tree: 9f5b0a173853a09bf107c4c2e65e6cf6d6041387 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .clang-format
  2. .gitignore
  3. .ignore
  4. CMakeLists.txt
  5. LICENSE-APACHE-2.0.txt
  6. LICENSE-GPL-2.0.txt
  9. cmake/
  10. docs/
  11. driver_library/
  12. kernel/
  13. mailbox/
  14. remoteproc/
  15. tests/
  16. tools/
  17. utils/

Linux driver stack for Arm(R) Ethos(TM)-U

The Linux driver stack for Arm(R) Ethos(TM)-U demonstrates how to setup a Asymmetric MultiProcessing (AMP) system, dispatching inferences to an Ethos-U subsystem consisting of an Arm Cortex(R)-M and one or multiple Ethos-U NPUs.

The communication between Linux and the firmware is based on the Linux APIs remoteproc, rpmsg, virtio, reset and mailbox. These APIs are implemented on the firmware side by the OpenAMP framework.


The driver stack comes with a CMake based build system. A toolchain file is provided for reference how to cross compile for Aarch64 based systems.

Note that if your host system provides cross compilers and libraries of newer versions than what is supported on your target system, you might be required to download an older version of compilers and toolchains for your target system. While out of scope for this README, an example toolchain file is provided to show what it could look like. Another option is to run a Docker image of an appropriate Linux distribution suited to build for your needs.

Building the kernel modules requires a configured Linux kernel source tree. Please refer to the Linux kernel official documentation for instructions how to configure and build the Linux kernel.

$ cmake -B build --toolchain $PWD/cmake/toolchain/aarch64-linux-gnu.cmake -DKDIR=<Kernel directory>
$ cmake --build build

Kernel drivers

The communication between Linux and the Ethos-U subsystem is based on the remoteproc, rpmsg and virtio APIs, which provide a standardized way of communicating between Linux and a wide range of Asymmetric MultiProcessing (AMP) systems. Because these APIs are native to the Linux kernel, a bare metal application would typically use the OpenAMP framework to provide an implementation for embedded systems.

To setup the AMP communication for a target platform, a user would for most platforms need to provide four kernel drivers: remoteproc, reset, mailbox and rpmsg.

Remoteproc driver

The remoteproc driver is responsible for parsing the firmware binary, allocating resources and booting up the firmware. It needs help of a reset driver to assert and deassert reset for the Cortex-M CPU, and a mailbox driver to send and receive IRQs between the Cortex-M CPU and the host CPU.

The firmware binary contains a resource table that lists resources Linux is required to allocate before the firmware is booted up. These resources usually include the rpmsg virtio message queues, memory resources and trace buffers.

The ethosu_remoteproc.c is provided for reference, but could be replaced by any remoteproc driver.

Ethos-U rpmsg driver

The Ethos-U rpmsg driver uses dynamic name resolution, which requires a Linux kernel version of 5.12 or later. This means that when the firmware boots up it calls rpmsg_create_ept() to create a dynamic endpoint with a name of maximum 32 characters. The service name must be unique and is forwarded to Linux in a name resolution message.

On the Linux side the name resolution message is handled by the rpmsg_ns.c driver, which allocates a new rpmsg device and probes the rpmsg bus for a driver ready to serve the firmware. Dynamic name resolution has the advantage that the rpmsg probe function is called after the firmware has booted up, and the kernel driver will consequently only allocate resources while the firmware is running.

The message handler openamp creates a new endpoint named ethos-u-0.0, which is serviced by the Ethos-U rpmsg driver. It is important that firmware and rpmsg driver use the same endpoint name, or else the endpoint will not be successfully created.

The purpose of the Ethos-U rpmsg driver is to enable user space applications to dispatch inferences to the the Ethos-U subsystem. The driver presents a Userspace API (UAPI), which applications use IOCTL on to allocate buffers, create networks and dispatch inferences. The types for the rpmsg communication between Linux and the firmware are defined in ethosu_core_rpmsg.h.


The DTB example below is fetched from a Corstone-1000 FVP, which has been modified to insert an Ethos-U subsystem in one of the M-class slots. Mailbox communication is based on the Arm MHU v2, and the reset is controlled using a IO mapped bridge.


The Ethos-U remoteproc driver is used to load and bootup the firmware.

The firmware in this particular example has two memory regions that are hard coded into the binary, the code and shared memory segments. These memory regions and their sizes are configured by the reg entry. Because the shared memory region is located in DDR, the rproc_shared is required to carve out the memory region from the dynamic memory pool.

The memory-region entry references the shared memory pool. This is the memory region used to allocate DMA buffers for the virtio rpmsg message queues and other memory resources.

The ethosu,dma-ranges is specific to the Ethos-U remoteproc driver, and is used to translate Linux physical addresses into DMA addresses. The reason for not using dma-range directly is that dma-ranges is not fully supported by the virtio_ring.c kernel driver. Buffers sent to the firmware will contain Linux physical addresses instead of DMA addresses.

The reset entry is referencing the driver used to control reset for the subsystem.

The mboxes entry is referencing the MHU v2 driver used for mailbox communication.

Corstone-1000 DTB

/ {
    reserved-memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;

        /* Reserved memory region.  */
        rproc_shared: rproc_shared@84000000 {
            compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
            reg = <0x84000000 0x01000000>;

        /* Memory region used for DMA buffer allocation */
        rproc_reserved: rproc_reserved@85000000 {
            compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
            reg = <0x85000000 0x08000000>;

    mbox_es0mhu0: mhu@1b000000 {
        compatible = "arm,mhuv2","arm,primecell";
        reg = <0x1b000000 0x1000>,
              <0x1b010000 0x1000>;
        clocks = <&refclk100mhz>;
        clock-names = "apb_pclk";
        interrupts = <0 12 4>;
        interrupt-names = "mhu_rx";
        #mbox-cells = <1>;
        mbox-name = "arm-es0-mhu0";

    cs1k_rst_es0: cs1k_reset_es0@1A010310 {
        compatible = "arm,cs1k_es_rst";
        #reset-cells = <0>;
        reg = <0x1A010310 0x4>,
              <0x1A010314 0x4>;
        reg-names = "rstreg", "streg";

    /* - compatible         : "arm,ethosu-rproc"
     * - reg                : Memory regions reserved for firmware binary
     * - ethosu,dma-ranges  : Address translation from bus address (Cortex-M)
     *                        to Linux kernel physical address
     *      - bus address      (#address-cells)
     *      - physical address (#address-cells)
     *      - size             (#size-cells)
     * - memory-region      : Memory region for allocation of DMA buffers
     * - mboxes             : Mailbox driver used to raise interrupts on
     *                        remote CPU
     * - resets		: Reset driver used to reset remote CPU
    ethosu-rproc {
        compatible = "arm,ethosu-rproc";

        // Address mapping from DMA to physical
        ethosu,dma-ranges = <0x00000000 0x44000000 0x00200000>,
                            <0x60000000 0x80000000 0x10000000>;

        reg = <0x44000000 0x00200000>,
              <0x84000000 0x01000000>;
        reg-names = "rom", "shared";

        // Memory region to allocate buffers from
        memory-region = <&rproc_reserved>;

        // Mailbox IRQ communication
        mboxes = <&mbox_es0mhu0 0>, <&mbox_es0mhu0 0>;
        mbox-names = "tx", "rx";

        // Reset handler
        resets = <&cs1k_rst_es0 0>;

Driver library

The purpose of the driver library is to provide user friendly C++ APIs for dispatching inferences to the Ethos-U kernel driver.

As the component diagram below illustrates the network is separated from the inference, allowing multiple inferences to share the same network. The buffer class is used to store any data.

Driver library

The inference runner demonstrates how to dispatch inferences to the Ethos-U kernel driver. All the steps described in the sequence diagram below are executed by the inference_runner application.

The Device class opens a file descriptor to the device node /dev/ethosu<nr>. This file descriptor is used to issue IOCTL request to kernel space to create buffers and networks.

The Network class uses the Device object to create a new network object. The network model is stored in a Buffer that the network parses to discover the dimensions of the network model.

The Inference class uses the Network object to create an inference. The array of IFM Buffers need to be populated with data before the inference object is created.

The inference object must poll the file descriptor waiting for the inference to complete.

Driver library

Device and buffer

The device driver creates a device node at /dev/ethosu<nr> that a user space application can open and issues IOCTL requests to. This is how buffers and networks are created.

Creating a new buffer returns another file descriptor that can be memory mapped for reading and/or writing.

Create buffer


Creating a network assumes that the device node has already been opened, and that a buffer has been allocated and populated with the network model.

A new network is created by issuing an IOCTL command on the device node file descriptor. A file descriptor to a buffer - containing the network model - is passed in the IOCTL data. The network class increases the reference count on the buffer, preventing the buffer from being freed before the network object has been destructed.

Create network


Creating an inference assumes that a network has already been created, IFM buffers have been allocated and populated with data, and OFM buffers have been allocated.

A new inference is created by issuing an IOCTL command to the network file descriptor. An array of IFM and OFM buffers are passed in the IOCTL data, which reference counts will be increased.

Immediately after the inference object has been created an inference request message is sent to the Cortex-M application. The inference request message is written to a ring buffer in shared memory, cache maintenance is executed if necessary, and an IRQ is raised using the Linux mailbox APIs.

On success, a valid file handle is returned to user space. The file handle is used to wait for the inference to complete.

Once the inference has been calculated on the Ethos-U subsystem, the message process writes an inference response message into the response queue in shared memory, executes cache maintenance if needed, and raises an IRQ.

On the Linux side the IRQ is handled and cleared. The IRQ bottom handler is a separate kernel thread responsible for reading the message queue. When the inference response message is received it updates the status of the inference and unblocks any waiting user space processes.

Run inference

Multi subsystem

The Ethos-U subsystem is also referred to as the ML Island. A device with multiple subsystems is therefor called both Multi Subsystem and Multi Island. A subsystem may contain a single- or multiple NPUs, also referred to as multi NPU subsystem.

The NPUs within a subsystem must be of identical configuration. However, NPUs belonging to separate subsystems may be of different architectures.

For each subsystem there is a device tree entry, which will result in a separate device node /dev/ethosu<nr> being created by the Ethos-U kernel driver. For multi NPU subsystems there will still only be one device node per subsystem. The distribution of inferences within a subsystem is handled by the software running on the Cortex-M.

Buffers used to store networks, IFMs and OFMs are allocated from the device node. This is because only the device node knows where to allocate the memory and how to translate Linux logical addresses to subsystem DMA addresses. As a consequence buffers, networks and inferences are bound to a device node and can't be easily moved.


The kernel drivers are provided under a GPL v2 license. All other software components are provided under an Apache 2.0 license.

Please see LICENSE-APACHE-2.0.txt and LICENSE-GPL-2.0.txt for more information.


The Arm Ethos-U project welcomes contributions under the Apache-2.0 license.

Before we can accept your contribution, you need to certify its origin and give us your permission. For this process we use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) V1.1 (

To indicate that you agree to the terms of the DCO, you "sign off" your contribution by adding a line with your name and e-mail address to every git commit message. You must use your real name, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are accepted. If there are more than one contributor, everyone adds their name and e-mail to the commit message.

Author: John Doe \<\>
Date:   Mon Feb 29 12:12:12 2016 +0000

Title of the commit

Short description of the change.

Signed-off-by: John Doe
Signed-off-by: Foo Bar

The contributions will be code reviewed by Arm before they can be accepted into the repository.

In order to submit a contribution push your patch to ssh://<GITHUB_USER_ID> To do this you will need to sign-in to using a GitHub account and add your SSH key under your settings. If there is a problem adding the SSH key make sure there is a valid email address in the Email Addresses field.


Please see Security.

Trademark notice

Arm, Cortex and Ethos are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.