Update version of Black to 22.3.0

Update version of Black to 22.3.0 due to updated dependencies.
Updates to fix reported issues due to new version.

Signed-off-by: Jonas Ohlsson <jonas.ohlsson@arm.com>
Change-Id: I60056aae452093ce8dcea1f499ecced22b25eef1
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/tflite_supported_operators.py b/ethosu/vela/tflite_supported_operators.py
index 4d82677..6328a4e 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/tflite_supported_operators.py
+++ b/ethosu/vela/tflite_supported_operators.py
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@
 class TFLiteSupportedOperators:
     # Categorised lists of supported operators
     npu_pre_ops = set((Op.SplitSliceRead,))
-    convolution_ops = set((Op.Conv2DBias, Op.Conv2D, Op.QuantizedConv2D,))
+    convolution_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.Conv2DBias,
+            Op.Conv2D,
+            Op.QuantizedConv2D,
+        )
+    )
     depthwise_convolution_ops = set((Op.DepthwiseConv2DBias,))
     transpose_convolution_ops = set((Op.Conv2DBackpropInput,))
     convolution_like_ops = convolution_ops | depthwise_convolution_ops | transpose_convolution_ops
@@ -48,7 +54,13 @@
     avg_pooling_ops = Op.op_set(Op.is_avgpool_op)
     pooling_ops = set((Op.ReduceSum,)) | max_pooling_ops | avg_pooling_ops
     resizing_ops = set((Op.ResizeBilinear,))
-    fc_vector_products = set((Op.QuantizedMatMul, Op.MatMul, Op.FullyConnected,))
+    fc_vector_products = set(
+        (
+            Op.QuantizedMatMul,
+            Op.MatMul,
+            Op.FullyConnected,
+        )
+    )
     mac_main_ops = (
         # RNN/LSTM/GRU
@@ -64,17 +76,47 @@
         | set((Op.Mean,))
     unary_elem_wise_main_ops = Op.op_set(Op.is_unary_elementwise_op)
-    binary_elem_wise_min_max_ops = set((Op.Minimum, Op.Maximum,))
-    binary_elem_wise_shift_ops = set((Op.SHL, Op.SHR,))
-    binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub = set((Op.Add, Op.Mul, Op.Sub,))
+    binary_elem_wise_min_max_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.Minimum,
+            Op.Maximum,
+        )
+    )
+    binary_elem_wise_shift_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.SHL,
+            Op.SHR,
+        )
+    )
+    binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub = set(
+        (
+            Op.Add,
+            Op.Mul,
+            Op.Sub,
+        )
+    )
     binary_elem_wise_main_ops = binary_elem_wise_min_max_ops | binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub | binary_elem_wise_shift_ops
     elem_wise_main_ops = binary_elem_wise_main_ops | unary_elem_wise_main_ops
     pad_ops = set((Op.Pad,))
     supported_int32_tensor_ops = (
-        set((Op.ReduceSum, Op.CLZ,)) | binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub | binary_elem_wise_shift_ops
+        set(
+            (
+                Op.ReduceSum,
+                Op.CLZ,
+            )
+        )
+        | binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub
+        | binary_elem_wise_shift_ops
-    relu_ops = set((Op.Relu, Op.Relu6, Op.ReluN1To1, Op.Clip,))
+    relu_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.Relu,
+            Op.Relu6,
+            Op.ReluN1To1,
+            Op.Clip,
+        )
+    )
     activation_ops = relu_ops | set((Op.Tanh, Op.Sigmoid, Op.Softmax, Op.HardSwish))
     npu_post_ops = (
         # activation functions
@@ -84,11 +126,44 @@
         # Quantization
         | set((Op.Quantize,))
-    split_ops = set((Op.Split, Op.SplitV, Op.StridedSlice, Op.Slice, Op.UnpackReshaped, Op.Unpack,))
-    concat_ops = set((Op.Concat, Op.ConcatTFLite, Op.PackReshaped, Op.Pack,))
-    memory_only_ops = set((Op.Reshape, Op.QuantizedReshape, Op.Squeeze, Op.ExpandDims,)) | concat_ops | split_ops
+    split_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.Split,
+            Op.SplitV,
+            Op.StridedSlice,
+            Op.Slice,
+            Op.UnpackReshaped,
+            Op.Unpack,
+        )
+    )
+    concat_ops = set(
+        (
+            Op.Concat,
+            Op.ConcatTFLite,
+            Op.PackReshaped,
+            Op.Pack,
+        )
+    )
+    memory_only_ops = (
+        set(
+            (
+                Op.Reshape,
+                Op.QuantizedReshape,
+                Op.Squeeze,
+                Op.ExpandDims,
+            )
+        )
+        | concat_ops
+        | split_ops
+    )
     per_axis_quant_ops = convolution_like_ops  # per-axis/channel quantization only currently supported for conv ops
-    supported_fused_activations = relu_ops | set((Op.Tanh, Op.Sigmoid, Op.LUT,))
+    supported_fused_activations = relu_ops | set(
+        (
+            Op.Tanh,
+            Op.Sigmoid,
+            Op.LUT,
+        )
+    )
     supported_operators = npu_pre_ops | mac_main_ops | elem_wise_main_ops | pad_ops | npu_post_ops | memory_only_ops
     # Supported data types
     supported_op_dtypes = set((DataType.uint8, DataType.int8, DataType.int16, DataType.int32))
@@ -441,7 +516,7 @@
     def constraint_tconv_valid(op):
         """VALID padding: OFM dimensions must equal IFM dimensions multiplied by stride,
-                  minus difference between kernel size and stride"""
+        minus difference between kernel size and stride"""
         if op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.VALID:
             s_w = op.kernel.stride.x
             s_h = op.kernel.stride.y