Adds CustomAllocator interface and Sample App

 * Updates the runtime options with a CustomAllocatorMap which allows to define a CustomAllocator for specific backends
 * Change IBackendInternal interface to use a shared pointer to a custom allocator
 * Update ClBackend.hpp/cpp to use the CustomAllocator
 * Adds an example application and unit test which uses a CustomAllocator for GpuAcc
 * Refactor of the interface to use MemorySource instead of the user Mapping cl_mem directly
 * Modify the BackendRegistry to also hold a registry of CustomAllocators
 * BackendRegistry Deregister will also deregister any allocators associated with that backend id
 * set_global_allocator within the BaseMemoryManager so that it always matches the currently used allocator

Signed-off-by: Jan Eilers <>
Change-Id: I156d819686021865f4375e6cb7a5c5dec8fee9e8
Signed-off-by: David Monahan <>
diff --git a/src/backends/cl/test/ClCustomAllocatorTests.cpp b/src/backends/cl/test/ClCustomAllocatorTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1a0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/cl/test/ClCustomAllocatorTests.cpp
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+// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include <armnn/backends/ICustomAllocator.hpp>
+#include <armnn/Descriptors.hpp>
+#include <armnn/Exceptions.hpp>
+#include <armnn/INetwork.hpp>
+#include <armnn/IRuntime.hpp>
+#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
+#include <armnn/BackendRegistry.hpp>
+#include <cl/ClBackend.hpp>
+#include <doctest/doctest.h>
+// Contains the OpenCl interfaces for mapping memory in the Gpu Page Tables
+// Requires the OpenCl backend to be included (GpuAcc)
+#include <arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h>
+#include <CL/cl_ext.h>
+#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLScheduler.h>
+/** Sample implementation of ICustomAllocator for use with the ClBackend.
+ *  Note: any memory allocated must be host accessible with write access to allow for weights and biases
+ *  to be passed in. Read access is not required.. */
+class SampleClBackendCustomAllocator : public armnn::ICustomAllocator
+    SampleClBackendCustomAllocator() = default;
+    void* allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment)
+    {
+        // If alignment is 0 just use the CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE for alignment
+        if (alignment == 0)
+        {
+            alignment = arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo<CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE>();
+        }
+        size_t space = size + alignment + alignment;
+        auto allocatedMemPtr = std::malloc(space * sizeof(size_t));
+        if (std::align(alignment, size, allocatedMemPtr, space) == nullptr)
+        {
+            throw armnn::Exception("SampleClBackendCustomAllocator::Alignment failed");
+        }
+        return allocatedMemPtr;
+    }
+    /** Interface to be implemented by the child class to free the allocated tensor */
+    void free(void* ptr)
+    {
+        std::free(ptr);
+    }
+    armnn::MemorySource GetMemorySourceType()
+    {
+        return armnn::MemorySource::Malloc;
+    }
+// This is a copy of the SimpleSample app modified to use a custom
+// allocator for the clbackend. It creates a FullyConnected network with a single layer
+// taking a single number as an input
+    using namespace armnn;
+    float number = 3;
+    // Construct ArmNN network
+    armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
+    INetworkPtr myNetwork = INetwork::Create();
+    armnn::FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDesc;
+    float weightsData[] = {1.0f}; // Identity
+    TensorInfo weightsInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
+    weightsInfo.SetConstant(true);
+    armnn::ConstTensor weights(weightsInfo, weightsData);
+    IConnectableLayer* fullyConnected = myNetwork->AddFullyConnectedLayer(fullyConnectedDesc,
+                                                                          weights,
+                                                                          EmptyOptional(),
+                                                                          "fully connected");
+    IConnectableLayer* InputLayer = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(0);
+    IConnectableLayer* OutputLayer = myNetwork->AddOutputLayer(0);
+    InputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(fullyConnected->GetInputSlot(0));
+    fullyConnected->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(OutputLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
+    // Create ArmNN runtime
+    IRuntime::CreationOptions options; // default options
+    auto customAllocator = std::make_shared<SampleClBackendCustomAllocator>();
+    options.m_CustomAllocatorMap = {{"GpuAcc", std::move(customAllocator)}};
+    IRuntimePtr run = IRuntime::Create(options);
+    //Set the tensors in the network.
+    TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
+    InputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputTensorInfo);
+    TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(TensorShape({1, 1}), DataType::Float32);
+    fullyConnected->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+    // Optimise ArmNN network
+    OptimizerOptions optOptions;
+    optOptions.m_ImportEnabled = true;
+    armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet = Optimize(*myNetwork, {"GpuAcc"}, run->GetDeviceSpec(), optOptions);
+    CHECK(optNet);
+    // Load graph into runtime
+    std::string ignoredErrorMessage;
+    INetworkProperties networkProperties(false, MemorySource::Malloc, MemorySource::Malloc);
+    run->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optNet), ignoredErrorMessage, networkProperties);
+    // Creates structures for input & output
+    unsigned int numElements = inputTensorInfo.GetNumElements();
+    size_t totalBytes = numElements * sizeof(float);
+    const size_t alignment =
+            arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo<CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE>();
+    void* alignedInputPtr = options.m_CustomAllocatorMap["GpuAcc"]->allocate(totalBytes, alignment);
+    // Input with negative values
+    auto* inputPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedInputPtr);
+    std::fill_n(inputPtr, numElements, number);
+    void* alignedOutputPtr = options.m_CustomAllocatorMap["GpuAcc"]->allocate(totalBytes, alignment);
+    auto* outputPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedOutputPtr);
+    std::fill_n(outputPtr, numElements, -10.0f);
+    armnn::InputTensors inputTensors
+    {
+        {0, armnn::ConstTensor(run->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), alignedInputPtr)},
+    };
+    armnn::OutputTensors outputTensors
+    {
+        {0, armnn::Tensor(run->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, 0), alignedOutputPtr)}
+    };
+    // Execute network
+    run->EnqueueWorkload(networkIdentifier, inputTensors, outputTensors);
+    run->UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier);
+    // Tell the CLBackend to sync memory so we can read the output.
+    arm_compute::CLScheduler::get().sync();
+    auto* outputResult = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alignedOutputPtr);
+    run->UnloadNetwork(networkIdentifier);
+    CHECK(outputResult[0] == number);
+    auto& backendRegistry = armnn::BackendRegistryInstance();
+    backendRegistry.DeregisterAllocator(ClBackend::GetIdStatic());
+} // test suite ClCustomAllocatorTests
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