Increased heap and FreeRTOS stack

Tensorflow lite micro has increased the size of the MicroProfiler.
As a consequence the FreeRTOS application needs to increase the stack
size allocate from the heap.

Change-Id: I8e4df44767edaecee27d9571319ef72da5937a3b
diff --git a/applications/freertos/main.cpp b/applications/freertos/main.cpp
index 0010b70..5abcca2 100644
--- a/applications/freertos/main.cpp
+++ b/applications/freertos/main.cpp
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
     // Create inferenceProcess tasks to process the queued jobs
     for (int n = 0; n < NUM_INFERENCE_TASKS; n++) {
         taskParams[n] = ProcessTaskParams(inferenceProcessQueue, inferenceProcessTensorArena[n], arenaSize);
-        ret           = xTaskCreate(inferenceProcessTask, "inferenceProcessTask", 3 * 1024, &taskParams[n], 3, nullptr);
+        ret           = xTaskCreate(inferenceProcessTask, "inferenceProcessTask", 8 * 1024, &taskParams[n], 3, nullptr);
         if (ret != pdPASS) {
             printf("FreeRTOS: Failed to create 'inferenceProcessTask%i'\n", n);