Add Vela codebase

 - Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec.
 - Added README and various configuration files.

Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1824b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Mark purpose and select formats for Tensors. Also compresses the weights.
+from . import rewrite_graph
+from . import weight_compressor
+from .architecture_features import Block
+from .nn_graph import TensorPurpose, TensorFormat, PassPlacement
+from .operation import NpuBlockType
+def purpose_from_list(lst):
+    def purpose(op, idx):
+        return lst[idx]
+    return purpose
+def all_fm(op, idx):
+    return TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
+def all_parameter(op, idx):
+    return TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
+def input0_from_output_rest_parameter(op, idx):
+    if idx == 0:
+        res = op.outputs[0].purpose
+        if res == TensorPurpose.Unknown:
+            print("Warning: Propagating unknown tensor purpose", op)
+        return res
+    return TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
+def inputs_from_output(op, idx):
+    res = op.outputs[0].purpose
+    if res == TensorPurpose.Unknown:
+        print("Warning: Propagating unknown tensor purpose", op)
+    return res
+tensor_purposes = [  # ops, input_purpose
+    (
+        set(
+            (
+                "Relu",
+                "Relu6",
+                "Mul",
+                "Add",
+                "Sub",
+                "Rsqrt",
+                "Abs",
+                "Cast",
+                "Exp",
+                "Floor",
+                "FloorDiv",
+                "FloorMod",
+                "SquaredDifference",
+                "AddN",
+                "BiasAdd",
+                "RealDiv",
+                "Maximum",
+                "Minimum",
+                "Sigmoid",
+                "Tanh",
+                "FusedBatchNorm",
+                "AvgPool",
+                "MaxPool",
+                "Squeeze",
+                "Softmax",
+                "LRN",
+                "Assign",
+                "BatchMatMul",
+                "ZerosLike",
+                "ExtractImagePatches",
+                "MulAct",
+                "AddAct",
+                "SubAct",
+                "DivAct",
+                "AvgPoolAct",
+                "MaxPoolAct",
+                "LeakyRelu",
+            )
+        ),
+        all_fm,
+    ),
+    (
+        set(
+            (
+                "Conv2D",
+                "DepthwiseConv2dNative",
+                "MatMul",
+                "Conv2DBiasAct",
+                "DepthwiseConv2dBiasAct",
+                "FullyConnectedAct",
+            )
+        ),
+        purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.Weights, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("Conv2DBackpropInputSwitched",)),
+        purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.Weights, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("QuantizedConv2D", "QuantizedMatMul")),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.Weights,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+            ]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(
+            (
+                "Reshape",
+                "Min",
+                "Max",
+                "Mean",
+                "Pad",
+                "MirrorPad",
+                "ArgMax",
+                "ArgMin",
+                "ExpandDims",
+                "ResizeNearestNeighbor",
+                "ResizeBilinear",
+                "Tile",
+                "Transpose",
+                "Mfcc",
+            )
+        ),
+        purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("QuantizedReshape", "QuantizedResizeBilinear")),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("QuantizedBiasAdd", "QuantizedAdd", "QuantizedMul")),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+            ]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(
+            (
+                "Dequantize",
+                "Quantize",
+                "QuantizeV2",
+                "QuantizedRelu",
+                "QuantizedRelu1",
+                "QuantizedRelu6",
+                "QuantizedAvgPool",
+                "QuantizedMaxPool",
+                "Slice",
+                "SplitV",
+            )
+        ),
+        purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("BatchToSpaceND", "SpaceToBatchND", "DepthToSpaceND", "SpaceToDepthND")),
+        purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]),
+    ),
+    (
+        set(("BlockLSTM",)),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.Weights,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+            ]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (set(("SplitSliceRead",)), purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap])),
+    (set(("Shape", "ConcatSliceWrite", "AudioSpectrogram")), purpose_from_list([TensorPurpose.FeatureMap])),
+    (
+        set(("StridedSlice",)),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (set(("Fill", "Pack", "Range")), all_parameter),
+    (
+        set(("Requantize",)),
+        purpose_from_list(
+            [
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+                TensorPurpose.FeatureMap,
+            ]
+        ),
+    ),
+    (set(("Placeholder", "SubgraphInput", "Const", "VariableV2")), purpose_from_list([])),
+    (set(("FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs", "FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars")), input0_from_output_rest_parameter),
+    (
+        set(("Square", "Sqrt", "Log", "Less", "Enter", "Exit", "Identity", "StopGradient", "Merge", "Switch")),
+        inputs_from_output,
+    ),
+    (None, all_fm),
+for ops, input_purpose in tensor_purposes:
+    if ops is None:
+        continue
+    for op in ops:
+        assert len(op) > 1, "string literal has been decomposed"
+def mark_tensor_purpose(nng, arch, verbose_tensor_purpose=False):
+    def mark_tensor_helper(tens, purpose):
+        if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.Unknown or tens.purpose == purpose:
+            tens.purpose = purpose
+        else:
+            assert 0, "Cannot resolve tensor purpose %s and %s for tensor %s" % (tens.purpose, purpose, tens)
+        tens.mem_area = arch.tensor_storage_mem_area[tens.purpose]
+        if len(tens.ops) == 1 and tens.ops[0].type == "Const":
+            tens.mem_area = (
+                arch.permanent_storage_mem_area
+            )  # special case constants, as they must be in permanent storage
+    def rewrite_mark_tensor_purpose(op, arch):
+        # find disconnected outputs and mark as parameters
+        for tens in op.outputs:
+            if not tens.consumers():
+                mark_tensor_helper(tens, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap)
+        for ops, input_purpose in tensor_purposes:
+            if ops is None or op.type in ops:
+                if ops is None:
+                    print(
+                        "warning: don't know how to mark up purpose for",
+                        op.type,
+                        op.inputs,
+                        "triggering all feature map fallback",
+                    )
+                for idx, tens in enumerate(op.inputs):
+                    purpose = input_purpose(op, idx)
+                    mark_tensor_helper(tens, purpose)
+                break
+        return op
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        sg = rewrite_graph.rewrite_graph_pre_order(sg, arch, [], [rewrite_mark_tensor_purpose])
+        for tens in sg.output_tensors:
+            mark_tensor_helper(tens, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap)
+    if verbose_tensor_purpose:
+        nng.print_graph_with_tensors()
+    return nng
+reshape_operations = set(
+    (
+        "Reshape",
+        "QuantizedReshape",
+        "ExpandDims",
+        "Squeeze",
+        "BatchToSpaceND",
+        "SpaceToBatchND",
+        "DepthToSpaceND",
+        "SpaceToDepthND",
+        "Placeholder",
+    )
+def mark_tensor_format(nng, arch, verbose_tensor_format=False):
+    formats_for_tensor = {}
+    def init_tens(tens):
+        if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap:
+            fmt = arch.default_feature_map_format
+        elif tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.Weights:
+            fmt = arch.default_weight_format
+        else:
+            assert 0, "unknown tensor purpose %s" % (tens.purpose,)
+        return fmt
+    def find_npu_usage_of_tensor(tens):
+        for op in tens.consumers():
+            if op.type == "DMA":
+                return find_npu_usage_of_tensor(op.outputs[0])
+            if "npu_block_type" in op.attrs:
+                return op.attrs["npu_block_type"]
+            return NpuBlockType.Default
+    def visit_tens(tens, ps):
+        if not tens in formats_for_tensor:
+            fmt = init_tens(tens)
+        else:
+            fmt = formats_for_tensor[tens]
+        formats_for_tensor[tens] = fmt
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        for ps in sg.passes:
+            for tens in ps.outputs:
+                visit_tens(tens, ps)
+            for tens in ps.intermediates:
+                visit_tens(tens, ps)
+            for tens in ps.inputs:
+                visit_tens(tens, ps)
+    for tens, fmt in formats_for_tensor.items():
+        tens.set_format(fmt, arch)
+        if fmt == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed and tens.values is not None:
+            npu_block_type = find_npu_usage_of_tensor(tens)
+            if len(tens.ops) == 1 and tens.ops[0].type == "DMA":
+                weight_compressor.compress_weights(tens, arch, npu_block_type, Block(32, 32, 32), 32)
+                # Alias compressed weights back into source tensor
+                src_tens = tens.ops[0].inputs[0]
+                src_tens.compressed_values = tens.compressed_values
+                src_tens.storage_shape = tens.storage_shape
+                src_tens.brick_size = tens.brick_size
+                src_tens.weight_compression_scales = tens.weight_compression_scales
+                src_tens.weight_compressed_offsets = tens.weight_compressed_offsets
+                src_tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
+                src_tens.storage_compression_scale = tens.storage_compression_scale
+    if verbose_tensor_format:
+        nng.print_passes_with_tensors()