Reshape weights from TOSA to Vela expected format

Reshape the weight for depthwise conv2d and set the
depth_multiplier attribute on the operation.

Signed-off-by: Per Åstrand <>
Change-Id: I3b73988fa8c4e0cbe2430874cefe6d002885ec89
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index 6d80e10..5ffefad 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@
             elif op.type.is_conv2d_op():
                 inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 2, 3, 0), False)
             elif op.type.is_depthwise_conv2d_op():
-                inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 2, 0, 3), False)
+                HWCM_to_HWOI = (0, 1, 3, 2)
+                inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], HWCM_to_HWOI, False)
             if op.type.needs_bias() and len(inputs) <=[0]:
                 # No Bias tensor
@@ -241,7 +242,13 @@
                 if shift != 0:
                     op.explicit_scaling = ExplicitScaling(False, [shift], [1])
             if op.type.is_depthwise_conv2d_op():
-                op.attrs["depth_multiplier"] = op.weights.shape[3]
+                assert op.weights.shape[-1] %[-1] == 0
+                depth_multiplier = op.weights.shape[-1] /[-1]
+                if depth_multiplier > 1:
+                    assert[-1] == 1 and op.ofm.shape[-1] == depth_multiplier, (
+                        "For depth multipliers > 1, IFM channels must be 1 and "
+                        "OFM channels must be equal to the depth multiplier")
+                op.attrs["depth_multiplier"] = depth_multiplier
             if op.type == Op.SplitSliceRead:
                 op.read_offsets[0] = Shape4D.from_list(list(op.attrs["start"]), 0)
                 op.read_shapes[0] = op.attrs["size"]