Adding inference application for ThreadX

Change-Id: Icadb4ceb50997a31bafa2356bfa434568c056593
diff --git a/applications/threadx_demo/tx_initialize_low_level.c b/applications/threadx_demo/tx_initialize_low_level.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f709cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/threadx_demo/tx_initialize_low_level.c
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Includes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "tx_api.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * Defines
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#define SYSTEM_CLOCK   6000000
+#define SYSTICK_CYCLES ((SYSTEM_CLOCK / 100) - 1)
+ * Externs
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void _tx_timer_interrupt(void);
+ * Functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    _tx_initialize_low_level                          Cortex-M4/GNU     */
+/*                                                           6.1          */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    This function is responsible for any low-level processor            */
+/*    initialization, including setting up interrupt vectors, setting     */
+/*    up a periodic timer interrupt source, saving the system stack       */
+/*    pointer for use in ISR processing later, and finding the first      */
+/*    available RAM memory address for tx_application_define.             */
+/*    this function has an empty implementation in this example.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  INPUT                                                                 */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    None                                                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  OUTPUT                                                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    None                                                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  CALLS                                                                 */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    None                                                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*  CALLED BY                                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*    _tx_initialize_kernel_enter           ThreadX entry function        */
+/*                                                                        */
+VOID _tx_initialize_low_level(VOID) {
+    __asm__ volatile(
+        /* Disable interrupts during ThreadX initialization.  */
+        "    CPSID   i\n"
+        /* Enable the cycle count register.  */
+        "    LDR     r0, =0xE0001000\n" // Build address of DWT register
+        "    LDR     r1, [r0]\n"        // Pickup the current value
+        "    ORR     r1, r1, #1\n"      // Set the CYCCNTENA bit
+        "    STR     r1, [r0]\n"        // Enable the cycle count register
+        /* Configure SysTick for 100Hz clock, or 16384 cycles if no reference.  */
+        "    MOV     r0, #0xE000E000\n" // Build address of NVIC registers
+        "    LDR     r1, =59999\n"      // 59,999 = SYSTICK_CYCLES = ((6,000,000 / 100) -1)
+        "    STR     r1, [r0, #0x14]\n" // Setup SysTick Reload Value
+        "    MOV     r1, #0x7\n"        // Build SysTick Control Enable Value
+        "    STR     r1, [r0, #0x10]\n" // Setup SysTick Control
+        /* Configure handler priorities.  */
+        "    LDR     r1, =0x00000000\n"  // Rsrv, UsgF, BusF, MemM
+        "    STR     r1, [r0, #0xD18]\n" // Setup System Handlers 4-7 Priority Registers
+        "    LDR     r1, =0xFF000000\n"  // SVCl, Rsrv, Rsrv, Rsrv
+        "    STR     r1, [r0, #0xD1C]\n" // Setup System Handlers 8-11 Priority Registers
+                                         // Note: SVC must be lowest priority, which is 0xFF
+        "    LDR     r1, =0x40FF0000\n"  // SysT, PnSV, Rsrv, DbgM
+        "    STR     r1, [r0, #0xD20]\n" // Setup System Handlers 12-15 Priority Registers
+                                         // Note: PnSV must be lowest priority, which is 0xFF
+        /* Return to caller.  */
+        "    BX      lr\n");
+/* SysTick_Handler has a generic interrupt handler template. */
+/* to implement a new handler, replace the call to           */
+/* _tx_timer_interrupt to some other c function              */
+VOID SysTick_Handler(VOID) {
+    _tx_execution_isr_enter(); // Call the ISR enter function
+    _tx_timer_interrupt();
+    _tx_execution_isr_exit(); // Call the ISR exit function
+    return;