IVGCVSW-5392 TfLiteDelegate: Implement the Batch/Space operators

 * Added support for BATCH_TO_SPACE_ND and SPACE_TO_BATCH_ND

Signed-off-by: Matthew Sloyan <matthew.sloyan@arm.com>
Change-Id: Ib29333f3e2bc1a18bcc63533da4369b63c45ab90
diff --git a/delegate/src/BatchSpace.hpp b/delegate/src/BatchSpace.hpp
index 5a8a5dc..318806f 100644
--- a/delegate/src/BatchSpace.hpp
+++ b/delegate/src/BatchSpace.hpp
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <armnn/utility/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
 #include <tensorflow/lite/builtin_ops.h>
 #include <tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h>
 #include <tensorflow/lite/c/common.h>
@@ -21,12 +19,89 @@
                                          int nodeIndex,
                                          int32_t operatorCode)
-    armnn::IgnoreUnused(delegateData,
-                        tfLiteContext,
-                        tfLiteNode,
-                        nodeIndex,
-                        operatorCode);
-    return kTfLiteError;
+    TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumInputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 3, nodeIndex));
+    TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumOutputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 1, nodeIndex));
+    const TfLiteTensor* tfLiteTensors = tfLiteContext->tensors;
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteInputTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[0]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteInputTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteBlockShapeTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[1]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteBlockShapeTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteCropsTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[2]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteCropsTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteOutputTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->outputs->data[0]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteOutputTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo      = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteInputTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& blockShapeTensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteBlockShapeTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& cropsTensorInfo      = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteCropsTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo     = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteOutputTensor);
+    std::vector<unsigned int> blockShape(blockShapeTensorInfo.GetNumElements());
+    ::memcpy(blockShape.data(), tfLiteBlockShapeTensor.data.data, blockShapeTensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+    std::vector<unsigned int> cropsVector(cropsTensorInfo.GetNumElements());
+    std::memcpy(cropsVector.data(), tfLiteCropsTensor.data.data, cropsTensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+    size_t step = 2;
+    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> crops;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cropsTensorInfo.GetNumElements() / step; ++i)
+    {
+        crops.emplace_back(cropsVector[i * step], cropsVector[i * step + 1]);
+    }
+    armnn::BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor descriptor;
+    descriptor.m_BlockShape = blockShape;
+    descriptor.m_Crops = crops;
+    descriptor.m_DataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NHWC;
+    // Check if supported
+    bool isSupported = false;
+    auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo, bool& isSupported)
+    {
+                                   tfLiteContext,
+                                   IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported,
+                                   delegateData.m_Backends,
+                                   isSupported,
+                                   inputTensorInfo,
+                                   outputTensorInfo,
+                                   descriptor);
+    };
+    // If the m_Network is a nullptr, this signals that a prerequisite TfLite callback is required to clarify the
+    // support for the operator
+    // If supported, VisitBatchToSpaceNdOperator will be called again to add the layer to the network as seen below
+    if (!delegateData.m_Network)
+    {
+        validateFunc(outputTensorInfo, isSupported);
+        return isSupported ? kTfLiteOk : kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    // Add a BatchToSpace layer
+    armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = delegateData.m_Network->AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(descriptor);
+    ARMNN_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+    armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(0);
+    outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+    // Connect
+    return Connect(layer, tfLiteNode, delegateData);
 TfLiteStatus VisitSpaceToBatchNdOperator(DelegateData& delegateData,
@@ -35,12 +110,89 @@
                                          int nodeIndex,
                                          int32_t operatorCode)
-    armnn::IgnoreUnused(delegateData,
-                        tfLiteContext,
-                        tfLiteNode,
-                        nodeIndex,
-                        operatorCode);
-    return kTfLiteError;
+    TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumInputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 3, nodeIndex));
+    TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ValidateNumOutputs(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode, 1, nodeIndex));
+    const TfLiteTensor* tfLiteTensors = tfLiteContext->tensors;
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteInputTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[0]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteInputTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteBlockShapeTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[1]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteBlockShapeTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLitePadListTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->inputs->data[2]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLitePadListTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const TfLiteTensor& tfLiteOutputTensor = tfLiteTensors[tfLiteNode->outputs->data[0]];
+    if (!IsValid(tfLiteContext, tfLiteOutputTensor, operatorCode, nodeIndex))
+    {
+        return kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo      = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteInputTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& blockShapeTensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteBlockShapeTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& padListTensorInfo    = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLitePadListTensor);
+    const armnn::TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo     = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tfLiteOutputTensor);
+    std::vector<unsigned int> blockShape(blockShapeTensorInfo.GetNumElements());
+    std::memcpy(blockShape.data(), tfLiteBlockShapeTensor.data.data, blockShapeTensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+    std::vector<unsigned int> padListVector(padListTensorInfo.GetNumElements());
+    std::memcpy(padListVector.data(), tfLitePadListTensor.data.data, padListTensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+    size_t step = 2;
+    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> padList;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < padListTensorInfo.GetNumElements() / step; ++i)
+    {
+        padList.emplace_back(padListVector[i * step], padListVector[i * step + 1]);
+    }
+    armnn::SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor descriptor;
+    descriptor.m_BlockShape = blockShape;
+    descriptor.m_PadList = padList;
+    descriptor.m_DataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NHWC;
+    // Check if supported
+    bool isSupported = false;
+    auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo, bool& isSupported)
+    {
+                                   tfLiteContext,
+                                   IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported,
+                                   delegateData.m_Backends,
+                                   isSupported,
+                                   inputTensorInfo,
+                                   outputTensorInfo,
+                                   descriptor);
+    };
+    // If the m_Network is a nullptr, this signals that a prerequisite TfLite callback is required to clarify the
+    // support for the operator
+    // If supported, VisitSpaceToBatchNdOperator will be called again to add the layer to the network as seen below
+    if (!delegateData.m_Network)
+    {
+        validateFunc(outputTensorInfo, isSupported);
+        return isSupported ? kTfLiteOk : kTfLiteError;
+    }
+    // Add a SpaceToBatch layer
+    armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = delegateData.m_Network->AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(descriptor);
+    ARMNN_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+    armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(0);
+    outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+    // Connect
+    return Connect(layer, tfLiteNode, delegateData);
 } // namespace armnnDelegate