tree: 3f2ce9037f37f4374352c0ee54318c60c907a271 [path history] [tgz]
  1. CMakeLists.txt
  5. pylintconfig
  7. src/
  9. test/

About Python ethosu_driver

Python ethosu_driver is an extension for Arm Ethos-U driver library. Python ethosu_driver provides interface similar to Ethos-u Linux driver C++ Api.

The Python package is built with public headers from the driver_library/include folder.

The SWIG tool is used to generate the Ethos-U driver library Python shadow classes and C wrapper.

Python ethosu_driver library installation

Python ethosu_driver library can be packaged as a source package or a binary package (wheel). Binary package is platform dependent, the name of the package will indicate the platform it was built for, e.g.:

  • Linux Aarch 64 bit machine: ethosu_driver-1.0.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl

The source package is platform independent but installation will involve Ethos-U driver library C wrapper compilation on a target machine. You will need to have g++ compatible with C++ 14 standard and a Python development library installed on the target machine.

Python driver binary package is linked statically with C++ Ethos-U driver library and can operate independently from it when built. Python driver source package requires static Ethos-U driver library - libethosu.a - and public header during installation, thus they must be present on the target machine.

Installing from wheel

Install ethosu_driver from binary by pointing to the wheel file:

  1. If corresponding wheel is available for your platform architecture in the public repository.
    pip install ethosu_driver
  2. If you have local wheel file. Example:
    pip install /path/to/ethosu_driver-X.X.X-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl

Installing from source package

While installing from sources, you can choose Ethos-U driver library to be used. By default, library will be searched in standard for your system locations. You can check them by running:

gcc --print-search-dirs

Headers will be searched in standard include directories for your system. If Ethos-U driver library has custom location, set environment variables ETHOS_U_DRIVER_LIB and ETHOS_U_DRIVER_INCLUDE to point to Ethos-U driver library (libethosu.a) and header (ethosu.hpp):

export  ETHOS_U_DRIVER_LIB=/path/to/lib
export  ETHOS_U_DRIVER_INCLUDE=/path/to/headers

Installing from the public repository.

pip install ethosu_driver

Installing from local file.

pip install /path/to/ethosu_driver-X.X.X.tar.gz

If ethosu_driver installation script fails to find Ethos-U driver libraries it will raise an error like this

RuntimeError: Ethos-U driver library was not found in ('/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/8/', <...> ,'/lib/', '/usr/lib/'). Please install driver to one of the standard locations or set correct ETHOS_U_DRIVER_INCLUDE and ETHOS_U_DRIVER_LIB env variables.

You can now verify that ethosu_driver library is installed and check ethosu_driver version using:

pip show ethosu_driver

Building Python ethosu_driver library locally

Install SWIG

We suggest to use SWIG version 3.0.12 or newer. You can check available swig version for you system here:

For example, install the tool with Ubuntu package manager as follows:

sudo apt install swig

If your system has swig version less than 3.0.12, please, build and install from sources:

  1. Download SWIG:
  2. Build and install SWIG:
    cd swig-4.0.2
    ./configure --prefix=<set your system installation prefix>
    make install

Building as part of cmake flow

To build Python ethosu_driver as part of Ethos-U NPU Linux driver stack provide the following cmake flags:

  1. For source distribution
  2. For wheel distribution

Note: you will need to have a Python instance for your target platform to build wheel. For example, if you are building for an AArch64 platform, you will need Python installation for aarch64-linux-gnu tool-chain.

Build result can be found in <your cmake build dir>/python/dist.

Building standalone

Navigate to driver_libarary/python and execute:

python3 clean --all
python3 ./
python3 sdist

Build result can be found in driver_libarary/python/dist.

Python ethosu_driver API overview

Getting started

After the Python driver library is installed with pip and can be accessed within your work environment, import it in your script:

import ethosu_driver as driver

Create a device. You can ping Ethos-U device with ping method:

device = driver.Device("/dev/ethosu0")

You can create memory buffer with data from a binary file or Python buffer object:

# from file:
network_file = "/path/to/model.tflite"
network_buffer = driver.Buffer(device, network_file)

# from numpy:
ifm_zeros = numpy.zeros(ifm_size, dtype=np.uint8)
ifm_buffer = driver.Buffer(device, ifm_size)

To create a network object, provide memory buffer for the model file and created device:

network = driver.Network(device, network_buffer)

Inference object is instantiated with a network object and lists of input memory buffers and output memory buffers. For example:

ifms = [ifm_buffer]

ofms = []
for ofm_size in network.getOfmDims():
    ofm_buffer = driver.Buffer(device, ofm_size)

inference = driver.Inference(network, ifms, ofms)

To execute the inference and wait for the callback:

# wait infinitely

# wait with a timeout in nano seconds:

To read results of the inference, iterate through available outputs and convert them to numpy array:

for buffer_out in inference.getOfmBuffers():
array = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)

See inline py docs for more info on driver public API.

Inference runner

Python ethosu_driver library comes with a script inference_runner that is installed to the Python environment bin directory and could be invoked from a command line by the file name:

inference_runner <args>


  • --device : Npu device name. Default: ethosu0.
  • --model : Tflite model file path.
  • --timeout : inference timeout in seconds, Default: infinite.
  • --inputs : list of files containing input feature maps.
  • --output_dir : directory to store inference results, output feature maps. Default: current directory.
  • --npy : Use npy input/output. Default: 0.
  • --profile_counters: profile counters to measure during inference, accepts four integers chosen from HW Supported Ethos-U PMU Events.


inference_runner --device ethosu0 --model ./mobilenet_v2_vela.tflite --timeout
60 --npy 1 --inputs ./input1.npy --output_dir ./ofms

Using inference runner with numpy

Python ethosu_driver libarary could be installed with numpy support. Numpy will be automatically downloaded and installed alongside ethosu_driver. If your machine does not have access to pypi repositories you might need to install NumPy in advance by following public instructions:, or to have it installed from wheel package built for your platform.

Now, if you provide inference runner command line parameter --npy 1 the script will interpret input files as numpy array exports and will save output feature maps as numpy arrays.

Setup development environment

Before, proceeding to the next steps, make sure that:

  1. You have Python 3.6+ installed system-side. The package is not compatible with older Python versions.
  2. You have python3.6-dev installed system-side. This contains header files needed to build ethosu_driver extension module.
  3. In case you build Python from sources manually, make sure that the following libraries are installed and available in you system: python3.6-dev build-essential checkinstall libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
  4. install SWIG, swig must be version 4.*

Setup virtual environment

Now you can proceed with setting up workspace:

  1. Set environment variables ETHOS_U_DRIVER_LIB (pointing to Ethos-U driver library) and ETHOS_U_DRIVER_INCLUDE (pointing to Ethos-U driver library headers)
  2. Create development env using script

Generating SWIG wrappers

Before building package or running tests you need to generate SWIG wrappers based on the interface files.

python clean --all
python ./

Running unit-tests

Tests could be executed only on a system with Ethos-U NPU device. Pytest is used as unit-test framework, before running the test you need to install pytest and numpy or include into your rootfs image:

pip install pytest
pip install numpy

Execute command from the project root dir:

pytest -v

Regenerate SWIG stubs inplace

If you want to check that swig wrappers are compiling correctly, you can issue extension compilation inplace:

  1. clean old generated files:

    python clean --all
  2. Run swig wrapper source generation as described in Generating SWIG wrappers

  3. Run build_ext command:

    export ETHOS_U_DRIVER_LIB=/path/to/driver/lib
    export ETHOS_U_DRIVER_INCLUDE=/path/to/driver/include
    python build_ext --inplace

It will put all generated files under ./src/ethosu_driver/_generated folder. Command will fail on x86 machine during linkage phase because Ethos-U driver is built for Arm platform, but compilation stage should pass successfully (or give you indication of compilation problems).