Add Vela codebase

 - Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec.
 - Added README and various configuration files.

Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9ba8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Vela separates CPU operations and NPU operations into separate internal subgraphs. The CPU operations are left
+# untouched in the final output.
+# Vela does this by identifying NPU passes and pulling them out from the main CPU graph into separate subgraphs, invoked
+# by NpuOp operations. Later, Vela generates command streams and compressed weight streams for the NPU subgraphs and
+# attaches them to the NpuOp. This encapsulates everything the NPU subgraph is supposed to do.
+from .nn_graph import Pass, PassPlacement, NpuBlockType, Subgraph
+from .operation import Operation
+import numpy as np
+def make_npu_call_op_pass(npu_subgraph):
+    op = Operation("NpuOp", "call_" +
+    op.attrs["subgraph"] = npu_subgraph
+    ps = Pass(, PassPlacement.MemoryOnly, False, NpuBlockType.Default)
+    ps.ops = [op]
+    ps.primary_op = op
+    op.attrs["npu_block_type"] = ps.npu_block_type
+    op.scheduled_pass = ps
+    # Inputs and outputs filled in later as we cut the graphs
+    return ps
+def switch_tensor_for_op(op, orig_tens, new_tens):
+    op.inputs = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in op.inputs]
+    op.outputs = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in op.outputs]
+    ps = op.scheduled_pass
+    if ps is None:
+        return
+    ps.inputs = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in ps.inputs]
+    ps.outputs = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in ps.outputs]
+    if ps.ifm_tensor == orig_tens:
+        ps.ifm_tensor = new_tens
+    if ps.ifm2_tensor == orig_tens:
+        ps.ifm2_tensor = new_tens
+    if ps.ofm_tensor == orig_tens:
+        ps.ofm_tensor = new_tens
+    if ps.weight_tensor == orig_tens:
+        ps.weight_tensor = new_tens
+    if ps.scale_tensor == orig_tens:
+        ps.scale_tensor = new_tens
+def rewrite_tensor_cpu_producer_npu_consumers(
+    orig_tens, call_ps, startup_init_ps, npu_subgraph, cpu_subgraph, subgraph_for_pass
+    is_const = orig_tens.ops[0].type == "Const"
+    new_tens = orig_tens.clone("_npu")
+    orig_tens.npu_tensor = new_tens
+    new_tens.cpu_tensor = orig_tens
+    op_type = "SubgraphInput"
+    if is_const:
+        op_type = "Const"
+    op = Operation(op_type, + "_input")
+    op.attrs["npu_block_type"] = NpuBlockType.Default
+    op.outputs = [new_tens]
+    op.scheduled_pass = startup_init_ps
+    new_tens.ops = [op]
+    startup_init_ps.ops.append(op)
+    startup_init_ps.outputs.append(new_tens)
+    if not is_const:
+        call_ps.inputs.append(orig_tens)
+        call_ps.primary_op.inputs.append(orig_tens)
+    for op in list(orig_tens.consumers()):
+        if op is None:
+            continue  # Subgraph consumers handled separately.
+        ps = op.scheduled_pass
+        if subgraph_for_pass[ps] == npu_subgraph:
+            switch_tensor_for_op(op, orig_tens, new_tens)
+            orig_tens.consumer_list.remove(op)
+            new_tens.consumer_list.append(op)
+    # Deal with output tensors for the NPU graph. These are special.
+    npu_subgraph.output_tensors = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in npu_subgraph.output_tensors]
+def rewrite_tensor_npu_producer_cpu_consumers(
+    orig_tens, call_ps, startup_init_ps, npu_subgraph, cpu_subgraph, subgraph_for_pass
+    new_tens = orig_tens.clone("_cpu")
+    new_tens.npu_tensor = orig_tens
+    orig_tens.cpu_tensor = new_tens
+    npu_subgraph.output_tensors.append(orig_tens)
+    call_ps.outputs.append(new_tens)
+    call_ps.primary_op.outputs.append(new_tens)
+    new_tens.ops = [call_ps.primary_op]
+    for op in list(orig_tens.consumers()):
+        if op is None:
+            continue  # Subgraph consumers handled separately.
+        ps = op.scheduled_pass
+        if subgraph_for_pass[ps] != npu_subgraph:
+            switch_tensor_for_op(op, orig_tens, new_tens)
+            orig_tens.consumer_list.remove(op)
+            new_tens.consumer_list.append(op)
+    # Deal with output tensors for the CPU graph. These are special.
+    cpu_subgraph.output_tensors = [new_tens if tens == orig_tens else tens for tens in cpu_subgraph.output_tensors]
+def extract_subgraph(nng, orig_sg, arch):
+    assert orig_sg.placement == PassPlacement.Cpu
+    passes = list(orig_sg.passes)
+    place_vec = np.array([ps.placement for ps in passes])
+    place_vec[
+        place_vec == PassPlacement.StartupInit
+    ] = PassPlacement.Cpu  # Keep the startup init pass on the CPU, we'll make new ones to move onto NPU.
+    # MemoryOnly passes that are either squeezed between NPU passes or on the boundary of NPU and CPU
+    # passes should be assigned to the NPU.
+    # Forward, then backwards
+    for is_reversed in range(2):
+        last_place = PassPlacement.Cpu
+        seq = enumerate(place_vec)
+        if is_reversed:
+            seq = reversed(list(seq))
+        for idx, place in seq:
+            if place == PassPlacement.MemoryOnly:
+                if last_place == PassPlacement.Npu:
+                    place = PassPlacement.Npu
+                    place_vec[idx] = place
+            if place != PassPlacement.MemoryOnly:
+                last_place = place
+    # Anything left, assign to the CPU.
+    place_vec[place_vec == PassPlacement.MemoryOnly] = PassPlacement.Cpu
+    if np.all(place_vec == PassPlacement.Cpu):
+        return []  # Nothing to do
+    # Create the subgraphs and split passes between them
+    new_subgraphs = []
+    split_count = 0
+    subgraph_for_pass = {}
+    orig_sg.passes = []
+    call_pass = {}
+    startup_init_passes = {}
+    last_place = PassPlacement.Cpu
+    curr_sg = orig_sg
+    for idx, place in enumerate(place_vec):
+        if place != last_place:
+            if place == PassPlacement.Npu:
+                split_count += 1
+                curr_sg = Subgraph("%s_split_%d" % (, split_count), PassPlacement.Npu)
+                new_subgraphs.append(curr_sg)
+                call_ps = make_npu_call_op_pass(curr_sg)
+                subgraph_for_pass[call_ps] = orig_sg
+                orig_sg.passes.append(call_ps)
+                call_pass[curr_sg] = call_ps
+                startup_init_ps = Pass(
+           + "_startup_init", PassPlacement.StartupInit, False, NpuBlockType.Default
+                )
+                curr_sg.passes.append(startup_init_ps)
+                startup_init_passes[curr_sg] = startup_init_ps
+                subgraph_for_pass[startup_init_ps] = curr_sg
+            else:
+                curr_sg = orig_sg
+            last_place = place
+        ps = passes[idx]
+        subgraph_for_pass[ps] = curr_sg
+        curr_sg.passes.append(ps)
+    # Rewrite tensors to fix up graphs.
+    for curr_sg in new_subgraphs:
+        for ps in curr_sg.passes:
+            for tens in ps.inputs:
+                source_sgs = [subgraph_for_pass[op.scheduled_pass] for op in tens.ops]
+                assert len(source_sgs) >= 0
+                producer_sg = source_sgs[0]
+                for sg in source_sgs:
+                    assert sg == producer_sg  # All need to be the same.
+                if producer_sg != curr_sg:
+                    assert (
+                        producer_sg == orig_sg
+                    )  # Because we go in-order, all the producers must be the original graph.
+                    rewrite_tensor_cpu_producer_npu_consumers(
+                        tens, call_pass[curr_sg], startup_init_passes[curr_sg], curr_sg, orig_sg, subgraph_for_pass
+                    )
+            for tens in ps.outputs:
+                dest_sgs = [subgraph_for_pass[op.scheduled_pass] for op in tens.consumers() if op is not None]
+                need_rewrite = False
+                for sg in dest_sgs:
+                    if sg != curr_sg:
+                        need_rewrite = True
+                        break
+                if tens in orig_sg.output_tensors:
+                    need_rewrite = True
+                if need_rewrite:
+                    rewrite_tensor_npu_producer_cpu_consumers(
+                        tens, call_pass[curr_sg], startup_init_passes[curr_sg], curr_sg, orig_sg, subgraph_for_pass
+                    )
+    return new_subgraphs
+def extract_npu_subgraphs(nng, arch):
+    nng.refresh_after_modification()
+    for sg in list(nng.subgraphs):
+        if sg.placement == PassPlacement.Cpu:
+            new_subgraphs = extract_subgraph(nng, sg, arch)
+            nng.subgraphs += new_subgraphs
+    nng.refresh_after_modification()
+    nng.prune_startup_init_pass()
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        sg.build_pass_links()