IVGCVSW-6777 Add Arm NN build-tool Dockerfile

* Adds Dockerfile associated with Arm NN build-tool scripts.
* The Dockerfile encapsulates the installation of system-wide
  packages (install-packages.sh), download/install of Arm NN
  dependencies (setup-armnn.sh) and the building of Arm NN
  and ACL (build-armnn.sh).
* A helper script for copying build contents from the built
  Docker image is provided for by docker-copy-to-host.sh.
* Modified existing scripts: moved the cloning of Arm NN and
  ACL from setup-armnn.sh to build-armnn.sh and decoupled
  setup-armnn.sh from scripts outside of build-tool directory
  e.g. armnn/scripts/get_tensorflow.sh.
* The build-armnn.sh script clones the latest release branches
  of Arm NN and ACL by default. Custom repos can be placed in
  the build-tool directory prior to 'docker build' and they
  will be used instead (advanced usage).
* Support added for Linux targets only, Android to be added
  in future work.

Signed-off-by: James Conroy <james.conroy@arm.com>
Change-Id: I336013cf93821d2cd3e5d9fe2ca4e955ffdd2386
diff --git a/build-tool/scripts/install-packages.sh b/build-tool/scripts/install-packages.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f62fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-tool/scripts/install-packages.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Script which installs system-wide packages required by setup-armnn.sh and build-armnn.sh
+# Downloads and builds CMake from source in the current directory from which this script is called
+# CMake will be installed system-wide once this script has completed execution
+# Requires sudo privileges
+set -o nounset  # Catch references to undefined variables.
+set -o pipefail # Catch non zero exit codes within pipelines.
+set -o errexit  # Catch and propagate non zero exit codes.
+# Host architecture e.g. x86_64, aarch64
+HOST_ARCH=$(uname -m)
+# Number of online cores on host
+# CMake is downloaded and built in the current directory from which this script is called
+# CMake
+  cd "$ROOT_DIR"
+  echo -e "\n***** Downloading CMake $CMAKE_VERSION *****"
+  wget -O cmake-"$CMAKE_VERSION_FULL".tar.gz https://cmake.org/files/v"$CMAKE_VERSION"/cmake-"$CMAKE_VERSION_FULL".tar.gz
+  echo -e "\n***** Extracting archive *****"
+  tar -xzf cmake-"$CMAKE_VERSION_FULL".tar.gz
+  echo -e "\n***** Removing archive *****"
+  rm cmake-"$CMAKE_VERSION_FULL".tar.gz
+  echo -e "\n***** CMake $CMAKE_VERSION Downloaded *****"
+  mkdir -p "$CMAKE_BUILD"
+  cd "$CMAKE_BUILD"
+  apt-get purge -y cmake
+  echo -e "\n***** Building CMake $CMAKE_VERSION ***** "
+  "$CMAKE_SRC"/bootstrap
+  make
+  make install -j "$NUM_THREADS"
+  if [[ "$(cmake --version 2> /dev/null | grep "$CMAKE_VERSION" )" == *"$CMAKE_VERSION"* ]]; then
+    echo -e "\n***** Built and Installed CMake $CMAKE_VERSION *****"
+  else
+    echo -e "\nERROR: CMake $CMAKE_VERSION not installed correctly after building from source"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends  \
+      autoconf \
+      automake \
+      build-essential \
+      curl \
+      git \
+      libssl-dev \
+      libtool \
+      make \
+      scons \
+      unzip \
+      wget
+  # Install cross compile toolchains if host is x86_64
+  if [ "$HOST_ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
+    apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends  \
+        crossbuild-essential-arm64 \
+        crossbuild-essential-armhf
+  fi
+  apt-get clean
+  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+name=$(basename "$0")
+if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
+  echo -e "\nERROR: $name must be ran as root (i.e. sudo ./$name)"
+  exit 1
+echo -e "\n***** $name: Installing system-wide packages required by setup-armnn.sh and build-armnn.sh *****"
+echo -e "\nINFO: This script downloads and builds CMake from source in the current directory from which this script is called"
+echo -e "\nINFO: CMake and other apt packages will be installed system-wide once this script has completed execution"
+echo -e "\nScript execution will begin in 10 seconds..."
+sleep 10
+# Download, Build and Install CMake if not already present
+if [[ "$(cmake --version 2> /dev/null | grep "$CMAKE_VERSION" )" == *"$CMAKE_VERSION"* ]]; then
+  echo -e "\n***** CMake $CMAKE_VERSION already installed, skipping CMake install *****"
+  download_cmake
+  install_cmake
+echo -e "\n***** $name: Successfully installed system-wide packages required by setup-armnn.sh and build-armnn.sh *****\n"
+exit 0
\ No newline at end of file