Add Vela codebase

 - Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec.
 - Added README and various configuration files.

Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d335bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Neural network graph classes and enums.
+# Pass - A packed pass containing one or more Operations.
+# CascadedPass - A scheduled pass containing one or more Passes, as well as a scheduling strategy and block
+#                configurations.
+# Subgraph - Holds a neural network subgraph, pointing at Tensors, Operations, Passes, and CascadedPasses.
+# Graph - A full neural network graph with one or more Subgraphs.
+import enum
+from .data_type import BaseType, DataType
+from .tensor import MemArea, TensorPurpose, TensorSubPurpose, TensorFormat, Tensor
+from .operation import Operation, NpuBlockType
+class PassPlacement(enum.Enum):
+    Unknown = 0
+    Cpu = 1
+    Npu = 2
+    MemoryOnly = 3
+    StartupInit = 4
+class TensorAllocator(enum.Enum):
+    LinearAlloc = 1
+    Greedy = 2
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+class Pass:
+    def __init__(self, name, placement, is_element_wise, npu_block_type):
+        self.inputs = []
+        self.intermediates = []
+        self.outputs = []
+        self.ops = []
+        self.primary_op = None
+        self.ifm_tensor = None
+        self.ifm2_tensor = None
+        self.ofm_tensor = None
+        self.weight_tensor = None
+        self.scale_tensor = None
+ = name
+        self.cascade = None
+        self.placement = placement
+        # TODO: rename is_element_wise because it is not the same as an ElementWise operator. It is used by the tensor
+        # allocation and requires that the OFM and IFM has the exact same address. Essentially complete overlap.
+        self.is_element_wise = is_element_wise
+        self.npu_block_type = npu_block_type
+        self.block_config = None  # will be filled in by scheduler
+        self.shared_buffer = None  # will be filled in by scheduler
+        self.predecessors = []
+        self.successors = []
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<nng.Pass '%s', %s, ops=%s>" % (, self.placement, [op.type for op in self.ops])
+    __repr__ = __str__
+    def get_primary_op_ifm_weights(self):
+        if not self.primary_op:
+            return None, None
+        return self.primary_op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm()[::2]
+    def get_primary_op_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm(self):
+        if not self.primary_op:
+            return None, None, None, None
+        return self.primary_op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm()
+    def get_primary_op_ifm_weights_biases_ofm(self):
+        if not self.primary_op:
+            return None, None, None, None
+        return self.primary_op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
+class SchedulingStrategy(enum.Enum):
+    Unknown = -1
+    IfmStream = 0
+    WeightStream = 1
+class SchedulerRewrite(enum.Enum):
+    Nop = 0
+    ChangeTensorSubPurpose = 1
+class CascadedPass:
+    def __init__(self, name, strat, inputs, intermediates, outputs, passes, placement, is_element_wise):
+ = name
+        self.strategy = strat
+        self.inputs = inputs
+        self.intermediates = intermediates
+        self.outputs = outputs
+        self.passes = passes
+        self.placement = placement
+        self.is_element_wise = is_element_wise
+        self.predecessors = []
+        self.successors = []
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<nng.CascadedPass strategy=%s x %s '%s',  passes=%s, block_configs=%s>" % (
+            self.strategy,
+            len(self.passes),
+  ,
+            [ for ps in self.passes],
+            [ps.block_config for ps in self.passes],
+        )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class Subgraph:
+    def __init__(self, name="<unnamed>", placement=PassPlacement.Cpu):
+        self.output_tensors = []
+        self.input_tensors = []
+        self.original_inputs = []  # Preserve the original input order
+        self.passes = []
+        self.cascaded_passes = []
+ = name
+        self.high_level_command_stream = []
+        self.placement = placement
+        self.command_stream_tensor = None
+        self.flash_tensor = None
+        self.memory_used = {}
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<nng.Subgraph '%s',  n_passes=%d, n_cascaded_passes=%d>" % (
+  ,
+            len(self.passes),
+            len(self.cascaded_passes),
+        )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+    def update_consumers(self):
+        visit_op_set = set()
+        visit_tensor_set = set()
+        self.input_tensors = []
+        print_visit = False
+        def visit_op(op):
+            if op in visit_op_set:
+                return
+            visit_op_set.add(op)
+            for inp in op.inputs:
+                if print_visit:
+                    print(inp, "adding consumer", op)
+                visit_tensor(inp)
+                inp.consumer_list.append(op)
+            if op.type in set(("Placeholder", "SubgraphInput")):
+                assert len(op.outputs) == 1
+                self.input_tensors.append(op.outputs[0])
+            for out in op.outputs:
+                if out not in visit_tensor_set:
+                    out.consumer_list = []  # reset unvisited output, just in case
+        def visit_tensor(tens):
+            if tens in visit_tensor_set:
+                return
+            visit_tensor_set.add(tens)
+            tens.consumer_list = []
+            for op in tens.ops:
+                visit_op(op)
+        for ps in self.passes:
+            for tens in ps.outputs + ps.inputs:
+                tens.consumer_list = []  # reset unvisited tensors to start with
+        for tens in self.output_tensors:
+            visit_tensor(tens)
+            tens.consumer_list.append(None)  # special op to indicate that the graph consumes the result
+        print_visit = True
+        for ps in self.passes:
+            for op in ps.ops:
+                visit_op(op)
+            for tens in ps.inputs:
+                visit_tensor(tens)
+    def build_pass_links(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.passes):
+            ps.time = 2 * idx
+            ps.predecessors = []
+            ps.successors = []
+        for ps in self.passes:
+            for tens in ps.inputs:
+                for op in tens.ops:
+                    pred_pass = op.scheduled_pass
+                    assert pred_pass.time < ps.time
+                    if ps not in pred_pass.successors:
+                        pred_pass.successors.append(ps)
+                    if pred_pass not in ps.predecessors:
+                        ps.predecessors.append(pred_pass)
+                    assert tens in pred_pass.outputs
+    def build_pass_dag_predecessors(self):
+        for ps in self.passes:
+            ps.dag_predecessors = []
+        class State(enum.Enum):
+            NotVisited = 0
+            BeingVisited = 1
+            Visited = 2
+        pass_visit_dict = {}
+        def visit_pass(ps):
+            state = pass_visit_dict.get(ps, State.NotVisited)
+            if state == State.Visited:
+                return True
+            elif state == State.BeingVisited:
+                return False  # this is a loop, need to remove this link
+            elif state == State.NotVisited:
+                pass_visit_dict[ps] = State.BeingVisited
+                ps.dag_predecessors = []
+                for pred in ps.predecessors:
+                    if visit_pass(pred):
+                        ps.dag_predecessors.append(pred)
+                pass_visit_dict[ps] = State.Visited
+                return True
+        for ps in self.passes:
+            if not ps.successors:
+                visit_pass(ps)
+    def build_cascaded_pass_links(self):
+        for cps in self.cascaded_passes:
+            cps.predecessors = []
+            cps.successors = []
+        for cps in self.cascaded_passes:
+            for tens in cps.inputs:
+                for op in tens.ops:
+                    pred_cpass = op.scheduled_pass.cascade
+                    if cps not in pred_cpass.successors:
+                        pred_cpass.successors.append(cps)
+                    if pred_cpass not in cps.predecessors:
+                        cps.predecessors.append(pred_cpass)
+                    assert tens in pred_cpass.outputs
+    def refresh_after_modification(self):
+        self.update_consumers()
+    def prune_startup_init_pass(self):
+        assert len(self.passes) >= 1
+        ps = self.passes[0]
+        assert ps.placement == PassPlacement.StartupInit
+        ps.outputs = [out_tens for out_tens in ps.outputs if len(out_tens.consumers()) > 0]
+        ps.ops = [op for op in ps.ops if op.outputs[0] in ps.outputs]
+    def get_all_ops(self):
+        all_ops = []
+        visit_op_set = set()
+        visit_tensor_set = set()
+        def visit_op(op):
+            if op in visit_op_set:
+                return
+            visit_op_set.add(op)
+            for inp in op.inputs:
+                visit_tensor(inp)
+            all_ops.append(op)
+        def visit_tensor(tens):
+            if tens in visit_tensor_set:
+                return
+            visit_tensor_set.add(tens)
+            for op in tens.ops:
+                visit_op(op)
+        for tens in self.output_tensors:
+            visit_tensor(tens)
+        return all_ops
+    def print_operators(self):
+        all_ops = self.get_all_ops()
+        unique_ops = []
+        print("print_operators")
+        for op in all_ops:
+            if op.type in set(("Const", "Identity", "Placeholder")):
+                continue
+            attrs = op.attrs
+            if (
+                op.type == "Conv2D"
+                or op.type == "DepthwiseConv2dNative"
+                or op.type == "Conv2DBiasAct"
+                or op.type == "DepthwiseConv2dBiasAct"
+            ):
+                kshape = op.inputs[1].shape
+                attrs["kshape"] = [kshape[0], kshape[1]]
+            attrs["type"] = op.type
+            attrs.pop("use_cudnn_on_gpu", None)
+            if attrs not in unique_ops:
+                unique_ops.append(attrs)
+                # print attributes in human readable format
+                a = attrs.copy()
+                s = a.pop("type")
+                data_format = a.pop("data_format", None)
+                if data_format and data_format != b"NHWC":
+                    s += " " + str(data_format)
+                t = a.pop("T", None)
+                if t:
+                    s += " " + str(t)[9:-2]
+                srct = a.pop("SrcT", None)
+                if srct:
+                    s += " " + str(srct)[9:-2]
+                dstt = a.pop("DstT", None)
+                if dstt:
+                    s += "->" + str(dstt)[9:-2]
+                print(s + " " + str(a))
+    def print_graph(self):
+        all_ops = self.get_all_ops()
+        for idx, op in enumerate(all_ops):
+            print(idx, op.type,
+    def print_graph_with_tensors(self):
+        all_ops = self.get_all_ops()
+        for idx, op in enumerate(all_ops):
+            print(idx, op.type,
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(op.inputs):
+                print("    Input  %02d %20s %20s %s" % (idx,,, tens))
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(op.outputs):
+                print("    Output %02d %20s %20s %s" % (idx,,, tens))
+            print()
+    def print_graph_with_tensor_quantization(self):
+        all_ops = self.get_all_ops()
+        for idx, op in enumerate(all_ops):
+            print(idx, op.type,
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(op.inputs):
+                q = tens.quantization
+                if q is None:
+                    print("    Input  %02d %10s NO QUANTIZATION INFO %s" % (idx, tens.dtype,
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        "    Input  %02d %10s min=%s max=%s scale=%s zero_point=%s %s"
+                        % (idx, tens.dtype, q.min, q.max, q.scale_f32, q.zero_point,
+                    )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(op.outputs):
+                q = tens.quantization
+                if q is None:
+                    print("    Output %02d %10s NO QUANTIZATION INFO %s" % (idx, tens.dtype,
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        "    Output %02d %10s min=%s max=%s scale=%s zero_point=%s %s"
+                        % (idx, tens.dtype, q.min, q.max, q.scale_f32, q.zero_point,
+                    )
+            print()
+    def print_passes(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.passes):
+            print("%03d %s" % (idx * 2, ps))
+    def print_passes_with_tensors(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.passes):
+            print("%3d %s" % (idx * 2, ps))
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.inputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Input        %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.intermediates):
+                print(
+                    "    Intermediate %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.outputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Output       %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            print()
+    def print_cascaded_passes(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.cascaded_passes):
+            print("%3d %s SRAM used %.1f KB" % (idx * 2, ps, ps.sram_used / 1024))
+    def print_cascaded_passes_with_tensors(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.cascaded_passes):
+            print("%3d %s SRAM used %.1f KB" % (idx * 2, ps, ps.sram_used / 1024))
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.inputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Input        %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.intermediates):
+                print(
+                    "    Intermediate %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.outputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Output       %2d %-15s %-15s %-15s     %s"
+                    % (idx,,,,
+                )
+            print()
+    def print_cascaded_passes_with_tensor_sizes(self):
+        for idx, ps in enumerate(self.cascaded_passes):
+            print("%3d %s SRAM used %.1f KB" % (idx * 2, ps, ps.sram_used / 1024))
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.inputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Input        %2d %7.1f KB %-24s %-15s %-15s %-20s  %s"
+                    % (
+                        idx,
+                        tens.storage_size() / 1024,
+                        tens.storage_shape,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+                    )
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.intermediates):
+                print(
+                    "    Intermediate %2d %7.1f KB %-24s %-15s %-15s %-20s  %s"
+                    % (
+                        idx,
+                        tens.storage_size() / 1024,
+                        tens.storage_shape,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+                    )
+                )
+            for idx, tens in enumerate(ps.outputs):
+                print(
+                    "    Output       %2d %7.1f KB %-24s %-15s %-15s %-20s  %s"
+                    % (
+                        idx,
+                        tens.storage_size() / 1024,
+                        tens.storage_shape,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+              ,
+                    )
+                )
+            print()
+    def print_high_level_command_stream(self):
+        for idx, cmd in enumerate(self.high_level_command_stream):
+            print("%3d %s" % (idx, cmd))
+class Graph:
+    def __init__(self, name="<unnamed>", batch_size=1):
+ = name
+        self.batch_size = batch_size
+        self.subgraphs = []
+        self.memory_used = {}
+        self.bits_per_element = {}
+        self.total_size = {}
+        self.total_elements = {}
+    def get_root_subgraph(self):
+        return self.subgraphs[0]
+    def prune_startup_init_pass(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.prune_startup_init_pass()
+    def update_consumers(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.update_consumers()
+    def refresh_after_modification(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.refresh_after_modification()
+    def print_operators(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_operators()
+    def print_graph(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_graph()
+    def print_graph_with_tensors(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_graph_with_tensors()
+    def print_graph_with_tensor_quantization(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_graph_with_tensor_quantization()
+    def print_passes(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_passes()
+    def print_passes_with_tensors(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_passes_with_tensors()
+    def print_cascaded_passes(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_cascaded_passes()
+    def print_cascaded_passes_with_tensors(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_cascaded_passes_with_tensors()
+    def print_cascaded_passes_with_tensor_sizes(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_cascaded_passes_with_tensor_sizes()
+    def print_high_level_command_stream(self):
+        for sg in self.subgraphs:
+            sg.print_high_level_command_stream()