MLBEDSW-3602: Output mismatch on some mobilenet_v1 int8 and int16

 - The failing tests contain operations with dynamic tensors which
are not supported and therefore they should be placed on the CPU.
However, a bug in the removal of RESHAPEs which contain a dynamic
shape prevented this happening.
 - This change adds a check to make sure that RESHAPE ops with a
dynamic shape tensor are not removed and instead are placed on the

Signed-off-by: Tim Hall <>
Change-Id: I2d7481f7f80f99a0f01df100d956933777e6875a
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index a3c0dd8..5c7fd51 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -210,6 +210,9 @@
+        # Reshape specific checks:
+        self.specific_constraints[Op.Reshape].append(TFLiteSupportedOperators.constraint_reshape_shape_constant)
     def is_operator_supported(self, op):
         ext_type = optype_to_builtintype(op.type)
         if op.type not in TFLiteSupportedOperators.supported_operators:
@@ -682,3 +685,20 @@
         h, w = shape[hi : hi + 2]
         max_prod = cls.mean_kernel_product_int8
         return h * w <= max_prod, f"Product of height and width is {h * w}"
+    @staticmethod
+    def constraint_reshape_shape_constant(op):
+        "Shape must be constant"
+        valid = True
+        extra = []
+        reshape_tens = op.inputs[1]
+        if reshape_tens is not None:
+            # constant inputs have either no driving operator or a const one
+            # create a list of non-constant inputs
+            if not (len(reshape_tens.ops) == 0 or reshape_tens.ops[0].type == Op.Const):
+                valid = False
+                extra.append(
+        extra = ", ".join(extra)
+        return valid, f"Op has non-const input(s): {extra}"