GitHub #667: Neon fold padding into average pool 2D quantization bug fix.

  * Originated from a GitHub issue:
  * Initially, Arm NN supports the pool 2D operation because there is no padding
    on the pool2d. Neon failure occurs when padding is followed by average pool 2D
    due to folding optimization.
  * Here we prevent the folding optimization from happening for the above special case
    and add it in as a backend specific optimization.

Signed-off-by: Cathal Corbett <>
Change-Id: Ia0fd90c3a6b4b9d29c81106f154617d2e893e26b
diff --git a/src/backends/cl/ClBackend.cpp b/src/backends/cl/ClBackend.cpp
index 1fe53de..d2e8fbf 100644
--- a/src/backends/cl/ClBackend.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/cl/ClBackend.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
@@ -566,6 +566,31 @@
+        // Special case to fuse padding into average pooling 2d for quantized datatype.
+        // Required to be done as a backend specific optimization as Neon does not support this special case.
+        if (base.GetType() == LayerType::Pooling2d)
+        {
+            Pooling2dLayer* baseLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<Pooling2dLayer*>(&base);
+            Pooling2dDescriptor poolingDescriptor = baseLayer->GetParameters();
+            if (baseLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer().GetType() == LayerType::Pad)
+            {
+                PadLayer* padLayer = PolymorphicDowncast<PadLayer*>(
+                    &baseLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer());
+                if (padLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetNumConnections() == 1 &&
+                    optimizations::pad_fold::TryFoldPadIntoLayer2d(padLayer->GetParameters(),
+                                                                   poolingDescriptor,
+                                                                   padLayer->GetOutputSlot().GetTensorInfo(),
+                                                                   true))
+                {
+                    FoldPadIntoAveragePool2d<Pooling2dLayer>(optimizationViews, baseLayer,
+                                                             poolingDescriptor, padLayer);
+                    untouched.erase(baseLayer->GetGuid());
+                    untouched.erase(padLayer->GetGuid());
+                }
+            }
+        }
     if (optimizationViews.GetSubstitutions().empty())