MLBEDSW-4034: New Scheduler Size or Performance Optimisation

 - Merged dev/scheduler at 83639f90e8c828f70de6e29142355a940224959b

Signed-off-by: Tim Hall <>
Change-Id: I0050529d4b42da93768c7264296434dd877fb5b4
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index c01790a..ecd375e 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -14,15 +14,10 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 # Description:
-# Generate a high-level command stream from a scheduled subgraph with CascadedPasses.
-# Also used during scheduling to work out allowable IFM/OFM overlap, this functionality can be accessed using
-# calc_allowed_ofm_ifm_overlap_for_cascaded_pass().
+# Generate a high-level command stream from a schedule
 from .high_level_command_stream import Box
 from .high_level_command_stream import DMA
 from .high_level_command_stream import NpuStripe
-from .nn_graph import PassPlacement
-from .nn_graph import SchedulingStrategy
 from .numeric_util import round_up_divide
 from .operation import create_activation_function
 from .operation import NpuBlockType
@@ -32,326 +27,192 @@
 def dma_if_necessary(ps, box, tensor):
-    if tensor.needs_dma():
-        dma_op = tensor.ops[0]
-        in_tensor = dma_op.inputs[0]
-        yield DMA(ps, in_tensor, tensor, box)
+    src_tensor = tensor.src_tensor
+    if src_tensor and tensor.mem_area != src_tensor.mem_area:
+        yield DMA(ps, src_tensor, tensor, box)
-def generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass(strat, passes, block_configs, idx):
-    is_first = idx == 0
-    is_last = idx == len(passes) - 1
-    ps = passes[idx]
-    block_config = block_configs[idx]
-    npu_block_type = ps.npu_block_type
-    split_offsets = list(ps.primary_op.read_offsets)  # offset for [ifm, ifm2]
-    if (
-        len(ps.inputs) == 2
-        and ps.ifm_tensor is not None
-        and ps.ifm2_tensor is not None
-        and npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ElementWise
-    ):
-        # Ensure correct ifm and ifm2 order
-        if ps.inputs[0] == ps.primary_op.inputs[1] and ps.inputs[1] == ps.primary_op.inputs[0]:
-            ps.ifm_tensor, ps.ifm2_tensor = ps.ifm2_tensor, ps.ifm_tensor
-            ps.ifm_shapes[0], ps.ifm_shapes[1] = ps.ifm_shapes[1], ps.ifm_shapes[0]
-    ifm_tensor = ps.ifm_tensor
-    ifm_shape = None
-    if ifm_tensor.shape != []:
-        ifm_shape = ps.ifm_shapes[0]
-    ifm2_tensor = ps.ifm2_tensor
-    ifm2_shape = None
-    if ifm2_tensor is not None and ifm2_tensor.shape != []:
-        ifm2_shape = ps.ifm_shapes[1]
-    ofm_tensor = ps.ofm_tensor
-    ofm_shape = ps.ofm_shapes[0]
-    weight_tensor = ps.weight_tensor
-    scale_tensor = ps.scale_tensor
-    ofm_start = [0, 0, 0, 0]
-    ofm_end = ofm_shape.as_list()
-    strides = None
-    skirt = None
-    upscaling = 1
-    if ps.primary_op is not None:
-        strides = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("strides", None)
-        skirt = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("skirt", None)
-        if ps.primary_op.type == Op.Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias:
-            upscaling = ofm_shape.height // ifm_shape.height
-        elif ps.primary_op.type == Op.ResizeBilinear:
-            upscaling = round_up_divide(ofm_shape.height, ifm_shape.height)
-    concat_offset = [0, 0, 0, 0]
-    for op in ps.ops:
-        if op.write_offset is not None:
-            concat_offset = op.write_offset.as_list()
-            ofm_start = concat_offset[:]
-            ofm_end = (op.write_offset + op.write_shape).as_list()
-        if op.type.is_relu_op() or op.type in (Op.Tanh, Op.Sigmoid):
-            ps.primary_op.activation = create_activation_function(op.type)
-    if strat == SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream:
-        ofm_step = block_config[-1]
-        ofm_stop = ofm_end[-1]
-        if weight_tensor is None or not weight_tensor.needs_dma():
-            ofm_step = ofm_stop
-        for start in range(ofm_start[-1], ofm_stop, ofm_step):
-            end = min(start + ofm_step, ofm_stop)
-            ofm_start[-1] = start
-            ofm_end[-1] = end
-            ofm_box = Box(ofm_start, ofm_end)
-            ifm_box = None
-            ifm2_box = None
-            if ifm_shape is not None:
-                ifm_box, _, _ = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
-                    strides, skirt, ifm_shape, npu_block_type, concat_offset, split_offsets[0], upscaling,
-                )
-            else:
-                ifm_box = Box([], [])
-            if ifm2_shape is not None:
-                ifm2_box, _, _ = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
-                    strides, skirt, ifm2_shape, npu_block_type, concat_offset, split_offsets[1], upscaling,
-                )
-            else:
-                ifm2_box = Box([], [])
-            for intermediate in ps.intermediates:
-                if (
-                    intermediate is not None
-                    and intermediate.shape != []
-                    and intermediate.purpose in (TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.LUT)
-                ):
-                    if intermediate.purpose is TensorPurpose.FeatureMap:
-                        intermediate_box, _, _ = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
-                            strides,
-                            skirt,
-                            Shape4D(intermediate.shape),
-                            npu_block_type,
-                            concat_offset,
-                            split_offsets[0],
-                            upscaling,
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        intermediate_box = Box([0] * len(intermediate.shape), list(intermediate.shape))
-                    yield from dma_if_necessary(ps, intermediate_box, intermediate)
-            weight_box = None
-            if weight_tensor is not None:
-                weight_offset = concat_offset[len(weight_tensor.shape) - 1]
-                weight_oc_start = start - weight_offset
-                weight_oc_end = end - weight_offset
-                weight_box = Box.make_weight_box(
-                    weight_tensor.shape,
-                    npu_block_type,
-                    weight_oc_start,
-                    weight_oc_end,
-                    weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise,
-                )
-                yield from dma_if_necessary(ps, weight_box, weight_tensor)
-            yield NpuStripe(
-                ps,
-                block_config,
-                is_first,
-                is_last,
-                True,
-                True,
-                ifm_tensor,
-                ifm_box,
-                ofm_tensor,
-                ofm_box,
-                weight_tensor,
-                weight_box,
-                scale_tensor,
-                ifm2_tensor=ifm2_tensor,
-                ifm2_box=ifm2_box,
-            )
-    elif strat == SchedulingStrategy.IfmStream:
-        assert ifm_shape is not None
-        y_step = block_config[0]
-        y_start = ofm_start[-3]
-        y_dim = ofm_end[-3]
-        if idx > 0:
-            ifm_y_present = 0
-            prev_pass = passes[idx - 1]
-            prev_pass_gen = generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass(strat, passes, block_configs, idx - 1)
-        else:
-            ifm_y_present = 1
-            ifm_y_present = ifm_shape.height
-            prev_pass_gen = []
-            prev_pass = None
-        if len(passes) == 1:
-            # no cascading, can just issue one big stripe
-            # but only if we've done allocation and OFM does not overlap IFM
-            if ifm_tensor.address is not None and ofm_tensor.address is not None:
-                if (
-                    ifm_tensor.address + ifm_tensor.storage_size() <= ofm_tensor.address
-                    or ofm_tensor.address + ofm_tensor.storage_size() <= ifm_tensor.address
-                ):
-                    y_step = y_dim
-        weight_box = None
-        scale_box = None
-        for start in range(y_start, y_dim, y_step):
-            end = min(start + y_step, y_dim)
-            ofm_start[-3] = start
-            ofm_end[-3] = end
-            ofm_box = Box(ofm_start, ofm_end)
-            k_height = 1
-            if npu_block_type in (NpuBlockType.Pooling, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum):
-                if ps.primary_op is not None:
-                    k_height = ps.primary_op.attrs["ksize"][1]
-            else:
-                if weight_tensor is not None:
-                    k_height = weight_tensor.shape[0]
-            ifm_box, pad_top, pad_bottom = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
-                strides, skirt, ifm_shape, npu_block_type, concat_offset, split_offsets[0], k_height, upscaling,
-            )
-            ifm_y_needed = 1
-            if len(ifm_box.end_coord) >= 3:
-                ifm_y_needed = ifm_box.end_coord[-3]
-            if ifm_y_present < ifm_y_needed:
-                for prev_cmd in prev_pass_gen:
-                    yield prev_cmd
-                    rng = prev_cmd.get_ofm_y_range_for_pass(prev_pass)
-                    if rng is not None:
-                        ifm_y_present = max(ifm_y_present, rng[1])
-                        if ifm_y_present >= ifm_y_needed:
-                            break
-            for intermediate in ps.intermediates:
-                if (
-                    intermediate is not None
-                    and intermediate.shape != []
-                    and intermediate.purpose in (TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.LUT)
-                ):
-                    if intermediate.purpose is TensorPurpose.FeatureMap:
-                        intermediate_box, _, _ = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
-                            strides,
-                            skirt,
-                            Shape4D(intermediate.shape),
-                            npu_block_type,
-                            concat_offset,
-                            split_offsets[0],
-                            upscaling,
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        intermediate_box = Box([0] * len(intermediate.shape), list(intermediate.shape))
-                    yield from dma_if_necessary(ps, intermediate_box, intermediate)
-            if scale_tensor is not None and scale_tensor.purpose == TensorPurpose.FSBias and scale_box is None:
-                scale_box = Box([0] * len(scale_tensor.shape), list(scale_tensor.shape))
-                yield from dma_if_necessary(ps, scale_box, scale_tensor)
-            if weight_tensor is not None and weight_box is None:
-                weight_box = Box.make_weight_box(
-                    weight_tensor.shape, npu_block_type, weights_transposed=weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise
-                )
-                yield from dma_if_necessary(ps, weight_box, weight_tensor)
-            # Check if first/last stripe in pass
-            is_first_h_stripe = start == y_start
-            is_last_h_stripe = (start + y_step) >= y_dim
-            stripe = NpuStripe(
-                ps,
-                block_config,
-                is_first,
-                is_last,
-                is_first_h_stripe,
-                is_last_h_stripe,
-                ifm_tensor,
-                ifm_box,
-                ofm_tensor,
-                ofm_box,
-                weight_tensor,
-                weight_box,
-                scale_tensor,
-                None,
-                None,
-                pad_top,
-                pad_bottom,
-            )
-            yield stripe
-    else:
-        assert 0, "unknown scheduling strategy"
-def generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass_list(strat, passes, block_configs):
-    if strat == SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream:
-        for idx in range(len(passes)):
-            yield from generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass(strat, passes, block_configs, idx)
-    elif strat == SchedulingStrategy.IfmStream:
-        yield from generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass(strat, passes, block_configs, len(passes) - 1)
-    else:
-        assert 0, "Unknown streaming strategy"
-def generate_high_level_command_stream_for_cascaded_pass(cps):
-    yield from generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass_list(
-        cps.strategy, cps.passes, [ps.block_config for ps in cps.passes]
-    )
-def generate_high_level_command_stream(nng, sg, arch, verbose_high_level_command_stream):
+def generate_high_level_command_stream_for_schedule(nng, sg, arch, verbose_high_level_command_stream):
     res = []
-    for cps in sg.cascaded_passes:
-        if cps.placement == PassPlacement.Npu:
-            res += list(generate_high_level_command_stream_for_cascaded_pass(cps))
+    # sg.sched_ops are ordered by execution
+    processed_cascades = set()
+    for sched_op in sg.sched_ops:
+        op_info = sg.schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
+        if op_info.cascade in processed_cascades:
+            # This cascade has already been processed
+            continue
+        if op_info.cascade == 0:
+            # Generate high-level commands for this Op in isolation
+            res += list(generate_high_level_commands_for_sched_op(sched_op, sg.schedule))
+        else:
+            # Generate high-level commands for the whole cascade
+            cascade_info = sg.schedule.cascades[op_info.cascade]
+            # Start from the last Op in the cascade
+            res += list(generate_high_level_commands_for_sched_op(sg.sched_ops[cascade_info.end], sg.schedule))
+            processed_cascades.add(op_info.cascade)
     sg.high_level_command_stream = res
     if verbose_high_level_command_stream:
-def calc_allowed_ofm_ifm_overlap_for_pass_list(strat, passes, block_configs):
-    highest_ofm_write = 0
-    if not passes[0].ifm_tensor or not passes[-1].ofm_tensor:
-        return 0
+def generate_high_level_commands_for_sched_op(sched_op, schedule):
+    op_info = schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
+    cascade_info = schedule.cascades.get(op_info.cascade)
+    npu_block_type = sched_op.parent_ps.npu_block_type
+    block_config = op_info.block_config
+    ps = sched_op.parent_ps
+    parent_op = sched_op.parent_op
+    ofm_tensor = ps.ofm_tensor
-    ifm_read = passes[0].ifm_tensor.storage_size()
-    min_overlap = 999999999999999999999
-    ofm_size = passes[-1].ofm_tensor.storage_size()
-    if strat == SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream:
-        return 0
-    for cmd in generate_high_level_command_stream_for_pass_list(strat, passes, block_configs):
-        if cmd.is_npu_pass_command():
-            if cmd.is_first:
-                ifm_read = cmd.ifm_tensor.address_offset_for_coordinate(
-                    cmd.ifm_box.start_coord,[0], is_top_box=False
+    # Get Tensors and Full Shapes
+    (ifm_tensor, ifm2_tensor, uncomp_weight_tensor, _, _,) = parent_op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_biases_ofm()
+    ifm =
+    ifm2 = sched_op.ifm2
+    ofm_shape = sched_op.ofm.shape
+    # Get Kernel strides and upscaling factor
+    kernel_stride = sched_op.kernel.stride
+    strides = [1, kernel_stride.y, kernel_stride.x, 1]
+    skirt = parent_op.attrs.get("skirt", None)
+    upscaling = 1
+    if sched_op.op_type == Op.Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias:
+        upscaling = ofm_shape.height // ifm.shape.height
+    elif sched_op.op_type == Op.ResizeBilinear:
+        upscaling = round_up_divide(ofm_shape.height, ifm.shape.height)
+    # Get Kernel height
+    k_height = 1
+    if npu_block_type in (NpuBlockType.Pooling, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum):
+        if parent_op is not None:
+            k_height = parent_op.attrs["ksize"][1]
+    else:
+        if uncomp_weight_tensor is not None:
+            k_height = uncomp_weight_tensor.shape[0]
+    # Define Start and End coordinates for the OFM
+    ofm_start = Shape4D(0, 0, 0, op_info.ofm_depth_slices[0])
+    ofm_end = ofm_shape
+    ofm_depth_slices = op_info.ofm_depth_slices
+    # Read/Write offsets
+    read_offsets = list(parent_op.read_offsets)  # offset for [ifm, ifm2]
+    read_shapes = list(parent_op.read_shapes)  # read shapes for [ifm, ifm2]
+    write_offset = Shape4D(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    if parent_op.write_offset is not None:
+        write_offset = parent_op.write_offset
+        ofm_start = write_offset
+        ofm_end = parent_op.write_offset + parent_op.write_shape
+    # Create activation function if needed
+    for op in ps.ops:
+        if op.type.is_relu_op() or op.type in (Op.Tanh, Op.Sigmoid):
+            ps.primary_op.activation = create_activation_function(op.type)
+    # Generate commands for the Op that produces this Op's IFM, if applicable
+    if cascade_info is None or cascade_info.start == sched_op.index:
+        # Lone Op or First Op in cascade - all IFM data is present
+        ifm_present = Box([0, 0, 0, 0], ifm.shape.as_list())
+        producer_op = None
+        prev_cmd_gen = []
+    else:
+        ifm_present = Box([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0])
+        producer_op =[0]
+        prev_cmd_gen = generate_high_level_commands_for_sched_op(producer_op, schedule)
+    ofm_step = op_info.stripe
+    for start_height in range(ofm_start.height, ofm_end.height, ofm_step.height):
+        end_height = min(start_height + ofm_step.height, ofm_end.height)
+        for start_width in range(ofm_start.width, ofm_end.width, ofm_step.width):
+            end_width = min(start_width + ofm_step.width, ofm_end.width)
+            for depth_idx, start_channel in enumerate(ofm_depth_slices[:-1]):
+                start_channel = max(start_channel, ofm_start.depth)
+                end_channel = min(ofm_depth_slices[depth_idx + 1], ofm_end.depth)
+                # Construct the OFM box for the current stripe
+                ofm_box_start = Shape4D(ofm_start.batch, start_height, start_width, start_channel)
+                ofm_box_end = Shape4D(ofm_end.batch, end_height, end_width, end_channel)
+                ofm_box = Box(ofm_box_start.as_list(), ofm_box_end.as_list())
+                ifm_box = Box([], [])
+                ifm2_box = Box([], [])
+                # Calculate IFM input box based on the OFM box
+                if ifm:
+                    ifm_box, pad_top, pad_bottom = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
+                        strides,
+                        skirt,
+                        ifm.shape,
+                        npu_block_type,
+                        write_offset.as_list(),
+                        read_offsets[0],
+                        read_shapes[0],
+                        k_height,
+                        upscaling,
+                    )
+                # Calculate IFM2 input box based on the OFM box
+                if ifm2:
+                    ifm2_box, pad_top, pad_bottom = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt(
+                        strides,
+                        skirt,
+                        ifm2.shape,
+                        npu_block_type,
+                        write_offset.as_list(),
+                        read_offsets[1],
+                        read_shapes[1],
+                        k_height,
+                        upscaling,
+                    )
+                ifm_required = ifm_box
+                # Get the Op that produces this Op's IFM data - only applicable within cascades
+                if producer_op:
+                    assert op_info.cascade != 0
+                    assert op_info.cascade == schedule.cost_map[producer_op].cascade
+                    for prev_cmd in prev_cmd_gen:
+                        yield prev_cmd
+                        if prev_cmd.is_npu_pass_command() and == producer_op.parent_ps:
+                            ifm_present.end_coord = prev_cmd.ofm_box.end_coord
+                            if ifm_required.is_subbox_of(ifm_present):
+                                # There is enough IFM data - exit loop
+                                break
+                # Information about the current stripe's location in the cascade
+                is_first_h_stripe = ofm_box_start.height == ofm_start.height
+                is_last_h_stripe = ofm_box_end.height >= ofm_end.height
+                # Calculate the weight box - i.e. the subshape of weights needed for this NpuStripe command
+                weight_tensor = op_info.npu_weights_tensor
+                if op_info.npu_weights_tensor:
+                    weight_box = Box([0, 0, 0, start_channel], [1, 1, 1, end_channel])
+                    if op_info.buffered_weight_tensor and is_first_h_stripe:
+                        yield from dma_if_necessary(sched_op.parent_ps, weight_box, op_info.buffered_weight_tensor)
+                        weight_tensor = op_info.buffered_weight_tensor
+                else:
+                    weight_box = None
+                if parent_op.activation_lut:
+                    lut_tensor = [tens for tens in parent_op.inputs if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT][0]
+                    lut_box = Box([0] * len(lut_tensor.shape), list(lut_tensor.shape))
+                    yield from dma_if_necessary(sched_op.parent_ps, lut_box, lut_tensor)
+                yield NpuStripe(
+                    sched_op.parent_ps,
+                    block_config.old_style_representation(),
+                    is_first_h_stripe,
+                    is_last_h_stripe,
+                    ifm_tensor,
+                    ifm_box,
+                    ofm_tensor,
+                    ofm_box,
+                    weight_tensor,
+                    weight_box,
+                    ifm2_tensor=ifm2_tensor,
+                    ifm2_box=ifm2_box,
+                    pad_top=pad_top,
+                    pad_bottom=pad_bottom,
-                if ifm_read is None:
-                    return 0
-            if cmd.is_last:
-                write_offset = cmd.ofm_tensor.address_offset_for_coordinate(
-                    cmd.ofm_box.end_coord,[0], is_top_box=True
-                )
-                if write_offset is None:
-                    return 0
-                highest_ofm_write = max(write_offset, highest_ofm_write)
-            if cmd.is_first or cmd.is_last:
-                overlap_required = max(highest_ofm_write - min(ifm_read, ofm_size), 0)
-                can_overwrite = ofm_size - overlap_required
-                min_overlap = min(min_overlap, can_overwrite)
-            if cmd.is_first:
-                ifm_read = cmd.ifm_tensor.address_offset_for_coordinate(
-                    cmd.ifm_box.end_coord,[0], is_top_box=True
-                )
-    min_overlap = max(min_overlap, 0)
-    return min_overlap