MLBEDSW-4838 Added basic TOSA support.

Added basic TOSA support, enabling Vela to
read and compile  a .tosa file corresponding to
CONV2D + Rescale + Clamp, and writing it to an
optimized .tflite file.

The optimized .tflite file, will in this case, hold
a commandstream where the Rescale and Clamp has been
fused into the CONV2D.

The optimized tflite file is not output from Vela.

  -Added support to read .tosa file into Vela
    internal structure.
      - Added, and
        helper files stored under tosa/
      - Support for this limited to ~10 ops

    -Added for functions common
    for TOSA and TFLite

      -Added support to fuse Rescale into convolution
      -Modified handling for padding

    -Added support to fuse Clamp to previous op

      -Moved functions common for TOSA/TFLite graph
       optimization to this file.

    -Renamed to

    -Added separate

       -For functions in common for TOSA/TFLite

Signed-off-by: Patrik Gustavsson <>
Change-Id: Ic3c540504ec8c5eb4771397fdc6882050ecf33ab
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0b396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Functions used to read from a TOSA format file.
+import os.path
+import struct
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from .nn_graph import Graph
+from .nn_graph import Subgraph
+from .operation import Op
+from .operation import Operation
+from .reader_util import clone_and_reshape_tensor
+from .reader_util import decode_str
+from .reader_util import fixup_tensors
+from .tensor import QuantizationParameters
+from .tensor import Tensor
+from .tflite_mapping import DataType
+from .tosa.TosaGraph import TosaGraph as TG
+from .tosa_mapping import datatype_map
+from .tosa_mapping import tosa_operator_map
+from .tosa_mapping import unsupported_tosa_operators
+class TosaSubgraph:
+    def __init__(self, file_path, graph, block):
+        self.graph = graph
+ = decode_str(block.Name())
+        self.tensors = []
+        for idx in range(block.TensorsLength()):
+            self.tensors.append(self.parse_tensor(block.Tensors(idx), file_path))
+        for idx in range(block.OperatorsLength()):
+            self.parse_operator(idx, block.Operators(idx))
+        # Get the subgraph inputs and outputs
+        self.inputs = self.get_sg_inputs_remove_duplicates(block)
+        self.outputs = self.get_sg_outputs_remove_duplicates(block)
+        fixup_tensors(self.inputs, self.tensors)
+    def get_sg_inputs_remove_duplicates(self, block):
+        inputs = []
+        for idx in range(block.InputsLength()):
+            tens_data = block.Inputs(idx)
+            self.add_not_duplicate(tens_data, inputs, "input")
+        return inputs
+    def get_sg_outputs_remove_duplicates(self, block):
+        outputs = []
+        for idx in range(block.OutputsLength()):
+            tens_data = block.Outputs(idx)
+            self.add_not_duplicate(tens_data, outputs, "output")
+        return outputs
+    def add_not_duplicate(self, tens_data, tensors, warning_str):
+        name = decode_str(tens_data)
+        tensor = self.get_tensor_by_name(name)
+        if tensor not in tensors:
+            tensors.append(tensor)
+        else:
+            print(f"Warning: Subgraph {warning_str} tensor ({tensor}) already seen. Removing the duplicate.")
+    def get_tensor_by_name(self, name):
+        for tens in self.tensors:
+            if == name:
+                return tens
+        return None
+    def parse_operator(self, op_index, op_data):
+        op_code = op_data.Op()
+        if op_code in unsupported_tosa_operators:
+            print("Unsupported Operator", op_code)
+            assert False
+        op_type, attr_serializer, quant_serializer, indices = tosa_operator_map[op_code]
+        inputs = []
+        outputs = []
+        for idx in range(op_data.InputsLength()):
+            input_tens = self.get_tensor_by_name(decode_str(op_data.Inputs(idx)))
+            inputs.append(input_tens)
+            assert input_tens is not None
+        for idx in range(op_data.OutputsLength()):
+            output_tens = self.get_tensor_by_name(decode_str(op_data.Outputs(idx)))
+            outputs.append(output_tens)
+            assert output_tens is not None
+        name = "unknown_op_name"
+        if len(outputs):
+            name = outputs[0].name
+        op = Operation(op_type, name)
+ = indices
+        op.op_index = op_index
+        op.inputs = inputs
+        op.outputs = outputs
+        for out in op.outputs:
+            out.ops = [op]
+        # TODO Transpose_conv and conv3d
+        if op.type.is_depthwise_conv2d_op() or op.type.is_conv2d_op() or op.type == Op.FullyConnected:
+            if inputs[1].values is not None:
+                if op.type == Op.FullyConnected:
+                    inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 0), False)
+                elif op.type.is_conv2d_op():
+                    inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 2, 3, 0), False)
+                elif op.type.is_depthwise_conv2d_op():
+                    inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 2, 0, 3), False)
+            if op.type.needs_bias() and len(inputs) <=[0]:
+                # No Bias tensor
+                inputs.append(None)
+            if inputs[-1] and inputs[-1].values is not None:
+                # Since bias tensor is used for both bias and scale,
+                # a clone with a unique equivalence_id is needed
+                inputs[-1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[-1], (0,), True)
+        if attr_serializer is not None:
+            op.attrs = attr_serializer.deserialize(op_data)
+            if "dilation" in op.attrs:
+                dilation = op.attrs["dilation"]
+                if len(dilation) == 2:
+                    op.attrs["dilation"] = (1, dilation[0], dilation[1], 1)
+                elif len(dilation) == 3:
+                    # TODO CONV3D more to be done....
+                    op.attrs["dilation"] = (dilation[0], dilation[1], dilation[2], 1)
+            if "kernel" in op.attrs:
+                kernel = op.attrs["kernel"]
+                if len(kernel) == 2:
+                    op.attrs["ksize"] = (1, kernel[0], kernel[1], 1)
+                else:
+                    # TODO CONV3D more to be done....
+                    print("Unsupported kernel dimensions: ", len(kernel))
+                    assert False
+        if quant_serializer is not None:
+            quant_info = quant_serializer.deserialize(op_data)
+            # TODO tensor zero points currently set here
+            # zero points part of Rescale operation, handled in tosa_graph_optimizer
+            if "input_zp" in quant_info:
+                self.set_tensor_zp(, quant_info["input_zp"])
+            if "weight_zp" in quant_info:
+                self.set_tensor_zp(op.weights, quant_info["weight_zp"])
+            if "ouput_zp" in quant_info:
+                self.set_tensor_zp(op.ofm, quant_info["output_zp"])
+            if "a_zp" in quant_info:
+                self.set_tensor_zp(, quant_info["a_zp"])
+            if "b_zp" in quant_info:
+                self.set_tensor_zp(op.ifm2, quant_info["b_zp"])
+    def parse_tensor(self, tens_data, file_path):
+        name = decode_str(tens_data.Name())
+        np_shape = tens_data.ShapeAsNumpy()
+        shape = list(np_shape) if type(np_shape) is np.ndarray else []
+        tens_dtype = tens_data.Type()
+        dtype = datatype_map[tens_dtype]
+        tens = Tensor(shape, dtype, name)
+        # Initialize quantization parameters
+        tens.quantization = QuantizationParameters()
+        tens.quantization.scale_f32 = 1.0
+        if dtype == DataType.uint8:
+            tens.quantization.quant_min = 0
+            tens.quantization.quant_max = (1 << dtype.bits) - 1
+        elif dtype in (DataType.int8, DataType.int16, DataType.int32, DataType.int64):
+            tens.quantization.quant_min = -(1 << (dtype.bits - 1))
+            tens.quantization.quant_max = (1 << (dtype.bits - 1)) - 1
+        tens.values = None
+        if tens_data.NpyFilename() is not None:
+            try:
+                fname = decode_str(tens_data.NpyFilename())
+                tens.values = np.load(os.path.join(file_path, fname))
+                assert list(tens.values.shape) == tens.shape
+                tens.quant_values = tens.values
+            except (struct.error, TypeError, RuntimeError) as e:
+                print(f'Error: Invalid npy file. Got "{e}" ')
+                sys.exit(1)
+        return tens
+    def set_tensor_zp(self, tens, zp):
+        if tens.quantization.zero_point is None:
+            tens.quantization.zero_point = zp
+        elif tens.quantization.zero_point != zp:
+            print(f"Error: Setting tensor zp not possible, tensor already has different zero point")
+            assert False
+class TosaGraph:
+    def __init__(self, filename, batch_size, feed_dict, output_node_names, initialisation_nodes):
+        self.op_times = {}
+        if batch_size is None:
+            batch_size = 1
+        self.batch_size = batch_size
+ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+        self.initialisation_nodes = initialisation_nodes
+        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+            buf = bytearray(
+        try:
+            parsing_step = "parsing root"
+            tosa_graph = TG.GetRootAsTosaGraph(buf, 0)
+            parsing_step = "parsing version"
+            self.check_version(tosa_graph)
+            parsing_step = "parsing blocks length"
+            file_path = os.path.dirname(filename)
+            self.subgraphs = []
+            for b_idx in range(tosa_graph.BlocksLength()):
+                parsing_step = f"parsing block {b_idx}"
+                self.subgraphs.append(TosaSubgraph(file_path, self, tosa_graph.Blocks(b_idx)))
+            self.nng = Graph(, self.batch_size)
+            for tosa_sg in self.subgraphs:
+                sg = Subgraph(
+                sg.original_inputs = tosa_sg.inputs  # Preserve the original input order
+                sg.output_tensors = tosa_sg.outputs
+                self.nng.subgraphs.append(sg)
+        except (struct.error, TypeError, RuntimeError) as e:
+            print(f'Error: Invalid .tosa file. Got "{e}" while {parsing_step}.')
+            sys.exit(1)
+    def check_version(self, tosa_graph):
+        version = tosa_graph.Version()
+        version_str = f"{version._major()}.{version._minor()}.{version._patch()}"
+        if version_str != "0.22.0":
+            print(f"Unsupported TOSA version: {version_str}")
+            assert False
+def read_tosa(filename, batch_size, feed_dict, output_node_names, initialisation_nodes):
+    tosa_graph = TosaGraph(filename, batch_size, feed_dict, output_node_names, initialisation_nodes)
+    nng = tosa_graph.nng
+    nng.refresh_after_modification()
+    return nng