Add Vela codebase

 - Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec.
 - Added README and various configuration files.

Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c35c156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# The scheduler costs various strategies for scheduling the network in order to select the block configuration.
+import enum
+from .nn_graph import (
+    TensorPurpose,
+    TensorSubPurpose,
+    TensorFormat,
+    MemArea,
+    SchedulingStrategy,
+    CascadedPass,
+    PassPlacement,
+    SchedulerRewrite,
+    Operation,
+    NpuBlockType,
+from . import live_range
+import numpy as np
+from . import npu_performance
+from . import stats_writer
+from .npu_performance import make_bandwidth_array, make_macs_array, make_cycles_array, make_metrics_arrays, PassCycles
+import time, copy
+from .high_level_command_stream_generator import calc_allowed_ofm_ifm_overlap_for_pass_list
+from .shared_buffer_allocation import (
+    find_block_configs_suitable_for_pass_and_shared_buffer,
+    shared_buffer_allocation_for_pass_and_block_config,
+from functools import lru_cache
+class ParetoMetric(enum.Enum):
+    BwCycMem = 1
+    BwCycMemBlkH = 2
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+class SchedulerOptions:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        use_cascading=True,
+        use_ifm_ofm_overlap=True,
+        verbose_schedule=False,
+        verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules=False,
+        use_ifm_streaming=True,
+        pareto_metric=ParetoMetric.BwCycMem,
+    ):
+        self.use_cascading = use_cascading
+        self.use_ifm_ofm_overlap = use_ifm_ofm_overlap
+        self.verbose_schedule = verbose_schedule
+        self.verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules = verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules
+        self.use_ifm_streaming = use_ifm_streaming
+        self.pareto_metric = pareto_metric
+    def __str__(self):
+        return type(self).__name__ + ": " + str(self.__dict__)
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class Strategy:
+    __slots__ = "strat", "param", "passes", "block_configs", "rewrite_list", "bws", "macs", "cycles", "sram_used"
+    def __init__(self, strat, param, passes, block_configs, rewrite_list, bws, macs, cycles, sram_used):
+        self.strat = strat
+        self.param = param
+        self.passes = passes
+        self.block_configs = block_configs
+        self.rewrite_list = (
+            rewrite_list  # list of (SchedulerRewrite, Tensor, new sub purpose, purpose param a, purpose param b, pass)
+        )
+        self.bws = bws
+        self.macs = macs
+        self.cycles = cycles
+        self.sram_used = sram_used
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.strat != other.strat:
+            return False
+        if self.param != other.param:
+            return False
+        if self.block_configs != other.block_configs:
+            return False
+        if self.passes != other.passes:
+            return False
+        if (self.bws != other.bws).any():
+            return False
+        if (self.macs != other.macs).any():
+            return False
+        if (self.cycles != other.cycles).any():
+            return False
+        if self.sram_used != other.sram_used:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def empty(self):
+        return not self.passes
+    def key(self):
+        return self.passes[-1]
+    def clone(self):
+        return Strategy(
+            self.strat,
+            self.param,
+            self.passes,
+            self.block_configs,
+            self.rewrite_list,
+            self.bws,
+            self.macs,
+            self.cycles,
+            self.sram_used,
+        )
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<scheduler.Strategy: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s>" % (
+            self.strat,
+            self.passes,
+            self.rewrite_list,
+            self.bws,
+            self.macs,
+            self.cycles,
+            self.sram_used,
+        )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+class StrategySet:
+    __slots__ = "strats", "bws", "macs", "cycles", "max_sram_used", "total_sram_used"
+    def __init__(self, strats=None):
+        if strats is None:
+            strats = dict()
+        self.strats = strats  # final pass in packed pass -> Strategy
+        self.bws, self.macs, self.cycles = make_metrics_arrays()
+        self.max_sram_used = 0
+        self.total_sram_used = 0
+    def update_statistics(self):
+        self.bws = make_bandwidth_array()
+        self.max_sram_used = 0
+        for ps, strat in self.strats.items():
+            self.bws += strat.bws
+            self.macs += strat.macs
+            self.cycles += strat.cycles
+            self.max_sram_used = max(self.max_sram_used, strat.sram_used)
+            self.total_sram_used += strat.sram_used
+    def clone_add_strategy(self, new_strat):
+        key = new_strat.key()
+        if key in self.strats:
+            assert new_strat == self.strats[key]
+            return self
+        else:
+            new_strats = dict(self.strats)
+            new_strats[key] = new_strat
+            new_set = StrategySet(new_strats)
+            new_set.bws = self.bws + new_strat.bws
+            new_set.macs = self.macs + new_strat.macs
+            new_set.cycles = self.cycles + new_strat.cycles
+            new_set.max_sram_used = max(self.max_sram_used, new_strat.sram_used)
+            new_set.total_sram_used = self.total_sram_used + new_strat.sram_used
+            return new_set
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if (self.bws != other.bws).any():
+            return False
+        if (self.macs != other.macs).any():
+            return False
+        if (self.cycles != other.cycles).any():
+            return False
+        if self.max_sram_used != other.max_sram_used:
+            return False
+        if self.total_sram_used != other.total_sram_used:
+            return False
+        if self.strats != other.strats:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<scheduler.StrategySet: max_sram_used=%s passes_covered=%s>" % (
+            self.max_sram_used,
+            list( for ps in self.strats),
+        )
+    __repr__ = __str__
+empty_strategy = Strategy(
+    SchedulingStrategy.Unknown, None, [], [], [], make_bandwidth_array(), make_macs_array(), make_cycles_array(), 0
+INFINITY = 1e30
+def flatten_list_of_lists(lstlst):
+    lst = []
+    for v in lstlst:
+        lst.extend(v)
+    return lst
+class DynamicProgrammingScheduler:
+    def __init__(self, nng, sg, arch, sram_limit, options: SchedulerOptions):
+        self.nng = nng
+ = sg
+        self.arch = arch
+        self.sram_limit = sram_limit
+        self.options = copy.copy(options)
+        self.use_cascading = options.use_cascading
+        if self.arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area != MemArea.Sram:
+            self.use_ifm_ofm_overlap = False  # force off IFM/OFM overlap if IFMs and OFMs are not in the SRAM
+        self.use_ifm_ofm_overlap = options.use_ifm_ofm_overlap
+        self.verbose_schedule = options.verbose_schedule
+        self.verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules = options.verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules
+        self.mem_area = MemArea.Sram
+        self.bandwidth_weights = arch.bandwidth_weights
+        self.cycles_weight = arch.cycles_weight
+        self.max_sram_used_weight = arch.max_sram_used_weight
+        self.n_combinations_searched = 0
+        self.feature_maps_not_in_fast_storage = (
+            arch.tensor_storage_mem_area[TensorPurpose.FeatureMap] != arch.fast_storage_mem_area
+        )
+        self.pareto_max_candidates = 16
+        self.ifm_stream_npu_blocks = set(
+            (NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN, NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise, NpuBlockType.Pooling,)
+        )
+    num_pareto_metrics = 4
+    view_values = ",".join(["d"] * num_pareto_metrics)
+    order_values = ["f%d" % (idx,) for idx in range(num_pareto_metrics)]
+    def pareto_metric(self, candidate):
+        strat, strat_set = candidate
+        total_cycles = strat.cycles[PassCycles.Total] + strat_set.cycles[PassCycles.Total]
+        bws = strat.bws + strat_set.bws
+        last_block_height = 0
+        if self.options.pareto_metric == ParetoMetric.BwCycMemBlkH and len(strat.block_configs) > 0:
+            last_block_height = strat.block_configs[-1][0]
+        return (
+            np.tensordot(bws, self.bandwidth_weights, axes=3) + total_cycles * self.cycles_weight,
+            strat_set.max_sram_used,
+            strat.sram_used,
+            last_block_height,
+        )
+    def filter_pareto_frontier(self, candidates, remove_equally_good_candidates):
+        candidates = [cand for cand in candidates if max(cand[0].sram_used, cand[1].max_sram_used) <= self.sram_limit]
+        if len(candidates) <= 1:
+            return candidates
+        assert remove_equally_good_candidates
+        start = time.time()
+        pareto_vals = np.zeros((len(candidates), DynamicProgrammingScheduler.num_pareto_metrics))
+        ids = np.arange(len(candidates), dtype=np.int32)
+        for idx, cand in enumerate(candidates):
+            pareto_vals[idx] = self.pareto_metric(cand)
+        sort_order = np.argsort(
+            pareto_vals.view(DynamicProgrammingScheduler.view_values),
+            order=DynamicProgrammingScheduler.order_values,
+            axis=0,
+            kind="stable",
+        ).flatten()
+        pareto_vals = pareto_vals[sort_order]
+        ids = ids[sort_order]
+        pareto_frontier = []
+        while len(ids) > 0:
+            pareto_frontier.append(candidates[ids[0]])
+            not_dominated_by_first = (pareto_vals < pareto_vals[0]).any(axis=1)
+            ids = ids[not_dominated_by_first]
+            pareto_vals = pareto_vals[not_dominated_by_first]
+        if len(pareto_frontier) > self.pareto_max_candidates:
+            pareto_frontier = self.sort_by_candidate_metric(pareto_frontier)
+            pareto_frontier = pareto_frontier[: self.pareto_max_candidates]
+        return pareto_frontier
+    def candidate_metric(self, candidate):
+        strat, strat_set = candidate
+        max_sram_used = max(strat_set.max_sram_used, strat.sram_used)
+        bws = strat.bws + strat_set.bws
+        total_cycles = strat.cycles[PassCycles.Total] + strat_set.cycles[PassCycles.Total]
+        return (
+            max_sram_used * self.max_sram_used_weight
+            + np.tensordot(bws, self.bandwidth_weights, axes=3)
+            + total_cycles * self.cycles_weight
+        )
+    def sort_by_candidate_metric(self, candidate_list):
+        sorted_list = list(sorted(candidate_list, key=self.candidate_metric))
+        return sorted_list
+    def best_candidate(self, candidate_list):
+        if len(candidate_list) == 0:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if len(candidate_list) == 1:
+            return candidate_list[0]
+        sorted_list = self.sort_by_candidate_metric(candidate_list)
+        return sorted_list[0]
+    def graduate_strat(self, strat_type, sram_used, old_strat_data):
+        res = []
+        for old_strat, old_strat_set in old_strat_data:
+            if old_strat.sram_used + sram_used > self.sram_limit:
+                continue  # This strategy is bad, drop it
+            if old_strat_set.max_sram_used > self.sram_limit:
+                continue  # This strategy is bad, drop it
+            assert old_strat.strat == SchedulingStrategy.Unknown
+            new_strat = old_strat.clone()
+            new_strat.strat = strat_type
+            new_strat.sram_used = old_strat.sram_used + sram_used
+            if self.use_ifm_ofm_overlap:
+                overlap = calc_allowed_ofm_ifm_overlap_for_pass_list(
+                    new_strat.strat, new_strat.passes, new_strat.block_configs
+                )
+                new_strat.sram_used -= overlap
+            new_strat_set = old_strat_set.clone_add_strategy(new_strat)
+            res.append((empty_strategy, new_strat_set))
+        return self.filter_pareto_frontier(res, remove_equally_good_candidates=True)
+    def append_sram(self, sram_used, old_strat_data):
+        res = []
+        for old_strat, strat_set in old_strat_data:
+            assert old_strat.strat == SchedulingStrategy.Unknown
+            assert old_strat.sram_used == 0
+            new_strat = old_strat.clone()
+            new_strat.sram_used = old_strat.sram_used + sram_used
+            res.append((new_strat, strat_set))
+        return res
+    def append_sram_block_config_performance_metrics(self, sram_used, block_config, metrics, old_strat_data):
+        res = []
+        for old_strat, strat_set in old_strat_data:
+            assert old_strat.strat == SchedulingStrategy.Unknown
+            new_strat = old_strat.clone()
+            bws, macs, cycles = metrics[:3]
+            new_strat.sram_used = old_strat.sram_used + sram_used
+            new_strat.block_configs = old_strat.block_configs + [block_config]
+            new_strat.bws = old_strat.bws + bws
+            new_strat.macs = old_strat.macs + macs
+            new_strat.cycles = old_strat.cycles + cycles
+            new_strat.bws, new_strat.macs, new_strat.cycles = npu_performance.collate_stats_for_cascaded_pass(
+                self.arch, new_strat.bws, new_strat.macs, new_strat.cycles
+            )
+            res.append((new_strat, strat_set))
+        return res
+    def append_sram_pass_block_config_performance_metrics_rewrite_list(
+        self, sram_used, new_pass, block_config, metrics, rewrite_list, old_strat_data
+    ):
+        res = []
+        for old_strat, strat_set in old_strat_data:
+            assert old_strat.strat == SchedulingStrategy.Unknown
+            new_strat = old_strat.clone()
+            bws, macs, cycles = metrics[:3]
+            new_strat.sram_used = old_strat.sram_used + sram_used
+            new_strat.block_configs = old_strat.block_configs + [block_config]
+            new_strat.bws = old_strat.bws + bws
+            new_strat.macs = old_strat.macs + macs
+            new_strat.cycles = old_strat.cycles + cycles
+            new_strat.passes = old_strat.passes + [new_pass]
+            new_strat.bws, new_strat.macs, new_strat.cycles = npu_performance.collate_stats_for_cascaded_pass(
+                self.arch, new_strat.bws, new_strat.macs, new_strat.cycles
+            )
+            new_strat.rewrite_list = old_strat.rewrite_list + rewrite_list
+            res.append((new_strat, strat_set))
+        return res
+    def append_sram_rewrite_list(self, sram_used, rewrite_list, old_strat_data):
+        res = []
+        for old_strat, strat_set in old_strat_data:
+            assert old_strat.strat == SchedulingStrategy.Unknown
+            new_strat = old_strat.clone()
+            new_strat.sram_used = old_strat.sram_used + sram_used
+            new_strat.rewrite_list = old_strat.rewrite_list + rewrite_list
+            res.append((new_strat, strat_set))
+        return res
+    def pass_to_strat(self, strat_data):
+        res = {}
+        for strat in strat_data[1].strats.values():
+            for ps in strat.passes:
+                res[ps] = strat
+        return res
+    def compatible_strats(self, a, b):
+        intersection = a.keys() & b.keys()
+        for k in intersection:
+            if a[k] != b[k]:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def collate_strats_for_passes(self, all_passes):
+        if len(all_passes) == 0:
+            return [(empty_strategy, StrategySet(dict()))]
+        if len(all_passes) == 1:
+            return all_passes[0]  # save some space in the common case
+        all_strands = [[self.pass_to_strat(strat_data) for strat_data in strand] for strand in all_passes]
+        prev_combos = [dict()]
+        for j, strand in enumerate(all_strands):
+            new_combos = []
+            for i, alt in enumerate(strand):
+                for prev in prev_combos:
+                    if self.compatible_strats(prev, alt):
+                        cmb = dict(prev)
+                        cmb.update(all_passes[j][i][1].strats)
+                        new_combos.append(cmb)
+            prev_combos = new_combos
+        res = []
+        for d in prev_combos:
+            s = StrategySet(d)
+            s.update_statistics()
+            res.append((empty_strategy, s))
+        return res
+    def search_all_but_one_predecessor(self, ps, pred_pass, pred_pass_data):
+        # get the rest of the predecessors
+        other_predecessors = [pred for pred in ps.dag_predecessors if pred != pred_pass]
+        other_predecessor_data = self.search_pass_list(other_predecessors)
+        # pred strat data has an incomplete strategy, which we need
+        # to continue on, whereas the other ones have completed strategies.
+        # we need to merge these, but keep the incomplete strategy too.
+        res = []
+        for pred_pass_strat, pred_pass_strat_set in pred_pass_data:
+            all_strats = [
+                [(empty_strategy, pred_pass_strat_set)],  # pred strat data but with a dummy empty strategy
+                other_predecessor_data,  # this one is fine to use as-is
+            ]
+            collated_strat_data = self.collate_strats_for_passes(all_strats)
+            strat_data = [(pred_pass_strat, strat_set) for _, strat_set in collated_strat_data]
+            res.extend(strat_data)
+        return res
+    def calc_non_local_mem_usage(self):
+        ignore_subgraph_input_output_tensors = == PassPlacement.Cpu
+        range_set = live_range.extract_live_ranges_from_passes(
+  ,
+            self.mem_area,
+            mark_output_tensors_overlapping_with_input_tensors=True,
+            ignore_subgraph_input_output_tensors=ignore_subgraph_input_output_tensors,
+        )
+        range_dict = range_set.ranges
+        # find which ranges overlap passes but aren't input/outputs of the passes.
+        # these won't be counted by the dynamic programming search and must be counted in manually.
+        end_pos = max(ps.time for ps in + 2
+        mem_usage = np.zeros(end_pos) +
+        non_local_mem_usage = np.zeros(end_pos, dtype=np.int64)
+        for tens, rng in range_dict.items():
+            storage_size = tens.storage_size()
+            assert tens.mem_area == self.mem_area
+            mem_usage[rng.start_time : rng.end_time] += storage_size
+        for ps in
+            local_mem_usage = 0
+            for tens in ps.inputs + ps.outputs + ps.intermediates:
+                if tens.mem_area != self.mem_area:
+                    continue
+                local_mem_usage += tens.storage_size()
+            non_local_mem_usage[ps.time] = mem_usage[ps.time] - local_mem_usage
+        self.non_local_mem_usage = non_local_mem_usage
+    def search(self):
+        self.calc_non_local_mem_usage()
+        starting_passes = [ps for ps in if not ps.successors]
+        strat_data = self.search_pass_list(starting_passes)
+        _, best_set = self.best_candidate(strat_data)
+        if self.verbose_pareto_frontier_schedules:
+            print(
+                "Scheduler searched %d combinations and found %d candidate schedules along the pareto frontier"
+                % (self.n_combinations_searched, len(strat_data,))
+            )
+            for idx, (_, strat_set) in enumerate(strat_data):
+                extra = ""
+                if strat_set == best_set:
+                    extra = "(Best candidate)"
+                print("Candidate", idx, extra)
+                memory_used = {MemArea.Sram: strat_set.max_sram_used}
+                stats_writer.print_performance_metrics_for_strat(
+                    self.arch,
+                    "",
+                    strat_set.cycles,
+                    strat_set.macs,
+                    strat_set.bws,
+                    self.nng.batch_size,
+                    memory_used,
+                    len(,
+                    len(strat_set.strats),
+                )
+        return best_set
+    def search_pass_list(self, pass_list):
+        all_strats = []
+        for ps in pass_list:
+            strat = self.search_output(ps)
+            all_strats.append(strat)
+        strat_data = self.collate_strats_for_passes(all_strats)
+        for strd in strat_data:
+            for ps in pass_list:
+                assert ps in strd[1].strats  # should have strategies for everything we asked to search
+        return strat_data
+    def search_predecessors(self, ps):
+        # protect against graphs with loops. collate_strats_for_passes will sort this out later so that
+        # we have strats for all passes
+        pass_list = ps.dag_predecessors
+        strat_data = self.search_pass_list(pass_list)
+        return strat_data
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+    def search_output(self, ps):
+        assert ps in
+        candidate_list = []
+        candidate_list.extend(self.search_weight_streaming_output(ps))
+        if self.options.use_ifm_streaming:
+            candidate_list.extend(self.search_ifm_streaming_output(ps))
+        best = self.filter_pareto_frontier(candidate_list, remove_equally_good_candidates=True)
+        if not best:
+            print(
+                "Warning: Dynamic search programming algorithm failed for pass %s, invoking fallback strategy"
+                % (,)
+            )
+            return self.search_predecessors(ps)
+        return best
+    def search_ifm_streaming_output(self, ps):
+        if ps.placement != PassPlacement.Npu:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if ps.npu_block_type not in self.ifm_stream_npu_blocks:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        strat_data = self.search_ifm_streaming_body(ps, False)
+        sram_used = self.non_local_mem_usage[ps.time]
+        for tens in ps.outputs:
+            if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+        return self.graduate_strat(SchedulingStrategy.IfmStream, sram_used, strat_data)
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+    def search_ifm_streaming_body(self, ps, force_outputs_to_fast_storage):
+        if ps.placement != PassPlacement.Npu:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if ps.npu_block_type not in self.ifm_stream_npu_blocks:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        ifm_input_search_resuls = self.search_ifm_streaming_input(ps)
+        res = []
+        base_sram_used = 0
+        for tens in ps.intermediates:
+            if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                base_sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+        all_block_configs = self.get_block_configs(ps)
+        for block_config in all_block_configs:
+            all_strats = []
+            if self.use_cascading:
+                all_strats.extend(self.search_ifm_streaming_partial(ps, block_config))
+            all_strats.extend(ifm_input_search_resuls)
+            rewrite_list = []
+            sram_used = base_sram_used
+            metrics = npu_performance.performance_metrics_for_pass(
+                self.arch,
+                ps,
+                block_config,
+                rewrite_list=rewrite_list,
+                force_outputs_to_fast_storage=force_outputs_to_fast_storage,
+            )
+            res.extend(
+                self.append_sram_pass_block_config_performance_metrics_rewrite_list(
+                    sram_used, ps, block_config, metrics, rewrite_list, all_strats
+                )
+            )
+        self.n_combinations_searched += len(res)
+        res = self.filter_pareto_frontier(res, remove_equally_good_candidates=True)
+        return res
+    def search_ifm_streaming_partial(self, ps, block_config):
+        if ps.placement != PassPlacement.Npu:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if len(ps.inputs) < 1:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        ifm_tensor = ps.ifm_tensor
+        if ifm_tensor is None:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if ifm_tensor.purpose != TensorPurpose.FeatureMap:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        if not ifm_tensor.storage_shape or len(ifm_tensor.storage_shape) != 4:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        pred_pass_list = []
+        for pred_candidate in ps.dag_predecessors:
+            if len(pred_candidate.outputs) == 1 and pred_candidate.outputs[0] == ifm_tensor:
+                # we found a predecessor that produces this IFM tensor
+                if len(pred_candidate.successors) == 1 and pred_candidate.successors[0] == ps:
+                    # and it only has one successor, namely us
+                    if pred_candidate.placement == PassPlacement.Npu:
+                        if pred_candidate.npu_block_type in self.ifm_stream_npu_blocks:
+                            # and it is on the Npu and fusable - it's a candidate
+                            pred_pass_list.append(pred_candidate)
+        if not pred_pass_list:
+            return ABORT_SEARCH
+        all_candidates = []
+        for pred_pass in pred_pass_list:
+            # recurse into the next pass
+            ifm_strat_data = self.search_ifm_streaming_body(pred_pass, self.feature_maps_not_in_fast_storage)
+            strat_data = self.search_all_but_one_predecessor(ps, pred_pass, ifm_strat_data)
+            for strat_opt in strat_data:
+                pred_pass_block_config = strat_opt[0].block_configs[-1]
+                rolling_buffer_dims = npu_performance.rolling_buffer_dims_from_passes(
+                    self.arch, pred_pass, pred_pass_block_config, ps, block_config
+                )
+                if rolling_buffer_dims is None:
+                    continue  # this does not pack properly, skip it.
+                sram_used = 0
+                for tens in ps.inputs:
+                    if tens != ifm_tensor:
+                        if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                            sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+                rolling_buffer_y, rolling_buffer_x = rolling_buffer_dims
+                rewrite_list = [
+                    (
+                        SchedulerRewrite.ChangeTensorSubPurpose,
+                        ifm_tensor,
+                        TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferY,
+                        rolling_buffer_y,
+                        None,
+                        ps,
+                    )
+                ]
+                sram_used += ifm_tensor.storage_size_for_sub_purpose(
+                    TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferY, rolling_buffer_y, None
+                )
+                all_candidates.extend(self.append_sram_rewrite_list(sram_used, rewrite_list, [strat_opt]))
+        self.n_combinations_searched += len(all_candidates)
+        return all_candidates
+    def get_block_configs(self, ps):
+        if ps.placement != PassPlacement.Npu:
+            return [(1, 1, 1, 1)] # default
+        block_configs = find_block_configs_suitable_for_pass_and_shared_buffer(self.arch, ps)
+        # Take a limited number of the largest blocks
+        if self.arch.block_config_limit > 0:
+            # Sort by block area, followed by depth
+            block_configs.sort(key=lambda cfg: (cfg[0] * cfg[1]) << 8 | cfg[3], reverse=True)
+            bound = min(len(block_configs), self.arch.block_config_limit)
+            # We take 'n' from the fat end of the list, and 'n' from the thin end of the list.
+            tmp = block_configs[:bound]
+            tmp.extend(block_configs[max(bound, len(block_configs) - bound) :])
+            block_configs = tmp
+        return block_configs
+    def search_ifm_streaming_input(self, ps):
+        sram_used = 0
+        for tens in ps.inputs:
+            if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+        return self.append_sram(sram_used, self.search_predecessors(ps))
+    def search_weight_streaming_output(self, ps):
+        strat_data = self.search_weight_streaming_body(ps)
+        sram_used = self.non_local_mem_usage[ps.time]
+        for tens in ps.outputs:
+            if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+        return self.graduate_strat(SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream, sram_used, strat_data)
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+    def search_weight_streaming_body(self, ps):
+        strat_data = self.search_weight_streaming_input(ps)
+        res = []
+        all_block_configs = self.get_block_configs(ps)
+        for block_config in all_block_configs:
+            sram_used = 0
+            rewrite_list = []
+            for tens in ps.intermediates:
+                if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                    if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.Weights:
+                        sram_used += tens.storage_size_for_sub_purpose(
+                            TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer, block_config[3]
+                        )
+                        rewrite_list.append(
+                            (
+                                SchedulerRewrite.ChangeTensorSubPurpose,
+                                tens,
+                                TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer,
+                                block_config[3],
+                                None,
+                                ps,
+                            )
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+            metrics = npu_performance.performance_metrics_for_pass(
+                self.arch, ps, block_config, rewrite_list=rewrite_list
+            )
+            res.extend(
+                self.append_sram_pass_block_config_performance_metrics_rewrite_list(
+                    sram_used, ps, block_config, metrics, rewrite_list, strat_data
+                )
+            )
+        self.n_combinations_searched += len(res)
+        res = self.filter_pareto_frontier(res, remove_equally_good_candidates=True)
+        return res
+    def search_weight_streaming_input(self, ps):
+        sram_used = 0
+        for tens in ps.inputs:
+            if tens.mem_area == self.mem_area:
+                sram_used += tens.storage_size()
+        return self.append_sram(sram_used, self.search_predecessors(ps))
+    def apply_result(self, strat_set, arch):
+        pass_to_cascaded_pass = dict()
+        for _, strat in strat_set.strats.items():
+            # rewrite the tensors that need this first. e.g. make rolling buffers
+            inputs = []
+            intermediates = []
+            outputs = []
+            for ps in strat.passes:
+                inputs += ps.inputs
+                intermediates += ps.intermediates
+                outputs += ps.outputs
+            for tens in set(inputs) & set(outputs):
+                # tensors that are in both sets are intermediates
+                # find pass with input/output tensor, and check if they are both placed on NPU
+                input_placement = None
+                output_placement = None
+                for ps in strat.passes:
+                    if tens in ps.inputs:
+                        input_placement = ps.placement
+                    if tens in ps.outputs:
+                        output_placement = ps.placement
+                if input_placement == output_placement == PassPlacement.Npu:
+                    tens.set_format(TensorFormat.NHCWB16, arch)
+                intermediates.append(tens)
+                inputs.remove(tens)
+                outputs.remove(tens)
+            for rewrite_op, tens, sub_purpose, param_a, param_b, ps in strat.rewrite_list:
+                if rewrite_op == SchedulerRewrite.ChangeTensorSubPurpose:
+                    tens.mem_area = self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
+                    tens.set_new_sub_purpose(sub_purpose, param_a, param_b)
+                else:
+                    assert 0, "unknown rewrite_op " + str(rewrite_op)
+            is_element_wise = True
+            for ps in strat.passes:
+                assert ps.placement == strat.passes[0].placement
+                if not ps.is_element_wise:
+                    is_element_wise = False
+                    break
+            cascaded_pass = CascadedPass(
+                strat.passes[0].name,
+                strat.strat,
+                inputs,
+                intermediates,
+                outputs,
+                strat.passes,
+                strat.passes[0].placement,
+                is_element_wise,
+            )
+            assert strat.sram_used >= 0
+            cascaded_pass.sram_used = strat.sram_used
+            for idx, ps in enumerate(strat.passes):
+                assert ps not in pass_to_cascaded_pass
+                pass_to_cascaded_pass[ps] = cascaded_pass
+                ps.cascade = cascaded_pass
+                ps.block_config = strat.block_configs[idx]
+                if ps.placement == PassPlacement.Npu:
+                    ps.shared_buffer = shared_buffer_allocation_for_pass_and_block_config(
+                        self.arch, ps, ps.block_config
+                    )
+                    assert ps.shared_buffer is not None
+                for op in ps.ops:
+                    subgraph = op.attrs.get("subgraph")
+                    if subgraph:
+                        subgraph.base_sram_used = cascaded_pass.sram_used
+        # all passes should have a cascaded pass now
+        if len(pass_to_cascaded_pass) != len(
+            print(
+                "mismatch: we have %d passes, but only %d have cascaded passes associated"
+                % (len(, len(pass_to_cascaded_pass))
+            )
+            for ps in
+                if not ps in pass_to_cascaded_pass:
+                    print("%3d pass missing cascaded pass %s" % (ps.time, ps))
+            assert len(pass_to_cascaded_pass) == len(
+        # we have all the passes, but we need to put them in order and build predecessor/successor links.
+        visit_pass_set = set()
+        cascaded_passes = []
+        def visit_pass(ps):
+            if ps in visit_pass_set:
+                return
+            visit_pass_set.add(ps)
+            cps = ps.cascade
+            dont_traverse = set(cps.passes)
+            for ps in cps.passes:
+                for pred in ps.predecessors:
+                    if pred in dont_traverse:
+                        continue
+                    visit_pass(pred)
+            cascaded_passes.append(cps)
+        starting_passes = [ps for ps in if not ps.successors]
+        for ps in starting_passes:
+            visit_pass(ps)
+        # reorder so startup init cascaded passes come first
+        def is_startup_cascaded_pass(cps):
+            if not cps.passes:
+                return False
+            return cps.placement == PassPlacement.StartupInit
+        cascaded_passes = [cps for cps in cascaded_passes if is_startup_cascaded_pass(cps)] + [
+            cps for cps in cascaded_passes if not is_startup_cascaded_pass(cps)
+        ]
+ = cascaded_passes
+def schedule_passes(nng, arch, options: SchedulerOptions):
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        sg.base_sram_used = 0
+    for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+        # re-entering the same nodes from different contexts requires us to
+        # build a simplified directed acyclic (DAG) version of the graph to
+        # use for traversal, rather than using a visit dictionary. this avoids
+        # recursing infinitely due to loops.
+        sg.build_pass_dag_predecessors()
+        dps = DynamicProgrammingScheduler(nng, sg, arch, arch.sram_size, options)
+        strat_set =
+        dps.apply_result(strat_set, arch)
+        if options.verbose_schedule:
+            sg.print_cascaded_passes()