vela: Fix Ethos-U65 maximum address range

 - Changed Ethos-65 AXI port address width from 48 to 40-bits
 - Fixed the use of arena_cache_size in mem_type_size() to cover the
arena as well as the cache memory area

Signed-off-by: Tim Hall <>
Change-Id: I826462a0cbd0c061cccbc7c83dde446778a2b1ca
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/test/extapi/ b/ethosu/vela/test/extapi/
index ee13430..a520789 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/test/extapi/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/test/extapi/
@@ -380,11 +380,11 @@
     npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_512)
     # weights with end address out of range
     conv_op = create_fully_connected_op()
-    conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=(1 << 48) - 960, length=1000)]
+    conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=(1 << 40) - 960, length=1000)]
     with pytest.raises(VelaError):
         npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256)
     # bias with high end address, but still within range
-    addr = (1 << 48) - 1024
+    addr = (1 << 40) - 1024
     conv_op = create_fully_connected_op()
     conv_op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=addr, length=1000)]
     cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_512)