MLBEDSW-2047 Export built CMSIS Device information

In order for platform software to pick up which generic CMSIS Device has
been built, export the selected include used for the CMSIS Device through
the interface directive to have parents projects include it.

Change-Id: I25c8ac833fb8c3c1b0b491229a40508c7b15698a
1 file changed
tree: f58dbdc696a7a17f92bd2719356baf95d1b02a90
  1. .gitignore
  2. CMakeLists.txt
  3. LICENSE.txt
  5. cmsis.cmake
  6. tensorflow.cmake

Ethos-U core software


The core software is built with CMake. It is recommended to build out of tree like illustrated below.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<toolchain> -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=cortex-m<nr><features>
$ make

Available build options can be listed with cmake -LH ...

Supported CPU targets are any of the Cortex-M processors with any of the supported features, for example cortex-m33+nodsp+nofp. A toolchain file is required to cross compile the software.