MLBEDSW-6313 Static optimisation for Shape OP

*Shape OP value is available at compile time hence
it can be optimised
*Disconnected shape OP at compile time from parent
*Transformed shape OP tensor into constant

Change-Id: I0a024269e2b592c6146dd72e62d7a41951fb727a
Signed-off-by: Ayaan Masood <>
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index 90cff03..1de437b 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -250,13 +250,22 @@
             f"### {} Generic Constraints",
-            "This is a list of constraints that all NPU operators must satisfy in order to be scheduled on the NPU.",
-            "",
+            "This is a list of constraints most NPU operators must satisfy in order to be scheduled on the NPU.",
+            "(Operators excluded from certain constraints are shown in brackets [ ] )\n" "",
         for constraint in semantic_checker.generic_constraints:
             # Markdown needs two spaces at the end of a line to render it as a separate line
             reason = constraint.__doc__.replace("\n", "  \n")
-            lines.append(f"- {reason}")
+            exclude_list = TFLiteSemantic.get_generic_constraint_exclude_list().items()
+            constraints_excluded_names = [
+       for op, exclude_constraint in exclude_list if constraint in exclude_constraint
+            ]
+            excluded_constraint_text = ""
+            if constraints_excluded_names:
+                excluded_constraint_text = f"- [{', '.join(constraints_excluded_names)}]"
+            lines.append(f"- {reason} {excluded_constraint_text}")
         for constraint in supported.generic_constraints:
             # Markdown needs two spaces at the end of a line to render it as a separate line
             reason = constraint.__doc__.replace("\n", "  \n")