IVGCVSW-5500 Fix transpose conv InferOutputShape

* Use kernelShape[0] as channels for outputShape.

Signed-off-by: James Conroy <james.conroy@arm.com>
Change-Id: I070c7ff68ae365d9505a5eb28c76f9e52da1e5f9
diff --git a/src/armnn/layers/TransposeConvolution2dLayer.cpp b/src/armnn/layers/TransposeConvolution2dLayer.cpp
index 1591213..189e5f6 100644
--- a/src/armnn/layers/TransposeConvolution2dLayer.cpp
+++ b/src/armnn/layers/TransposeConvolution2dLayer.cpp
@@ -78,27 +78,11 @@
     unsigned int wOutput = (wInput - 1) * m_Param.m_StrideX + wKernel - wPadding;
     unsigned int hOutput = (hInput - 1) * m_Param.m_StrideY + hKernel - hPadding;
-    unsigned int kernelElements = kernelShape[0] * kernelShape[dataLayoutIndex.GetChannelsIndex()];
-    unsigned int inputElements  = batches * inputShape[dataLayoutIndex.GetChannelsIndex()];
-    ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(inputElements != 0, "Invalid number of input elements");
-    unsigned int channels;
-    if (kernelElements >= inputElements)
-    {
-        ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(kernelElements % inputElements == 0 , "Invalid number of elements");
-        channels = kernelElements / inputElements;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(inputElements % kernelElements == 0 , "Invalid number of elements");
-        channels = kernelShape[0];
-    }
+    unsigned int cOutput = kernelShape[0];
     TensorShape tensorShape = m_Param.m_DataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NHWC ?
-         TensorShape( { batches, hOutput, wOutput, channels } ) :
-         TensorShape( { batches, channels, hOutput, wOutput });
+         TensorShape( { batches, hOutput, wOutput, cOutput } ) :
+         TensorShape( { batches, cOutput, hOutput, wOutput });
     return std::vector<TensorShape>({ tensorShape });