Add Vela codebase

 - Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec.
 - Added README and various configuration files.

Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663520f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Packs a subgraph with Neural Network Operations into Passes. Each Pass has one or more Operations.
+from .nn_graph import Operation, Pass, PassPlacement, TensorPurpose, NpuBlockType, Tensor
+import collections
+import enum
+from .data_type import BaseType, DataType
+class PassFlags(enum.Flag):
+    Empty = 0
+    Pre = 1
+    Main = 2
+    Post = 4
+    Mac = 8
+    Dma = 32
+    ElementWise = 256
+    Npu = 512
+    Cpu = 1024
+    StartupInit = 2048
+    MemoryOnly = 4096
+    PostFusingLimited = 8192
+npu_pre_ops = set(("QuantizedResizeBilinear", "SplitSliceRead",))
+mac_main_ops = set(
+    (
+        # convolutions
+        "Conv2DBiasAct",
+        "Conv2D",
+        "QuantizedConv2D",
+        "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitched",
+        # depth-wise convolutions
+        "DepthwiseConv2dBiasAct",
+        "DepthwiseConv2dNative",
+        "QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D",
+        # FC layers
+        "QuantizedMatMul",
+        "MatMul",
+        "FullyConnectedAct",
+        # RNN/LSTM/GRU
+        "BlockLSTM",
+        # pooling
+        "QuantizedMaxPool",
+        "QuantizedAvgPool",
+        "AvgPool",
+        "MaxPool",
+        "AvgPoolAct",
+        "MaxPoolAct",
+    )
+binary_elem_wise_main_ops = set(
+    (
+        # binary element-wise
+        "AddAct",
+        "MulAct",
+        "SubAct",
+        "QuantizedAdd",
+        "QuantizedSub",
+        "QuantizedMul",
+        "Mul",
+        "Add",
+        "Sub",
+        "Minimum",
+        "Maximum",
+    )
+unary_elem_wise_main_ops = set(("LeakyRelu", "Abs"))  # Unary element-wise operations
+elem_wise_main_ops = binary_elem_wise_main_ops | unary_elem_wise_main_ops
+activation_ops = set(("QuantizedRelu", "QuantizedRelu1", "QuantizedRelu6", "Relu", "Relu6", "ReluN1To1"))
+npu_post_ops = activation_ops | set(
+    # Bias-add operations: Get rid of these once we have rewrites from Conv2D + BiasAdd + Activation to Conv2DBiasAct.
+    ("Mul", "Add", "QuantizedBiasAdd", "Requantize", "QuantizedBatchNorm", "BiasAdd", "FusedBatchNorm")
+npu_post_fuse_limited_ops = set(
+    # Set of post operators that should not be fused with main/elementwise ops
+    ("ConcatSliceWrite", "Sigmoid", "Tanh")
+elem_wise_ops = elem_wise_main_ops | activation_ops | set(("Sigmoid", "Tanh"))
+quantization_ops = set(("Dequantize", "QuantizeV2", "Max", "Min"))
+cpu_ops = (
+    set(("Softmax", "QuantizedSoftmax", "LRN", "Shape", "QuantizedPad", "Pad", "AddN"))
+    | quantization_ops
+npu_dma_ops = set(("DMA",))
+startup_init_ops = set(("Const", "VariableV2", "Placeholder", "SubgraphInput"))
+memory_only_ops = set(("Squeeze", "Reshape", "QuantizedReshape", "ExpandDims",))
+test_sequence = [
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        npu_post_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly | PassFlags.Pre | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Post,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        npu_post_fuse_limited_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly | PassFlags.Pre | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.PostFusingLimited,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        mac_main_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu
+        | PassFlags.MemoryOnly
+        | PassFlags.ElementWise
+        | PassFlags.Pre
+        | PassFlags.Main
+        | PassFlags.PostFusingLimited,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Mac | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        elem_wise_main_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu
+        | PassFlags.MemoryOnly
+        | PassFlags.Mac
+        | PassFlags.Pre
+        | PassFlags.Main
+        | PassFlags.PostFusingLimited,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.ElementWise | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        npu_pre_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Mac | PassFlags.Pre | PassFlags.ElementWise,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        npu_dma_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Dma,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        startup_init_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.StartupInit | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty,
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        memory_only_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.Cpu,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.MemoryOnly | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty
+    ),
+    (
+        # ops_set
+        cpu_ops,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty
+    ),
+    (   # This last one is a fallback for unrecognised operations
+        # ops_set
+        None,
+        # incompatible_pack_flags
+        PassFlags.Npu | PassFlags.MemoryOnly | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_set
+        PassFlags.Cpu | PassFlags.Main,
+        # flags_to_clear
+        PassFlags.Empty
+    ),
+# Some sanity checking
+for (operation_set, incompatible_pack_flags, flags_to_set, flags_to_clear) in test_sequence:
+    assert not flags_to_clear & flags_to_set
+    if operation_set is not None:
+        for op in operation_set:
+            assert len(op) > 1  # This is to avoid string literals being decomposed
+def pack_into_passes(nng, arch, verbose_packing=False):
+    def visit_op(op, ignored):
+        visit_op_refcount[op] += 1
+        if visit_op_refcount[op] == 1:  # First-time visit, go and fix up unused output tensors
+            for tens in op.outputs:
+                if len(tens.consumers()) == 0:
+                    visit_op_refcount[op] += 1
+        assert visit_op_refcount[op] <= len(op.outputs)
+        if visit_op_refcount[op] == len(op.outputs):
+            if op.type in startup_init_ops:
+                startup_list.append(op)
+            else:
+                _, _, _, ofm_tensor = op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm()
+                if ofm_tensor is None:
+                    ofm_tensor = op.outputs[0]
+                build_pass((op,), ofm_tensor)
+    def build_pass(start_ops_to_process, ofm_tensor=None):
+        reverse_ops_list = []
+        curr_flags = PassFlags.Empty
+        npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.Default
+        reverse_intermediates = []
+        input_set = set()
+        ifm_tensor = None
+        primary_op = None
+        to_process = collections.deque()
+        for start_op in start_ops_to_process:
+            to_process.append((start_op, None))
+        while to_process:
+            curr_op, tens = to_process.popleft()
+            if curr_op in reverse_ops_list:
+                continue
+            for operation_set, incompatible_pack_flags, flags_to_set, flags_to_clear in test_sequence:
+                if operation_set is None or curr_op.type in operation_set:
+                    if not (curr_flags & incompatible_pack_flags):
+                        if flags_to_set & PassFlags.Npu:
+                            if not curr_op.run_on_npu:
+                                continue
+                        reverse_ops_list.append(curr_op)
+                        new_block_type = curr_op.attrs.get("npu_block_type", NpuBlockType.Default)
+                        if new_block_type != NpuBlockType.Default:
+                            assert npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.Default
+                            npu_block_type = new_block_type  # Only one major block type per pass
+                            assert primary_op is None
+                            primary_op = curr_op
+                        curr_flags &= ~flags_to_clear
+                        curr_flags |= flags_to_set
+                        if flags_to_set & PassFlags.Npu:
+                            if flags_to_set & (
+                                PassFlags.Mac | PassFlags.ElementWise | PassFlags.Post | PassFlags.PostFusingLimited
+                            ):
+                                assert len(curr_op.inputs) >= 1
+                                if curr_op.type == "BlockLSTM":
+                                    ifm_tensor = curr_op.inputs[3]
+                                else:
+                                    ifm_tensor = curr_op.inputs[0]
+                                assert ifm_tensor.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
+                        if flags_to_set & PassFlags.Dma:
+                            # DMAs are special - Output buffers need to be preserved as intermediates,
+                            # if the pass consumes the results
+                            if tens is not None:
+                                reverse_intermediates.append(tens)
+                        if operation_set is None:
+                            print("Warning:", curr_op.type, "operation is unknown or unsupported, placing on CPU")
+                        for inp in curr_op.inputs:
+                            can_pack = True
+                            if len(inp.ops) == 1:
+                                next_op = inp.ops[0]
+                                for outp in next_op.outputs:
+                                    consumers = outp.consumers()
+                                    if len(consumers) > 1 or (len(consumers) == 1 and consumers[0] != curr_op):
+                                        can_pack = False
+                                        break
+                            else:
+                                can_pack = False
+                            if can_pack:
+                                to_process.append((next_op, inp))
+                            else:
+                                assert inp is not None
+                                input_set.add(inp)
+                        break
+            else:
+                # This operation is not compatible with already packed operations, just register the tensor as an input
+                assert tens is not None
+                input_set.add(tens)
+        if curr_flags & PassFlags.Npu and not curr_flags & (PassFlags.ElementWise | PassFlags.Mac):
+            # Make the choice that if we don't have a mac operation, the ambidextrous operations go on the
+            # element wise unit
+            curr_flags |= PassFlags.ElementWise
+        is_element_wise = True
+        for op in reverse_ops_list:
+            if not op.type in elem_wise_ops and not op.type in npu_dma_ops:
+                is_element_wise = False
+                break
+        placement = PassPlacement.Unknown
+        if curr_flags & PassFlags.Npu:
+            assert placement == PassPlacement.Unknown
+            placement = PassPlacement.Npu
+        if curr_flags & PassFlags.Cpu:
+            assert placement == PassPlacement.Unknown
+            placement = PassPlacement.Cpu
+        if curr_flags & PassFlags.MemoryOnly:
+            assert placement == PassPlacement.Unknown
+            placement = PassPlacement.MemoryOnly
+        if curr_flags & PassFlags.StartupInit:
+            assert placement == PassPlacement.Unknown
+            placement = PassPlacement.StartupInit
+        assert placement != PassPlacement.Unknown
+        ops_list = list(reversed(reverse_ops_list))
+        intermediates = list(reversed(reverse_intermediates))
+        if primary_op == None:
+            primary_op = create_primary_op(ops_list)
+            if primary_op != None:
+                visit_tensor_refcount[primary_op.inputs[0]] += 1
+                npu_block_type = primary_op.attrs["npu_block_type"]
+                for input_tens in primary_op.inputs:
+                    if input_tens not in input_set:
+                        input_set.add(input_tens)
+        ordered_input_list = []
+        input_refcounts = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        for op in ops_list:
+            for inp in op.inputs:
+                if inp in input_set:
+                    if input_refcounts[inp] == 0:
+                        ordered_input_list.append(inp)
+                    input_refcounts[inp] += 1
+        name = ops_list[0].name
+        non_dma_ops = [op for op in ops_list if op.type != "DMA"]
+        if non_dma_ops:
+            name = non_dma_ops[0].name
+        ps = Pass(name, placement, is_element_wise, npu_block_type)
+        ps.ops = ops_list
+        ps.primary_op = primary_op
+        ps.inputs = ordered_input_list
+        ps.intermediates = intermediates
+        ps.outputs = list(ops_list[-1].outputs)
+        ps.ifm_tensor = ifm_tensor
+        # ElementWise operation, 2 IFMs
+        if ps.primary_op and ps.primary_op.type in binary_elem_wise_main_ops:
+            ps.ifm_tensor = ps.inputs[0]
+            if len(ps.inputs) == 1:
+                # Only 1 input, IFM and IFM2 are the same tensor
+                ps.ifm2_tensor = ps.inputs[0]
+            else:
+                ps.ifm2_tensor = ps.inputs[1]
+        else:
+            ps.ifm_tensor = ifm_tensor
+            ps.ifm2_tensor = None
+        ps.ofm_tensor = ofm_tensor
+        assert ps.placement != PassPlacement.Npu or ps.ofm_tensor is not None
+        ps.weight_tensor = ps.get_primary_op_ifm_weights()[1]
+        ps.scale_tensor = ps.get_primary_op_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()[2]
+        for op in ps.ops:
+            op.scheduled_pass = ps
+        reverse_pass_list.append(ps)
+        for inp, refcount in input_refcounts.items():
+            for _ in range(refcount):
+                visit_tensor(inp)
+        return ps
+    def visit_tensor(tens):
+        visit_tensor_refcount[tens] += 1
+        assert visit_tensor_refcount[tens] <= len(tens.consumers())
+        if visit_tensor_refcount[tens] == len(tens.consumers()):
+            for op in reversed(tens.ops):
+                visit_op(op, tens)
+    def create_primary_op(ops_list):
+        if any(op.type in (npu_pre_ops | npu_post_ops | npu_post_fuse_limited_ops) for op in ops_list):
+            # Configure a 1x1 AvgPool and attach the op onto it
+            op = ops_list[0]
+            inp = op.inputs[0]
+            avgpool_name = + "_avgpool"
+            avgpool_op = Operation("AvgPool", avgpool_name)
+            avgpool_op.inputs = [inp]
+            avgpool_op.inputs[0].consumer_list.append(avgpool_op)
+            avgpool_op.attrs["padding"] = b"VALID"
+            avgpool_op.attrs["npu_block_type"] = NpuBlockType.Pooling
+            avgpool_op.attrs["stride_w"] = 1
+            avgpool_op.attrs["stride_h"] = 1
+            avgpool_op.attrs["filter_width"] = 1
+            avgpool_op.attrs["filter_height"] = 1
+            avgpool_op.attrs["strides"] = [1, 1, 1, 1]
+            avgpool_op.attrs["ksize"] = [1, 1, 1, 1]
+            avgpool_op.attrs["skirt"] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+            avgpool_op.attrs["explicit_padding"] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+            avgpool_out = inp.clone("_avgpooled")
+            avgpool_out.consumer_list.append(op)
+            avgpool_out.ops = [avgpool_op]
+            avgpool_op.outputs = [avgpool_out]
+            op.inputs[0] = avgpool_out
+            ops_list.insert(0, avgpool_op)
+            return avgpool_op
+        return None
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        reverse_pass_list = []
+        visit_op_refcount = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        visit_tensor_refcount = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        startup_list = []
+        for tens in sg.output_tensors:
+            visit_tensor(tens)
+        if startup_list:
+            startup_ps = build_pass(startup_list)
+            startup_ps.outputs = [op.outputs[0] for op in startup_list]  # Need to fixup the outputs
+   = "startup_weight_initialisation"
+        sg.passes = list(reversed(reverse_pass_list))
+        sg.build_pass_links()
+    if verbose_packing:
+        nng.print_passes()
+    return nng