IVGCVSW-4008 Add profiling mode to ExecuteNetwork

* Removed the requirement for specifying a data file for each
  input tensor
* Added the possibility to generate dummy tensor data (filled
  with 0s) if no data files are specified by the user
* Warn the user when they request to save the output to a file,
  but the input was generate, therefore rendering the output

Signed-off-by: Aron Virginas-Tar <Aron.Virginas-Tar@arm.com>
Change-Id: I8baed116dcd99fe380e419db322dc7e04ab1c653
diff --git a/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp b/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
index ee7d2c1..5926932 100644
--- a/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
+++ b/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@
              "The shape of the input tensors in the network as a flat array of integers separated by comma."
              "Several shapes can be passed by separating them with a colon (:)."
              "This parameter is optional, depending on the network.")
-            ("input-tensor-data,d", po::value(&inputTensorDataFilePaths),
+            ("input-tensor-data,d", po::value(&inputTensorDataFilePaths)->default_value(""),
              "Path to files containing the input data as a flat array separated by whitespace. "
-             "Several paths can be passed by separating them with a comma.")
+             "Several paths can be passed by separating them with a comma. If not specified, the network will be run "
+             "with dummy data (useful for profiling).")
             ("input-type,y",po::value(&inputTypes), "The type of the input tensors in the network separated by comma. "
              "If unset, defaults to \"float\" for all defined inputs. "
              "Accepted values (float, int or qasymm8)")
@@ -255,14 +256,15 @@
         // Create runtime
         armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions options;
-        options.m_EnableGpuProfiling = enableProfiling;
-        options.m_DynamicBackendsPath = dynamicBackendsPath;
-        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_EnableProfiling = enableExternalProfiling;
+        options.m_EnableGpuProfiling                     = enableProfiling;
+        options.m_DynamicBackendsPath                    = dynamicBackendsPath;
+        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_EnableProfiling     = enableExternalProfiling;
         options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_IncomingCaptureFile = incomingCaptureFile;
         options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_OutgoingCaptureFile = outgoingCaptureFile;
-        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileOnly = fileOnlyExternalProfiling;
-        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_CapturePeriod = counterCapturePeriod;
+        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_FileOnly            = fileOnlyExternalProfiling;
+        options.m_ProfilingOptions.m_CapturePeriod       = counterCapturePeriod;
         std::shared_ptr<armnn::IRuntime> runtime(armnn::IRuntime::Create(options));
         return RunTest(modelFormat, inputTensorShapes, computeDevices, dynamicBackendsPath, modelPath, inputNames,
                        inputTensorDataFilePaths, inputTypes, quantizeInput, outputTypes, outputNames,
                        outputTensorFiles, enableProfiling, enableFp16TurboMode, thresholdTime, printIntermediate,