vela: Refactor operators to use Kernel objects

 - Normalise kernel availability by requiring all operators offer a kernel
   describing how much data they consume from the source, per OFM element,
   regardless of whether kernels are relevant to the operation.

Signed-off-by: Tim Hall <>
Change-Id: Idbcff64879fc2eccf292b6208a7d2038eb388017
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index 04c1c62..b77205b 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -25,16 +25,15 @@
 from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode
 from .numeric_util import round_up
 from .numeric_util import round_up_divide
+from .operation import Kernel
 from .operation import NpuBlockType
+from .operation import PointXYZ
 from .supported_operators import SupportedOperators
 from .tensor import MemArea
 from .tensor import MemType
 from .tensor import TensorFormat
 from .tensor import TensorPurpose
-PointXY = namedtuple("PointXY", "x y")
-PointXYZ = namedtuple("PointXYZ", "x y z")
 class Block:
     def __init__(self, w, h, d):
@@ -79,16 +78,6 @@
         return "<Rect: ({0},{1},{2}) ({3},{4},{5})>".format(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.x2, self.y2, self.z2)
-class Kernel:
-    def __init__(self, w, h, sx=1, sy=1, dx=1, dy=1):
-        assert sx > 0 and sy > 0
-        assert dx > 0 and dy > 0
-        self.width = w
-        self.height = h
-        self.stride = PointXY(sx, sy)
-        self.dilation = PointXY(dx, dy)
 class SHRAMElements:
     IFM8 = 0
     IFM16 = 1