiseConvolutionWorkloadValidate(const TensorInfo& input,
-    const TensorInfo& output,
-    const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
-    const TensorInfo& weights,
-    const Optional<TensorInfo>& biases)
+                                                           const TensorInfo& output,
+                                                           const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
+                                                           const TensorInfo& weights,
+                                                           const Optional<TensorInfo>& biases)
-    const arm_compute::TensorInfo aclInputInfo = BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(input, descriptor.m_DataLayout);
+    const arm_compute::TensorInfo aclInputInfo  = BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(input,  descriptor.m_DataLayout);
     const arm_compute::TensorInfo aclOutputInfo = BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(output, descriptor.m_DataLayout);
-    const arm_compute::TensorInfo aclWeightsInfo = BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(weights, descriptor.m_DataLayout);
+    // ArmNN's weight format is [ M, I, H, W ]
+    const unsigned int aclDepthMultiplier = weights.GetShape()[0];
+    // Convert the weight format from ArmNN's [ M, I, H, W ] (does NOT depend on the data layout) to either
+    // [ 1, H, W, I * M ] (if NHWC) or [ 1, I * M, H, W ] (if NCHW), as required by the compute library
+    TensorInfo weightsPermuted = ConvertWeightTensorInfoFromArmnnToAcl(weights, descriptor.m_DataLayout);
+    // Convert the weights into the compute library format
+    const arm_compute::TensorInfo aclWeightsInfo = BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(weightsPermuted, descriptor.m_DataLayout);
     arm_compute::TensorInfo aclBiasesInfo;
     arm_compute::TensorInfo *optionalAclBiasesInfo = nullptr;
@@ -42,7 +52,6 @@
     const arm_compute::PadStrideInfo aclPadStrideInfo = BuildArmComputePadStrideInfo(descriptor);
-    const unsigned int aclDepthMultiplier = weights.GetShape()[0];
     return arm_compute::CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer::validate(&aclInputInfo,
@@ -57,10 +66,18 @@
     const WorkloadInfo& info)
     : BaseWorkload<DepthwiseConvolution2dQueueDescriptor>(descriptor, info)
-    auto& weightInfo = m_Data.m_Weight->GetTensorInfo();
+    // Allocate a buffer for the swizzling of the weight tensor
+    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> permuteBuffer(new unsigned char[m_Data.m_Weight->GetTensorInfo().GetNumBytes()]);
+    // Convert the weight format from ArmNN's [ M, I, H, W ] (does NOT depend on the data layout) to either
+    // [ 1, H, W, I * M ] (if NHWC) or [ 1, I * M, H, W ] (if NCHW), as required by the compute library
+    ConstTensor weightPermuted = ConvertWeightTensorFromArmnnToAcl(m_Data.m_Weight,
+                                                                   m_Data.m_Parameters.m_DataLayout,
+                                                                   permuteBuffer.get());
+    // Convert the weights into the compute library format
     m_KernelTensor = std::make_unique<arm_compute::CLTensor>();
-    BuildArmComputeTensor(*m_KernelTensor, weightInfo, m_Data.m_Parameters.m_DataLayout);
+    BuildArmComputeTensor(*m_KernelTensor, weightPermuted.GetInfo(), m_Data.m_Parameters.m_DataLayout);
     if (m_Data.m_Parameters.m_BiasEnabled)
@@ -86,13 +103,14 @@>set_data_layout(aclDataLayout);>set_data_layout(aclDataLayout);
+    // ArmNN's weight format is [ M, I, H, W ]
+    auto& weightInfo = m_Data.m_Weight->GetTensorInfo();
+    // Get the depth multiplier
     const unsigned int depthMultiplier = weightInfo.GetShape()[0];
-    const unsigned int widthIndex = (m_Data.m_Parameters.m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NCHW) ? 3 : 2;
-    const unsigned int heightIndex = (m_Data.m_Parameters.m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NCHW) ? 2 : 1;
-    //Check for optimisation opportunities.
-    bool use3x3Optimisation = (weightInfo.GetShape()[widthIndex] == 3) && (weightInfo.GetShape()[heightIndex] == 3);
+    // Check for optimisation opportunities.
+    bool use3x3Optimisation = (weightInfo.GetShape()[2] == 3) && (weightInfo.GetShape()[3] == 3);
     if (use3x3Optimisation)
         m_DepthwiseConvolutionLayer = std::make_unique<arm_compute::CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3>();
@@ -118,7 +136,8 @@
-    InitializeArmComputeClTensorData(*m_KernelTensor, m_Data.m_Weight);
+    ScopedCpuTensorHandle weightsPermutedHandle(weightPermuted);
+    InitializeArmComputeClTensorData(*m_KernelTensor, &weightsPermutedHandle);
     if (m_BiasTensor)