Porting target

Core Platform provides examples how to build and run applications on a few target platforms. This guide will demonstrate how to use CMake to extend the Core Platform build system with applications, drivers and targets.

The build system is based on the idea that the target includes applications and drivers. Applications should be platform agnostic without knowledge about the target they are executing on, which in theory should allow applications to be compiled for a range of targets. Consequently when generating the build files, the path to the target is passed to CMake.

$ cmake -B build targets/<your target>

All targets should include targets/common. This directory defines a hierarchy of interface libraries, which are needed by helper functions and other CMake targets to configure the build system.

CMake common targets

For a demo project that extends Core Platform, the subdirectories will be included like the figure below illustrates.

CMake components

A complete dependency tree can be generated with Graphviz.

$ cmake -B build --graphviz out.dot targets/<your target>
$ dot -T png -o out.png out.dot

Create skeleton

Create a demo directory, or name the directory to whatever is preferred. This will be the parent directory for the demo project.

$ mkdir demo
$ cd demo

Create subdirectories for applications, drivers and targets.

$ mkdir applications drivers targets
$ touch applications/CMakeLists.txt drivers/CMakeLists.txt

demo/targets/<your target>/

Copy <core_platform>/targets/demo to <your target>. directory. Rename the directory to whatever is preferred.

$ cp -r <core_platform>/targets/demo targets/
$ mv targets/demo targets/<your target>


Open targets/<your target>/CMakeLists.txt and customize the settings. The important sections have been marked with TODO.

Default toolchain

Core Platform provides example toolchain files for Arm Clang and GCC. If a custom toolchain is needed, then this can be placed under demo/cmake/toolchain/<name>.cmake and the CMake variable CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE set to point at this file.


If there exists an emulator for the target platform - for example Arm Virtual Hardware or QEmu - then include(CTest) can be uncommented and ETHOSU_COMMAND_DEFAULT configured accordingly. Each of the application elf files will be passed to the test command.

Generating the build system, building and testing can be executed like this.

$ cmake -B build targets/<your target>
$ cmake --build build
$ ctest --test-dir build

Memory configuration

README.md#Memory configurations describes the memory configurations that can be considered when mapping the TFLM model, arena and fast memory buffer. The scatter file and linker scripts decide where the buffers are placed in memory, but can for flexibility be written to switch on defines set by the build system.

The provided CMakeLists.txt demonstrates how the CMake variables FAST_MEMORY_SIZE, MEMORY_MODEL and MEMORY_ARENA can be used to export defines from the build system to the source files.


targetSetup() is invoked from targets/common/src/init.cpp, after the runtime library has been initialized, before the main() function is invoked. The purpose of this function is to initialize drivers, for example the Ethos-U driver or the memory protection unit (MPU).

Open targets/<your target>/target.cpp in an editor and customize the file.

platform.scatter and platform.ld

Depending on the compiler either a scatter file (Arm Clang) or a linker script (GCC) is used to describe the memory layout of the target. Documentation how to write scatter files and linker scripts goes beyond the scope of this tutorial, but can be found online. The scatter files and linker scripts provided for Corstone-300 and Corstone-310 may also be used as reference.

A design decision that needs to be made is if a boot loader or scatter loading shall be used. A boot loader copies one or multiple binaries into memory before lifting the reset on the Cortex-M CPU. Scatter loading typically means that a single firmware binary has been written in flash. The Cortex-M CPU boots from flash and copies memory segments from the firmware binary to for example ITCM, DTCM and SRAM.


Copy the hello world application to applications/. This application can be used as template to start with.

$ cp -r <core_platform>/applications/hello_world applications/
$ mv applications/hello_world applications/demo_app

Open applications/demo_app/CMakeLists.txt and rename the application from hello_world to demo_app.

ethosu_add_executable_test(demo_app PRIVATE
    SOURCES main.cpp)

Edit applications/CMakeLists.txt and add the demo_app subdirectory.



Create a directory structure for a demo driver. Good practice is to separate header files with public APIs in a separate folder.

$ mkdir drivers/demo
$ cd drivers/demo

$ mkdir include src
$ touch CMakeList.txt include/demo.hpp src/demo.cpp

Add the demo subdirectory to drivers/CMakeLists.txt.


Edit drivers/demo/CMakeLists.txt and define a static library.

add_library(demo STATIC)
target_include_directories(demo PUBLIC include)
target_sources(demo PRIVATE src/demo.cpp)

Edit drivers/demo/include/demo.hpp and place types and prototypes here.

void demo();

Edit drivers/demo/src/demo.cpp. printf() is used for its smaller memory footprint, but iostream would also work.

#include <stdio.h>

void demo() {
    printf("Hello Demo\n");

Edit targets/<your target>/CMakeLists.txt and link the demo library.

target_link_libraries(ethosu_target_startup INTERFACE

Edit targets/<your target>/target.cpp and call demo() from targetSetup().